Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1899: Rebellious

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 1899 Rebellion

Young Witt tasted the poison called pain and regret.

If he didn't do so many things, everything would end peacefully, and he lived a happy, peaceful and contented life like an ordinary person.

But now, although he continues to live, he lives in pain.

The people of Sanctuary are terrified by the radio broadcasts every day.

"Burning monsters from the sky, they fall on the earth, burn the forest, weeds, hyenas, ghouls, mice, cockroaches, good, bad, beautiful, ugly..."

"They will not let go, and they will all be turned into scorched earth."

"The Railroad, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Academy, the Volunteers, the Monsters, the Mutants, all united, but they are still losing ground."

"Just yesterday, the old Buken farm was destroyed. It's a big farm that produces 800 tons of grain and 5 tons of milk and meat a year. What a precious wastelander, how many scavengers, robbers, tramp…"

"Its disappearance means that tens of thousands of people lose their jobs, become homeless in the wild, and finally die silently."

Listening to the radio broadcast, both soldiers and farmers fell into despair.

The only one who can remain calm is Mr. Skillful Hand.

The familiar Mr. Qiaoshou, its nagging was annoying in the past, only Yang Weite had the patience to listen.

And now, every night people gather around it and listen to it nagging.

"The Burning Legion is nothing special. At most, they burn us into a mass of fire. They are also living beings, they will be killed, and they will be afraid."

"Their leader, a guy named Margandos, is trying to negotiate with the locals to let it rule the world at the cost of ordering the Burning Legion to give up on burning the world."

"What is it doing?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"It's going to rebel. You think it's good for the demons to become scorched earth? Don't they eat a flame? Demons also like prosperity and chaos, vitality and flourishing, not a desert and a void, and it comes This world has become a warlord, so he has to betray its superiors." Mr. Skillful Hand nagged to himself.

"How did you know?" Someone asked in confusion.

Mr. Qiaoshou heard the same doubt and said: "I, I don't know, anyway, there is a similar memory module inexplicably."

"That's really amazing, you will be Mr. Magical Hands in the future." Someone laughed.

Everyone laughed.

In the depressing atmosphere, there was a rare air of relief.

Yang Weite also smiled.

But with a smile, someone cried.

"When will these days end?"

"Yeah, I still want to go to Diamond City again and eat another bowl of noodles, but it's a pity that it has turned into ashes."

"I have three shops in Diamond City. Originally, I was the person who was lying down and collecting rent. There is only one piece of land in Sanctuary Villa, and I only come here when I am on vacation."

The crowd cried.

Yang Weite was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

It's all his fault.

Most of the people here, in the previous timeline, were extremely friendly to him.

After all, this is a settlement built by the protagonist, and it is based on kindness.

Everyone is not lacking in that thing, and the environment is still very different from the 19th century.

No matter how wasteful the wasteland is, there are still nuclear fusion, power armor, greenhouse hydroponics technology, frozen clones, refuge technology...

Still far more productive than in the 19th century.

The reason why there are homeless people and scavengers is mainly because of the pots of various mutant creatures, which leads to unstable order, and people have no way to live in peace.

The emergence of the protagonist, the rebuilding of the Volunteer Army, and the timely support upon request, have gradually solved this problem.

But now, it is even more unstable.

Margandos, Youngwit pondered the name in his mouth.

This guy wants to betray, so does he have a chance?

He decided to fight again to recover the losses he caused.


Yang Weite found the old popsicle and said his thoughts.

"I have assembled the four major forces. They have created a super cold nuclear fusion cannon, known as the Titan Hammer, which can kill an intermediate demon with one shot."

"Now as long as we make more cannons, we're all set to win!"

The old popsicle said excitedly to Yang Weite.

Youngwitt shook his head.

He had seen the power of Azeroth, but it was a bronze dragon with the power to master time, and it was not messed up by the Burning Legion.

Although they were defeated, they suffered heavy losses each time.

And that kind of repulsion always has the taste of fate, and it does not come from its own strength.

"You haven't mastered fel energy, so you won't be their opponents. They will corrode your heart. All your techniques have no mental protection." Yang Weite said a fatal point.

"Fel energy? You seem to know them very well?" The old popsicle asked suspiciously.

Of course, you used to know them very well, but you are a person in this world, and when the timeline jumps, you forget it.

And I am a separate person from this world, so no matter how the timeline changes, I have only one and share all the memories.

Yang Weite thought to himself, and then said, "You know that I came from another world. In that world, there are records related to the Burning Legion."

"Well, you should be our chief of staff."

Chief of Staff again.

Another reincarnation?

But in this reincarnation, I must break the fate and overcome the tragedy of fate!

Yang Weite thought to himself and took on a new mission.

Under his guidance, the Wasteland keenly grasped the irreconcilable contradiction between the Dark Titan, the big boss, and its legion.

The latter succumbed to the power of the dark titan Sargeras, who were not of the same race and had no common interests.

In this case, as long as they see an opportunity to get rid of their boss, they will definitely seize it.

Slaves also know how to resist, let alone demons.

Betrayal is the norm.

Ner'zhul, the Lich King, was determined to rebel against his demon master Kil'jaeden.

The wasteland sent wave after wave of spies to divide, and finally succeeded in getting Margandos, the leader of the Burning Legion in the wasteland, to secretly betray the dark titan.

He was allowed to stay in the northwest corner of the wasteland, a snow-covered place.

And the benefit he gets is that he can slowly control the world.

rather than turning it directly into scorched earth.

The latter is empty, what is the value?

It is one of the greatest pleasures of the devil to slowly corrupt one great power leader after another and watch their fates come to a tragic end.

To put it bluntly, it is not good to see others.

How can you be called a devil?

Only the wrong name, not the wrong number.

Evil and devil, the devil.

Whoever wants to envy them and want to be their lackey is a fool.

Because in the end you will lose your mind and become a marionette.

You will have no freedom. +Bookmark+

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