Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1851: worship

The cannibal tribe looked at Lu Yan who took the initiative to visit.

"Hey, is there meat?"

"I have lived for fifteen years, and this is the first time I see a meat come to my door."

"No, I really can't eat it, but I can try his leg meat."

A group of cannibals were talking there in amazement, using a simple language that Lu Yan could not understand.

But now he can understand.

But he'd rather he didn't know.

Fortunately, plug-ins are plug-ins.

At this time, the plug-in direction arrow fell on a man with feathers in the cannibal tribe.

On the man, a "build" button appeared.

With a thought, he clicked the "build" button before being caught by several cannibals.

Immediately afterwards, a small tribe was generated.

A new prompt also appears:

"You build your own civilization, you become the leader of the civilization, you will live forever, unless the civilization is destroyed, please choose your civilization characteristics:"

"1: Farming talent, farming +20%, population +50%, faith generation -20%..."

"2: Nomadic talent, grazing +30%, population -10%, faith generation +20%..."

"3: Ocean talent, shipping +50%, population +10%, faith generation +70%..."

"4: Mixed talents, farming, herding, shipping +15%, population +15%, faith generation +25%..."

Lu Yan was very excited.

Just play games!

Others need to cultivate immortals through time travel, and they have to cultivate for eighteen hundred years before they can become immortals. Even so, there are still three disasters and nine calamities.

And he suddenly jumped to become the leader of civilization. As long as civilization exists, he will be invincible.

In the flow of the Great Desolate Mythology, I became an existence on a par with the Three Emperors of Huoyundong!

A whole civilization serving one person alone, this is a great blessing!

Just when Lu Yan was excited, everyone knelt down.

The cannibal tribe that originally wanted him to make meat skewers became the first cornerstone of civilization.

Its essence, from the very beginning, seems to have determined the background color of this "civilization" - "eat the corpses of compatriots and grow stronger".

At this time, Lu Yan didn't know that after countless years, someone would write a famous sentence from the ages: "I opened the history and checked it. This history has no age, and each page is slanted and slanted. "Benevolence, righteousness and morality" I couldn't sleep horizontally and vertically, and after reading it carefully in the middle of the night, I could see the words from the cracks, and the two words were written all over the book, 'eat people'..."

At this time, he was just worried about which talent to choose.

Intuition tells him that beliefs that have not yet appeared are very important.

Before he crossed over, he had read countless novels.

Believing in conferred gods, offering incense, and as a leader of civilization, wanting to be stronger, this is the most obvious way.

And it is supported by a plug-in.

He also didn't want to mess around, leaving the main road and not going, but instead went down the sheep's intestine.

It turns out that those who go the wrong way fail, because the world is cruel, and mutations with low fault tolerance are not eligible to remain.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he decisively chose "Marine Civilization".

Moreover, the last laugh is the marine civilization.

Master the ocean, master the sea of ​​stars, and become the overlord.


After choosing the civilization traits, he began to play with great interest.

Start building the first building, start building the first worker, the first soldier…

Productivity keeps growing.

In this real world, open civilizations always expand very rapidly.

In the past fifteen years, the tribe has been upgraded to a large town with 3,000 people through fertility and absorption of other tribes.

After all, with the guidance of civilization leaders, they have many advantages, including but not limited to: open map vision, clear technology upgrade routes, road construction...

If there is one of these, it is very remarkable, let alone all of them?

Thirty years later, a second town was built.

Fifty years, one hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years...

A thousand years have passed.

For Lu Yan, it was just a thousand clicks and a thousand rounds, so where did it go?

Another five thousand years.

Five thousand years later, his civilization has spread all over the continent and the surrounding oceans, and maritime trade is extremely prosperous.

He has pointed the technology tree to modern railways and ships, roughly equivalent to the level of 1900.

At this time, the electric light has been invented, people have begun to conquer the eternal darkness, and the city that never sleeps will become a reality.

This was unthinkable before the invention of the electric light.

Going forward, I found that the technology tree was already black, and I couldn't click any more, even if the prerequisites and resources were sufficient.

Of course he didn't know that this was Wen Rensheng's deliberate setting.

This time is very delicate, just before the complete separation of mystery and ignorance.

The modern scientific system has been established, but the mystery has not completely faded and still dominates in many places.

Lu Yan had no choice but to turn his attention to other places.

They were all climbing the tech tree before, but now?

The initially chosen "faith" seems to be about to go live.

Within the civilization, because of communication and technological problems, it was divided into large and small states, fighting with each other and fighting endlessly.

This is where the game is different.

In the game, a civilization is a force, UU reading www. a country.

As a leader of civilization, he did not deliberately stop this kind of struggle, and the dominance of a family will inevitably become rigid.

This is the truth, he has read a lot of Internet articles, and he understands it very well.

Civilization is getting more and more prosperous.

He ordered the nations to start building wonders, and the wonders were his statues.

At this time, someone was pleasantly surprised to find that worshipping his withered statue could obtain a strange energy.

This energy can be stored in batteries or in the human body, or used directly to light bulbs and drive DC motors.

A person is an energy core.

It can be used directly to replace electricity.

It can also be used to boil water, cook...

For example, a person holding the handle of a thermos can transfer energy into the water and make it boil.

The same goes for cooking.

Another example is drawing bows and shooting arrows, shooting guns... It can also be used on it, which can greatly increase the speed and range of projectiles.

There are also carriages, on which people sit and transmit energy to the horse, which can make the horse pull for three days and three nights in one breath.

Wherever energy is used, it can replace it.

"This is the power of God, the power of light!" someone declared.

Soon, various religions began to transform, and they all regarded Lu Yan's withered image as the only **** that existed.

No way, there are too many gods, but the others are only for the sake of talking on paper. Who can directly bestow this kind of omnipotent power like him?

It's just that different sects have different names.

Lu Yan also has numerous titles: "Guardian of civilization, guide, creator of heaven, creator of all things, **** of light, master of armies, master of energy..."

With this series of titles, sometimes even he himself would be dizzy.

Fortunately, as long as he ensures that people are still worshipping him, it is enough, and he doesn't care if he is faint or not.

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