Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2005: hope

After Wen Rensheng thought of these nodes, the next step was how to flip them.

As for why it is reversed, because only by reversing the true and false, can we break through this red mansion world.

Just as a thing shows a gap, just as it is turned over.

How to flip the first node?

Kill Jia Zhen?

Jia Zhen is the head of the Jia family and the head of the Ningguo Mansion. Among the two houses, the status is second only to Mother Jia.

This is unquestionable.

Moreover, he is quite capable. He is a general among the dwarfs. His ability is definitely first-class among the males of the entire Jia family.

This can be seen from the fact that after Qin Keqing's death, he was able to hold a huge funeral and let the four princes and eight princes send people to worship.

This is something no one else can do.

However, it was he who had the ability and ambition, and he hid Qin Keqing.

This is the emperor's political enemy, the orphan of the old Yizhong Prince Chitose who has broken things.

He wanted to bet, to be on the winning side of the imperial power, but he made the wrong bet and lost in the end.

Ning Guofu's entire family was confiscated, all the male descendants were arrested, all properties were confiscated, and there was no chance of recovery; while Rongguofu only lost one Jia She, and the others were found and released, including Jia Baoyu and Jia Zheng , Even the family property has been repaid a lot, and people are basically fine.

In the sequel, Jia's house was raided, only saying that Jia She and Jia Zhen were convicted and distributed, but Cao Gong had already made it clear before the 80th episode that Jia She, Jia Zhen, and Jia Rong would be very difficult to survive.

Violating the imperial power and wanting to be exiled, how is it possible?

It is not difficult to kill Jia Zhen, but how to find someone to fill the vacancy after Jia Zhen is difficult.

How to kill Jia Zhen, but also to kill reasonably.

For Wen Rensheng, there are too many means.

He looked through the cases he had done in the past and found a simple and convenient method that would not cause chaos.


Jia Zhen likes to eat several kinds of food, and spend a little money to let people inquire about it from the servant and the old woman. They just thought that someone was trying to curry favor with Uncle Zhen, so they said it casually.

What's more, Jia Zhen is not the emperor, the emperor will fall into the water and die, and there are still many people who died inexplicably, not to mention that he is a noble who is in decline?

Wen Rensheng mixed a few things together, even using a silver needle to test for poison would be useless.

Then find the people from the Zhuangzi of the Jia family, and send them to the mansion regularly. As a filial piety in the Zhuangzi, no one finds it strange.

A month later, Jia Zhen died of a sudden illness.

The imperial doctor came to see him, and he only said that he ate too much essence, and his blood swelled to death.

In fact, the imperial doctor thought that it was because the other party ate too well, lacked exercise, and died of a stroke, which is a cerebral hemorrhage.

People with chronically high blood pressure are often at risk.

Jane is dead.

Jia Rong is on top.

But the title has dropped again.

In short, there are only a few generations away from Jue.

But Wen Rensheng was not worried, Jia Rong was replaced by Wang Wenwen...


Time flies fast.

After March, the first stage of Shuntian House's scholars began.

County test.

Jia Baoyu and Jia Rong were among the Jia family who took the exam.

The test center is located in the lobby of Daxing County, near the capital.

Of course, the Jia family had already made arrangements.

The two successfully passed the review of the magistrate, but neither of them became the leader.

Because the head of the eucalyptus means that the magistrate recommends the talented people, and the magistrate is also afraid of taking responsibility and has a reputation for flattering the powerful.

Then came the government test and the academy test. One test was more difficult, one test was stricter, and the more difficult it was to manage.

It's good to say that the government test is the chief test of the prefect of the capital, and he can continue to build relationships and take care of one or two.

But when it comes to the academy exam, the academic administration appointed by the imperial court begins the exam.

What made Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen stunned was that they were not allowed to leave their seats to go to the toilet during the academy exam.

There's a commode for you in the shed, and you're here to deal with it.

If you go to the toilet on the way, even if you are accompanied by an examiner, your paper will be black stamped by the examiner.

The hospital exam is not the modern two hours, but lasts a whole day.

So the whole examination room was filled with the smell of urine and urine, which really made the two girls stunned...

"Don't they all say that scholars are given preferential treatment? This is simply insulting." Zhao Han said helplessly.

No wonder Jia Baoyu is reluctant to take the scientific examination, who is willing to suffer this crime?

It's unbelievable to let such a noble son suffer the crime of this academy examination.

No wonder Jia Zhu died early and suffered.

"Oh, Old Wen said that this is to grind off the kneecaps of ordinary people, so that ordinary people can become people who worship the emperor. Such polishing is the first step." Xiao Huan said very understandingly.

Fortunately, there was someone in the Jia family, and they asked about it early, so both of them cleaned up early, and there was no major solution for a day.

The price is dry mouth and empty stomach.

"What is this? In the future, when you become an official, you will do this every day. Otherwise, if the emperor asks you something, if you say I go to the toilet and come back, it will be courting death... I really think that it is the same as working in modern times, and you can still get paid... ." Xiaohuan laughed.

Fortunately, the college exam was finally over. After leaving the exam room, Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen left with the help of their maids and servants.

There was no problem in the exam, Zhao Han had a small magic to cheat, and the eight-legged essay was okay.

Wang Wenwen is a scholar from the beginning, with the learning resources of Ningguofu, and relying on the current reputation of the Jia family, a scholar can't run away.

After the two finished their exams, Jia Baoyu and Jia Rong's uncle and nephew asked the little servant to open a private room in the restaurant, and spent 13 taels of silver to set up a beautiful table.

The servant and the maids were screened out, leaving only the two of them to talk in a quiet room.

Although it is disgusting, but the stomach has been hungry for a whole day, and the appetite still overcomes the nausea of ​​the brain.

"It's really hard work. I didn't expect that learning is not a difficulty, but the examination room is a difficulty." Zhao Han said angrily.

The dormitories are all open, and the exit faces the aisle. The smell spreads all over the exam room, and some people explain it on the spot because they don't want to go to the toilet to void the exam paper.

After all, with hundreds of people taking exams, there are always special circumstances.

The taste is even more amazing.

"It's still a modern student. This person was a so-called scholar in ancient times, and he was kneeling." Wang Wenwen sighed.

"Of course, it's no wonder that there were so many talented candidates in ancient times, but one scholar failed the exam, or someone in their thirties passed the exam. These additional tests are too many." Zhao Han thought about these three levels, almost to a large extent It is all on the face of Jia's house that we can have a stable environment for exams.

Including the exam experience, the sponsor, the relationship with the examiner... It's really very, very complicated.

Otherwise, if you are placed near the stinky number, you will not need to take the exam.

Feudal society does not engage in invention and creation, and spends a lot of time playing with human calculations.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, after the scholar exam is over, are you still taking the exam?" Wang Wenwen served his friends with vegetables.

"Of course it's a test, I heard that it is much more difficult to recruit people than scholars." Zhao Han thought for a while and said.

"Then you are wrong. In some places, juren is better than a scholar." Wang Wenwen then talked about the tricks of an old Beijing scholar she invited.

It turns out that if you have a wealthy family, you can ask someone to go to some remote areas to leave your hometown. After you get the honors test, you can transfer your hometown.

Of course, after this operation, you can't beat it without a few thousand taels of silver, and there are still some future troubles. When you become an official in the future, you will be criticized when you communicate in the circle.

Therefore, the general candidates do not even think about it.

And those who have so much money can also donate an official in their origin.

Jia Zhen bought Jia Rong the Captain Dragon, but it only cost 1,200 taels of silver.

This route is only used by those who are wealthy, talented, but unlucky.

"So it is." Zhao Han suddenly realized.

Then she felt that it was too pitiful to do this, and she had to change her place of origin. In ancient times, it was easy to die when running back and forth.

In remote places, there is often sickness, and it is easy to adapt to the soil and water.

This is why this method is rarely used.

"You two are too bold, do you really know that the wall has ears?" Just as Zhao Han and the two were talking vigorously, a voice came.

Then the door of the private room was pushed open, and a young Taoist priest with peerless grace suddenly walked in.

Zhao Han was stunned for a moment, and when he looked again, he found that the Taoist priest looked very familiar. After a closer look, he was surprised: "Teacher, why are you here?"

"If I don't come again, your words will be heard, and you are too bold. Do you really think that this world will not affect your true body? Forgetting the time and space reversal caused by the world of Journey to the West, has your memory returned?" Wen Rensheng took the seat and poured himself a glass of fruit juice.

"We are not very courageous. Teacher, you bring your real body in directly, and you are very courageous." Wang Wenwen said angrily.

"Yeah," Zhao Han heard it, and then realized it later, "Teacher, why did you enter directly with your own body?"

"Because in the world of Honglou, I don't like to use other people's bodies." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

In fact, the two misunderstood, and when the fake is real, the real is also fake.

When he entered the world of Red Mansions, he seemed to be using his real body, but what appeared here was only the shadow of his real body.

"Oh, I don't feel that way. This Jia Rong's body is quite comfortable for me to use. The biggest advantage is that I don't need to control my mouth anymore, I can eat and drink, and drink and eat." Wang Wenwen As he spoke, he nibbled on a large lamb chop.

Eating and drinking in this era has become very delicate, seasonings and spices, and food types are basically as complete as those of later generations.

"Teacher, are you here for any advice?" Of course Zhao Han was not a foodie, so she hurriedly asked about the business.

"Of course there is advice. If I don't show up again, the two of you will be in great trouble, and you are still here to eat, drink and enjoy." Wen Rensheng drank the fruit pulp.

Yes, this is hand-pressed and it tastes very delicious.

"What catastrophe is coming?" Zhao Han asked in horror.

"Jia Zhen died before, and you all attended his funeral, but do you know how he died?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Isn't that what you did, teacher?" Zhao Han asked cautiously. Phantom told him.

Yes, although she can't use extraordinary power, Xiao Huan and Wen Rensheng are one, and as long as Wen Rensheng allows her, she can share memories.

This is also the reason why Zhao Han asked Xiao Huan to cheat.

She can't learn Baguwen, but the teacher must know everything.

"I did this, but do you know why I killed him?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"It's not because of this guy..." Wang Wenwen subconsciously said, but he took it back in the middle of the sentence, the little friend is still there, don't pollute the other party's pure heart.

"Hehe, think about it carefully, all the leading figures in the Red Mansions will not have a good fate to be the eldest brother, Jia Zhen, Jia She, and the Xue family as well. Do you know why?" Wen Rensheng continued to ask.

"I don't know." Zhao Han shook his head.

"I know, because the emperor is afraid of the four major families." Wang Wenwen gave an answer.

"You are wrong, Jia's mother said that they are only middle-class wealthy people, why should the emperor fear them? And you can clearly know that when the Jia family is facing a palace **** asking for bribes, they have to go to the palace every time. After spending a thousand taels of silver, Jia Lian was so angry that he said distressedly, when will this go out?" Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

"Fairy Wood"

"That's true, a big **** can make Jia's house tremble, but where did they get the energy to make Jia Yucun's blue sky rise?" Wang Wenwen asked again.

"Assuming the village's statement, Jia Yucun himself is a scholar and talented. He has gone from being upright to being smooth and degenerate, and his official position has been promoted all the way. This is an important dark line, which symbolizes the right path of the feudal scientific examination, and the final result is also empty. Jia The government provided a step. The real power of the four major families was Wang Zi Teng. The emperor no longer trusted Wang Zi Teng, and later took him down. When he died of illness and Concubine Yuan died, the Jia family fell. Wang Zi Teng was also the leading eldest brother. The same will die." Wenren Sheng Dandan said.

"Uh, teacher, you've said a lot, but you still haven't said the reason why the leading eldest brother will die?"

"Because this is the fate of the whole world, the world can't find hope or a way out, so whoever rushes forward will suffer the biggest backlash in the world. Of course it's written like this in the book, but it's the people who suffer the most backlash. Ah." Wen Rensheng finally told the truth.

Wang Wenwen was pleasantly surprised: "So it turns out, I understand! Yes, the whole Dream of Red Mansions is written about life being empty. What is the reason?"

"Where?" Zhao Han promptly followed up with his friends.

"The reason is that the author is in a confused and chaotic era. The author has seen the inevitable scene of the feudal dynasty's demise. He has been thinking hard, but cannot find a solution. The author has written many Western objects in the book. , only did not write Western thought books? Why, because it was banned and destroyed by the Qing court, the author's field of vision was limited, only seeing objects, not texts, and could only seek in the ancient thoughts of Lao Zhuang monks The answer is that everything can only be solved by becoming a monk..." Wang Wenwen answered enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes, then do you know how to solve it?" Wen Rensheng smiled.

"I'm too familiar with this answer," Zhao Han raised his hand to answer, not letting his friends steal the limelight, "The way to save the Red Chamber lies in four words."

"Fengyue Baojian?" Wang Wenwen blurted out.

"Industry! Industry! Revolution! Life!" Zhao Han sighed.

"Not bad, not bad. UU reading" Wen Rensheng clapped his hands and laughed, "Dream of Red Mansions did write about Rakshasa's clothes, the self-ringing bell in Europe, but unfortunately, the most important things in the West were not seen. Don't blame the author, it is the corrupt and backward Qing court that only imported articles, not books. Without seeing the most important ideas in the West, the author could only search for a way out, but he couldn't find a way out, and in the end he could only write about disillusionment And what we have to do is to give the world hope."

"Only the future can contain all possibilities, and the future can make eternity come true. Ancient humans couldn't believe that people from the future could fly to the moon and to Mars, and now humans can't believe that the future can be eternally reborn. However, it is all possible. "

"What you really want to do is not to take imperial examinations and become an official, but to inject hope for prosperity into the world of Red Mansions."

"And these can't be solved by being an official. Being an official can only prosper the Jia Mansion for a while. What you have to do is to transform the Jia Mansion into a centuries-old family like McCann and Europe, and it will not flourish. But it will not be extremely bad, and it will be solved uniformly from the external environment to the internal structure.”


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