Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1877: Destroy 1 life

After the replay, everyone agreed that player No. 1 had hung up and was the guy who came to play the game with abilities.

They expressed their strong... envy.

"Damn, I want this ability too."

"Can you put me and No. 1 in the same camp next time?"

"God, why is it so unfair?"

Sauron was secretly shocked. These people were really high-end players, and they saw him through in one round.

It's a shame that he was trying to hide his abilities before.

It seems completely unnecessary now.

Everyone seems to be surprised by this.

At the end of the review, the good people who failed, everyone lost a leg.

And the werewolves have one more leg, and some of them are transformed into physical fitness without the increase of legs.

And he felt that his speed had improved a lot.

The upper limit of speed depends on talent, just like 100 meters, everyone trains together, some people can run in ten seconds, but you can't run for ten seconds even if you work hard.

At this moment, Sauron felt that if he ran 100 meters, he might be able to run for ten seconds.

This is still based on his lack of any scientific training.

The physique with one more leg is so terrifying.

The fastest speed of the cheetah can reach 100 meters in five seconds. The two are also competing for 100 meters, and the gap is too large.

He was so excited that he decided to take part in the game.

And decided to let go of myself a little bit.

The second game started soon.

He got the civilian card.

When it was his turn to speak: "Everyone, listen to me, I have supernatural powers, and the wolf pit is 2, 7, 9, 11. Don't have any doubts, voodoo, everyone votes, if the hunter is stabbed, just shoot and bring ,pass."

"..." Everyone was stunned.

"You are too arrogant..." said Wolf No. 7, who spoke next, "Don't believe him, he must be lying to us."

In the first round, no one believed him, but no one came out with him. Everyone came out with someone who didn't speak very well.

But the prophet quietly tested it, and then said: "What he said is true. I tested No. 9 at random, and it is indeed a wolf. Other behaviors are also very similar to a wolf. You can follow what he said."

Soon, after three rounds, the wolves were all gone.

"Game over, the good guys win."

During the replay, Werewolf No. 2 was furious: "This is blatant cheating, no one cares, right?"

"Haha, when it's your turn to cheat, you must be happy." The prophet laughed.

It was the easiest game he'd ever played, without a single thought.

"This can't be done, I have to complain to the host!" Werewolf No. 7 gritted his teeth.

"Complaining is useless, the ability must be obtained from the game, and you can restrain yourself with the ability." The hunter shook his head.

The crowd was silent.

Now it's a leg game. If it's a life game, it must be full of abilities.

Just like in real life, some people are born as cows and horses, and some people are born in Rome. If you don't agree, go back and reincarnate.

Werewolf kills the world, it is said to be a game, but there is no fairness in the game.

People's kryptonite gold, is it still the same?

Everyone is very depressed, and many people have come into contact with supernatural powers for the first time.

Just heard of it before.

Sauron continued the game, invincible all the way.

The name of the power is easy to use.

Of course, everyone is a high-end player. It is not that he believes what he says, and it has to be verified for a round.

As long as it is verified, it is no brains to stand by his side.

When a good man and a good man win in two rounds, when a wolf wolf also wins in two rounds and three rounds.

Unless the luck is too bad, I will be killed on the first night, but there is also a chance to speak to the police.

When the wolf points out the **** card or the civilian card in advance, and cannot point out all the cards, it is self-destruction.

Anyway, the wolf understands who is the people and who is the god, so he can kill it.

Wolves have a point of view.

Anyway, he has won all the way, and his physical fitness will soon be comparable to the strongest Hercules in the world.

Until he encounters an opponent with the same ability!

This round is pre-hunter + dreamer, werewolf is three wolves + shadow of nightmare, 4 civilians.

This time he took the civilian card.

And that night, when he opened his eyes and watched everyone move, someone suddenly found him!

The man wore a panda mask and stared at his every move, as if he had noticed that he could see other people's actions at night.

Immediately afterwards, he found that the werewolves were not doing anything.

No words, no werewolves opened their eyes, and time passed.

How can this be judged?

Wait, the werewolf himself has no tactics, and can only mess around.

This means that the werewolves, like the good people, have to use their speech to judge who is good and who is bad, and who is their teammate.

He encountered difficulties, and at this time Sauron was not thinking of overcoming difficulties.

Instead, "Make my hang a little stronger!"

Fortunately, it is demagogic, and a low sense of presence can still take effect.

But he couldn't see who the werewolf was. He could only rely on others to speak, as well as the skills of a prophet and a witch, to judge who was a wolf.

Then follow along.

Unsurprisingly, he was trapped by a werewolf, and the other party jumped up against the prophet, speaking with a righteousness and awe.

And the real prophet, the speech is also good, but it is a little worse.

So the first round of sheriffs went to the wolf.

The wolf then returned the vote to a civilian in the focus position and pushed the opponent out of the game; at night, he stabbed the real prophet.

Sauron felt that there was a lot of trouble.

The true prophet was identified, and his words became the truth.

But the prophet's two rounds of killings are golden water, which can only be used to drain pits, and cannot directly point out who is the wolf.

There was no way for Sauron to stand on the other side either, everyone pretended to be a good person.

I didn't hang up, and as expected, playing this game is frightening, life and death are unpredictable.

The only luck is that he won't be out until he becomes the last Miner.

He had to listen carefully and memorize it carefully.

In the end, I finally met a master, and the other party jumped the hunter card, and the werewolf would not rashly stab him.

He just followed the hunter without a brain, and then bewitched everyone else to listen to the hunter.

At the end of the game, the werewolf wins.

The hunter turned out to be a wolf.

In other words, Sauron was playing for the werewolf the whole time.

Take the initiative to send a leg out.

"Ah! I want to hang stronger!"

"I want to see through everyone's cards, and I want unlimited guns, unlimited poison, and let whoever want to be out of the game!"

"Call me, Game Balance Breaker!"

Of course, Sauron's words were useless.

Wen Rensheng couldn't give him any more.

In fact, he saw it too.

A guy with a promising future lost his courage to move forward after he got hung up, and he thought of cheating to pass the test in any difficulty, rather than relying on his own ability.

what is this?

It just means he lost.

Is it just Sauron who can comprehend this?

Hope he can do it.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself and decided to find another person to have a look.

Sealing disasters requires many heroes.


Wen Rensheng's eyes turned to another person. This person was also from the civilized world, but he went to the radiation world to work hard.

His background was much worse than that of Major Sauron, he was just a crippled landless peasant.

Illiteracy, entering a factory, breaking a leg...

All negative buffs are gathered together.

Zhu Yuanzhang is still healthy and handsome.

His starting point is much lower than that of Zhu Yuanzhang.

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