Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1890: eat grass

"What's the matter?" Yang Weite asked the captain.

"Chief of Staff, it was she who led the attack just now. Those radiant hyenas were hunting her, but she ran to our camp and made those guys divert their targets," the captain replied.

"Oh, what's your name?" Yang Weite asked.

The black and thin girl didn't answer, biting her index finger in her mouth.

"Give her a piece of candy."

A piece of hard candy slipped from the soldier's pocket into the little girl's hand.

The other party smelled it and couldn't wait to eat it.

After eating, he still looked at them blankly.

"Can't understand our words?" Yang Weite said with a headache.

"She should be the descendant of a degenerate," the captain said suddenly.


"It's those gathering points that have lost civilization, lost knowledge inheritance, and only have primitive wisdom. At best, they are stronger than those of the Neolithic Age. We call them degenerates. It seems that we have really come to the wild world." The captain said helplessly.

"It turns out that, let me think about it, yes, Mr. Qiaoshou." Yang Weite waved, and Mr. Qiaoshou, who was harassing the soldiers in the distance, floated over.

"I killed eight dogs with my Gatling just now! Am I good?" Mr. Skillful said proudly.

"Great, can you talk to the descendants of this degenerate?" Yang Weite pointed at the little girl and said.

"Yes, I used to follow the old popsicles, no, when the respected Mr. Knight ran around, I dealt with them a lot. Later, when Mr. Knight had a more powerful entourage, he abandoned me in the villa. Fortunately, I still With you." Mr. Qiaoshou chattered endlessly.

"Hahaha, well, I won't do that, please talk to her."

Soon after Mr. Qiaoshou's dialogue, Yang Weite learned that the little girl's name was "Tona".

She also forgot where her home was.

When she was out to work with the adults, she was attacked by a hyena and ran away in a hurry.

That is, she was lost.

But this is no problem.

The drone was released.

Tona's trajectory was quickly found.

In the end, it was discovered that her home was only three kilometers away.

Well, this distance is actually far enough.

In this kind of barren forest, there are no landmarks. If you can't grasp the direction, it is easy to get lost.

The other party's home is a broken wooden house, and there are even more broken wooden houses nearby.

There are many houses, and this is still a large gathering point, at least there are thousands of people.

In the middle of the wooden house, there is a concrete house around it.

In the concrete house, there lived a fat man.

The fat man has a shotgun in his hand.

Tona looked at the tablet in Yang Weite's hand in surprise.

There is a familiar house on it, and there is a terrible lord.

Yes, that fat man is obviously a civilized person, or a semi-civilized person, or a degenerate person who has acquired the relics of a civilized person.

reign supreme here.

That shotgun obviously couldn't stop the hyenas, but it didn't matter, as long as their leader felt threatened, it was enough.

Anyway, there are a lot of prey here, there is no need to mess with this guy.

Like stealing a child or two or dragging an unwary adult.

"It seems that we don't need to camp here. The gathering point of the degenerates is our first settlement." Yang Weite said without hesitation.

"Bring them civilization." The captain followed.

"well said."


Half an hour later, all the degenerates who could come out watched the situation of their lord being hanged.

Then, these old men who can breathe out flames are automatically regarded as new lords.

I just don't understand what the old man said.

Fortunately, the words of an iron-skinned monster can be understood and act as a translator between them.

There is no need to say more about the reason why the fat man was hanged.

In short, how bad it is, how bad it is, to the extent that civilized people want to shoot him as soon as he hears it.

"They can only eat this kind of beans every day. It has a small amount of toxicity. It is a degenerate radiation version of soybeans." The captain took a bowl of boiled rotten beans and showed it to Yang Weite.

Yang Weite smelled it, and it was very unpleasant, but he could bear it.

Because in the civilized world of the 19th century, he had eaten food that was not much better than this.

In other words, people here are green and natural.

He ate moldy bread with sawdust and stones.

At least this bean doesn't have to worry about biting off its precious teeth.

Otherwise, primitive factories are much scarier than primitive societies.

Primitive people can live in their thirties, while primitive factories can only live for three years on average.

"Well, think of a way to slowly transform them. Starting from the education of the children, the adults will let them do some road building and land reclamation work, and give them some nutritional cream." Yang Weite quickly made arrangements.

Children under the age of ten are still blank and easier to perfuse.

After the age of ten, you are basically an adult, and you can't learn.

Babies are best, just raise them as normal people.

Soon this settlement, under the decision of the gentlemen, embarked on a new path.


Tona felt like she had entered what the Fat Lord said was heaven.

I can eat every morning, and I don't have to work during the day, but just sit and listen to the babble of the iron-skinned nagging monster.

It's more comfortable than working in dangerous places.

So comfortable that she and her friends didn't believe it was true.

When everyone eats, they have to bite each other, lest it be a dream.

Eat one at noon and another at night.

They also have toothpaste and toothbrushes, which are amazing. After brushing them, their mouths are full of bubbles. UU Reading is still a little sweet.

But don't eat it.

Good-hearted gentlemen, please keep in charge here.

This is the voice of everyone.

It's a pity that most of the masters left, and only five masters stayed.

Mr. Tin also left, and taught them only a few days, and a female master took his place.

But the female master speaks noticeably slowly, and always in a strange way.

And female masters obviously prefer two or three-year-old babies to their older children.

But Tona didn't hold any resentment. Every day, she and her friends helped each other with their work, taking care of the children and cleaning.

The other four male masters were patrolling nearby, doing some work that they couldn't understand.

A tall wooden pole stands up.

They also organized adults to build more wooden fences and demolished some dilapidated houses.

Re-level the road.

What adults eat every day comes from the stomach of a strange thing.

That thing is square, with grass, wood, and flowers thrown into it, and a green lake will appear below.

Green Lake Lake is delicious, with many flavors, salty, sweet, and various aromas.

In short, every adult can eat three bowls.

It didn't stop until it was forbidden to eat.

The hard work of the farm is gone, and everyone only needs to send ten tenths of their staff to mow the grass outside every day.

And there is grass outside, and there is no need to take care of it. A piece of land is cut off, and it is overgrown after half a month.

They grow much faster than grain. If it wasn't for everyone who couldn't eat grass, who would want to grow grain?

And that thing can eat grass and turn grass into food.

That thing is called God by everyone.

Isn't the thing that can provide food indefinitely the god?

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