Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1869: cockroach

Falling in love with, mystery makes me strong

"It seems that these monsters from other worlds are nothing more than that."

"That's right, I killed four heads just now."

"I killed five heads."

"You are not as good as me."

The soldiers smoked cigarettes, held wine bottles in the fortress, and took turns to rest.

They were in high spirits. At first they were unknown and fearful, but after they finished, they became excited and excited, just like the candidates who just finished the college entrance examination and got a good grade.

One brother survived and killed hundreds of monsters. This feat is enough for them to brag for a long time, in exchange for a lot of rewards and glory.

However, the fortress major, who was leading people to clean up and study the corpse, was not so optimistic.

"How much ammunition was consumed?" he asked the logistics staff.

"There are about 290,000 rounds of ammunition left, and the shells are basically not consumed." The logistics staff gave a rough figure.

"In the first battle, 60,000 rounds of ammunition were consumed, and only hundreds of monsters who did not understand any tactics were killed." The major's eyes were solemn.

"The main reason is that the last dinosaur monster consumed a lot. When it approached quickly, many soldiers panicked and shot continuously, forgetting the burst shot. The calm sniper found the weakness and solved it. It was only a monster. , I'm afraid it will consume thousands of bullets." The logistics staff gave the reason.

"If there were more monsters like this, and if we knew how to outflank, would we still be as relaxed as we are now?" the major murmured.

"Impossible, they are a group of beasts, and even the IQ of the beasts is not as good as..." The logistics staff said here, thinking of the cunning dinosaur monster, and couldn't help but stop, "That is, the IQ is higher than that of a tiger."

"Tigers put on armor, I'm afraid we can't be easily locked in a cage and admired." The major shook his head, and then asked people to work harder.

Further reinforcement of trenches, horses, barbed wire, and earthen walls…

The second wave of monsters came four days later.

As soon as they came over, let the soldiers who were chatting and laughing take a breath of cold air.

They are very weak, much worse than the previous terrifying death claws, but they are overwhelming and dense.

Yes, they are the most common radiation cockroaches in radiation!

The density in the game is not high, that is because there is not much food in the wasteland to allow them to multiply.

But this civilized world has enough food resources.

Everyone knows the reproduction speed of cockroaches. When you see a cockroach in your home, there is no doubt that there are a hundred of them waiting for you hiding in various corners.

With the naked eye, the past is boundless, and there is a similar scene on earth, that is, lemmings migrate and finally throw themselves into the sea. It is not suicide, but the migration is blocked by the sea.

The key is that those cockroaches are the size of two human feet, how many bullets can they consume?

"Send a warning to the rear immediately, open the valve, pour in gasoline, and set it on fire when the bugs enter! Close all the doors of the fortress, except for the snipers, all other shooting ports are blocked!" The major immediately gave an order.

In this case, there is no point in shooting these cockroaches.

These cockroaches are at least hundreds of thousands, and their ammunition is completely useless.

But he saw the weakness of the cockroach: the attack power is low, and I am afraid it cannot destroy the door of the fortress.

The fortress has no ordinary windows, and the door is also an iron door, which is ventilated through ventilation holes.

As long as the cockroaches don't climb in through the ventilation channel, they can continue to hold on.

The soldiers were well-trained and moved quickly.

When the cockroaches poured into the trench, the flames rose rapidly.

Pieces of scorching stench came to the fortress, and many soldiers understood the meaning of closing the firing ports: if they were not sealed, the stench alone would kill them.

It's just closed. If the big guy comes again, the fortress will be finished.

Fortunately, their worries were not established, and the big guy didn't come.

And the radiant cockroaches are not playing tower defense games.

Although they sensed that there was a lot of food inside...the outer shell of the food was too hard, and the taste was rapidly diminishing, and there were terrifyingly hot flames around.

And there are more easily available food in the distance, just take a detour.

Most of the cockroaches began to detour.

"Look, they ran away!" The soldiers at the observation post shouted excitedly.

But there are still a small number of cockroaches, driven by instinct, they don't bother to go far, they just want to break through the fortress in front of them and eat the meat in the shell.

The forest is getting bigger, and there are always kinds of things.

Among the hardworking ants or bees, about 10% of them will not do any work after birth, and they will find a corner to lie down when they are not able to use any pheromone...

These lazy cockroaches stayed nearby, patiently waiting for the flames to go out.

After the gasoline was burnt out, the lazy cockroaches rushed up. At this time, they were much more diligent than the partners who left.

It's a pity that they can't speak, otherwise, they will definitely say: "Crush! Crush! Crush!"

Because the shooting holes were blocked, the soldiers did not shoot, only sporadic bullets were shot out to destroy the particularly large mutants.

The cockroaches quickly crossed the trenches, climbed over the barbed wire, and climbed over the horses. These facilities used to guard against people are too fragile when facing cockroaches that can climb walls.

They soon came to the fortress wall.

The fortress is not high, only five meters high, less than the height of a two-story building. It was built to guard against artillery.

A fortress that is too high is a target for a cannon.

But now the soldiers hope that the fortress can be 20 meters high like the ancient city walls.

But that obviously doesn't make sense, cockroaches can climb walls.

They swarmed up, and although only a small part remained, about one-tenth of the original number, they still easily filled the fortress that occupied an area of ​​​​a football field.

They drilled around, trying to find a breakthrough.

Finally, some cockroaches found the vent and began to try to attack the vent.

The major had anticipated this, and ordered the soldiers to hold the vents.

As the first cockroach got into the vent, it fell into the fortress.

The sound of bullets began to intensify. UU reading

The cockroaches were killed one by one.

However, more and more cockroaches came in.

The major arranged the soldiers in several possible entrances and took turns to guard them.

He has already sent a telegram, this fortress has completed its mission, and even if it is destroyed, it is within the acceptance range of the rear officers.

But of course he didn't want to die.

However, they couldn't retreat immediately, because the order received was to delay the enemy's footsteps as much as possible and buy time for the rear to prepare.

To put it bluntly, it's just a matter of life and time.

Without an order to retreat from the rear, if you retreat without authorization, you will be shot.

And now, he relies on a few people to hold down one tenth of the enemy, and he has completed the task anyway.

No one will hold him accountable.

Bullets are getting fewer and fewer, and more and more cockroaches are pouring into the fortress.

The first casualty appeared. A soldier had his eyes soaked with sweat and could not see for a while. A cockroach broke through the defense line and bit him **** his calf!

The smell of blood stimulated the lazy cockroaches behind, they went crazy and crawl faster.

One by one, they fell into the fortress, attacking all the living creatures they could see.

The bullets were firing faster, and some people were chopping with axes.

It took a lot of effort to push these cockroaches back, but the unfortunate news came that the ammunition was wearing out too fast, and it would not last for seven days.

The major ordered everyone to put on heavy weapons such as axes, and then blocked the air vents until only one remained, and then had them dig smaller air vents elsewhere so that cockroaches couldn't get in.

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