Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1876: Demagogic

Wen Rensheng watched the whole process strongly, and it was he who opened it for Sauron.

The name of the other party called "Sauron" was also the reason for attracting his attention.

Werewolf killing, if you don't hang up, is very unfriendly to the audience, and you have to think hard about who is right.

There are all kinds of probability logic, big and small.

If you're good at listening to the other person's tone of voice, you're half the battle.

Now Sauron won the first game, and his price was another life.

Thinking about it, Wen Rensheng restored the other party to five.

After all, the other party has entered a new world, so is it normal to reset the fate?

Think about it, and then give the other party a chance to hang up.

As the selected protagonist, the speed of this force increase is a bit slow.

Thinking about many martial arts protagonists, they were in their 20s when they first appeared, and they were still in their 20s when they knocked down the BOSS.

Thinking of this, he gave Sauron the "trusted" hanging. As long as it is not an obvious logical explosion, as long as there is a logical possibility, people will believe it.

Plus a "low sense of presence", unless he is the only citizen and a **** left, the wolf will not stab him.

Unless he's the only wolf left, he won't be thrown out or poisoned, shot and taken.

Add it, forget it, add it and it will make this guy float.


The second game begins again.

Still a pre-hunter, Sauron is just a civilian card.

But when he came up, he jumped to the prophet and clicked on the wolf pit.

The real prophet also jumped and let him retreat, how could he retreat?

Just don't go back.

The wolf is also beating the prophet.

He thought he was unlikely to be elected sheriff, but the majority voted for him anyway.

What else is there to say, directly apply for inspection and the order of inspection.

The real prophet was stunned. He tried to check according to the order provided by the other party, and found that they were all correct.

And what surprised him was that the wolf didn't kill the sheriff's prophet. Could it be that the other party was actually a jumping wolf?

It's just that one wolf after another is thrown out, one wolf is poisoned, and another is shot and taken away by a hunter.

The game is won after only two rounds!

"Game over, the good guys win."

Sauron achieved two consecutive victories, and he got his own reward, two days of meals.

"If you want higher rewards, you have to go to higher games and accept a greater price for failure. If you fail here, there is no punishment, just a little tiredness." The real prophet said to him during the replay.

Sauron understood, and he was an alien, death was true death, and the price could not be higher.

In this case, why not try the most serious werewolf killing?

Only by playing chess with masters can you rapidly increase your strength.

When he thought of it, he did it. He asked someone to inquire about it, and he knew how to enter the high-end battle situation.

One is based on achievements, the other is based on cost.

The former is easy to say, if you have a high record, you will naturally be able to enter the high-end game.

The latter is that you ask the host to say that you can enter the corresponding game at whatever price you are willing to pay.

Sauron thought for a while and decided to pay the price of one leg to participate in the corresponding match.

Losing this match is about losing a leg.

He has two left, which he can throw twice.

If you win the game, you can win back a leg or strengthen your physical fitness.

These rewards are not possible in low-end games.

He soon joined the corresponding match.

The identity is No. 1, the White Wolf King.

This is the board of the White Wolf King, and the **** is the guardian of the prophet witch hunter.

White Wolf King can choose to take a player away when he self-destructs during the day.

Self-destruction cannot happen in the last words stage and the voting stage.

Skills cannot be activated when expelled by vote.

So once he finds that the situation is unfavorable, someone wants to vote for him, and when most people agree, he will blow himself up immediately.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of an opportunity to kill.

How could he choose to blow himself up?

To know that he died is to truly feel the pain of a death.

So he told his younger brothers that he wanted to dance as a prophet.

In fact, what he wanted most was to be a true prophet.

How cool is it to take away four wolves in two rounds?

Vote to cast away two wolves, the witch poisons one wolf, and the hunter takes away one wolf.

But when you think about it, it's actually better now.

Because he knew exactly who the **** card was.

The first night knife witch, to prevent the antidote, this board witch cannot save herself the whole process.

On the first day, he got up during the day and cast off the guards, and at night he stabbed the hunter. The hunter shot and took away the last prophet he appointed.

The hunter cannot vote for him, because as long as the other party hears that the prophet votes for him, he will know that he is a false prophet.

There is no small probability of the wrong vote. The hunters have jumped their identities and voted for him. Isn't it a wolf?

The four gods are gone, and there is no need to wait until the second day.

"Knife No. 12, listen to me. If I jump the Prophet, I can win in two rounds. If someone jumps to the Hunter, you should jump." He said directly.

"All right."

Another round of police operations.

He successfully got the sheriff.

"Player No. 1 was elected sheriff. No. 12 died yesterday. Please leave a message for player No. 12. Please choose the order of speeches for this round."

No. 12: "I'm a witch, NND, I died without a bottle of medicine, the wolf knife is so accurate! Am I playing for nothing? Forget it, I don't have any information, but player No. 1 spoke. It's more credible, everyone listen to his votes, let's go."

Sauron smiled, it is good to hang up.

Especially in this unpredictable game.

Soon he had everyone voted on the guards. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The guard was thrown out inexplicably.

In the last words of the guard, he cursed, saying that Sauron must be a false prophet, but he could not prove his identity by himself, and he could not prove it to others by shooting.

It would be great if he was an idiot, and he could prove his identity on the flop.

That is nonsense.

The werewolf killed the real hunter again at night.

The hunter listened to the conversation of the day, took away the true prophet that Sauron said, and shot the true prophet as a wolf.

"The game is over, the werewolf wins."

A good man has two words on his forehead: I am rough.

This failed too quickly.

Then each will lose a leg.

Played for no more than 15 minutes in total, which was way too fast.

At the beginning, there was very little information, and everyone had nothing to say, everyone was very careful, and all kinds of logic and possibilities were discussed.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to lose the four gods in two rounds, unless the luck is particularly bad.

This is a game with one leg pressed!

During the replay, everyone found the problem.

"Hunter, what did you do? Why did you take me, the true prophet? Although I fought against him, I also checked the right person. With the face of the true prophet, why can't you shoot me and take me?" The prophet was depressed.

If the hunters don't shoot him directly, but take away the wolf that jumped the prophet at No. 1, they still have a chance to win.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that No. 1's words are very credible. I suspect that he has acquired some kind of demagogic ability." The hunter guessed.

Sauron was shocked when he heard the review, but fortunately everyone was wearing masks and didn't know each other.

"This explains it all. I said that his logic is not very good. Why do you all believe him?" The guard who was thrown out suddenly realized.

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