Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1859: mages

"We need more light, more prayers, more worship..."

"The only way to train and maintain enough Templars, Templar Rangers, Templar Assassins, Templar Guards... Only they can rely on the power of light to counter the enemy's magical damage."

"Or recruit local heroes and let them recruit soldiers, but this will have a big hidden danger. After their cities and forces expand, they will easily rebel. Because cities and troops belong to local heroes, we have no way to intervene. ."

In a large golden tent, a staff officer was speaking to the general who was on the expedition.

Just taking a city, the general is not optimistic about the prospects.

Because the hero of the enemy gave him a great shock.

Just one person and one spell made him lose more than 300 ordinary soldiers.

This kind of lethality is terrifying.

The reason is very simple. The soldiers have to sleep and rest. If the other party chooses not to defend the city, but chooses to attack at night, they will be finished once in a few days.

They had horses, but the other was obviously faster.

The general didn't know that this was the function of logistics, but he could see that the opponent was running fast on horseback.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was trapped in the city and surrounded by himself, he might have escaped from the city gate.

"Please come over and ask the bishop to submit our needs to the Archangel. We want more temple troops..."

The bishop came quickly, and after listening to the general's request, he happily agreed.

Lu Zhi actually saw it from beginning to end.

Of course he knew the general's concerns, and in fact stealing the camp was a smash hit for destructive heroes in Heroes of Might.

For example, a hero of the chaos department can add chaos spells wildly, with full reconnaissance points and full stealth points, and one person can sneak attack on the enemy.

Come up and make a big move, then run away.

The only way to deal with them is the "war shackles" artifact.

This thing is the natural enemy of lonely heroes, but unfortunately it is not easy to find.

Then you have to use an additional method.

He thought of Priest Mondel's sealing technique. Can he seal the opponent's magic?

He soon issued an oracle.

Transform the local people, migrate more and more homeless people from the original world, and let them settle in the new world.

The bishops were quick to mobilize.

In terms of organizational power, the priests were much stronger than the feudal lords and even the factory owners.

Because there are real miracles ahead, people of course have to behave well before they die in order to be treated after death.

Without miracles, people would still sacrifice a lot for the illusory afterlife world, let alone now.

A large number of homeless and landless farmers came in through the portal.

They soon discovered that the land here was fertile.

Especially some land, can actually achieve ten times the income of the original land!

Lu Yan knew that those lands were the "Magic Plains" in the setting of Heroes of Invincibility III, where all the hero's skills would automatically become advanced.

Even heroes can be affected, not to mention mere plants.

In fact, in the game, the magic plain is a shining grassland.

These fertile lands are naturally occupied by churches, and such good places are naturally only qualified to be owned by God's spokesperson.

Others can't be questioned.

In fact, even when the workers resisted, they seldom attacked the church, but there were a lot of them. Occasionally, some irrational guys burned down the church and stole the wealth.

Now that God has issued an oracle, everyone has a better life, and naturally no one dares to do this anymore.

Seeing the effect of the magic plain made Lu Yan think of more things.

He carefully recalled the skills of the next three, four and five, and what magic or skills can increase food production.

He soon realized that in this game, the maintenance of soldiers does not require food, so there is no such resource as food, and there are only resources such as wood, ores, crystals, sulfur, mercury, and gems.

Therefore, there is no treasure to increase food production.

However, this does not mean that there are no spells in the game that work on food.

Simple ones, like necromancy and chaos spells, contaminate the land, making it impossible to grow crops.

He needs to send someone to study the spells here. The spell system in Heroes of Invincibility is extensive and profound.

For example, Brakada in Heroes 3, where the mages have made all kinds of shocking research.

Thinking of the previous beast of rage, Lu Yan decided to find these mages to cooperate.

He gave an order for the bishop to interrogate the captured undead hero.


In the prison, the undead hero Kefet is facing an interrogation.

"Where are you from?"

"It was in a place called Necropolis. There were many Necronomicon academies, and I graduated from one of them. I was originally the son of a tanner, and my father made a living by skinning dead people. I have been in contact with a lot of dead people, so I was valued by the teacher, and then trained as a necromancer." Kefet said honestly.

He doesn't want to die yet.

After all, his great career has just begun, and heroes are generally not executed, as long as they are loyal to their new masters.

"..." The bishop on the opposite side was only disgusting, skinning is disgusting enough, or skinning dead people, "What are those human skins used for?"

"Human skin is a good recording material for many magics. It can be used to record various curses, seals, and mutation spells..." Kefet said without hesitation, all of which were learned in class.

Lu Yan listened and nodded.

The knowledge in the game is a very small part of the knowledge system in the real world, even if it is only a fantasy world.

After all, games can only include a few of the most playful things.

The casting of magic is definitely not the same as in the game, and it is automatically released with a single click. That is a machine gun.

A variety of means are necessary to assist.

In this confession of Kefet, he heard the sealing technique, which made him pay special attention.

After all, many powerful monsters cannot be defeated at all, or the cost of defeating them is too high: for example, they will directly explode, causing the planet to be destroyed.

This is a real example. In reality, some small forces with mushrooms can only be sealed, not rashly eliminated.

That's where sealing comes into play.

Because it is a seal, if the opponent can't beat him, he will not choose to die together, but maintain a low-intensity resistance, hoping that after a long time, he can find an opportunity to escape.

This is exactly what he needs.

So he gave another oracle, UU reading www. tries to collect mages who know the sealing technique, or in other words, give excellent treatment to mages.


Soon, the news of the new forces in the other world spread all over the world of Ashan. After all, there is a dragon **** here.

in a pub.

"I heard no, they recruited various mages vigorously. Sure enough, as I said earlier, mages are grandfathers, and warriors are just grandsons!" said a wretched magistrate who was very drunk.

"People want a mage with research ability, not an alcoholic like you with only three spells left." A soldier next to him said dissatisfied.

But he did not directly refute the other party's words.

After all, the Master is a grandfather, which is the consensus of everyone.

No matter how good your fighter is, if you don’t have full magic resistance, and you don’t have materials that can resist negative spells, if your opponent is charmed, you’re dead.

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