Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1898: pain

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 1898 Pain

"Why did you attack me?" Yang Weite said with difficulty.

As a necromancer, he has no usual weaknesses, the only weakness is the staff that hides his soul.

And that ghost is the staff that attacked him!

"Because I want to get this crystal ball, the Eye of Nozdormu, I want to go back to the past, not when my parents gave birth to me, but when I just became the dean of the academy!" the ghost said frantically.

"Shan?!" The old popsicle looked at his son sadly.

Nora was not so sad, because her son was always that little baby, and she had never experienced the main line of finding a child in the wasteland.

In other words, she has no real mother-son relationship with this old man, Sean, but only has a blood connection.

"I'm sorry, although you are our parents, but you can't stop me." The ghost said, snatching the staff and crystal ball.

Yang Weite was stunned, then fell to the ground.

He looked sadly at his benefactor's son.

In fact, he also understands that Sean is not a good thing.

But he thought about his benefactor's affairs wholeheartedly, so he wasn't too wary.

And Sean learned to hide early in the complex struggle of the academy.

"Wait, you can't go back to that point in time! Because at that time, your mother was killed by the **** Kroger!" The old popsicle suddenly became furious.

Compared with the son, the wife's feelings are deeper, not to mention the wife was shot to death by the irascible Kroger in order to save the son.

In fact, as long as the child is given to each other, Nora will not die.

And the order of the academy is not to kill their family.

It's all about Kroger's self-assertion and crankiness.

Of course Kroger was being sent instead of the other, more obedient field staff, which meant that the Academy had no burden to kill them either.

Anyway, to grab a pre-war genetically perfect baby for experimentation.

But how is that possible?

In the freezing, he saw this sad scene.

After finally his wife was resurrected, how could he bear to return to that cold time?

"Sorry, I refuse, and there is no reason for parents to stop the child's choice, not to mention, you have not assumed the responsibility of parents to me." The ghost said coldly, and then pointed at the old popsicle and Nora with the stick.

They just stopped and lost the ability to move.

This is the Staff of the Undead, born to restrain all ghosts.

Besides, they were still resurrected by Yang Weite.

That is more direct restraint, but it is impossible for Yang Weite to use this function.

"You...that's all because of the college's sin!" Nora defended her husband.

After she was resurrected, she already knew about her husband's running.

It was hard work, like most fathers who have lost a child.

Ordinary fathers whose children are abducted and sold can only give up their family business and spend their whole life on the road of finding children.

And the protagonist is the protagonist, and by the way, he has secured several major forces and rebuilt a major force...

Of course the result was even more tragic.

"Yes, it's all the academy's sin and the world's sin, so I want to correct it, I want to go back to when I became the dean, and correct the world!" The ghost frantically activated the Eye of Nozdormu.

The next moment, the Eye of Nozdormu sucked the ghost directly into it.

A voice sounded.

"Forgot to tell you, one activation will absorb a soul, the soul of the activation." The Eye of Nozdormu said, blinking his eyelids.

"Fairy Wood"

"Shaun!" shouted the old popsicle.

Nora was stunned.

The husband and wife have once again tasted the pain of losing a child...

The last time I lost a baby, this time I lost the ultimate version of the baby.

Yang Weite was stunned.

He felt the great pain of his benefactor.

He also felt great pain.

If he did nothing, Mr Knight would not suffer twice.

The other party has rested in a state that is not very satisfied, but has accepted the fact.

It was he who dug up the other party again and suffered the loss of his son again in his life.

What cruelty this is!


"I'm so stupid, really, I just know that family reunion is happy, but I didn't expect the price of changing time to be so serious." Yang Weite said in pain.

"It's not your fault, it's just because you want to repay me too much. In fact, I don't need your repayment, or you have already repaid me for helping me solve so many troubles." The old popsicle patted Yang Weite on the ground, comforted.

It's the protagonist after all.

Always forgive people, especially those who are subjectively well-meaning.

"My heart still hurts so much that I can't breathe."

"That eye is bright." Nora interrupted the conversation between the two old men.

The three looked.

Seeing the Eye of Nozdormu, it began to glow.

A time vortex appeared.

Finally, the three non-human beings were sucked in.

The timeline comes to when Sean became the dean.

However, at this time, he had no memory of the future.

Time keeps on repeating itself.

The Eye of Nozdormu faithfully fulfilled the activation order.

Why does it absorb the soul of the initiator, so that the initiator can't have the memory of time, and then can't randomly disturb the timeline.

It is also easy to avoid this, just find an innocent person as a sacrifice.

This is something that a normal protagonist cannot do, it has to be an evil protagonist.

Decades later, the old popsicle wakes up and embarks on the road of finding a child again.

Then Yang Witt entered the radiation world.

Just entered, his mind was in chaos, UU reading www. then woke up again.

"It turns out that this is the punishment that time has given me, and everything I have done is just returning to the original point."

This time, he chose to let go.

He didn't go to be the assistant of the old popsicle, just farm the land honestly and be a farmer.

In fact, the protagonist does not need an outsider as an assistant, and it is completed in an orderly manner.

In the end, the protagonist blew up the entrance to the academy and buried his son inside the academy.

The protagonist continues to serve as the leader of several major forces, rebuilding a new wasteland.

Without Yang Weite's intrusion, the protagonist seems to have done better.

Only, this time, the Burning Legion is here!

A demon smelled the breath of the Dragon of Time, passed through the gap in the void, and landed on the wasteland.

Burn, flame, fight!

The monsters of the wasteland, in front of the demons, are brothers.

Just a low-level demon turned a large area into scorched earth.

This is the choice of the dark titan Sargeras: to reduce the physical universe to scorched earth, thereby depriving the Void Lord of the interest and purpose of corruption.

In fact, this is a bit similar to a certain Wallfacer in the Three-Body Problem. I will blow up the earth first, and you will not use it.

If you dare to come, I will dare to fry, so you still get out.

Therefore, the heroes see the same thing, and the war strategy is also similar.

Yang Weite regretted it even more.

His heart was as painful as poisoned.

Because this is what he provoked.

In order to make the protagonist's family happy, he caused even more pain!

Burning and flames, all over the wasteland world.

It used to be wasteful enough, but now it's all scum. +Bookmark+

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