Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1868: fortress

The ghoul is only the first one, and across the sea, the major forces still have time to react.

Many small alliances began to spontaneously form two major military alliances, the Emerald Alliance in the South, and the Gem Pact in the North.

The Allies and the Allies do not target each other, but only target third-party monster forces.

This is the result of church coordination.

Although they were secretly rejected, the church still had to do some personnel work on the surface.

Otherwise, no one will listen.

The two major forces established regular naval patrols along the main shipping lanes.

Wen Rensheng looked at this civilization like a worm facing danger, and began to shrink his body instinctively, this is to resist the risk.

Can they resist the fusion of many worlds?

To know that these worlds have their own destructive forces, this civilization must be able to resist, so as to have the opportunity to deal with stronger disaster principals.


There are more and more radiation ghouls, and they finally run out of the island.

With the help of the current, they took advantage of the night to break through the blockade of the ships of the Alliance and the Entente, and came to the southern land.

"Monster!" When a village was attacked, the villagers picked up second-hand tattered rifles that had been issued long ago and began to resist.

Their resistance, however, failed.

Because they didn't expect that after the ghoul, there would be mutant cockroaches.

This kind of monster crawling on the ground is too dense.

Not the sparse firepower of the rifle can stop it.

Only a dozen young men who usually go to the sea to fish came out of the village.

They came to a nearby fortress to report.

The fortress major was shocked when he heard it.

"I didn't expect the monster to land so quickly? Send a report immediately." He said to the adjutant.

"We haven't verified the authenticity of the news yet." The adjutant wondered.

"This must be true, no one will joke about the death of their own arm and their relatives!" The major glanced at the dozen or so people, and some of them had their arms injured and only had a simple bandage.

If this is also false, then I really don't know what these people are trying to do with false news.

The adjutant went to send the report immediately.

Wen Rensheng nodded, this major can be promoted.

He applies a lucky 5 to the opponent.

This lucky 5 guarantees the opponent to save five deaths.

If he couldn't grow up after five death saves, then forget it, indicating that the world didn't put too much luck on him.

Many heroes, in fact, died too early and did not grow up.

They really aren't any worse than the others, just a little bit luckier.

Some people are stronger, but lose because of luck. This is not what Wen Rensheng wants to see.

After the major of the fortress sent a report, he ordered a dozen villagers to settle down, and then sent messengers to start emergency evacuation of surrounding villages and towns, as well as orders to recruit civilians.

The messenger quickly rode away.

The major then asked the soldiers to start sorting out their weapons and preparing for battle. Some of them began to prepare the trenches and widen and deepen the trenches.

Put wood in the trench, connect the oil pipeline, and try to burn for a longer time.

Gasoline is highly volatile and cannot be poured into the trench until the enemy is close.

It didn't take long, just half a day later, at the fortress located on the main traffic road, a large shadow was seen in the distance.

The ghouls came after the villagers.

They waved their arms and staggered, about half the speed of ordinary people, and about hundreds of heads.

This made the major relieved.

There are 350,000 rounds of ammunition and 300 shells in the fortress. This is just a small fortress.

Large fortresses have reserves of tens of millions of bullets and tens of thousands of shells.

After all, the civilized world has entered the industrial age.

"The snipers are free to fire, the first company is ready to fire! The second company is ready, the third company is resting. The artillery company is ready for shells." The major issued the order methodically.

There are four companies in the entire fortress, one company has 150 people, including the orderlies, there are about 700 people.


The first bullet was fired.

Hit the bone in the ghoul's chest, and the ghoul was directly hit by the bullet and flew out, knocking down two companions in a row.

"This hardness?" The sniper who shot the bullet was surprised.

According to his combat experience, the bullet hit a person with a big hole, and the person would even crack.

Bullets generally penetrate the human body and will not have the effect of hitting them.

This is somewhat different from the information I have seen before.

It was said before that a ghoul could be easily killed with a rifle, but now, his sniper rifle uses special bullets, which cannot be killed directly.

It seems that they have been in this world for a long time, and they have begun to strengthen automatically.

Is it absorbed the power of tranquility?

The sniper removed the distractions and aimed at the second ghoul, this time he chose the opponent's head.

Generally, snipers rarely hit the head directly, because the head target is still too small.

The bullet went through the face, the head exploded, and the ghoul fell.

This relieved the sniper, thankfully not the strength of the armored train.

At the end of the 19th century there were armored trains, but no tanks, because the development of gasoline and diesel engines was not perfect.

Bullet after bullet, the sniper's rate of fire was still slow, and soon the ghouls approached the first line of defense: a deep and wide trench.

It is three meters deep and five meters wide. It faces the side of the fortress, and the shooting circle is deliberately reserved. The fortress can shoot to every place in the trench, so as to ensure that it will not be used by the enemy. Now Zhang Si

Driven by instinct, the ghouls fell directly into the trench.

They weren't completely stupid though, they were crowded together so that when a dozen or so were pinned down, the other ghouls could get past them.

The infantry opened fire, and the bullets were accurate, because they had been specially trained for the location of the trench. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

The bullets smashed the ghoul's skin into a pile of tatters, revealing pale bones.

But they can still move unless you hit them directly in the head. UU reading

The fortress major and the soldiers are not surprised at all, because they have also seen cases where many disabled people can still move under the power of tranquility.

They shoot steadily, hide in safe and thick concrete and steel fortresses, and shoot at enemies without long-range attack capabilities, which will give people a joy of target shooting and hunting.

Soon the soldiers began to compete spontaneously, and everyone bet that whoever had the most hits would get a free drink in the evening, and others would take their rations.

The fort major took a tacit stance on this.

Or let them relax first, not too nervous.

But soon, when the first five-meter-tall Death Claw charged with bullets, everyone became nervous.

This thing is quite fast, comparable to a 40-kilometer car.

At the end of the 19th century, around 1880, there were already three-wheeled vehicles with gasoline engines.

It's just slow.

But 40 kilometers per hour, in the eyes of people, is very fast.

The trench can't stop this thing at all, its intelligence is quite high, and it jumps over directly.

Hundreds of meters of obstacles, as well as barbed wire, are no match for it.

"We should dig ten meters deep."

"It was you who said that digging two meters was enough."

It is too shallow when used, and too deep when digging.

Deathclaws paid the price of all the wounds and rushed to the fortress.

It quickly found the muzzle of the machine gun, and then stretched out its claws to draw the machine gun. control the big lord

Fortunately, at this time, the sniper had already found its weakness, switched to armor-piercing bullets in time, and shot it at the joint of its neck.

Death claw falls.

The fortress turned the corner.

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