Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1860: Fishing in troubled waters

"How do you know they don't want it?" The alcoholic mage staggered to his feet, and then used a random door spell.

This hand shocked the people in the tavern.

Why don't you say the grandfather?

Just this hand, how high the strategic value is, even a general understands. If you don't understand, you're not a real general.

Afterwards, the Drunk Mage went through any door and came to the recruitment point.

"Sir, please register here." The priest at the recruitment site was very enthusiastic.

After all, this is an oracle. The last saint, Mondel, received divine grace because of the invention of the sealing technique, and has an eternal life.

"Okay, my name is Luant, I'm an order mage, proficient in seven magics..." The alcoholic mage said incessantly, hearing the priest's eyes sparkling.

If he knew what a resume was, it wouldn't have shined like that.

"Very good, very good, if you can pass the assessment, we will give you a. level treatment, a total of five levels, s, a, b, c, d..."

After hearing that there is an endless amount of wine just for the d treatment, the alcoholic mage regretted that he had drunk too much in the past.

What kind of wine is that? It's cloudy and bitter. It wastes my belly. The key is to make myself forget a lot of important mage knowledge...

He then went to participate in the assessment.

He was happy when he was assessed.

Originally, he thought that it would be difficult for him to get a professional mage, but he found out that the evaluation mage that the other party found was all he knew, or he had heard of.

Either a card buddy or a drinking buddy, there isn't a single lab mage anyway.

This is also normal, the mages in the laboratory, who would rashly join a group of outsiders?

Is it not a marginal person who can't get along in a normal mage group, so they will try their luck?

So he passed the assessment successfully.

Because if they don't let him pass, those people will risk being exposed themselves.

It's just that these mages don't know that their every move is seen by otherworldly gods.

Next, they habitually get money from the lake, and then get drunk every day.

It's just that after only three days of doing this, it can't go on.

The angel hung them upside down and was awake for three days.

Only then did these mages know that otherworldly gods are not good at Lake Nong, and the free wine is not given for nothing.

I had to rack my brains and come up with some knowledge to cross.

Fortunately, Lu Yan knew the truth of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars, so he didn't kill all these blasphemers.

He has played Heroes and Invincible, and knows that mages are a bunch of guys who ignore the gods, all of them are bold, and they even design traps and want to capture the gods for experiments.

There are more than one or two such people.

Fortunately, he needs such a lawless mage now.

So he continued to throw a lot of money.

Owning a civilization's resources is self-willed to squander it.

Four rare resources, sulfur, crystal, mercury, and gems, are pulled from the original world by carts, and then put into the local market to exchange all kinds of needed treasures, scrolls, spell books...

These resources are not too rare for the civilization after the Industrial Revolution, but there are many for the magical world.

Under the sufficient resources, finally ushered in the refuge of the genius.

The necromancer Sandro is famous in the world of invincible heroes.

He is the real protagonist in the Heroes of Invincibility series. He has been active from the second generation to the sixth generation, and he has never died. You can see his strength.

He was ambitious and always dreamed of conquering the entire continent.

However, there are some fatal flaws in him. For example, he is more like a wizard than a king.

Therefore, although he has achieved brilliant victories on the battlefield, he is always defeated by his opponents in the end, and he can always escape by relying on the background of the wizard, and then set off a new turmoil.

Now he sees a new opportunity.

An invasion of an alien god...

What chance could it be better than this?

Flicking this god, using the opponent's power, strengthening his own strength, and then rebelling, this is his specialty.

It's just that he didn't know that after he appeared in Lu Yan's sight, all his plans could not be hidden.

Others don't know, Sandro, can Lu Yan know?

The famous traitor, betrayed the master, deceived other heroes, and collected two artifacts of the undead camp: the cloak of the undead king and the cursed armor. The former can transform the dead into corpses, and the powerful long-range troops in the undead can attack in groups. At the same time, it also increases the number of spirits.

The latter will reduce the strength of the opponent's arms by half at the beginning.

However, it will be restrained by the Angel Alliance, and the Angel Alliance will release prayers at the beginning, which can clear up those negative effects.

So he was finally defeated in the plot battle.

But this guy is really good.

Lu Yan still accepted him and gave him an S-rank rating, but just let the two archangels look at this guy closely.

It saves you from tinkering with some demon moths for yourself if you are not careful.

Just thinking about it, that Sandro was really unwilling to be an experimenter and a worker. Just a week later, he put forward a suggestion that he could conquer Bracada, the concentration of mages, and obtain a lot of human resources from there. .

This made Lu Yan a little moved and asked him what his idea was.

As a result, this guy said that there are treasures in the world called forbidden magic **** and war shackles. As long as they have them, the mages will encounter natural enemies.

He also told where the two artifacts might be stored.

As soon as Lu Yan heard it, he knew what this guy was going to do.

Either take the artifact as his own, but these two do not greatly improve his own strength, because he is an undead, or an undead who is proficient in magic, and he can't use it on the battlefield with the forbidden magic ball.

These two artifacts are effective on both sides of the battlefield at the same time.

In general, brutality and strength like to use it.

Players don't like to use it, because players must use reincarnation and thaumaturgy to keep their troops from decreasing.

That is another abacus.

However, Lu Yan was not afraid that the other party would have any conspiracy, so he sent someone to look for it according to the information provided by Sandro.

Unable to find it, the priests and Templar soldiers he sent came to a place of ice and snow.

What surprised him was that those priests and soldiers soon degenerated, degenerated into Frost Rangers, Frost Priests, Frost Knights...

He suspected it was Sandro's conspiracy.

However, when Sandro heard the news, he was also stunned.

However, he was the ancestor of the conspiracy after all, and soon realized that another **** from another world had invaded the world of Yashan.

This is the only explanation.

Because he is familiar with the vast majority of forces in this world, there has never been a force that can convert soldiers into frost attributes.

Only the undead camp can rely on the skeleton to switch the field, and convert the troops of other camps into skeletons and bone dragons.

But it can't turn into frost either.

He was then pleasantly surprised, which meant the situation was even more chaotic and he could fish in troubled waters.

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