Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1857: portal

"Damn it, I almost got lost."

Lying in the large empty swimming pool in his palace, Lu Yan floated on the water like a corpse.

He recalled the thrilling moments before.

The simple difficulty of the civilization game made him play the nightmare difficulty, but fortunately, it did not reach the **** difficulty.

He has been reflecting for many days.

Today he came to a conclusion that a large population is king.

For the common people, fewer people is a good thing. But for him at the top, a large population is just a good thing.

What if there is not enough land?

Open up outside.

What if there is not enough food?

Breeding good seeds, intensive cultivation, waste reduction, control of agriculture and food industry, guaranteed minimum distribution…

All other commodities can be ruled by the laws of the market, with the exception of food, because it is the rigid demand in the needy.

He recalled the previous measures on various continents. Even in places like McCann and Xizhou, which pursued free market regulation, they did not dare to let their food flow completely.

McCann also has a set of food rolls.

Food, or food.

He thought in his heart that he should put most of his divine power into the improvement of food.

New varieties, new ways to grow...

It's just that the technology is limited to before the 20th century, which is a bit difficult, because many fertilizers and pesticides are products after the 20th century.

Fortunately, tractors, harvesters, the technology of the 19th century is enough.

In the 19th century, there were automobiles. With automobiles, tractors and harvesters could be built. With these two, a small number of people could develop a large amount of land and increase the proportion of food supplies.

According to the yield of 500 catties per mu of land, one person can only support 5 people when planting 10 mu of land, but hundreds of people can be supported by planting 1,000 mu of land.

He looked at the civilization interface and saw that the current population was "more than 1.56532 billion people".

This is because people are born and die all the time.

Only if the total is large enough can it remain stable.

That beast of rage that was being sealed killed 45 million people alone, which was why he was terrified and thought the game was off.

This person is not a leek, it will take more than ten years to grow into a round.

If one can't seal the other party, let the other party continue to kill, his 1.5 billion is enough to kill the other party for a few years?

And as the leader of civilization, he cannot end the game in person, and there is no setting for players to end up fighting in person in the civilization series.

He can only deploy resources and set various tendencies.

Now the land on this planet is basically developed.

The rest, the Gobi Desert, the Great Desert, the North and South Poles, are all intractable existences with 19th-century technology.

It is planted wherever food can be grown.

His people are not brainless NPCs, and their needs cannot be met, nor can they reproduce smoothly.

It is impossible for him to go down with one order, and everyone will give birth casually.

People born without food will still cause great trouble.

The best way out is to open up new land.

In orthodox history, the 19th century was also the last stage of colonial demarcation. In order to divide the formed colonies, two wars broke out in the 20th century. In the final analysis, they were all land grabs.

It wasn't until the middle and late 20th century that people stopped grabbing land... One of the important reasons was that the population growth of the main forces stagnated.


Lu Yan opened the civilization map, one by one, occupying a block of places.

Where to build new cities?

At this time, he suddenly saw an icon flashing.

He opened it up.

"One of your rangers discovered an ancient ruin, which is a portal. He opened the portal, and the opposite is a new world. Your choice is: enter|don't enter..."

"Fairy Wood"

I am rough...

Lu Yan felt that this Ranger was too cheap.

Although he lacks land, he still doesn't want to enter this kind of portal to the unknown now. If the opposite is a hell, isn't he dead?

The problem is that if he doesn't open the door, sooner or later the other side will too.

So, be prepared to enter.

Nightmare difficulty has been upgraded again.

But before entering, he still has to be fully prepared.

The mobilization of troops, the construction of castles, the digging of trenches, the machine guns, the cannons, the whole racks, the hot air balloons...

In short, around the portal, he concentrated almost one-third of the forces of the civilized world.

The other two-thirds, of course, must be placed in the deep zone and deployed in sequence.

He also ordered several large dioceses to organize a group of young men and women to dig deep holes and store food.

There is only one task, making babies.

This is what he left behind for himself.

He has prepared many such backhands.

On the sea, on the islands, in the South Pole and the North Pole, in the deep mountains and old forests... If it hadn't been for the moon landing, he would have gone to the moon.

After all, he can mobilize the resources of the entire civilization, which has never happened in the history of the earth.


What kind of world is on the other side of the portal?

The answer will be revealed soon.

When he was ready, he ordered someone to open the portal again.

A skeleton staggers out of the portal.

"Damn it! It really is a monster!" Lu Yan looked at the display on the map and cursed.

It would be best if it was an ancient soldier.

Pushing it horizontally, men are slaves, women are baby machines, and the land is used for farming.

Well, the idea of ​​being the leader of a civilization is just so unpretentious.

However, there are monsters on the opposite side, which is not good.

How do skeletons give birth to babies?

The legendary demihumans can't do that either.

"Fire, no, nail the net, catch the live one, and study it." He issued an order directly to the Pope.

Soon a soldier got a big net, and UU Kanshu grabbed the first skeleton.

The skeleton didn't seem to be aggressive, ignorant and at the mercy of humans.

The whole body was dismantled.

In the end, the priests found that the structure of this skeleton and human is basically the same, only there is a flame inside the skull, which is very magical.

Similar to the power of light, it can directly drive the body to act as energy.

The question is, there is no muscle traction on this bone, and there is no mechanical device. How does it move?

By observing with the power of light, they discovered why: the flame sends its own energy into the limbs, and this energy forms something like a magnetic field, and it is this magnetic field that generates forces in various directions that control the movement of the bones.

Like a magnet attracting iron objects out of thin air.

Magnetic fields have long been discovered, and in 1824 Simon Poisson developed a physical model that could describe them more accurately.

"It's amazing." Lu Yan had to sigh.

It seems that the opposite world is not a good stubble.

He wants to develop a temple army that uses divine powers, not an army of worldly weapons.

Three days later, a zombie came.

Zombies are not so peaceful.

It had a smelly green smell all over it, and it looked like a plague.

So frightened that Lu Yan hurriedly ordered someone to set it on fire, and stopped studying it.

No one understands the horror of the plague better than him. At the level of the 19th century, many people were killed.

Seven days later, a vampire.

The vampire just showed his head, and immediately fell to his knees.

"O great god, the vampire baron from Arkan salutes you with humble knees."

Lu Yan was very happy to hear it and decided to leave him alive.

Of course, in name, you can get a lot of information from it...

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