Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2012: settle a lawsuit

In the end, the three gave only 10,000 taels to the Yamen, the governor of Fanyu, to buy peace.

"If we are not someone in the palace, if it is not the Jia family, then we will give 300,000 taels." Jia Baoyu said angrily.

"No, without these two things, we wouldn't be able to achieve the scale they demanded 300,000 taels of filial piety." Jia Lian said coldly.

"In that case, shouldn't we build an army with a budget of 300,000 taels from the beginning?" Jia Rong suggested.

This is a matter of course.

It's just that the three of them didn't expect it to come so quickly.

They thought it would take a few more years, until the scale was bigger, at least the scale of tens of millions of taels per year.

"According to Ji Xiao's new book, a team with only combat effectiveness can swept the new army of other feudal armies. , the more you kill, the more you give... The fixed expenditure is 24 taels per year, which is roughly equivalent to the income of an oil seller in a normal year in the capital." Jia Lian said.

It seems that he has already started researching.

"Sure enough, the world is the same, and the army also needs kpi for beheading."

"300,000 taels, let me do the math, it's only enough for 10,000 people a year's fixed expenditure. Once there is a battle, the budget will immediately be doubled by five times, which is 1.5 million taels. This battle is really hard to fight, no wonder the imperial court in the middle and late stages. I don't want to fight." Jia Baoyu sighed.

"10,000 people is enough to make us hedgehogs. At least if you want to collect our protection fee, you need a few more heads." Jia Rong still gritted her teeth.

Rebellion should be done as soon as possible... prepare, prepare early, and act late.

Usually forced to act in advance, it is basically not far from failure.

"Then, start hiring the army now and buy muskets?" Jia Baoyu asked.

"Of course not, but to buy blacksmith shops, ready-to-wear shops, and establish a military industry related to the army." Jia Lian said.

"It always feels a little troublesome. The three of us alone are not enough." Jia Rong felt a big head when she thought about the details.

"Yeah, so recruit some potential rebels."

"Wait, before that, I want to ask, how high is the chance of this rebellion succeeding?" Jia Baoyu asked.

If it wasn't high, he would still live by marrying a younger sister Lin, and let Xue Baochai continue after the younger sister died.

This is more realistic.

At least meet the minimum clearance requirements.

"To analyze this probability, we have to figure out why the Westerners did not defeat the eldest Eastern Dynasty in the end, and could only rely on proxies to rule it?" Jia Lian asked.

"Very simple, four words, too far away." Jia Rong said directly.

Jia Baoyu nodded slightly.

Yes, there is no complicated reason, it is just too far away, and technology does not support such large-scale delivery.

The barbarians are far worse than the Westerners, and they are much more barbaric, but they can rule the Eastern dynasties again and again, but they are too close.

And they are willing to directly absorb the foundation of the eastern dynasty, the landlords, scholars, and officials into the ruling class... This is the most important thing.

Whoever cannot do this cannot rule it securely.

"Okay, the next step is to select people who rebel. Since ancient times, there are basically two types of people who rebel. One is those who can't get enough to eat, and the second is people who are full and support themselves."

"There are too few people who are full to support, and the most people are still not full."

After the three discussed it, they took action.

Of course, you can't directly tell them that you want to rebel. This is too much to break through people's psychological limits.

Jia Lian only said to the workers in the factory: "We must protect our factory. The factory is my home, and everyone loves it. The factory is the big guy's rice bowl. ."

The first plant protection team was initially set at 300 people.

The workers accepted it easily.

After all, I come to work every day, pay every month, there are gifts for the four festivals, and I visit the elderly at the end of the year.

These common tricks of later factories are big killers in this era.

Why is Jia Mansion yearning for everyone, isn't it just because the servants hang out in it?

The slaves have become masters.

If it was a sweatshop, the people from Jia Fu would have run away early.

"Recently, there have been robbers outside, and people often spy on our factory. We will organize a factory protection team. The people in the factory protection team only work half a day, get double pay, work in the morning, train in the afternoon, and rest for two days a day."

Workers readily accepted this statement.

After all, every big family has guards and teams to protect the village.

This is a common occurrence.

How do they know that as long as they firmly stick to the idea of ​​"protecting the factory", as the factory grows larger, they will sooner or later overthrow the entire imperial court.

Because only then can the factory be protected.

The feudal court could not accommodate large-scale factories.

There is only one, too many workers gather together, and go to work in an orderly manner every day. Natural rebel groups cannot be tolerated by the imperial court.

The miners of the past dynasties were mostly feared by the imperial court, which was the reason. This is the reason why it is always forbidden to pine for private mining.

Jia Lian didn't say much, just let the shopkeeper, the foreman, the head... Ri Ri said, Yue Yue said: "Protect the factory, if there is a factory, there will be a job, otherwise, you will end up on the streets and become refugees."

There is no mess of theoretical ideas, and workers from refugees and urban bankrupt people don't understand much.

As long as they know that protecting the factory will give them jobs and wages, that's fine.

Jia Lian and the three knew that rebellion would be a matter of course.

Because the feudal lords will take the initiative to force the workers to the corner.

And they from later generations fully know how fierce the workers can be in order to protect the factory.

The combat power is much stronger than that of the peasants.

Workers work together every day, and assembly-line work itself is highly organized.

They are a natural army.

Work in line together every day, cooperate with each other for many years, and obey the orders of the foreman.

Just a little transformation of the factory, it can become an army.

For example, it is enough to replace the foreman with the platoon leader, the workshop director with the company commander, and the factory manager with the battalion commander.

This is an established army.

Small peasant economy will not work.

The peasants are scattered and work one by one.

Naturally, there is a lack of organization, so there are often tragedies in which a small number of yamen forces a large number of villagers to death.

The mobilization of industrialization is even more terrifying.

An industrial country with a population of 80 million can mobilize an army of 10 million.

The pharmaceutical factory that Jia Lian and the others built can be used directly in wartime.

To provide medicine and food, the process of making medicine is much more rigorous than that of making food.

As long as the assembly line is slightly modified and the input is replaced with food, the dry food during the war can be output there.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the best medicine in this era is... high protein, high fat and high salt.

80% of the patients died of malnutrition.

That way they solved the logistical problem.

Then there is the weapons industry.

Guns, cannons.

The chain of weapons factories in this era is not too complicated, and the workshop can complete the operation.

If we push it further, the modern military industry is no longer a system that can be completed by a single country.

If you want a musket, you must first have good iron. The second is to have a lathe.

Guns can be crafted by hand.

In the West at this time, many muskets were made by hand.

But they did not acquire the blacksmith shop, because the target was too obvious and too scattered to protect in wartime.

They need to build a coal and iron center.

I chose an island with coal and iron, and spent money to buy land.

The names of the four great masters are not easy to use, and they can't be used here. In the end, they offered 20,000 taels to the nearby big pirate chief, and the island was taken down.

As for why the pirate chief was willing to charge 20,000 taels, it was because the Xue family had found someone to promise them extra stock.

Pirate chiefs need to have goods on land to have a foundation...

Cyclic collusion.

After winning the island, they began to transport people upwards and displaced people.

Feudal society lacks everything and there is no shortage of refugees, it just depends on which year you are a refugee.

When people have it, they start to reclaim some land, grow vegetables, and grow rice... The main thing is to burn and burn the soil of tropical diseases such as dysentery.

Burn grass, shrubs, and woodlands all at once, leaving only the windbreaks.

Then there is coal mining, iron ore mining, blast furnace construction...

Then there's gunpowder.

They are pharmaceutical, and there is no shortage of sulfur.

Because sulfur is originally a traditional Chinese medicine.

And medicine requires alchemy.

I am an alchemist, and it is normal to make gunpowder.

It is said that the imperial court's management of these things is very strict.

The problem is that no matter how strict it is, it will not be able to withstand the power of this silver.

In short, the silver opens the way, and everything is there.


The three-year period has come, and Jia Baoyu has left the mountain... No, he is going to be an official.

In the general environment, Jia Rong and Jia Lian are engaged in the army and muskets. Depending on the scale of industrial development, it will take at least ten years to come out and push it out.

The industry is always weak at the beginning, but in ten years, once it takes shape, it will quickly replicate itself and then seek the market.

As long as the market is hungry for manufactured goods, industry expands rapidly.

A growth rate of 500% or even thousands of percent a year is completely impossible in an agricultural society, but is common in an industrial society.

Jia Rong and the others have a musket team of 5,000 people and 20 bronze cannons.

Of course, more than half of these weapons were purchased from Western merchants.

There are very few muskets and cannons that can be made by themselves.

But it is enough to protect the industry on the island, and even the big pirate chief has reduced the protection fee by 5,000 for two years.

Of course, the conflict between the two sides is brewing, and the big pirate chief does not allow anyone to challenge his position at sea.

It's just that there are people in the Jia family.

This allows the pirate chief to endure a little or two.

When they are not willing to be manufacturers and want to be channels, it is time for both sides to tear their faces.

At this time, in the internal environment, Jia Baoyu has passed the three-year inspection period and was officially appointed as the chief of the Criminal Department, a sixth-rank official.

This happens to be Zhao Han's old line.

After coming to the Ministry of Punishment, she looked through the mountain-like file, which opened her eyes. In short, there were only three words:

Black, black, black.

It's so easy for them to break the eucalyptus here.

What Bao Gong, Song Ci, Di not exist.

What exists are boards, wooden flails, leather whips, soldering irons, and sticks.

Under Miki, everything is possible.

Then there's silver.

For example, if a person died on a certain street today, it is a homicide.

The yamen suddenly rushed over like wolves.

Their first concern is not who the murderer is, but which family in the neighborhood is rich.

This requires the clerks in the yamen's house to go out and tell them which one has money nearby.

Then I tried to find a way to try to bring the suspect to this house.

If this family has power, such as someone in the DPRK and a local tyrant, I'm sorry, I apologize.

Change to another family.

As for how to go about it, first of all, the person who reported the eucalyptus, if there is no background, not Lizheng or the like, then beat him directly and let him admit that he saw who killed the person.

Arrest people based on their confessions. After they are arrested, see how much money they have made. If they have enough money, they will let them go and exchange for another…

After half a year, when I was full and satiated, I asked for help from above.

Just look at some passers-by, catch them and beat them up, if not, just catch some beggars and gangsters on the street.

After the three sticks went down, let them admit that they were the murderers.

In short, Zhao Han, just looking at the file, does not need much analytical ability. Basically, it can be determined that more than 80% of the murder criminals are wrong, and they are all arrested to replace them.

For example, a beggar can enter a deep house compound in the middle of the night to kill, and then sleep peacefully in the temple the next day.

It was written on the dossier that there was a dog hole in the compound, and beggars got into it to kill people.

It seems reasonable.

However, the murder weapon was not found, and it was said that the beggar had thrown it into the river, but the nearest river was also a hundred miles away.

As for the motive, the beggar wanted to steal money.

Witnesses, no.

As for why it was said to be killed by a beggar, the reason was that he had heard him say that he was going to kill a certain master early the next morning because the other party did not give him any money.

As for the evidence, oral confession is the biggest evidence...

After Zhao Han saw these eucalypts, he only had one feeling: Reverse, must be reversed.

If you have the conditions, you want to rebel, and if you don't have the conditions to create the conditions, you will also rebel.

Crossing does not rebel, chrysanthemum sleeve electric drill.

Kneel down to the emperor, I can't kneel down!

On this day, she went to work again.

After a group of fox and dog friends nodded and greeted each other, they began to drink tea.

After drinking until the afternoon and after a good night's sleep, everyone started to work.

What, work in the morning?

don't pull...

That's the kind of treatment that only ministers who can go to court. They work in the yamen, and they can be lazy if they can.

Anyway, the more you do, the more work you will have.

Zhao Han and Guang are in the same dust, nothing special.

In the afternoon, she got a eucalyptus handed over from the book office outside.

Because the eucalyptus is located in the county near the capital, it is more valued and needs to be dealt with.

Eucalyptus is adultery eucalyptus.

It is said that an adulterer commits adultery with a prostitute and kills his own husband.

Zhao Han took a closer look and found that there were too many loopholes.

The husband died, and the weapon was said to be a kitchen knife, but the deceased's head was chopped off.

A combination of a kitchen knife and a woman can do the job?

And the biggest question is, where is the adulterer?

The eucalyptus said that the adulterer had escaped.

The adulterer fled, and only one woman was caught as the murderer in the end?

What chain of evidence, what ironclad evidence, does not exist.

However, Zhao Han still found a clue from the only information.

The complainant is the husband's brother.

And this husband has 200 acres of irrigated land, and there are two shops in the county...

And a 9-year-old son.

The male is 14 years old.

A woman can survive for another 5 years to follow her husband, live on her son, support the family business, and collect rent to live a good life.

Zhao Han immediately understood the whole story.

There is a high probability that the husband died of a sudden illness in middle age, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com brothers insisted on making a big fuss and created an unwarranted adulterer.

If she doesn't care, the 100% yamen will follow the brothers, get ten acres of good land, force a woman to death, and the son will be taken care of by the devil.

Three years later, his son died of illness, and the demons annexed the land and shops.

Simple story.

Is there a high probability of murder, or a high probability of eating extinct households?

Why are men in feudal society heaven?

Because the force value of feudal society depends on men.

You, a woman, can't enter the yamen casually. Once you enter the yamen, you can't tell clearly.

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