Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1863: God fall

However, after only one wave of kite flow, Lu Yan knelt down.

Because the opponent's archangel cooperated in prayer, the speed was too fast, so fast that his hero couldn't escape at all, and he was directly hit by a knife.

Before this alien invasion, the middle way will collapse.


"It seems that the net is about to be closed. Their gods are no longer enough to undertake the next tasks. It is time to hand these responsibilities to civilization itself."

Wen Rensheng looked at the process of the 19th century civilization's expedition to other worlds, preparing to cross the river and demolish the bridge...

How is that possible?

Master Wen is a decent man, and he is very particular about his work.

That guy has worked hard for hundreds of thousands of years to create such a civilization, and he will naturally give some benefits.

He stretched out his hand a little, and Lu Yan disappeared from the civilized world.


Settlement No. 7777, Jiuxing District, Dongzhou, District No. 7, Building 7.

"What kind of plot is this! I just had a big dream? Impossible, it's all fake, it's an illusion, I'm still the leader of civilization!"

"I am God, I want to go back!"

"I want to go back!"

"I still have three hundred archangels that I haven't beaten!"

Lu Yan woke up from the bed, and it took a while to understand what was happening now.

It turns out that the evolution of the previous civilization and the previous experience of the gods were all big dreams.

Just like the plot of some ancient novels, how the protagonist is so awesome, when he finally wakes up, he finds that it was all a dream before.

And he became such a tragic person.

After he understood, he was furious at home.

It didn't take long for the door to be knocked: "Neighbor, can you be quiet? There are still children taking a nap at home."

Looking through the cat's eyes, seeing a burly man, Lu Yan immediately withered, and apologized repeatedly: "Sorry, sorry, I'm just too excited to play the game."

"Oh." The burly man looked at Maoyan with contempt, then turned and walked away, "Who is it, who is playing a game and yelling."

In the game I hit hard, in reality I'm a no-brainer.

If the believers in the civilization he created were allowed to see their gods, it would be such a mess, and their beliefs would definitely collapse.

So distance produces beauty, just as stars can't let fans get too close to their own lives.

Lu Yan almost didn't demolish the house.

Until a phone rang: "Is it Mr. Lu? We are from the Special Talents Training Department of the Inspection Department and found that you have the talent of a mage. We specially invite you to come to XX to attend the training at 9:00 on the 28th of this month. It is automatically regarded as a waiver of the quota."

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll definitely go!" Lu Yan regained some mood from his loss.

Although not full of blood resurrection, but also returned half a tube of blood.

It's also good to be a mage.

Mage places are also very precious, and if you become a Mage, it is not far off to be selected as a game simulator player next.

As a player, longevity is not a problem.

It is a lot worse than the previous God of Civilization, but there is no need to worry so much.

He comforted himself like this.

People always have to live.

But, still pissed!

If you let him know which **** threw him in, he would definitely thank him...

Whether Lu Yan was angry or not, Wen Rensheng didn't care at all.

As a chess player, you should have this kind of awareness.

All beings play chess.

Just have a bottom line.

Lu Yan didn't lose anything, but also gained a lot.

He continued to watch.

When that civilization loses its god, how will it deal with the present.

The resilience of a civilization depends on whether it can survive the loss of a wise leader.

There are many civilizations in history. One or two wise leaders appeared, and they rose rapidly. Then the leaders died, and the civilization collapsed. In the end, there are only some relics left for people to pay tribute to.


Somewhere in a cathedral.

"God, did not respond to me." The Pope frowned.

"Maybe the gods are resting?" the archbishop replied.

"The eyes of the gods are always on us, and such blasphemous words are not allowed," the Pope rebuked.

In fact, he had a vague guess in his heart: God had disappeared.

The reason why the Pope thinks this way is because the channel of faith he has established with God for a long time has suddenly broken.

The gods may rest, but the channel of faith should not be broken.

There is only one explanation for this rupture: the gods have fallen.

I think of the previous gods who let people open the portal to another world and send troops to the other world.

Could it be that the gods were besieged by otherworldly gods and then fell?

Faith is like this, the more pious the lower, the more shrewd the upper.

If the Pope is sick with a broken bone, the absolute first consideration is healing, rather than praying to the gods to give him a miracle to heal him.

Because he knows that the gods don't have so much time to pay attention to themselves.

The Pope is worried.

He knew that this matter could not be concealed. Besides him, there were many shrewd people who could discover the collapse of the channel of belief.

Sure enough, just a day later, rumors spread that the gods had abandoned them.

There are also rumors that the **** was defeated by the dragon **** of another world.

Three days later, the temple troops found that their abundant light and divine power in the past were becoming less and less.

These soldiers panicked, how strong their beliefs were before, how embarrassed they are now.

The heroes of the Heroes of Invincibility world keenly discovered the fighter plane and launched an attack in time.

Civilization troops quickly retreated near the portal.

Relying on cannons and machine guns to defend, but only delayed for half a day, they were beaten to pieces.

Collapsed all the way.

The portal was also lost.

It's just that for some reason, those heroes didn't enter the portal, they just sealed it again.

This made people in the civilized world breathe a sigh of relief.

If the opponent continues to attack, they really don't know how to respond.

Without the leadership of the gods and the support of the divine power of light, it was really embarrassing for them to face endless magic.

Although they also recruited many local heroes, those people are loyal because they are afraid of the majesty of the gods.

You must know that in a world of heroic invincibility, betrayal is commonplace.

Without the backing of gods, truly powerful heroes will not be honest.

Only the alcoholic heroes retreated with them.

There was only one reason for the retreat: I heard they had an endless supply of wine and brandy there.

"God is dead!"

"God is really dead!"

"I don't believe it, it's fake, fake!"

Pathetic remarks spread in the civilized world. Such rumors are spread in taverns, squares, banquet halls... large or small gatherings.

Most people expressed sadness.

But some people say it doesn't matter.

They are all people at the bottom, and they have not received the light before. Although they have gained some benefits because of Lu Yan's welfare reform, they still harbor resentment.

Because those benefits came too late, their parents and sisters died of exhaustion, and they were either orphans or quasi-orphans.

Just a little bit of welfare, how can they change their hateful attitude?

At the same time, some savvy people began to adapt quickly to a world without the power of light.

To put it bluntly, when there was no divine power in the past, it was the same.

The generation of divine power is only a matter of the last hundred years. In ancient times, people could only get the enlightenment of civilization and know the direction of civilization development, and also did not have the gift of divine power.

Now it's just a return to the original.

Although many opportunities were lost, some opportunities were also gained.

For example, for some careerists, there is no **** watching over their heads, and they can do whatever they want.

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