Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1865: surrounded

Old Hodder pulled the body to a cemetery outside the city.

The cemetery is very large, and there is a cemetery watcher's hut in the depths.

After arriving at the cemetery, he did not bury the body on the spot, but dragged it into the hut.

Inside the hut, there is a bed on one side and a bed on the other side.

It's just that one bed is for the dead, and the other bed is for the dead.

Old Hodder actually lives in the city, didn't you think?

He picked out the two best looking corpses from the fresh corpses and placed them on two beds.

Then take out axes, saws, chisels, knives…

Then start working.

"The heart that Mr. Lewis needs, the liver that Mr. Wilde needs, the kidneys that Mr. Fang Ace needs, the eyes that Mr. Zhang Pete needs..."

One by one, he dug out the organs and threw them haphazardly into a stainless steel dish.

Graveyard Story.

He worked hard, from evening to dawn.

He packed up the organs and put them into the box one by one.

"It's better in winter, even if you leave it for a few days, it won't stink, and you don't need to use the power given by the gods."

He muttered to himself, then taped the box one note after another, and finally put it into a tree in the woods outside the hut.

He turned around to leave, thought for a while, then stretched out his hands on the boxes and touched them.

After touching it, pieces of silvery white frost appeared on the box.

After doing all this, he transformed himself into a gentleman.

Walking to the main road, I called a car and went to sleep in the city.

It's good in town, you can live a comfortable day with just one gold dinar, everything you need.

He didn't see that there were two men in black following him all the time.

"Is this guy colluding with the evil god?" said the man in black.

"Yes, we followed him for three years. Since three years ago, he has been serving the evil spirits. In a week, he is a master for two days and a corpse collector for three days. He does nothing for two days. Pray there." Person B in black replied.

"Cthulhu? Oh, one left, another one, when will humans have free will?" The man in black shook his head.

"..." Person B in black didn't understand what A meant, but he always found it meaningful.

The two have been following old Hodder and staring at him for a day.

Just as old Hodder walked out of the hotel contentedly and turned into a deserted alley, the two moved.

Sap, sack, car, a set to take away.

"Is it so easy? I thought his **** had given him so much power." The man in black said disdainfully.

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap the poor and lowly widowed old Hodder?" Old Hodder sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense, talk about it, your evil god."

"That's not the evil god, the **** of light has fallen, what is the power of tranquility? That is the power of darkness, I have converted to a new god, you all have a look, just look at it, the real god, immortal, forever You won't fall, your hearts will always have support." Old Hodder said with a frenzy on his face.

"Since you are so devout, why do you still go to the hotel? Shouldn't you pray every day?"

"No, no, I went to the hotel to make me feel better when I pray. Only by staying at the peak of my spirit can I pray better."

"Well, let's see if it's our whip or your god."

The car came to an underground interrogation room.

People are tied, bricks are put on, the stove is fired, the hooks are put...

Before he started, Old Hodder made all the moves.

"I said, I said, the evil **** I worship is a world of ice and snow. When I saw snow one day, and then a piece of ice and snow appeared in my mind. It didn't say anything, just displayed a line of words on the ice, Let me win more and more people."

"Then how did you win?"

"First dismantle the organs. Many gentlemen who cultivate the power of darkness need various organs for backup, and then draw them to the Great God of Ice and Snow. In this way, there is no need for an ice cellar to preserve the organs."

Well, there were no refrigerators at this time, and the refrigerator was invented in 1923.

The tech tree has been imprisoned.

"How many masters have taken refuge with you?"

"Master Lewis, Master Wilde, Master Fang Ace, Master Zhang Pete..." Old Hodder said one by one.

If you listen carefully, those of his clients are all believers of the Great God of Ice and Snow.

"Isn't there any drawbacks?" The man in black frowned.

"Yes, Mr. Wilde is getting more and more indifferent, more and more stingy, and even drove a few sons and daughters out of the house, even kept the clothes and jewelry, the well-to-do rich boy has become a homeless, hey... "Old Hodder shook his head.

Sure enough, it is evil, neither the God of Light nor the God of Darkness asks believers to do this.

The man in black shook his head, then asked, "Then why are you alright?"

"Because I said I'm a lonely old man." Old Hodder couldn't help but despise.

Then he got two whips.

Then there were patches of frost on him.

"Hurry up and put him in the fireplace!"

Soon old Hodder was thrown into the fireplace.

Make a fire, throw firewood.

As a result, the flames were quickly extinguished.

Pieces of melted water flowed out of the fireplace.

Old Hodder was gone.

Everyone knows that he is dead.


Wen Rensheng looked at this civilization, and it had been targeted by the headmaster of Ice Wall. UU Reading

This is a matter of course, the other party is playing chess for rationality and energy.

He intentionally made this civilization stick to the headmaster of Ice Wall.

What to do after gluing?

Principal of Ice Wall is not an ordinary BOSS, it has no fixed entity, no fixed location, it is a conceptual source life.

In this case, the normal way of pushing the boss, the way of war, is completely inapplicable.

How to seal the other party?

Again, play chess.

Have you ever played chess?

You can't eat your opponent, it doesn't matter, go down in other places, and slowly make contact with each other.

The same is true of Wen Rensheng's approach.

When the headmaster of the ice wall got heavy under the piece, taking up most of its power, it couldn't give up.

If it is abandoned, this part will turn back to the host and become the real it, and it will become a clone, a substitute, a water without a source, a tree without a root...

This is Wen Rensheng's plan.

He was satisfied with it: what a terrifying plan that only his wisdom could have conceived, and only his execution could accomplish.

To change someone else, I'm afraid I can't even think of it. You must know that fighting against disasters is not about fighting and killing, but about resourcefulness and planning.

However, there is still a problem. Just playing chess slowly is still too slow.

So rely on stickiness, stick together the world that the other party has occupied, and take the initiative to create a big dragon for the other party.

It is equivalent to taking the initiative to connect the opponent's pieces when playing chess. On the chessboard, you must not do this. The opponent will be alive when they are connected, and you will not be able to surround the opponent.

But reality is not exactly chess, reality can be constantly surrounded.

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