Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1864: adapt

"The **** of light is dead, but darkness is forever."

The cathedral is empty.

The man in the black cloak was talking to the Pope.

No one here knows who this black cloak man is, but he is everywhere.

"You can still use the power of darkness?" the Pope wondered.

"Yes, the light is only temporary, the sun will go out, the stars will explode, but the darkness is permanent." The black cloak man laughed.

The Pope was silent.

The **** of light is gone, and the divine power of light is also decreasing day by day.

Huge consumption every day, but no growth.

Although he still relied on his previous divine power savings to maintain the dignity and decency of the church, he had long been riddled with holes in his heart and lost his support.

The high-ranking Pope's spiritual strength at this time is not as strong as that of a tramp.

"I don't believe that unless you can prove to me, the power of darkness can still grow." He stared at the black cloak man's eyes.

"How difficult it is, as long as you pray to the darkness, it will give you feedback."

The Pope was thoughtful, then lowered his head and prayed to the shadow in the corner of the cathedral.

At first, there was no movement.

I don't know how long it took, his skin began to bulge, and stripes of black lines appeared on his body, first the most secret armpits, then his chest, and finally his face.

"Ah! I don't want to be so ugly!" cried the Pope.

The black faded away, hidden in the muscles, under the skin, in the blood vessels...

"Have you felt it? That power is stronger than light, and lasts longer than light. As long as there is darkness, it will continue to flow." The black cloak man smiled.

The Pope nodded, then shook his head again: "Too ugly."

"When everyone is like this, the ugliest is also the most beautiful." The man in the black cape hinted.

"Okay, can you tell me, who are you?" The Pope felt the dark power in his body again and asked.

"I don't have a name, I'm just the agent of darkness." The man in the black cloak said, digging into the shadow under his feet and disappearing.

Really TM can pretend, the Pope pressed his chest and cursed inwardly.

What to do next?

By the way, if God is gone, let me become God myself.

The Pope began to hold new sacrifices and declared that he had obtained a new oracle: God is like parents. In order to let the world grow up, he has chosen to fall asleep. Before falling asleep, he will convert all power into the power of tranquility, and leave it to people to dig and use by themselves. .

Darkness, when you hear it, hangs up with evil, and changes it to the power of tranquility, and the name sounds much better.

People couldn't wait to believe what the Pope had in mind.

The power of light was lost, replaced by the power of darkness, no, the power of tranquility.

The only problem is that instead of bringing peace of mind, the power of tranquility will bring restlessness to the body.

Some people began to find that the entry will mutate, and the more proficient, the greater the mutation.

until it becomes completely unhuman.

Fortunately, there are always smart people. Under the strong demand, a priest invented the transformation technique, or the camouflage technique.

Let people continue to live in human form.

Although everyone knows that this is fake, it doesn't matter, as long as it looks real, it sounds real, and it tastes real, it is real.

The power of darkness is growing stronger.

People began to explore its various uses to replace the previous power of light.

In the end, it was found that its more usage was still transforming people's self, and the former power of light was more used to create tools and substances.

One inward and one outward.

It was discovered that the power of darkness can prolong life.

This is what some old people and sick people have discovered. They have transformed themselves into other forms, and the disease will naturally disappear, and the aging will also disappear.

This is very normal. If the disease in a human body is replaced by another biological form, it is very likely that it will be cured without medicine.

This made everyone go crazy.

The newly emerging bionics has suddenly become the most popular science.

"Which living body has the longest lifespan?"

"It must be a plant."

"But what's the point of being a plant? You can't eat or drink."

"Then become an elephant. Elephants can live for 80 years."

"Joke, people can live for 100 years. If you want me to say, it must be a whale. I heard that a whale can live for 200 years."

"Are you soaking in water every day? It's not good at all."

"Let me tell you, a hydra is an immortal life. We have observed it in our laboratory, and it has not shown any signs of aging. We have raised a dozen in the laboratory, and it has been more than 30 years now." Someone exploded. Shocking news.

Immortal Hydra?

Everyone was immediately interested in the hydra.

A closer look at its pictures, and then feel dismissive.

It turned out that its structure was too simple, with only a soft tubular body and five tentacles in front of its head.

It is a low-level small invertebrate animal.

There are many people who are dismissive, but some elderly people are not among them.

Among them is the Pope, who gathered a lot of people and began to use the power of darkness to evolve into a hydra.

The power of darkness is really strong, and it has achieved results after only half a year.

An old man who was dying of old age successfully transformed his body into a polyp and lived in water.

After repeated confirmation, the Pope finally chose to convert.

After all, he is already in his 80s, and there is not much to come.

In the past, there was light and divine power to maintain, but now UU Reading is gone, and we must seize the time to solve this problem.


Wen Rensheng saw the choice of this industrial civilization. The people here are very adaptable and quickly adapted to the days without light.

This is people, as long as the base is large enough, there will always be people who want to live.

Use all means to survive.

Well, it's time to give them some bigger tasks.

He opened the portal again.

I believe that the Pope will thank him.


Not bad for the winter, this year's winter is particularly cold.

Old Hode is a corpse collector. He has collected more than a hundred corpses this winter, several times the number in previous years.

"so cold!"

"Did a lot of homeless people freeze to death today?"

"Alas, since the **** of light has fallen asleep, there is no restraint on those factory owners. They don't even pay enough money to buy coal to the workers."

"My Healing Game"

"Aren't they afraid of worker riots? Darkness, no, the power of tranquility, but it's everywhere."

"Don't be afraid, they have developed a more advanced method of using the power of tranquility. Ordinary workers can only master low-level power. They have funds and hands, and can master intermediate and advanced levels. A master of the power of high-level tranquility can suppress it. A thousand people, ten thousand people."

"It's been tossing and turning, isn't it going back again?"

"Hey, how are we going to live? We sufferers, don't we have the day to turn over?"

"There is a way, the daughter next door will become a pine tree, and there will be no need to be afraid of cold or hunger in the future."

"is that so?"

Old Hodder listened to the chatter of the crowd on the street, and slowly pulled the two corpses away. Wherever he passed, everyone covered their noses and avoided it, as if seeing some plague.

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