Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1892: trap

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 1892 Trap

The reason why this trap was discovered was because Yang Weite accidentally knocked over a box of honey-flavored cans.

Honey, one of the most precious nutrients that nature has formed.

It is the special food of gods in the imagination of ancient people, such as honey, milk, and wine. This is something that only exists in heaven.

Spiders don't eat honey, they don't eat royal jelly, but they like to eat bees!

Therefore, after smelling the honey, an ambush spider, unable to restrain its instinct, burrowed out of the underground cave to make a tooth sacrifice.

As a result, it was discovered by the scouts who came out.

After they killed the spider, they carefully probed its trajectory with drones.

Then he was horrified to discover that there were so many terrifying killers hidden in the forest in front of him.

They drill holes in the ground, all hiding in the ground, forming a huge ambush circle.

Even infrared scans are difficult to detect.

They are cold-blooded animals with a consistent body temperature and environment.

They are good at starvation and can last for half a month at a time.

So they have enough patience, waiting for everyone to step into the trap.

Once inside the spider cave, don't try to run away.

Fortunately, they're still on the perimeter of the perimeter.

Turn around immediately.

Only a few spiders ran away unwilling to the meat, chased up from the cave, and were beaten into meat sauce.

Other spiders still gave up, after all, the distance was too far.

They wait patiently for the next batch of prey, or for the animals they keep to grow up.

There are no hunters at the top of the food chain, such as tigers, pythons, wolves, and leopards, who have all been eaten by them.

Here are herds of bison, deer, and goats.

By the time they grow to affect the forest, the spiders will start to revel.

When the investigators handed over the relevant report to Yang Weite, everyone was horrified.

"It's not surprising that a group of mutant spiders know how to graze, because some ants in nature will graze aphids and eat the honey juice it secretes." A wasteland naturalist began to explain.

"Evil! It's really evil!" a staff officer said indignantly.

"Hahaha." Someone couldn't help laughing, "They just imitated the most basic version of human beings, and you say they are evil, so what are we? Demon kings?"

"That's right, human beings are the devils on the earth. Apart from microorganisms, there are also beings with consciousness among other beings. In their eyes, human beings are unable to resist and can only escape, but as a result, they are affected by human interference in the environment, leading to their own stillness. toward death."

"In the drama, the devil will eventually fail. In reality, we have entered the era of wasteland. This is God's will, and this is the Lord's will." A pastor sighed.

"Humanity needs a true **** to balance and restrain people's uncontrollable greed, just like most students do not study actively without the control of teachers." Someone said seriously.

"Humans can save themselves."

"Hmph, we used to say the same thing. In the end, we chose war and wasteland ourselves."

My own team suddenly quarreled over spiders.

This made Yang Weite very helpless.

He just wants to meet the requirements of the academy researcher, get more mushroom production lines, get more mushrooms, and then create quantum monsters.

He wants extraordinary power to fight against the civilized world.

The civilized world really has gods, and sooner or later they will come to invade the wasteland world.

This is something Yang Weite thought about.

"Who can be a god?"

"It seems that your academy has a plan to create a god. On the basis of mutants, you start to create more powerful mutants of human beings, delusionally relying on individuals to become gods." A staff member of the Volunteer Army said to an accompanying researcher.

"That's a slander. There's no such plan. The source of the mutants is the bishop of the west coast. It's a half-human, half-machine, an evil being. It created mutants and kept them expanding." The researcher immediately objected. .

"Hmph, don't think we don't know, you envy the mutants' powerful bodies, immunity to disease and radiation, strong cell resilience, and extremely strong cell regeneration capabilities that make them 'immortality only when they are killed'. ', this is no different from God." The staff officer confronted him **** for tat.

Seeing that another conflict was about to happen, Yang Weite had to change the subject: "Then how to deal with that group of spiders now, we can't use that production line with them."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately began to discuss how to eliminate spiders, and stopped arguing about those philosophical issues.

Sure enough, the quickest way to divert internal conflicts is to create an external enemy.

Solving a real problem is so hard, creating a new one is much simpler.

"We should set fire to it."

"P, we are here to rescue the production line, not to further damage it." The researcher immediately swears.

If you can set fire, come all the way here, just to watch a forest fire?

Bullshit isn't it?

"We should use poison, chemical pesticides."

"These mutant spiders have strong vitality and can be immune to most poisons. And they mutate fast, and they can quickly screen out spiders with strong drug resistance, which will be more troublesome at that time."

"Flooded? Spiders are in caves, as long as we draw rivers from nearby and drown them!"

"This is a good way. The problem is that the nearest river is 20 kilometers away, which is not too far, but we don't have construction machinery. If we have to dig by hand, it will take a year, right?"

"We can use bait and pheromone to attract them. I remember that male spiders use various methods in order to mate with female spiders and not be eaten by female spiders. When the female spider eats the worm, she quietly completes the task and then buries away."

The naturalist suggested,

"Some are directly tied to the female spider, and then complete the task with peace of mind. Some are more honest and can only send themselves according to tradition, which is miserable."

"Uh, these insects sound as intelligent as humans. Who said people are low-level stress-free beings without consciousness? This set of methods is a genetically recorded survival program!" Someone exclaimed.

It's not easy being a male spider.

In the animal kingdom, unlike humans, there are really many females in the animal kingdom.

Female spiders, female mantises, and fish, females tend to be more powerful.

"Well, mating is their first need, which is bigger than their survival needs. In this case, we will engage in pheromones and introduce them into our traps. As long as they stay away from the production line, we can use flames to easily kill them all. ." Yang Weite finally made a final decision.

Soon, a beautiful spider plan was born.

The trap is set up, and the location is in a large sunken pit, which is full of pheromones that induce male spiders.

The male spiders smelled the breath.

In the past, most male spiders had no chance to mate.

Often eliminated in competition.

And now, there is too much breath, as if countless female spiders are calling them.

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