Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1852: God of darkness

Somewhere in a smoky city where the Great Industrial Revolution is in full swing.

In various factories near the river, the workers sweat like rain, not sweat but blood.

A worker who comes here can only live for three years on average, and the blood in the urine every day is not as much as the flow of blood here.

The river is full of waste with a pungent smell, which is hard to describe. In short, a noble lady can faint at a glance.

Somewhere in an ordinary textile factory, in the steamy, steamy, cramped space, standing one by one sweaty workers.

At the entrance of the factory, there is a large open space, which is comparable to the area of ​​half the factory.

In the center of the open space, a statue was erected. The statue was not big, only the height of an ordinary person.

But it was placed on a five-meter platform with a pulley block.

This image seems simple, but it is actually a spectacle. To build one, it takes at least five years of profit from a factory.

In the feudal era, it took tens of thousands of people to work hard for five years, and this is called a miracle.

That is, after the modern industrial revolution, the spectacle became popular.

Just like the Great Wall, how many Great Walls do modern people consume enough soil? I am afraid that a Great Wall can be built every year.

"Great God, please give me the strength so that I don't have to work so hard." Before going to work, each worker must worship for ten minutes in front of the statue behind the entrance of the factory.

Originally the best way is to worship for an hour, but the boss is really reluctant to bear these hours.

Only the most devout people can get the vacation and a little overtime paid by the boss, but everyone still enjoys it.

As for the energy obtained after worship, no one knows where it went.

At least the workers don't know, only the owner of the statue knows where it is.

Although the workers occasionally hear some rumors or see some things, for example, people from different denominations come to the factory every Sunday to find the boss.

Give more or less money, then pull the statue away and replace it with one.

The discerning person found through the subtle features on the statues that the two statues were used alternately.

Just like a bucket for water, when one bucket is full, another bucket will be replaced.

After it is drained, it is replaced.

Rumors began to spread in the factory one by one.

Somewhere in the workers' private meeting place.

A man drinking cheap sour beer scolded angrily: "We prayed to the God of Light, and God gave us enough power to survive, but these powers were stolen by the **** boss through the statue!"

"Why is that?"

"I tried, I cut a wooden statue of a god, but no matter how fine it is, I can't get that kind of power. It seems that only such a big statue can do it."

"But we can't afford such a large statue. I heard that it costs fifty thousand gold dinars to buy it."

"Damn, can we only endure the boss's plunder like this?"

"Next time, no one will be so religious."

"Isn't that blasphemy against God? You can't enter heaven after death." Someone worried.

"We can go to the church on the block and pray, and there will be three meals of dry bread there anyway."

Some people would ask, since there is bread to eat, why do you have to work hard in the factory.

Nonsense, don't you need money for rent?

If you don't have a house to live in, you're going to be kicked out.

Some people say that you can live in the wild.

But there are no statues and no churches in the wild.

In short, the population was forced to live together.

"Damn, they don't worry that we are all exhausted and no one worships God?" Someone said bitterly.

"Hmph, because people won't worship God when they're not tired. They've long known that. A hard worker can only expect God's help. Haven't you noticed? Those female workers, especially those who can give birth to children. The female workers are well protected by the church.”

"Damn, don't men matter?"

"Men really don't matter. A noble man can raise a hundred maids and give birth to a thousand children in a lifetime."

"It's too exaggerated."

The workers were amused by the cheap joke.

Yes, a hundred maids can only turn three times a year, is it possible to make them pregnant every year?

Of course it is possible.

As long as the valet helps...

"We are the little roosters of the chicken farm. As soon as we are born, our destiny is doomed. We will be crushed to death one by one. It is all the gift of God that we can live to this day." Someone suddenly said.

At this moment, a voice sounded among the crowd.

"God's gift? The **** of light? It only shelters the rich and kings. The **** of our poor is the **** of darkness."

"Sun, sand, and wine belong to the rich, nobles, and kings. For us, only darkness, dampness, and death."

Everyone looked over and saw a man in a black cloak, who lowered his head and said.

The crowd fell silent.

Because the other party is right.

The place where they live is dark and dark, and it is the worst basement. Even if they can rent some apartments, it is the worst location.

The kind that doesn't see the sun every day.

And the city doesn't have much sun. UU Reading

The only people who could see the sun were the nobles who lived in the country villas.

As for them, why don't they live in the countryside, because all the land in the countryside is occupied.

This is the factory eating people.

In order to let them enter the factory, the king also introduced the homeless punishment law. Once there is no fixed place, they will be driven away by the patrol police. They will be sent to the factory to work first, and those who escape will be sent directly to the prison.

Work in prison too.

Compared with the British Empire in history, the only difference is that because of the existence of the God of Light, there is a rigid need to worship and obtain energy, women and children are well protected, and they are all put into the backyard of benevolent nobles and bosses. .

In contrast, the pressure on men is twice as high as that of the British Empire.

Of course, older women over forty will be thrown out and treated like men.

In fact, most men can't get married at all, and they are basically the descendants of maids.

Only a few smart and beautiful children who can please the master can stay in the master's house and achieve class jump.

Most men, from birth, live in darkness.

"Yes, the **** of darkness is our god!" Someone shouted angrily.

They also want sunshine, they also want to stand in broad daylight, and they also want to marry a wife and have children with dignity.

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains, Wind and Moon"

However, fate has long since put an end to this possibility.

They prayed to the **** of light every day, but never got an answer. Instead, the power generated went to the church and the king.

And all they could get was bad, dry bread full of sawdust and pebbles.

If you dare to bite down, you must collapse 3 teeth.

If you want to eat this thing, you have to slowly soak it in cold water, and then eat it carefully.

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