Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1848: Production burst

The planet's economy is in an unprecedented boom.

A buyer of unlimited goods with a constant price, this is the dream trade object of all factory owners and businessmen.

Don't worry that if you sell too much, the price will be reduced, and the acquisition will be open. As long as the quality is passed, it will be sucked by the receiving port.

Factories rose from the ground, mines were put into operation again, and workshops were started one by one...

Oil production has increased to the highest level, natural gas, coal...the output is all full!

Airports, highways, ports, put into production one by one...

Power stations are being built one by one.

For the first time, business owners no longer have to worry about the market and sales of goods.

They fell into a total orgy.

"Producing trillions of goods in exchange for eternal life" has become a slogan that business owners have not announced to export.

Competition quickly heats up.

After all, raw materials, land, energy, manpower... are all limited.

In particular, manpower, which used to be regarded as too many people, now only thinks that there are too few people working.

Business owners have to put their energy into weaker robots.

There are also strong intelligent robots, but they can't work. Many robots don't even cook. They are completely rotten and oppressive.

The master did it, but the master couldn't eat it.

The host cooks and sweeps the floor, and the robot reads novels and watches movies at home. The host and guest are completely reversed. Do you want them to work?

Think beautifully.

Therefore, we can only use ordinary robot assembly lines to improve production efficiency.

In order to increase workers' enthusiasm for labor, increase the share with workers.

Turn everyone's salary into a share, instead of the previous fixed salary and bonus.

Anyway, as much as the product is produced, it can be sold.

The sales department can be completely cut off, and it is only calculated by the quantity and quality of production.

The production enthusiasm of workers directly determines the output and quality.

The workers are now completely unemployed, and there are job advertisements on any website.

Human resources have never been higher in status than they are today.

"There is no place to keep the master here, there is a place to leave the master." These words became true.

Profit sharing from 10% to 90%.

Business owners can only get 10% of the net profit, and 90% of the product should be shared with the workers.

Now the costs of raw materials, labor, energy, machinery, and workshops are converted into "dinars" for calculation.

What is produced, can sell more dinars, which means profit growth.

The other side's dinar is just a string of numbers.

The channels for recycling dinars are those three: "one-hour lifespan", "disease treatment", and "longevity transformation".

Just these three items can keep the dinar from depreciating at all.

Because life is constantly being consumed, as much as you earn, you will consume as much.

An hour of life is 100 dinars. In theory, you can live forever as long as you earn 2,400 dinars a day.

However, this requires a monthly salary of 72,000 dinars, and an annual income of 864,000 dinars. This income, even in the most developed tribal states, can only be achieved by one percent of the people.

So to increase productivity.

January passed.

The GDP of the Alliance and Horde, one increased by 375%, and the other increased by 288%.

Yes, it is so outrageous.

It's not that GDP cannot grow rapidly, but the problem is that people's demand is limited within a certain range. If you produce too many things and can't sell them, it's a waste of effort.

During the war, the GDP can skyrocket, because the battlefield is a bottomless pit, and how many products can be consumed.

This is just the beginning.

In the second month, GDP rose by another 400% each.

3rd month, 250%…

Fourth month, 350%…

It wasn't until a year later that GDP growth slowed, mainly because energy limited capacity.

There were power outages all over the factory area.

Hydropower, thermal power, nuclear power, solar power, tidal power... Wherever a power station can be built, all have begun to be built.

With the dramatic growth of GDP, people have found that a considerable number of people can achieve an annual income of one million dinars.

Because the products produced can be directly sold for dinars.

This means they can live nonstop!

People are crazy.

"We have to work overtime!"

"We need factories!"

"No one can stop us 007!"

Business owners went crazy and became more engaged in researching various ways to improve production efficiency.

Some rational voices disappeared without a trace.

"Haven't everyone noticed environmental pollution? The city is getting hotter and hotter, and the air conditioner has to be turned on every day."

"Yeah, the smoke here finally went down, and now it's rising again."

"River water, sea water, is polluted again."

"Without the environment, what if the lifespan is infinite? Can you survive in the garbage?"

Production is bound to be accompanied by pollution, especially high-intensity production.

That is the triple pollution of Danshui, land and atmosphere.

But everyone fell on deaf ears.

After all, everyone wants to produce more products, and strive to become a long-lived handsome boy with an annual income of one million dinars.


At the same time, Xiao Huan has followed the alien spacecraft to their mother world.

After stepping into a wormhole, the spacecraft finally landed in a world of ice and snow.

After seeing this ice and snow world, Wen Rensheng understood why they bought so many earth commodities.

Because it's hard to produce anything here.

The temperature is too low.

Everytime one or two Baidu blizzards are blowing everywhere, and it is difficult for any factory to produce in this environment.

Because the raw materials could not be transported in, railways, roads, planes, ships... all kinds of conventional transportation methods were blocked by the snowstorm.

They need to replenish various supplies from the outside world.

"Why don't you move in such a cold place?" Xiao Huan said strangely.

"This is our root. The secret of our longevity lies in the mother world. If the mother world loses its vitality, we will not have the ability to live long." Alien A replied honestly.

The little phantom didn't understand.

Wen Rensheng understood.

If the other party gives up the ring world, it means losing the conceptual foundation. Without this conceptual support, their world will be shattered and disappear...

This is the reason why the other party insists on surviving in this world of ice and snow even in the face of freezing and severe cold.

"Strange, your technology is so high, why don't you transform it?" Xiao Huan asked strangely after grabbing a snowflake.

"These freezes and severe colds are not purely material cold, but in the mysterious realm. We can only fight with source energy, and the existing technology is powerless." Alien B said helplessly.

Beidi Pavilion

"It's freezing and cold, and it looks very familiar. Let me be healthy."

After Xiao Huan finished speaking, he walked around and looked around, and finally was frozen into a dog.

is a real dog.

The big plush dog, the thermal index is MAX.

"You are so cold here, even I can't resist." Xiao Huan said in surprise.

Wen Rensheng was also surprised, after all, Xiao Huan was actually an illusory body, and the entity was still sleeping at home.

He thought that this might be the ghost of the headmaster of the ice wall.

The place where the other party's tentacles spread is beyond his imagination.

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