Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1849: Artifact creation

"Yeah, God, save us, at least give us one spring, even if it's only three months of spring." Alien B pleaded.

"God, if you can bring us spring, we will offer you food, drink and entertainment from every civilization in the universe every day."

"Sword Comes"

"This... let me think about it." Xiao Huan drooled from the corner of his mouth.

It's not that she can't do it, the problem is that it costs too much.

Have to ask the old news about the idea.

"Lao Wen, Lao Wen, do you think we should agree to their request?" Xiao Huan asked with a small hope.

"...Promise." Wen Rensheng said directly.

"Don't you agree? Yes, their request is too much." Xiao Huan lowered her head, she had expected this answer for a long time.

"I said yes." Wen Rensheng said with a smile.

"Promise, that's great, Dad, I know you love me the most, and you can count on it at critical times."

"When you talk about eating, drinking, and having fun, you are happy; when you talk about going to school, you are wilted." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Nothing." Xiao Huan insisted, and then snapped his fingers, "But they are so cold here, how many source crystals will it take to solve it?"

"Look at you. If you don't study, you only know that you have a headache and beheading your head, and your feet hurting and beheading your feet. Leng is not created out of nothing. Someone is doing it. As long as the root cause of the problem is solved, it does not need to consume much source crystals." Wen Rensheng explained.

"That's who is causing trouble, just catch him out and cut it off." Xiao Huan only understood one sentence.

Wen Rensheng nodded, Xiao Huan was right.

For a long time, I have not had the most direct conflict with the principal of the disaster, but it was indirect.

In particular, the emergence of chaotic omniscience has brought the contradiction to a turning point.

But now Chaos Omniscient has retreated, and the contradiction between the two sides has become sharp again.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng thought of a strange thing:

Chaos Omniscient retreated because he cut off the other party's roots in the main world.

He let the main world have no horror literature, no fantasy literature, what Cthulhu, all cleared...

But now, he knows that the main world was colonized by the ring world...

Where is the real main world, the world where he lived in his previous life?

Wen Rensheng actually had this answer in his heart. He knew that it was impossible for him to directly observe the main world.

But it definitely exists, it's just observable through some indirection.

For example, his occasional memory confusion and memory fault.

This must be caused by what happened in the main world.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, this question has no solution for the time being.

Can only wait for the time to resolve.

Now I still think about **** the disaster principal.

Analyze, what is the point of conflict between the two sides?

One is the difference in the bottom line.

The second is the conflict of interest.

The former need not go into details, and the latter is worthy of special attention.

The principal of the disaster must transform the world, adapt the environment to its own survival, and turn ordinary intelligent life into bait for rationality and power for its consumption.

If he succeeds, sooner or later even his own place of existence will be controlled by him.

It's just that the principals of disasters are different from ordinary disasters. They rely on "concepts" to survive.

Just as if I wanted to cut off their roots through the main world before, I actually wanted to cut off the roots of their concepts.

By cutting off all grotesque fantasies, the monster type in the fantasies will disappear.

As for himself, because he does not belong to a monster, he will not disappear, because he himself contains truth.

However, looking at it now, this is unlikely, because the real main world is too difficult to interfere with, it can only be felt indirectly, and even direct observation cannot be done, so how can it interfere?

Just thinking about it, Xiao Huan suddenly shouted: "Oh, there are words on these ice cubes!"

Wen Rensheng looked at it from the other party's perspective, and saw words appearing in a world of ice and snow.

"How can you?"

"How can you?"

Such handwriting, densely packed, is repeated on every piece of ice.

For a time, the little people around the world began to panic.

In the eyes of earth people, they are aliens, interstellar nomads, symbolizing the unknown and high technology.

But they themselves know that in front of them, they are just a group of ants, insects, and earthworms...

They shivered and could only hide in stone caves, relying on geothermal generators and nuclear power plants to generate electricity and heat.

Is this a provocation?

No, this is actually a simple question.

The other party calmly asked himself what means to break them.

A bunch of fools, it's not easy?

Wen Rensheng sneered, if he could drive away Chaos Omniscient, he could invite it back.

"Xiao Huan, transform into Kelulu." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"Oh, I haven't acted for a long time, I just want to act." Xiao Huan said excitedly.

Then the handwriting on the ice, as if hearing him speak, changed again.



Obviously, this is full of sarcasm thinking that Wenren's skills are too poor.

Wen Rensheng fully knew that the other party was using aggressive tactics.

However, it did arouse his determination to win and lose, and he wanted to change to a new method, but it was impossible, and then use the old method.

What is the new method?

The opponent is not a boss on the bright side, as long as the skills pass the test and the index pass, UU reading can overthrow.

The other party is a powerful being with concept as the core, rationality as the skeleton, and source as the filling.

At least in the perception of beings in the East Continent world, the principal-level source life hidden behind the catastrophic disaster is invincible, incomprehensible, and an existence that humans can only fear and avoid.

All existing means of attack cannot effectively destroy it.

Except for a chaotic omniscience that can pollute reason, which is their natural nemesis and weakness, they are almost flawless.

They themselves are still gathering the source of life, building academies, research and development, and will never rest on their laurels.

That's what makes them really powerful.

Wen Rensheng thought of a way.

His wisdom is unparalleled after all.

Not limited by this world, there is no upper limit, only the universe can limit him.

Chaos overcomes reason.

Chaos is not omniscient, but chaos can be exploited.

He wants to create an artifact, an artifact that can seal the headmaster of the disaster.

This artifact is alive.

Yes, he remembered a former student who sealed several evil beings by himself.

Human potential is infinite.

It is the infinity of the principal in response to the disaster.

The Principal of Calamity can come up with countless ways, and the Sealed Artifact will also come up with ways to deal with it.

The question is, where to find the embryonic body of such an artifact?

Well, I'm going to be a teacher again for a while.

He stood up and opened the Human Resources Archives of the Inspectorate.

"Gong Ranxuan, Tang Haifan, Ran Yin..."

Behind a personal name, there are famous people, and they are all amazing talents. It is definitely unique to be selected into the database of the inspection department.

However, in his eyes, there are all kinds of deficiencies, far from reaching the capital of divine tools.

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