Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2006: get in the way

Hearing Wen Rensheng's teachings, Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen only felt a rush of energy, and could not wait to have a big fight soon, a **** industrial revolution.

The roar of big machines, steel gunpowder, smashed the rotten life of the pretentious aristocrats; the guns were like a forest, smashing the high-ranking emperors and ministers.

What is "the tiger and the tiger meet in a big dream and return", what is "a thousand reds cry, all the beauty is sad", what is "the jade belt hangs in the forest, and the golden hairpin is buried in the snow", they all have to be turned upside down, so that "women can also stand up." Get up half the sky"!

"That's right, in fact, the entire Red Chamber is because of the Qing court's imprisonment of ideological enlightenment. Otherwise, with Duke Cao's literary skills and comprehension, if you see books imported from the West, you will definitely be able to sublimate and be promoted to a new realm. In order to realize 'a woman is a man when a man is a woman', Xue, Tanchun, Lin, and Wang are outstanding women who bear the burden of the family's prosperity, just like many queens, female nobles, and female managers in Europe." Wen Wen. Ren Sheng laughed.

"It turns out that the teacher has a lot of wisdom and can see deeply." Zhao Han couldn't help but admire.

Xiao Huan said sourly in her mind: "Look at you, you have been fooled again, Lao Wen is good at drawing cakes and fooling people, and teachers are like this. I just ate his cakes, and I am tired. Yue, I have been happy for you for a month."

"It's not to fool you. If you persisted before, at least in my impression, you are a good baby, a good baby, and a scholarly baby."

"If you can't hold on, you will have to reveal the stuff sooner or later." Xiao Huan said angrily.

Then Wenren got up and left.

Leaving Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen behind, as well as a troublesome little fantasy.

"If we want to start an industrial revolution, now we must first take stock of the chips in our hands." Wang Wenwen said, and began to pick up the taiko on the table as a bargaining chip.

"I'm Jia Baoyu, you're Jia Rong, I have influence in the Rongguo Mansion, you directly inherited the Ningguo Mansion, and you have the position of the head of the Jia family." Zhao Han said, picking up two bamboo sticks, one long and one short. , in an empty dish.

"The opponents are emperors, ministers, nobles, eunuchs, ordinary people... and many other conservative forces." Wang Wenwen then put a bunch of kuaizi on another plate.

"We also have the influence of the other three families, the influence of the old nobles..." Zhao Han picked up some kuaizi again and put them on this plate.

"The opponent will not launch it immediately. The first people who will directly affect our industrial plan are actually the people inside the Jia family." Wang Wenwen said again.

After the two of them made a pass, they stopped thinking and started to act quickly.

First, they have to find allies within the Jia family.

The first ally was Wang Xifeng, because the other party knew best that the Jia family's inner pocket was clean.

So that if you want to get monthly money, first go to the usury that everyone spurns to maintain.

Later, I was able to persist for more than ten years. It was only by sucking the blood of Lin Daiyu's family, which amounted to one million taels of silver, and the blood of Xue's family, and the two families. Home was raided.

Who is Wang Xifeng? Wang Xifeng is still the original character.

Before they looked for Wang Xifeng, they looked for Jia Lian first.

Second Master Lian is considered to be a rare good person in the entire Jia Mansion except Jia Baoyu. The only drawback is that he is too romantic, but he is not too strong, so he turned against Wang Xifeng.

Both he and Jia Baoyu have one advantage: they won't have mental calculations against you, you stay with the other party, and you won't be secretly harmed by the other party.

For the playboys, this is already a good behavior: like the big fool Xue, bullying men and women, beating slaves, and oppressing ordinary people is the norm.

No anti-theft

And Jia Lian, as the second-generation male, is of course also played by someone from Wen Rensheng's family.

He is played by Wu Shanshan.

Of course, Wu Shanshan knows that Wang Xifeng in the story is very cruel. She is a standard feudal lady, and the layout is too small. For the mere few thousand taels of income, she will kill people and lose sight of the overall situation.

Therefore, he persuaded a lot of the other party, using the high-sounding words of accumulating virtue for his children.

After all, doing evil will hurt the heirs, which is a rumor that the people deliberately raised in order to protect themselves.

In fact, there is a lot of truth, because no matter how powerful the evildoer is, his children have no power to resist. Many emperor's children will die at an early age. In fact, it has a lot to do with the emperor's cruelty. Much easier.

Therefore, the shrewd superiors are normal to the servants around them, plus some tolerance, and once they make mistakes and need to be punished, they will be thrown out directly, or they will be beaten to death, and they will not keep those who hold grudges by their side.

After finding Jia Lian, the three discussed again in a secret room.

"First of all, we need to solve the power structure of the Jia Mansion. You have no rights. No matter how much money you earn, it will only make it cheaper for those rotten people, such as Jia She and others, to live in luxury." Wu Shanshan said first.

"Yeah, actually Jia's mother is not bad. In the later stage of her family's downfall, she took the initiative to reduce her expenses and eat, which is much better than many Jia's men who only know extravagance and enjoyment." Jia Rong, also known as Wang Wenwen, said.

"Yeah, the Jia family is used to extravagance. They all talk about pomp and circumstance. Many big maids are the same as the young ladies of big families. The clothes and utensils are all the most exquisite. Being able to be a young master, an old servant can still be an old Fengjun in his own home, the servants have stolen the Jia family tree, but the Jia family has fallen, but the servants are safe and sound, Jia Zheng has to go to the Lai family to borrow it. Silver, it's really sad." Zhao Han sighed.

Wang Wenwen nodded: "That's why Leng Zixing said that they said the inner bag was exhausted, but there was an empty shelf outside."

"We want to scrape the bones to cure the poison. Before doing things, we need to clean up the interior." Wu Shanshan said.

"The last Jia Zhen killed the teacher, this Jia She, please ask the teacher to take action." Wang Wenwen came up with an idea.

"Yeah, this guy Jia She is more incompetent and shameless, not as good as Jia Zhen, Jia Zhen can still support some things outside." Zhao Han agreed.

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter, just Jia She." Wu Shanshan took care of it herself.

Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian are Jia She's daughter-in-law and son.

Jia She, this bastard, doesn't do business all day long, he only wants to enjoy himself. That's all. He also forced his son to do bad things with him. The son tried to persuade Laozi not to do evil, and he was beaten!

Parents all over the world are looking forward to their children and grandchildren to learn well, no matter whether it is the imperial examination or business, they always have to do something serious.

Just like Jia Zheng, no matter how pedantic and old-fashioned he is, the other party never said that Jia Baoyu would do bad things, but only wanted to let the other party follow the right path of the imperial examination.

Among the men of the previous generation in Jia's house, Jia Zheng was the only one who had no fault of character, so the sequel also received the mercy of the author of the sequel, giving a proper ending of acquittal.

In the real ending, Jia Zheng may be even worse, because in this kind of family decline, the better the character, the worse the ending, and it is likely that he will suffer on his behalf.

Because it was clearly stated in the previous article that Jia Zheng faked his administration, was not enthusiastic about government affairs for the official, and only talked about it, which led to being deceived by the servants.

However, out of her own extravagant desires, Jia She even forced Jia Lian to rob someone else's family heirloom.

"Okay, since the big moths can be solved, where should our industry start?" Wang Wenwen said excitedly.

She has a kind of mind to show her strength.

In the past, her mother Wang Cuiyan was too strict with her, and she couldn't do anything.

"According to my experience, we need to find a gap, exert strength from the gap, accumulate strength, and then use the explosive power of industrialization to gain a firm foothold." Zhao Han said.

"The two of you, Jia Baoyu and Jia Rong, will soon have the fame of being a scholar, plus the reputation of Jia's house, and you should be able to open a shop if you are doing business outside." Wu Shanshan said.

"Yeah, in this day and age, business is about how powerful you are, and how big your business can be. Ordinarily, those who do small businesses are the shrimps for others to eat. Those without power can only do small businesses. You have to suffer all kinds of black things." Wang Wenwen nodded.

"That's right, so we must first find a comfortable place that is not oppressed, that is, a weak point where external forces cannot directly interfere." Zhao Han said.

"Where are the weak points?" Wang Wenwen asked.

"The first is the island, the second is the cottage, and the third is the Zhuangzi of the wealthy compound."

"Well said, these places are places where we can freely express our ideas after we master them." Wu Shanshan nodded.

The three discussed it again, and finally settled on a village where Wang Xifeng accompanied him when he got married.

There is an advantage here. If there is a major event, just abandon the Zhuangzi directly. Because it is a dowry, it has little to do with Jia's house, and it is difficult for Jia's house to interfere directly.

And because they were married to Jia's house, the Wang family couldn't interfere, and they belonged to the place where they didn't care.

And they can also use Wang Xifeng's skin to do things indirectly, avoiding the direct exposure of the three males to the sight of others.

Once something happens, it can also be said that the servants did it, and taking the servants out to take the blame is that, anyway, those servants often do bad things in the name of Wang Xifeng.

"Okay, then in Zhuangzi, what are we going to do to start a business?" Wang Wenwen asked again.

"Do the Promise Life Pill." Xiao Huan said excitedly in the minds of the three at the same time.

"You're talking about the reincarnation elixir of the empress Lu's deceitful person, three thousand taels a piece, you will be reincarnated after eating it..." Zhao Han said speechlessly.

"Yeah yeah."

"You forgot, we don't have extraordinary power and can't do memory transfer." Zhao Han reminded.

"Uh, it's all my fault that my father didn't work hard, so that I can't be a super second generation, and I'll pull his hair when I get home!" Xiao Huan was suddenly unhappy when he heard this, lying in the three people's brains, splitting into three halves to scare people .

The head is with Wu Shanshan, the body is with Zhao Han, and the legs are with Wang Wenwen.

"Hehe, let's do textiles. I remember that during the Industrial Revolution, someone said why the textile industry started to flourish? Because rich people can wear a lot of clothes, and the clothes of noble women are not repeated every day. This is prosperity. consumption power." Wu Shanshan laughed.

"Yes, in the feudal society, the only class with consumption power is the landlords and the princes and nobles. The four necessities of life are food, clothing, housing and transportation. No matter how much they eat a day, they can only eat 3 to 7 meals. It’s easy to die. But you can change twenty or thirty pieces of clothes a day without heavy clothes, just like Jia Baoyu came out and changed a set of clothes. Moreover, if these clothes are not particularly expensive, they need to be changed every year. , If you wear old clothes and go out to socialize, you will be ridiculed. As for housing, although it costs a lot, it does not need to be updated frequently, and the mobility is not high. Self-sufficient manor economy." Zhao Han explained seriously.

"Well, then we will extract the wealth from the landlords and nobles through textiles, and then put it into circulation to expand capital, improve the lives of textile workers, and establish a huge consumer market for textile workers, and then promote the development of other industries." Wu Shan Shan understands as soon as she hears it, and gives a prototype for the next step of development.

The other two nodded.


Ten days later, the second residence of Ning Rong ushered in a big happy event at the same time.

Jia Rong from Ningguo Mansion, the 32nd place in the academy exam, is a supplementary member of Guangsheng; Jia Baoyu from Rongguo Mansion, the seventh place in the academy exam, is a supplementary member of Linshan.

Although Wang Wenwen is a scholar, but after all, he is not as good as open hanging.

"Baoyu has been admitted to a scholar!"

"Baoyu has been admitted to a scholar!"

"Baoyu has been admitted to a scholar!"

Important things must be said three hundred times.

In short, this sentence was passed back and forth throughout the Rongguo Mansion.

At Mrs. Wang's place, after hearing the news, the beads fell to the ground for a long time before they could react.

"This resentment, it can be regarded as enlightened! It is really the blessing of the ancestors, the protection of the Bodhisattva, hurry up and prepare the sedan chair, I will go to Tiejian Temple to pay my vows in person!" Madam Wang cried with joy.

"Madam, it's better to go to the ancestor's place first." Jin Chuan'er reminded.

"Yes, yes, I was almost overjoyed. It's time to tell the ancestors first."

While Mrs. Wang was talking, someone came to report, saying that the ancestors let her go.

"Yes, there was someone who announced the good news in advance from the ancestors." Mrs. Wang woke up and quickly packed her clothes. Just as Zhao Han and others said, she changed into another set of formal clothes and went to see Mother Jia.

Jia Zheng was even more unbelievable.

"This wicked obstacle, who can be put aside just by mentioning studies, can be admitted to a scholar with hard work in three months! It's really an ancestor's enlightenment!" Jia Zheng was surprised and delighted.

"Hehe, Dongweng, the elder brother was born with jade, and he was born with great fortunes. Once enlightened, he would naturally be silent. It was a blockbuster," said Zhan Guang, a scavenger.

"Okay, okay, that's what Mr. Zhan said. I scold him that day when he said that he was going to go to school. Don't be ashamed of me. Playing is the right thing for him. It's still Mr. Zhan who said that my son is going to go to school in three or two years. You can show up and make a name for yourself, but I didn't expect that it was only in March, and I proved that what Mr. said was true, come here, go to the account room and reward him with fifty taels of silver." Jia Zheng said happily.

"Thank you for the reward." Zhan Guang was overjoyed.

As a poor literati who is quite learned, it is extremely difficult to be able to get a bowl of rice and eat in Jia's residence.

These days, there are a lot of literati and scholars who don't know how to run a business. They are often destitute, let alone Tongsheng?

Just like Fan Jin of the Ming Dynasty, he was still poor when he was a scholar, until he became a scholar and turned into a master.

Although Zhan Guang is also a scholar, his talent is very different from Jia Baoyu and Jia Rong.

The latter has the support of the door.

Now that he has some savings, he can also buy farmland and land. When he is old, he can read history at home and drink alcohol, raise children and teach grandchildren, how happy?

Not to mention Jia's mother, a bunch of Yingying and Yanyan, all praising the old lady's luck, and finally looking forward to the success of the children and grandchildren.

Mother Jia also said, "I said earlier that Baoyu's child is a great talent, and that jade will shine in the box sooner or later. If you don't work a little, you will be a scholar, and it will not be difficult to raise people and scholars in the future."

"Yes, the vision of the ancestors, that is the first." Madam Xing praised.

There was an atmosphere of joy all over the Jia Mansion.

Except for a few places.

For example, Jia She's place.

"Jia Lian, look at your brother Baoyu, you can pass the exam as a scholar after a few months of study. You have been with maids since you were a child, and you never study hard, you are really trash! You can only rely on donating five grades to you for your father. Come on, hit me!" Jia She called Jia Lian over and said angrily.

In fact, the real waste person is him.

Anyway, Jia Lian often travels abroad for Jia's house.

If Jia Lian was filial in the past, he would have been allowed to be beaten.

But now it's different. Wu Shanshan occupies this man's body, so how could it be possible for someone to beat him?

But she also knows who can call the shots in the Jia family.

And you can't defy Jia She outright. After all, this is a patriarchal society. If you dare to disobey Lao Tzu, if Lao Tzu is charged with disobedience, you can just wait to suffer.

You don't need any evidence, because letting Lao Tzu sue you itself proves that you are unfilial enough.

Any magistrate will convict you.

He ran directly to Jia's mother's room.

"Reverse, reverse, how dare you escape!"

What you said, you can fight, but the other party can't escape?

Wu Shanshan has decided to let Jia She die tonight!

So, just when everyone was happy for Jia Baoyu, that night, Jia She drank a few more glasses, and in the middle of the night, he had a bad illness, so he went.

In one year, UU reads www. Jia Zhen died, Jia She died again, and Jia's two bosses died in a row.

However, there are two more talents in a row.

People have nothing to say.

There are rumors that this is because the elders are blocking the way of the younger generation. As soon as the younger generation soars into the sky, the elder will be killed.

With this rumor, you can know that Jia Baoyu and Jia Rong will never be smooth in officialdom.

Feudal officials were very superstitious and believed in rumors.

But the rumors really hit, and it was they who got in the way that they died.


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