Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2013: simple case

After reading the eucalyptus scroll, Zhao Han returned home with a stomach full of anger.

A group of sisters and sisters invited him over to eat watermelon again.

It is said that it is a watermelon in a greenhouse, which is also a casual suggestion of Jia Baoyu.

In fact, it is very simple. In the Western Han Dynasty, watermelons were grown in winter by hot spring water.

There is glass these days, but it is destined to be very expensive, and it is impossible to make a greenhouse, but thick paper and straw can be used to keep warm.

Only open the windows during the hottest noon time, and then burn coal for warmth.

In this winter, there is also watermelon to eat, and it has added a big income to Jiafu Zhuangzi, so that Wang Xifeng will not worry about his family.

In fact, until the house was raided, it did not really go bankrupt.

While eating watermelon, Zhao Han informed the sisters about the eucalyptus.

When the sisters heard this, they were all filled with righteous indignation.

The reason why the women in A Dream of Red Mansions attracts sympathy is because when the author created them, except for Wang Xifeng, the other women basically had no black spots and did not do evil... This is very important.

Just like Lin Daiyu, the only little black spot is probably the mockery of Grandma Liu being a mother locust.

That's because he saw Qiufeng's fighting too much, and said casually, Lin Daiyu is not a saint, can there be no mistake?

In other words, I didn't target Grandma Liu, let alone let Wang Xifeng drive them out.

Xue Baochai also has very few black spots, at most he has deep scheming, but he has never done any evil.

Not to mention Yuanyang, Xiren, Qingwen and so on.

"I didn't expect that in broad daylight, he would not be the brother of the Son of Man. The wife of the deceased is really miserable." Tan Chun sighed.

"Brother Ai, if you want to arrest this bad guy, this abominable bad guy." Shi Xiangyun waved his fist and said.

Lin Daiyu said sadly: "The quality is pure and clean, and white heads are not allowed in the world."

Zhao Han was speechless, and Sister Lin really was a tear jar, and anything could lead to grief.

Say something fun if you know it.

She has gone through so many worlds, although she still has the heart of a child, but just like the famous detective Conan, she is not surprised and can bear it.

"Of course, but it's not easy for me to catch this person. I have to personally go and count on those gentlemen, which is basically hopeless," he said.

"Come, love brother, give you a piece of watermelon, I wish you success." Shi Xiangyun picked up the watermelon and handed it to Jia Baoyu, cheering him.

"It seems that with Sister Yun's melon, I will definitely bring the real murderer to justice."

"When the time comes, there will be legends among the people. Yong Xiangyun presents watermelons in winter, and Jia Erye will kill the headless eucalyptus." Xue Baochai said with a smile.

She has a cold temperament, Lin Daiyu will grieve for the victim, but she can bear it.

Because she knows a lot.

After all, it is a businessman's home, and the bankruptcy home that comes and goes is not less in the ears.

A soft-hearted cannot be a businessman.

If you are soft-hearted, then wait to die.

Zhao Han smiled.

Compared with Jia Rong and Jia Lian, the opponent she will face is much simpler.

But when it comes to the heart, it is even more sinister and despicable.

Their method is shameless enough.

They never cared about fame, and they hid with everyone.

They only care about whether they can get the money and whether they can get the land. For this reason, they can sell their relatives and kill their relatives.

Anyone whose life encounters these people will be reduced to tragedy.


Early the next morning, Zhao Han took the loyal dog-leg Mingyan, Li Gui, and a group of servants, and took a notice from the Ministry of Punishment, and brought a clerk of the Ministry of Punishment as a record and assistant.

Then take a carriage to Daxing County where the eucalyptus discovery site is located.

The other principals of the punishment department were not so troublesome.

They directly issued a ticket and asked the magistrates to confirm the evidence, and then it was over.

No one will work hard to help these people clean up the situation.

Of course, there are times when a case of injustice is uncovered. The Manchu way of dealing with cases of injustice being uncovered is to directly dismiss the trial officials and distribute them, and the punishment is very serious.

But because of this, it is difficult to turn over the eucalyptus.

Generally, it is under the competition of the two parties that some eucalyptus are lucky enough to see the light of day.

After all, the confrontation between the two sides means that they are evenly matched. At this time, the grievance becomes a favorable tool.

If one party gets this tool, it will naturally be easier to defeat the other party.

After all, the grievances in the feudal era have basically no hard evidence. As long as someone has the patience to investigate according to the thinking mode of a normal person, there is a 70% chance of finding the truth and turning the case over.

When Zhao Han came to Daxing County, the magistrate went out to meet him in person.

At this moment, Jiafu is still very famous.

At this time, Wang Xifeng could kill someone with just a few letters.

She can mobilize bureaucrats at the level of magistrates and prefects.

Not to mention Jia Baoyu.

He is definitely not comparable to Wang Xifeng, the housekeeper of the house.

He is a male of the direct line of Jia's family, and he was born as a jinshi under the age of 20. Behind him is the concubine Yuan, who has more power than Wang Xifeng.

The county magistrate welcomed Zhao Han into the lobby, and after drinking tea, Zhao Han went to the hall to ask about the eucalyptus.

The county magistrate stayed by the side, no matter whether it was in line with the guidelines of the imperial court, the first-level official was the guidelines.

Soon the execution room and household room in the yamen, and the people in the yamen related to the case were all called to the court.

Zhao Han then said, "Where is the wife of the deceased?"

When the magistrate heard this, he suddenly knew something.

The old magistrate in his fifties was instantly relieved.

He understood what Shangguan meant.

Zhao Han did not say the prostitute, nor where the criminal was, but used the victim's wife.

It is obvious that the other party is inclined to be innocent of the deceased's wife.

Thinking of this, the magistrate quickly got up and replied: "Reporting to Shangguan, the county considers that the suspect is a woman, so she is placed in Lizheng's house, and Lizheng's wife and a few maids take care of her."

Zhao Han nodded in approval: "Yes, Mr. Liu is kind and kind. No wonder the people praised him when he entered the city."

When Liu county magistrate heard this, he was overjoyed.

It's natural for everyone to praise him. He was a squire who was specially called. He was standing next to him. Would anyone scold him?

But since Shangguan recognized it, he was a good official who won the hearts of the people.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, the old and stupid, can't tell the truth and the fake, you can only do things with a little conscience." Liu county magistrate hurriedly bowed.

Why did Zhao Han praise the magistrate Liu?

Because if the county magistrate said that the female prisoner was in jail, the wife of the deceased would die if she was innocent even if she went out.

You must know that these days, there are no good people in the yamen. Female prisoners in prison are rarely immune to murder.

Even if she wasn't poisoned, others would just say that this woman was in jail.

Okay, you woman will never be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life.

There is only one way to prove innocence by suicide.

This is the sinister center of the deceased brothers. Feudal ethics forced people to die.

If you move a stool, people will die. It means that if a woman moves a stool for a strange man, she will be accused of adultery and then hang herself...

Just so brutal.

In modern times, it's different. Kissing in person can also be said to be due to etiquette. No one cares at all.

When the next person hears these words, it is not a sinister thing, it is not a sinister thing.

It didn't take long for the yamen to come down to the hall with two old women and a young woman in the middle.

The old woman and the young woman knelt down at the same time.

"People's daughter Zhang Jia, I have seen adults."

Zhao Han swept over the young woman and found that her fingers were intact, her figure was normal, and there were no scars on her body.

Without scars, how did the magistrate get the confession of the other party's murder?

Zhao Han was immediately puzzled.

He asked, "How did this woman's previous confession come from?"

The magistrate Liu hurriedly said: "The woman confessed herself, and the lower official never executed it."

Zhao Han nodded: "Master Liu is indeed an official of benevolence and righteousness."

The magistrate Liu said hurriedly, "Thank you, Shangguan, for your praise."

He was in his fifties, and he was born in a noble family, and he was at the end of his career as a county magistrate of the seventh rank.

The other party is less than twenty years old, he is the sixth grade, and he is also an official of the Ministry of Punishment.

And the Jia family background, shouldn't he be good at it?

Seeing this scene, the young woman in the hall seemed to have more light in her eyes, raised her head slightly, and glanced at Jia Baoyu.

Jia Baoyu was so handsome, it made the young woman's heart skip a beat.

Is there such a handsome boy in the world?

There should be hope for his grievances.

People are like that, when they see someone handsome, they think he should be a good guy.

Ugly looking, that's a badass.

Zhao Han is not just praising Liu County magistrate.

She thought that this woman's confession must have been obtained by torture.

Looking at it now, that's not the case.

If a woman confesses automatically, that's a big problem.

This is a capital crime, why should a woman confess it automatically?

There must be something hidden.

Zhao Han immediately thought that the woman had a 9-year-old son.

She then asked: "Zhang Jia, why did you murder your husband? Tell this officer again."

"My husband beats me a lot on weekdays, so he killed him with others. It has nothing to do with others." Zhang Jia lowered his head and said.

"Then let me ask you, where is your son now?"

"My son is being adopted by the uncle's family." Zhang Jia continued.

"Come here, bring her son quickly." Zhao Han wrote a ticket and asked the yamen to find someone.

"Thank you sir." There was a hint of surprise in Zhang Jia's eyes.

Zhao Han understood at a glance.

It would be strange if there was nothing in the middle.

Then Zhao Han asked again, "Tell me again, how did your husband die, and what were you doing when your husband died?"

Zhang Jiashi lowered his head and said: "That day, a wandering monk came to my house, the monk wanted to seduce me, I said that I would kill my husband before I would obey him, so the monk killed my husband, and then he was afraid and cut off his head. Take it away."

"So that's the case, what does the monk look like, tell me quickly." Zhao Han asked.

Zhang Jia's head bowed his head as a memory: "The monk is two feet tall, with a leopard head and eyes, dark skin, full beard, and a loud voice..."

I see, you are talking about Zhang Sanye.

Zhao Han completely understood that Zhang Jia was a character in the storytelling book, and he randomly found someone to confess as a suspect.

After the other party finished speaking, Zhao Han said again, "How tall is that monk?"

"He was two feet tall, burly and had no beard."

"What do monks like to eat?"

"He, he likes beef."

"How did you know?"

"When he left, he took a slaughtered beef from a cow that fell and died."

"Your brother-in-law, Zhang Si, also likes beef?"

"Yes, sir, how did you know?" Zhang Jia was shocked.

Zhao Han thought to herself that she had read the file, which mentioned that the reporter was very tall, had no beard, and had a good mouthful of beef.

Zhang Jia subconsciously described the appearance and preferences of the real murderer!

It's scary to think about.

After the questioning was over, the yamen brought a 9-year-old child.

Then there is the painful scene of mother and son holding their heads.

Zhao Han waved his hand and asked the yamen to take the mother and son to the back hall to rest.

"Bring the person who will report the eucalyptus, Zhang Si!" She handed out the ticket again.

Then a tall, strong, clean-shaven young man was brought into the hall.

Zhao Han asked, "Who is in the hall? Say your name."

"I am Zhang Si, and the deceased Zhang Er is my brother."

"My brother was killed by a prostitute, please call the master for me."

"Okay, Zhang Si, let me know how you framed your sister-in-law, how did you kill your elder brother, and how did you want to get the property of your elder brother's family!" Zhao Han shouted sharply.

"My lord is wronged, where did this come from?" Zhang Si knelt down and shouted his injustice.

"It seems that you don't want to admit it anymore, come here, get on the stick!" Zhao Han went directly to the village to follow the custom.

It's really convenient to get a confession these days.

The yamen held down Zhang Si and directly approached him with a stick.

No one around was surprised.

There is no evidence, as soon as the stick is on, isn't there evidence?

Including the magistrate Liu, they all think this is normal.

Magistrate Liu didn't put a stick on Zhang Jia because the other party was a female and he wanted fame.

After all, I'm getting old, I'm going to retire, and I've had enough money, so I want to leave a good name in the county annals.

At his age, it's hard to say a word, and one day he will die when he gets a cold.

In this case, it is necessary to consider the posthumous name.

If the magistrate were changed, Zhang Jia's family might not have the luck of waiting for Jia Baoyu.

Under Miki, everything is possible.

At least Zhang Si quickly confessed: "I am usually lazy, and I have no money to live on. My elder brother no longer helps me. That day I saw a wandering monk going to my elder brother's house for alms, and my elder brother gave him three liters of rice, and I was heartbroken. When I was jealous, I asked my brother to drink alcohol, got him drunk, chopped off his head, and threatened my sister-in-law with the child, saying, "

"Sister-in-law, you don't want your son to die, do you? Forcing your sister-in-law to confess the crime of having an affair with a monk and killing your brother."

"Sure enough!" Liu County magistrate was furious.

"Master Jia is wise!"

"Sure enough, he is a young jinshi, very intelligent."

Many squires onlookers were very surprised.

"It's comparable to Duke Bao Di Gong."

"Odd eucalyptus ah strange eucalyptus. UU reading"

"This Zhang Si is really vicious, he is really human-faced and beast-hearted."

"Fortunately, Master Jia came here to solve this case."

Zhao Han thought to himself, what kind of broken case is this?

No evidence or murder weapon.

Just relying on a little doubt, he was severely punished, and the murderer simply admitted it neatly.

As for whether the other party is telling the truth, she can still hear it.

If it is false, it is easy to find the problem after mutual verification with the actual.

This Zhang Si is the murderer.

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