Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1858: Windy City

The Vampire Baron quickly told the priests what his world was like.

After hearing this, Lu Yan laughed dumbly. Isn't this the setting of the game Heroes of Invincible IV that he played?

Nature, strength, chaos, life, death, order, six camps, separate one side.

It's easy.

He knew very well how to play this game.

It is nothing more than training heroes and main arms, mainly relying on vampires, lamp gods, cyclops, and fairy dragons.

Heroes mainly practice melee, defense, offense, death, chaos, reconnaissance and other skill trees, and they can beat wild monsters without heroes to the point of being a father.

He is not very proficient at playing, and has only played Heroes 3, 4, and 5, but this configuration is enough to play all the classic battle levels. Of course, those perverted mods require special play.

Just how to send troops to conquer the other side?

He went on to have the priests question vampires.

The vampire is quick to say that it knows several unlucky heroes and is willing to pay allegiance to the gods.

That's it!

It starts with one hero.

There is a hero who occupies a city, and the rest is snowballing.

In reality, there is no such thing as overriding without heroes and cities.

As long as he occupies the portal, he can keep coming back.

The premise is that you don't let the opposite side push you back.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered ten priests to follow the vampires back to the portal and bring those heroes back.

At this time, a bishop gently hinted: "The great god, the leader of civilization, this vampire is a dark life, and its words cannot be believed."

Lu Yan was shocked.

To his surprise, he was so excited that he forgot one thing: in the battle against other forces, he should not end up.

Otherwise, it will expose the weaknesses of the creatures of the home system to the fullest.

What he has to do is still the same as before, just allocate resources, and take advantage of information to give relevant oracles to the people below.

rather than acting as generals and marshals.

Because it has a fatal weakness: no matter how many times you win, it is a matter of course, it is the light of God; but if you lose once, it will lead to the loss of God's glory.

He was very grateful for this bishop and the reminder, so he killed the other party, raised his soul to the Hall of Valor, and acted as a military advisor...


Then he gave an oracle and handed over the conquest of the other world to the Pope.

As for how the other party initiates the expedition, that is his business.

He will only provide enough light and divine power, as well as various resources.

The Pope assembled the kings and nobles of the old country, as well as the heads of state, prime ministers, and presidents of the new country, and issued oracles to them.

A coalition army soon formed.

It is composed of the most famous generals and staff officers. The soldiers are all selected guards. The Knights Templar are in the front line.

Archangel is Lu Yan's bad taste. It is made of light and divine power. They are essentially divine batteries, which can charge the knights infinitely.

As long as it is within its light envelope, it will not lose energy as long as civilization exists.

Other than that, it doesn't have much intelligence, just a mic.

The staff officer began to question the vampire.

The opponent quickly showed his feet.

After torturing it through the power of light, it was forced to tell the truth: it turned out that it was a sentinel of a dead city, and had signed a soul contract long ago, and it was impossible to betray its master.

After hearing this, Lu Yan became angry.

I was almost deceived by an NPC unit.

It really makes no sense.

He once again realized that as the owner of the Civilization V game system, he has no intellectual advantage over anyone, and the only advantage is resources and information.

So he just has to rely on the intelligence of others.

The General then sent a team of Templar Assassins and Rangers deep into the portal.

A new map view also opens up.


In front of him is a city surrounded by a dark sky, surrounded by messy corpses, one by one mass graves, full of them, from time to time a skeleton climbs up from the middle, and then goes to the city gate.

Lu Yan looked at it, shocked.

It turns out that this isn't just Heroes of the Four, it's a fusion of three, and maybe even five.

If he believed in vampires and entered the army directly, wouldn't he lose his life?

The reconnaissance team did not rush into it, but caught Tongue nearby and asked for information.

Soon they got a lot of information.

A group of farmers told them.

The peasants say it is called Yinfeng City and it was built on their land ten years ago.

A necromancer named "Kefet" slaughtered 7,000 people as the foundation for building the city, and then built the interior hall.

A nearby baron sent troops, but they were defeated by the other party's undead spell, which further expanded the city of Yinfeng.

The baron had no choice but to ask his own master viscount for help, but the viscount was fighting with the grand duke.

The captain of the reconnaissance team heard a problem. How could a mere group of peasants know about the upper echelons of the kingdom?

It turned out that they were deserters of a certain hero under the Viscount. The other party was defeated and the peasants fled, so they knew so much.

"It's really messy." Lu Yan said this, and also saw the benefits.

This means that he can also replicate the miracle of this Yinfeng City.

The generals and staff officers naturally saw this as well.

But instead of attacking rashly, they sent more scouts, disguised as locals, to scout the situation.

More and more intelligence comes together.

Opposite is a place called "Ashan World", which is extremely large, with at least one billion square kilometers of land.

This number was finally compiled through the mouths of more than a dozen tavern owners.

After hearing this number, Lu Yan was greatly excited.

That means feeding billions of people.

Not to mention, there is already a population there.

I just don't know if they worship themselves, whether they can generate faith, and whether they can transform it into divine power of light.

And he also thought of a new use: if there is any enemy that cannot be solved, it will be sealed in this Ashan world.

After finding out the information, General UU finally sent troops to attack Yinfeng City.

The city was knocked down.

The opponent's strongest force is 35 vampires, which is too terrifying for the nearby baron.

But for a civilization, it is too weak.

Now Lu Yan is equivalent to using the total troops and resources of the city after clearing all the battles to start the game, if it is not easy.

A cannon roared, followed by a charge of the Templars, with the support of riflemen, and in less than half an hour, the city was taken.

The biggest casualty was the other party's death ripple, which caused many ordinary soldiers who had no divine protection to die.

This made the general understand that ordinary soldiers could no longer be used in battle in the future.

They can only be used as garrison and logistics, not against enemy heroes.

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