Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1891: spider

"Roy, this nutritional ointment making machine is worshipped by those villagers every day. I feel like it's going to become a god." A volunteer with a laser rifle said to his companions.

In front of the nutritional ointment making machine, a group of people in tattered clothes, but fairly clean, were kneeling, praying, and speaking simple language.

They are very pious, and their faces are full of gratitude without any falsification.

"Seeing them, I think this gun is more important." Roy clenched the Gatling in his hand and said to the brave player.

"Yes, these people made me feel the joy of the lord, ah, Mr. Robinson, what a nice title, but unfortunately I can only understand this sentence now." Robinson replied.

"Then you need to ask Sarah to learn the local language. I hope they will learn the language of civilized people. It will take another 20 years." Roy laughed.

In fact, Roy and Robinson completely underestimated the agency of these degenerates.

You don't need to do heavy and dangerous work, you only need to work two or three hours a day and then you can go home and rest.

Some shrewd people among them began to take the initiative to listen to the lectures around the place where the children were in class.

Among a hundred people, there are always four or five people who are particularly shrewd and good at adapting.

This is the characteristic of human beings. Once a group is formed, no matter how stupid a group is, there will be shrewd individuals. This is the result of mutual communication and cooperation.

A shrewd individual can gain a greater survival advantage and give birth to more offspring, and the IQ will gradually increase if one chooses from one generation to the next.

In fact, just a month or two later, the five volunteers who stayed in the first southern settlement were pleasantly surprised to find that, without the help of a translator, someone could stumble and do some extremely simple daily routines with them. dialogue.

For example, "Hello sir, hello lady."

"Today is also very good. I ate very well."

"My name is XXX, I can count to five."

"I'll give you what you want, sir."

This shows that the IQ of degenerate people is recovering rapidly.

In two months, they learned some simple everyday expressions. As long as they were brave, and as long as the other party was not a vicious devil, they could communicate with each other.

This brought them great convenience.

The defense system of the settlement is built faster.

All kinds of tools are better prepared.

They have evolved from wood and stone tools to steel tools in one step.

When Yang Weite left, he deliberately left behind a machine tool that could make simple labor tools and some materials.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve self-sufficiency.

They need to find their own special products within five years and join the trade system of the Volunteer Army and the College Consortium.

Get rid of the role of passive blood as soon as possible.

These degenerates are very diligent, or not diligent, and they were beaten to death by the fat lord long ago.

They work as much as they can, even if it's not efficient.

The five volunteers worked step by step according to the development plan left by Yang Weite.

After the defense system is built, some simple handicrafts begin.

For example, advanced food processing, making cakes, biscuits...

Nutritional cream can meet the needs of people at the bottom, but people with a little spending power will not eat that thing.

Just like people in developed countries, they don't eat moldy food or even waste it. Instead, they like some special snacks very much.

These new settlements are doing these jobs to meet the trade needs of the bottom level.

Then gradually trade escalation.

These are all existing historical experiences.

As long as you're not dealing with mutants and radiation monsters.


Youngwitt received a telegram from the first southern settlement in the back.

As mentioned above, everything is going well.

There are not too powerful radiation monsters here.

In the same sentence, the most powerful monsters are always man-made, and they also surround the places where the technology is most developed.

The seemingly terrifying and mysterious wilderness area, in fact, the monsters are weak and pitiful, but they are just ordinary monsters that have mutated naturally.

They are not as powerful as mutants and good at firearms, and no matter how they mutate, they are only a lump of protein and meat, and they cannot violate the natural mutation laws of this planet.

However, man-made ones are different. Humans can give monsters mechanical serenity.

They continued southward, and had begun to discover some clues.

They are looking for a production line related to making mushrooms, and this production line is located in a city in their direction.

The city had long been buried in the forest.

At this time, they were hundreds of kilometers away from the city forest.

However, some abandoned street signs can already be seen, marking the direction leading to the city.

Just southeast.

"We have to speed up." Yang Weite said to everyone.

"Yes, Chief of Staff."

The crowd responded.

After a difficult month's trek, they finally arrived at the city.

During this period, some people have been injured, some people have been sick, and the only luck is that no one has died.

The soldiers were very excited and excited about this, and Yang Weite was a little bit incomprehensible about it.

Until the soldiers told him that this kind of long trek basically required a tenth of the number of people on the road.

They're not the Brotherhood of Steel, which has huge aircraft carriers that can comfortably rush over from the sky.

There are too many dangers in marching on land. A poisonous snake, a poisonous scorpion, and a centipede may all take the life of a soldier when camping at night.

However, although they were injured and sick, no one died. This can only be caused by the luck of the commander.

Soldiers are too superstitious, because the pressure on the battlefield is too great and it is too scary, so everyone needs to be superstitious about something to cheer themselves up.

"Lucky Young Witt" became his nickname.

The soldiers were willing to follow him.

After hearing this, Yang Weite felt a little flattered. After all, he was only a low-level person from a backward world. UU Reading

"You are indeed very lucky. It's not like anyone can come across an old popsicle." Mr. Qiaoshou affirmed, "It's as if a **** is watching you."

Yang Weite was stunned. He remembered that he was captured by people in the civilized world, and he said, "It's also for survival."

Could it be that they actually value the gods behind them?

Haha, from a humble worker background like myself, I will also be favored by God.

Doesn't God only like clean nobles, beautiful eldest ladies, pious priests, noble kings, and beautiful princesses?

When will they look at these lowly workers more?

Yang Weite thought it was funny, he didn't believe it himself, how could others believe that he was blessed by gods?

However, he was indeed lucky.

When entering the city, they discovered a trap in time.

A trap that kills everyone.

The whole city is the lair of a group of mutant spiders.

They are very cunning and well hidden.

They usually do not weave nets, but hide the nets in their bodies and live as nomads.

Once you find the enemy, call your companions, spray the net out, and trap the enemy.

It can be said that there is already a prototype of the wolf pack strategy.

This move is enough to take down most of the less powerful prey.

They have venom, nets, quantity, and patience... It can be said that they are the nemesis of Yang Weite and his party.

If they are trapped by them, the two-headed cow will have bad luck first.

Then they lose their supplies, and they will be eaten by these spiders separately.


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