Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2011: Governor

"Okay, Lao Han, you really got Sister Daiyu." Xiao Huan said in shock.

"It's all because the teacher's guidance is good, and the teacher has rich experience." Zhao Han is an honest person, and of course he won't take credit for it.

"I heard, next time you go to Hachiko's world, be the protagonist, an excellent student, you should be the protagonist." Wen Rensheng said angrily.

"Thank you teacher, by the way, what type of world protagonist Hachiko is?" Zhao Han also asked happily.



South Island.

Jia Rong and Jia Lian are developing rapidly.

Compared with Jia Baoyu's still in Wenrou Township, they have already started industrialization.

The three of them have already discussed it, some people are in and some people are out.

Jia Baoyu is the master and follows the main line of emotional flow.

And they are engaged in the external environment, and the external influences the internal.

In order to avoid the literal prison, the author of A Dream of Red Mansions tried his best to remove the background of the era and state, and even deliberately confused various timelines, which made people often confused after watching, and even the exact age of the hero and heroine, you can't figure out, just to prevent others To say it is an innuendo.

Unlike Wen Rensheng, who has always been eighteen years old, how clear and simple.

Obviously, the author's efforts were very successful. Although he lost the last forty chapters, at least after the completion, it was officially published by his contemporaries and widely circulated.

At that time, the authors of many books were killed by the Literary Prison, which was appalling.

Qingfeng is illiterate, so why flip through books?

I would have my heart illuminating the moon, but the breeze cut my head.

Even so, when it comes to the plot, the author also had to write some external circumstances.

For example, fool Xue was kidnapped by robbers and rescued by Liu Xianglian when he was out on a long trip.

What does this symbolize?

It symbolizes that the outside world has long been full of bandits, and the people are struggling to live. Otherwise, how can there be such a coincidence?

You must know that the big fool Xue is not alone when he goes out.

Then there is the village of Jia's house, which often suffers from drought, the harvest is often bad, and the rent is not able to be collected.

These are all clear signs of environmental degradation.

Now, Jia Rong and Jia Lian are transforming the external environment.

Now their pharmaceutical industry, relying on some secret recipes and some unique formulas through later generations, has become popular all over the world.

Among them, the medicines for treating malaria, refreshing medicines, tonifying qi and blood, stopping bleeding and anti-inflammatory medicines, antibacterial medicines, pain-relieving medicines and fever-reducing medicines are all effective and widely used medicines.

For example, the ancients lacked medicines to reduce fever, which led to many people, especially infants and young children, being burned into fools or even prematurely killed by a high fever.

In fact, nothing is needed at this time, as long as the fever can be reduced, most people can survive.

Whether the drug is effective or not is the most visible.

An effective drug is naturally sought after by everyone, and it is absolutely needed, because if you don't take medicine when you are sick, you are joking about your own life.

Unless you are a poor person, as long as you have some assets, you have to get medicine when you get sick. It is not uncommon for families to go bankrupt because of medicine.

Now Jia Lian's pharmaceutical factory is named "Yangrong Pharmaceutical", a very modern name.

But nothing, Dream of the Red Chamber has been involved in modern times, the self-ringing bell, and the ships have all.

Yangrong Pharmaceutical is booming, with a monthly turnover of more than 300,000 taels and a profit of more than 120,000 taels.

This year is completely a seller's market, and it belongs to the era of extreme shortage of materials.

From grain to iron utensils, cloth is also in short supply. Of course, this means that farmers who have no spending power are lacking, and landlords who have spending power are not short of grain and cloth.

Many people have free labor, but no opportunity to convert labor into cash.

Labor is the most precious resource in the industrial age.

As long as there is labor, resources can be exploited in great abundance.

In an agricultural society, on the other hand, resources are extremely limited and labor is wasted... This can be seen from countless massacres.

In the eyes of the industrial society, this is such a waste. The massacre of hundreds of thousands of people only earns one hundred, or billions a day...

However, the agricultural society does not think so. If there are fewer people, there will be more land, and the dynasty will be more stable for decades.

And Yangrong Pharmaceutical is trying to convert these excess labor into wealth.

They recruit landless peasants, homeless people, beggars... and bring them all into the factory.

The salary is extremely low, which is enough to eat three meals a day, plus a place to live.

But that's enough for a lot of people.

As for saving enough money to get married and have children, most landless farmers have no such luxury at all.

What are the 30 million bachelors in later generations?

In this era, many people have no chance to leave descendants at all. Only the landlords, the officials and the gentry can leave many descendants.

On this day, the two were looking at the ledger.

"The industrial population has exceeded 88,887 people, and the silver taels on the books have exceeded 1.2 million taels. In just a few years' effort, it has surpassed the fortune that Lin Ruhai has saved all his life. It is still a big fat shortage of the inspector of salt." Jia Rong sighed. .

"The speed at which an industrial society can create wealth is completely unimaginable in an agricultural society, because in an industrial society, the resources and labor that can be utilized are two completely different dimensions from an agricultural society," Jia Lian said.

"Yes, industrial society can use coal, oil, and electricity as power. From the perspective of energy, it far exceeds the biological energy of human beings and can create massive wealth. The final indicator that restricts the production capacity of industrial society turns out to be agricultural society. The most troublesome population is the number of people, the more the population, the larger the industrial scale, and thus the higher the efficiency, the sparse population, and the high technology cannot support the category of industrialization." Jia Rong had to sigh, this feudal society wasted too much labor.

While the two were calculating, suddenly, a principal came from outside. He took a letter from a carrier pigeon and urgently reported:

"The big thing is bad. The two owners, the governor of Fanyu, asked our semicolon stationed in the local provincial capital for 300,000 taels of silver. They also said that this is the need for one season, and the next season will take it."

When he said this, the principal was sweating profusely and looked nervous.

If the money comes out, their semicolon won't last long, just close the door.

"It's not that the wild goose is plucking its hair, it's the wild goose who is in the pot!" Jia Rong was furious when she heard this.

Jia Lian looked calm.

This goose is fat, and there are naturally many people who are jealous.

This is feudal society. The size of the business does not depend on how shrewd you are, but on how big your official position is.

Of course, even if you are the emperor, the scale of your business will be restricted, mainly by eunuchs and civil servants.

"Master, what should we do, they will give a reply within three days, otherwise they will send troops to recruit." The chief said hurriedly.

He now earns 735 taels of silver every year, plus a lot of benefits, but he doesn't want such a good position to disappear.

The most important thing is that the two owners treat him as a human being.

Once it is gone, he will drift on the face of death again, endure the humiliation to survive, and be humble.

"Didn't the newspaper report the name of the Xue family?" Jia Rong asked after calming down.

"Reported, they said that a mere royal businessman dared to interfere in the court's major event of suppressing bandits?" The chief said helplessly.

"Have the Wang family and Jia family's names been reported?" Jia Lian asked.

"I didn't dare to report without the permission of the two of you."

"Give it a try."

Half a day later, the news came, and the principal came to report again.

"Reported, they said at least 200,000 taels, not less than a cent."

"It seems that the Jia Wang family is much stronger than the Xue family. It's less than 100,000 taels. No wonder Aunt Xue wants to join the Jia family." Jia Lian smiled.

"But in this way, don't we become part-time workers for them? We have worked so hard for so long, a quarter and three months, all profits are only 360,000 taels, and they want 200,000. This is still a semicolon request!" Jia Rong said fiercely.

The boss is also helpless.

Obviously, this business is not easy to do. The influence of the Jia family and the Wang family is in the north and south of the Yangtze River. This is the land of the south, and it is too far away.

The other party is willing to give up 100,000 taels, probably still in the face of Wang Ziteng. After all, the other party is still a celebrity in front of the emperor at this time, holding military power, and has something to do with Governor Fanyu.

"You go down first, and we'll discuss it right away."

Afterwards, Jia Lian and Jia Rong contacted Xiao Huan and asked her to help contact Jia Baoyu to hold a tripartite meeting together.

This is the only way Wen Rensheng can use the underlying mechanism of this world to open a few of them.

Let them ignore the distance, surpass the communication means of this world, and be able to communicate in real time.

This is the treatment that can only be obtained after the telegram comes out.

In fact, in the timeline where Jia Baoyu is located, there are also all kinds of gods and monsters.

For example, Dao Po Ma, another example of Daoist Kongkong, and another example of that monk.

They all have mysterious powers.

Another example is the illusory realm, the phantom fairy, etc., but in the end, these mysterious things are all fake.

This is called the false when the true is true and false, and sometimes there is nothing without action.

The gods and monsters are fake and do not exist, but those overseas countries, overseas things, inside and outside the Jia Mansion, actually exist.

This is true and false.

After contacting Jia Baoyu, Jia Baoyu also said angrily: "Damn, you dare to ask for 200,000 taels of silver, do you really think that the silver was blown by the strong wind?"

"Hey, the Jia family is dying. If Rong Guo Gong Jia Daishan was here, how could anyone dare to ask for it like this?" Jia Lian shook his head.

"Yeah, those big eunuchs in the past often came to Jia Mansion to ask for more than 1,000 taels of silver, and when Grandma Liu took 20 taels of silver, she was very happy." Jia Rong also sighed.

"It seems that our pharmaceutical industry cannot be covered by the power of the Xue family, the Jia family and the Wang family alone. The annual dividend of 1.2 million taels is already envied by some people. The 200,000 taels are just a test, if you give in , they will definitely ask for shares, and the last step of the industry that we have worked so hard to build falls into their hands." Jia Baoyu understood.

"Yeah, what's the benefit of falling into their hands? The government-run industry is extremely rotten, and it's not the worst, only worse. There are too many people to do, and 10 people can do the work for you to put 100 people in, and eat 100 people. The empty rate. I use shoddy, raw materials to get you rotten lakes, but the price is still the price of good materials, 100 taels of silver to buy, I will buy materials worth 10 taels of silver for you. As a result, the raw materials I bought can’t be used. , you have to spend another 100 taels to buy it again." Jia Rong sighed.

"Then what are we going to do?" Jia Baoyu asked.

Now the three of them have personally experienced the severe obstacles that feudal society has placed on large-scale industry.

Why industrialization requires a stable legal environment.

If it is unstable, and if it is allowed to be bullied and exploited, no matter how high the profits are, it will not be able to support it.

It's a blow to the confidence of the factory owner. After a year of hard work, it's all in vain. Who can stand it?

A fair legal environment and a fair contractual contract environment can rationalize the distribution of industrial profits.

For example, I can pay taxes to the imperial court, but you have to make sure that after this round of collection, you can’t collect any more, and you have to guarantee my safety.

If there is no end, no one will engage in industry anymore.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to prevent a thief.

What should they do now?

"By the way, have we overlooked something?" Zhao Han suddenly remembered what he had overlooked.

"Forgot what?" the two asked.

"Have you forgotten your two uncles?"

"Uh, I really forgot." Wang Wenwen said helplessly.

She remembered that the two uncles were working as eunuchs.

It was still a big eunuch, one Xia Bingzhong and the other Dai Quan.

"Understood, first put the industry in their name and see if it can scare some people? We still need time." Jia Lian said suddenly.

a day later.

The chief came to report again happily: "The price that Governor Fanyu asked for is less, only ten thousand taels."

The three were not happy at all.

From 300,000 taels to 10,000 taels.

This is the power of imperial power.

It should be said that it is a person who can truly enjoy the imperial power.

The emperor is often unable to enjoy the imperial power because he lacks skills.

He has power, but he is alone and cannot control time.

Most of the benefits brought by his imperial power were shared by eunuchs, concubines, and civil servants.

If the emperor can enjoy 10%, it is a good thing.

Jiajing was able to enjoy one third of the money back then, so he was not satisfied and said it was his money.

He should be content. His later emperor, Chongzhen, can't get one-third of it.

This is not an exaggeration at all. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, commerce was extremely developed, especially maritime trade. Western merchants had a lot of things to sell to the Ming Dynasty, and a lot of things they wanted to buy from the Ming Dynasty.

However, the ridiculous court officials deliberately set up obstacles, resulting in the complete ruin of Ming, who could rely on trade to save his fate.

You must know that Zheng Chenggong once reached Nanjing by relying on trade training. The key is to rely on expensive iron armored men to defeat the mighty cavalry of the Qing Dynasty!

This is the most important thing. To be able to defeat the opponent's cavalry means to have the initiative, especially the sea advantage.

If it wasn't for Zheng Chenggong who only lived to be 39 years old and let him live to the age of Sima Yi, it is very likely that the Manchu Qing Dynasty would be pushed back.

The history of social forms is not necessarily inevitable. In many cases, it depends on the life expectancy of the main characters.

It’s just that the general trend is inevitable, such as the origin of the industrial revolution and the development of science and technology.

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