Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2010: 3 sighs

Lin Daiyu's courtyard.

After returning from the banquet, Lin Daiyu was leaning on the couch, feeling unhappy, her chest was aching, and she said in a low voice, "I don't think it's going to be good."

"Girl, you have to relax, Second Master Bao is about to rise to prominence, and the girl will have support for the rest of her life," Zijuan said.

"He will fly to his own, and I will bury mine." Lin Daiyu lamented.

"Girl, don't worry, I'll ask Second Master Bao's plan." Zijuan said.

Xue Yan, on the other hand, looked at the girl and the maid Zijuan ignorantly.


Zijuan soon came to Jia Baoyu's courtyard.

When Lin Daiyu first entered Jia's mansion, she lived with Jia Baoyu, only separated by a Bisha kitchen.

Later, when it was a little older, Jia Baoyu moved out on his own initiative.

After all, Zhao Han is not a big-faced treasure, and he doesn't have such a thick skin to sleep with a teenage girl across a wall.

This is also in line with Mrs. Wang's wishes.

Zijuan, after seeing Jia Baoyu, saluted, "Second Master Bao is auspicious."

"Is there something wrong with Miss Zijuan?" Jia Baoyu asked.

"It's like this. My girl has been here for a long time. She is old and wants to return to her ancestral home." Zijuan Yingying said.

When Jia Baoyu heard this, he quickly said, "That's not good. Outside, there is a lot of chaos and chaos. How can you leave the capital?"

He is not talking nonsense, Miaoyu was later stolen by thieves.

This is simply an anecdote, living in the capital and being openly robbed by thieves.

You can see how chaotic the law and order is.

"But our girls are already grown up, so there is absolutely no reason to live in my grandmother's house." Zijuan looked at Jia Baoyu secretly.

Today's Jia Baoyu is not the one who didn't take responsibility in the past. Except for throwing jade, going crazy, and making his temper, he can't accomplish a thing.

Once Madam Wang and Jia Zheng got serious, Jia Baoyu would be discouraged.

"I know, at most five years, I will definitely give you an upright name, so that we will always be together in the future." Jia Baoyu said decisively.

After all, Zhao Han is a person who has gone through many **** storms, and it can be said that he also has the taste of a hero in women's middle school and a heroine of women.

As soon as these words came out, Zijuan felt that she was about to fall.

Once Master Bao takes responsibility, with that face, voice, and taste, there are really not many women who will not fall.

It can even be said that both men and women are killed.

The biggest flaw of Jia Baoyu in the original book is that he does not have the ability to stand on his own.

In fact, the reason why I wrote this is because the author found that he could not find any way out, whether the protagonist was able to write or be able to fight... In the end, it was all empty.

The ultimate of Wen is Jia Yucun, and finally he was dismissed and investigated because of many wrongs: the ultimate of martial arts was Wang Ziteng, who died of a sudden illness due to his high position and power.

Since neither of these two works, Jia Baoyu will be useless to learn both.

That's why the author did not let Jia Baoyu study literature or martial arts: in the sequel, it was a failure to let him succeed in the examination.

In fact, the imperial examinations could not save the Jia family, nor the feudal apocalypse.

Hearing this, Zijuan blushed. After all, what Bao Erye said was too straightforward. These days, love is often made through poetry and silk handkerchiefs. How can it be so explicit.

But it is because of this that Master Bao looks like a man.

"Then I'll take my girl's place and wait for Second Master Bao." Zijuan said, turning around and leaving.

Jia Baoyu was sent out of the hospital.

Looking at Zijuan, Qingwen's voice came from behind: "Oh, if you don't hurry to chase out, you can't even pull out your eyes."

"You're a good Qingwen. Today, the Lord has hired you. Do you still dare to make trouble all day long?" Jia Baoyu turned around and threatened.

"Hmph, I'm not like someone, I just follow your temperament blindly." Qingwen was the only maid who wasn't afraid of Jia Baoyu.

Qing is a shadow, and Xi is a hairpin.

One death, one follow to the end.

"Okay, okay, I'll go see Sister Lin, just play with yourselves." Jia Baoyu said in his mouth, and then left.

"You take care of your good sister, and you take care of our mood..." Qingwen said angrily, but she went to hang herself with a few little maids.


Lin Daiyu's courtyard.

Zijuan said with a look of joy: "Girl, relax, Master Bao said that he will be with the girl for the rest of his life."

"Ah..." Lin Daiyu can't stand such straightforward and earthy words, she is a talented girl who tells The Story of the West Chamber and reads poetry.

He blushed and went into the room to lie down.

Not long after, Jia Baoyu walked in.

"Sister Lin, are you feeling better?" Jia Baoyu asked.

"Second Master Bao, the girl has been in the room for a while. I'll ask the girl to come out." Zijuan said.

Xueyan poured tea for Jia Baoyu.

Not long after, Lin Daiyu came out, and the two sat down facing the tea.

"Sister Lin, are you not angry anymore?" Jia Baoyu asked.

"What's there to be angry about? You didn't just tell me what you said, right?" Lin Daiyu is a clever and delicate heart.

How to listen to this, the speaker seems to be very skilled.

Because an unskilled person can't say such a thing...

Zhao Han was shocked. She had just said this to Hua Xiren, Xue Baochai, Qingwen, the little girl...

God, there is such a smart girl, she is a big idiot in comparison.

"You just know, you're a big idiot." Xiao Huan laughed.

Jia Baoyu was speechless for a moment, and could only talk about him: "This, that..."

Lin Daiyu was immediately angry when she saw this: "It seems that our second master Bao has a lot of good sisters and sisters, and these words are really skilled."

You really said it to many people, so who do you take me for?

Lin Daiyu didn't say these words, but they showed it all in her eyes.

Jia Baoyu suddenly had a huge headache. It's over, how can he appease Lin Daiyu's gas tank?

The gas tank is never-ending when he gets angry. The former big face treasure, but he serves wholeheartedly, and this can be appeased.

And what to do now?

When Zhao Han was helpless, he finally thought of something and asked for tactics until.

She quickly called Xiao Huan in her mind: "Xiao Huan, quickly ask the teacher, what should I do now?"

"Strange, you caused the trouble yourself, why did you ask Lao Wen?" Xiao Huan wondered.

"Teacher has experience." Zhao Han said as a matter of course.

"What teacher must have experience? You dare to tell Lao Wen this, next time he will turn you into a dog to clear customs." Xiao Huan recalled her painful experience, and suddenly shuddered and did not want to spread the word.

"What a phantom, hurry up and save your life. Jianghu is in an emergency. I will agree to go back and do whatever you want." Zhao Han just wanted to get out of the awkward situation.

"Okay, I'll help you ask." Xiao Huan was happy when he heard it, and immediately agreed.

"Old Wen, Lao Wen, what should Lao Han do now? She is now stumped by Lin Daiyu..." Xiao Huan immediately turned around and asked.

After Wen Rensheng heard this, he shook his head and said, "Isn't this simple? After learning from me for so many years, this problem can't be solved. It's really disappointing for my teacher."

"Where is it easy?" Xiao Huan wondered.

Zhao Han quickly agreed: "Yes, Lin Daiyu is playing a petty temper now. At first glance, it seems that she is not good at coaxing."

"It's very simple, I'll tell you a few words, a grand narrative, and a sad ending, do you understand?" Wen Rensheng prompted directly.

"Is this all right?" Xiao Huan asked in confusion.

"That's it, you should be able to understand what I said." Wen Rensheng said directly.

Zhao Han thought about it carefully, yes, it really made him think of a way.

So he sighed and stood up.

The tone contains the sorrow for the country, the world, the Jia family, and the children.

With this sigh, the country is ruined and the family is gone.

With this sigh, the love of the children grows empty.

Lin Daiyu was shocked and suddenly felt that she had done something wrong or said something wrong.

When Jia Baoyu saw the door, he immediately said, "Sister Lin, don't you understand my mind?"

"What's on your mind? Isn't your mind all about your good sister and sister?" Lin Daiyu said coldly.

"Why do I say that I hope all the good sisters will be together, that's because I know that this court, this world, this Jia family will sooner or later die, and if we don't find a way out, sooner or later, we will be left in the dark. The earth is really clean." Jia Baoyu sighed.

Lin Daiyu's heart trembled when she heard this.

In fact, with her ice and snow intelligence, can't it be seen that the Jia Mansion is in decline?

Although the two biggest scourges, Jia Zhen and Jia She, were gone outside, there were still many servants digging the big tree in Jia's house.

The owners of the houses are also very extravagant, and they are still trying their best to talk about all kinds of pomp.

It's as if Wang Xifeng wanted to cut his staff and dismiss his servants, but Madam Wang refused.

The reason is that the ancestors are not good-looking, which makes people see that the Jia family has fallen.

Wang Xifeng had no choice but to maintain it reluctantly.

Naturally, Lin Daiyu didn't know that Jia Rong's business had already sprung up, and it was not difficult to maintain the Jia family's expenses.

But Jia Baoyu wouldn't say that to her either.

Because the crisis of the Jia family is not only in terms of money, but also the family members of the Jia family are constantly doing evil things and accumulating hatred.

Sure enough, as soon as the grand narrative came, Lin Daiyu couldn't care less about what Jia Baoyu just said.

She hurriedly asked, "Then have you come up with any solution?"

Jia Baoyu sighed again: "The solution, I scoured all the classics and histories, read all the humanities and histories, and finally found only two words: revolution."

"Destiny Restoration, did Tang Wu Revolutionary?" After all, Lin Daiyu was a talented girl who read, so I still know this allusion.

"Yes, only by refreshing the entire court can we save Jia's house." Jia Baoyu said seriously.

"Why, isn't Jia's biggest problem not being able to make ends meet?" After all, Lin Daiyu was limited by her knowledge and information and could not see deeper problems.

"No, the Jia family's problem seems to lie in our own home, but in fact it lies in the courtroom. Even if we clean up the interior, if the courtroom is still dark, then our situation is still a mess, and in the end the whole world is still a mess. Bury us together." Jia Baoyu shook his head.

Lin Daiyu Bingxue is smart. After thinking about it carefully, she finally understood.

Jia Baoyu also vividly said: "We are sitting on a boat now, no matter how strong the boat is, if it enters the vast ocean with strong winds and waves, the boat will eventually capsize. If you want the boat to be quiet, you must drive the boat to the pier. Anchor and dock."

"Where is this harbor? How do you refresh the court?" Lin Daiyu didn't realize it. She was actually discussing with Jia Baoyu about rebelling against the Nine Clan, but she is a wise woman and would never say this to the public. .

"Burning glass."

"Glass? Is it the glass in the Western-style glazed mirror?" Lin Daiyu still knew that kind of mirror, because Jia Baoyu had a large dressing mirror, which was as high as people.

"Yes, it can make people transparent, make the house bright, everyone can see what others are doing, and everyone has something to do. There will be no more dark places. When the hall is bright, we will also be bright here." In fact, Zhao Han is talking nonsense here.

Transparent office cannot solve this court problem.

If you want to solve the problem of the court, you must solve it materially.

For example, why there are bandits everywhere? In the final analysis, it is because of land acquisition. After land acquisition, ordinary people will lose their jobs.

After losing their jobs, the small peasant society with extremely poor mobility cannot provide enough jobs and absorb these landless farmers.

They have no work, no food, and can only rebel.

Bandits are everywhere, and the Jia family is in this bandit environment. How can their village farm safely and pay enough rent?

So much so that Jia Zhen lamented, "Can people have a good time this year?"

Lin Daiyu felt a little bit that Jia Baoyu was playing tricks on himself in the lake. Can he solve the problem of the court just by doing things transparently?

Then she thought again that the other party was a metaphor.

Burning glass refers to something that is hard to say.

What's the matter?

By the way, burning glass requires people to work, and people who work can bring people who have no food to eat.

Everyone has food, will this world still be in chaos?

You must know that Lin Daiyu was born in an aristocratic family, and although he didn't want to pay attention to these matters, Jia Baoyu understood it with a metaphor.

After listening to Jia Baoyu's nonsense, Lin Daiyu felt much better.

Because she knew that Jia Baoyu no longer only thought about the romantic situation in front of her as before, only thinking about poetry and painting, but not about practical life.

In short, the other party is giving her hope.

"Since my sister is awake, these words only come out of my mouth, and they can enter your ears, not for outsiders," Jia Baoyu ordered in a timely manner.

"It's natural for me, as long as you don't tell a good sister." Lin Daiyu still didn't let go of what Jia Baoyu said to Xue Baochai in the end.

Alas, this girl is really difficult to deal with.

Zhao Han is a woman herself, but she really doesn't understand women, because every woman in the Red Chamber is water and changes a lot.

Someone like her is a stone.

Of course I can't understand water. UU reading www.

Jia Baoyu got up: "I'll go to work first, I'll come back to see my sister."

Lin Daiyu got up and threw a woven handkerchief to him: "Next time you speak, wipe your face."

Only then did Zhao Han wake up. She sighed and sighed just now, and the spittle stars came out.

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