Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2015: Rebellious

(This chapter is repeated, I will revise it tomorrow, there is not enough time. Please understand)

Then Zhao Han began to ask: "Zhang Si, this official asks you, where did you hide the murder weapon?"

Zhang Si said incoherently: "Report to your lord, I threw the murder weapon."

"What is the murder weapon? Where was it thrown?" Zhao Han repeated when he saw that the man had been beaten and forced.

"A pig-killing knife, I, I threw the murder weapon under the stove in my house."

"Quickly go to Zhang Si's house to get it." Jia Baoyu then instructed a horse to quickly say.

The horse Kuai immediately left the county office and rode on the Kuai horse to pick it up.

"Where is the head of the deceased?"

"The head is in the iron pot in my house."

When everyone heard this, they were so scared that they broke out in a cold sweat.

"Sure enough!"


"It's too cruel, is this still a brother?"

Zhao Han immediately said to the others: "Go and get it together."

After half an hour.

The murder weapon and the deceased's head were both found by the horse who went first.

That Ma Kuai was very clever, and he smelled blood as soon as he entered Zhang Si's house.

Following the taste, I found the murder weapon, and as soon as I lifted the lid of the pot, I almost died on the spot!

Until now, Ma Kuai was still rubbing his chest and staring at Zhang Si viciously.

Who would dare to do this?

"Sir, it has been proven that the head belongs to the dead Zhang Er." Zuzuo said.

"Okay, this official pronounced the sentence that Zhang Si was guilty of heinous crimes, murdered for money, disregarding the brotherhood of his brothers, and people and gods were outraged. After the autumn, I asked about the beheading, reported it to the Punishment Department for verification, and handed it over to the emperor to write it off!"

"Master is wise."

"Master is wise!"

"Thank you, Master Qingtian!"

The squires followed and shouted in unison.

Everyone was convinced.

In the hands of Mr. Jia, the whole case seemed to be very simple. With a single stick, the real criminal was brought to trial.

Why can't Mr. Liu do it?

Some squires knew in their hearts that Mr. Liu was not confused.

Instead, he was accustomed to being peaceful and stable, and only obeyed the words of the yamen and the book office, and was unwilling to work hard.

Can't compare to the daring of a young jinshi.

Zhao Han shook his head slightly.

In fact, when she checked the case file before, she discovered that in feudal society, most of the cases were very simple.

As long as you do it with a conscience, it is basically impossible to have a big problem.

The reason is very simple. In this era, most people have no awareness of anti-reconnaissance.

Moreover, in this era, as long as it is the Taiping period, the floating population is very small.

In a street and a village, there is not a single floating population for ten days and a half months.

It is the hawker who comes to sell things, and they are here all year round, and they are very familiar with it.

This is very important.

With a large floating population, the crimes committed by modern people are very fatal even if they are solved by modern people.

It can easily become a backlog.

When an acquaintance commits a crime, it is equivalent to those suspects in the world of Conan.

As soon as the stick is on, play a few more rounds, and compare it, the smarter magistrate is actually very easy to solve the case.

The reason why there are unjust cases is not the difficulty of the cases.

This case is very typical, is the crime committed by close relatives.

Why did Zhang Si have murderous thoughts?

It was because he saw a wandering monk.

He thought that if this wandering monk left, no one would be able to mention it.

As long as he put the suspicion on the monk and framed the monk and his sister-in-law for adultery, then no one will find out, and he will not investigate again. He will only find a scapegoat.

This Zhang Si is actually not stupid at all, on the contrary he is very shrewd.

If it weren't for Jia Baoyu, it can be said that this Zhang Jia family is already dead.

If you think about it, you will know that what the yamen want is silver.

As long as this brother kills his sister-in-law, he can get 200 acres of irrigated land and two shops, and the yamen can take advantage of this brother's guilty conscience and get more than half of the benefits.

It only takes half a year of hard work, and the 200 acres of land will fall into the hands of the yamen.

This point, Zhao Han did not say clearly, she knew better than anyone else that behind the seemingly simple case, there were extremely cruel and dark truths hidden.

That is, the yamen officers deliberately pushed the boat along the river, resulting in unjust cases.

It's easy for someone to ask: Why did the yamen want to extort money after the husband's death, instead of going directly to his wife, they obeyed that brother Zhang Si and helped Zhang Si to identify Zhang Jia as the murderer?

The problem is more complicated.

Because it involves the issue of an in-law's family and a maiden's family.

The land belongs to Zhang Er, and by default it is the property of her husband's family.

Before the disaster of his younger son growing up, his uncle and brother were in charge, not his daughter-in-law.

Although the law also stipulates that it belongs to the daughter-in-law.

But in practice, the people still tend to be in the hands of uncles and brothers.

They worry that the land will be taken away by foreigners.

Like a daughter-in-law remarrying.

Even the government cannot compete with such a powerful clan habit.

For the sake of the land, it is simple to make a killing.

For this reason, if the yamen wanted to seize the land, they had to find someone who could call the shots.

If she was looking for Zhang Jia, the other party said to give them the land and find the murderer, but her uncle disagreed, and the yamen was in vain.

The entire Zhang clan would not agree with Zhang Jia's approach.

Zhang Jia is a female class, how can she go against these uncles and brothers?

She can't go against it, not to mention that she has a son whose surname is still under threat from Zhang Si.

After Jia Baoyu made a judgment, it did not end there.

He asked again: "Zhang Jia, your husband's eldest brother, what's the matter with him, why didn't he decide for you?"

Zhang Jiashi cried and said, "My husband's eldest brother is an honest man. He is too old, in his 60s, and can't move in the house. It turned out that my husband and I have always supported him. He knew that I was wronged, so he could only Sitting in the house guarding my son, but there is nothing to do."

"I see." Jia Baoyu nodded.

This explains that an old man is not a strong worker, nor can he support the family.

Hearing this, Jia Baoyu said to the magistrate Liu, "Mr. Liu, quickly send someone to send Mrs Zhang Jia back to comfort him."

However, magistrate Liu looked at Zhang Jia's family, and then whispered: "Brother Jia Nian, this Zhang Jia family is a widow at a young age, and the talent is less than 25 years old. How can she keep this family business by herself? "

"Even if she is the master today, tomorrow her relatives, her parents' family, neighbors... I'm afraid she will still have more than 200 acres and two shops taken away."

At this time, Mrs. Zhang Jia suddenly knelt down and said, "Master Jia, my concubine is willing to be a servant of your house, and I will donate it to your house together with the land and the shop. I just want to give my concubine and my son a place to live."

Jia Baoyu sighed: "Okay, we don't want your shop or your farm, so you can make a living contract, and I'll let the servants take care of the farm and shop on your behalf."

When Zhang Jia heard this, he immediately kowtowed and said gratefully, "Thank you, Master Qingtian, I wish you all the best of luck to your sons and grandchildren."

Zhao Han sighed again.

Save people to the end, otherwise, after a few years, if Zhao Han heard that Zhang Jia was murdered again, she would be in a bad mood.

This is the horror of feudal society.

Even if you have property and land, it is useless.

You don't have any males in your family, and you don't have a well-established family. You are just waiting to be invaded.

Why is it said in ancient times that a man is a **** and a man is a husband?

No matter how rich you are as a woman, without a man outside to take care of things, if you are in danger, you will be finished.

If it was in later generations, the current Zhang Jia would be a rich woman, with 200 acres of irrigated land and two large shops. Even if you bring a child, you can hire a few servants.

Every day I live leisurely, there is no mother-in-law on it, and there is no husband in the middle.

What a comfortable day.

But not at this time, there are eyes staring at you everywhere, now it's the husband's brother, the neighbors in the neighborhood, the brothers from her parents' family... and the rogue.

Wasn't that staring at those property shops?

Don't worry if you donate to Jia's house.

Whoever dares to take the land will risk offending the Jia residence.

If a letter from Jia's residence goes out, your whole family will be doomed.

The sons of Chang'an guards were all forced to death by Wang Xifeng.

What about ordinary rascals?

The Jia mansion seems to have turned from prosperity to decline, but it is still a thin and dead camel that is bigger than a horse.

Still able to intimidate a lot of people.

Although Jia Mu said that she was only a middle-class rich family, but in the ecology of feudal society, she was still a top ecological niche, not something that the ruffians and hooligans would dare to touch.

So Jia Baoyu's private tent has 200 acres of irrigated land and two large shops.

Everyone thinks this is normal.

Master Jia upheld justice for you and saved your innocence and life. Isn't it natural for you to donate some land?

Of course, Zhao Han is not the previous Jia Baoyu, she took out 20 mu of land from the 200 mu of land, and divided it equally among the yamen who gave her strength.

Just now, the horse is fast, the yamen who used punishment, the book office who appeared on the stage... In short, everyone has a share.

Everyone was very happy, and praised him as a great master of the sky.

And for Zhang Jia, she has no dissatisfaction.

Although Jia Baoyu is taking her husband's property as her favor.

Because originally she herself would not even have a son with her life.

Now there is still a large part of the land, and the shop is also left.

The people and their son took shelter under the Jia family, and they didn't have to work.

The Jia family also sent people to take care of the land and shops.

Give her and her son the chance to pay for it regularly.

that's enough.

Of course, she knew that the servants would definitely go up and down, and to be able to get five points out of a very promising one would be kind.

But she was also content, as long as her son was brought up, she could establish a family and ask Jia Gongzi to take back half of the land and shop.

She believed that Jia Qingtian would never care about this.

Then Zhang Jia took his 9-year-old son, along with Jia Baoyu, and hired a carriage to go back to Jia's house together.

Jia Baoyu asked Li Gui to leave two servants to receive the Zhang family property.

Went home smoothly.

After returning home, Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Shi Xiangyun and other sisters immediately invited Jia Baoyu to the house after they got the news.

A group of sisters and sisters regard Jia Baoyu as a storyteller and can't wait for him to talk about Zhang Jia's story.

After Jia Baoyu told the whole story from the beginning, everyone was satisfied.

"It turns out that, in the end, good people are rewarded, and wicked people are rewarded."

The sisters were very happy and looked at Jia Baoyu with admiration.

This was impossible for the previous Jia Baoyu to have.

Everyone is persuading him to focus on his career and economy.

Only Lin Daiyu obeyed him.

All the sisters are kind people, at least they have never done evil, so they are attractive.

Only Wang Xifeng has done evil, so she died miserably in the end, and there are not many people who sympathize with her.

"It seems that our Jia Qingtian has really won." Lin Daiyu said.

"Brother Bao, you are indeed wise, no less than Duke Bao and Duke Di." Xue Baochai also praised.

"Such a case is a test of eyesight and wisdom." Shi Xiangyun looked at Jia Baoyu with admiration.

Zhao Han thought to himself, what kind of eyesight is this case testing? If nothing is tested, it will test your background.

As long as the background is strong enough, as long as it is not too confusing, the case can basically be broken.

That old magistrate Liu is not unable to distinguish right from wrong, but because he is old.

He didn't want to go against the yamen's secretary, he just wanted to wait for retirement in peace.

Therefore, the case was decided according to the meaning of the office and the yamen.

However, he also had more minds and did not directly nail it.

In short, report to the top and let the people above check it.

"Unfortunately, as daughters, we have no way to solve the case like brothers." Tan Chun said.

"Why can't there be a solution? I have a lot of cases here for the sisters to see, and the sisters can see how to solve it, just to pass the time." Zhao Han smiled.

Saying that, she asked Mingyan to fetch the case summary in the study for the sisters to read.

Just let these smart sisters do something serious, and save time in vain.

Just like Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, they are obviously smart, but they can only waste time in the poetry book and the back house.

The sisters are very happy.

Like past and present judgments, there are many.

Di Gong's biography, all the women have heard of it, and even read it.

It is also a pastime to look at these interesting cases when you have nothing to do.

It's more useful than fighting against those boring old women every day.

Moreover, Jia Baoyu also said that he would give allowances to the sisters.

Help him solve a case, give 5 taels of silver.

Don't underestimate this little money, a big maid's monthly salary is only 1 tael.

Mother Jia's monthly monthly bill is only 20 taels.

Of course, the living expenses of Jia Mu and other big masters do not need to be monthly.

For the bottom-level Concubine Zhao and some little girls, monthly money is very important in their lives.

And the money of these young ladies in Tanchun is not enough, because they want to buy some books, rouge, etc., they can only use their own money, and Gongzhong will not report them.

Hearing Jia Baoyu say this, the sisters became interested.

Of course Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai didn't care.

Lin Daiyu has additional subsidies from Jia's mother, not to mention that she has a million-dollar wealth.

Of course, just like the previous Zhang Jia family, he had money and no males, so he could only rely on others to protect him.

Lin Daiyu's million-dollar wealth finally subsidized the Jia family's deficit.

Three days later.

Jia Baoyu went to work in the punishment department again, and after moving in a group of new files, he was about to go home.

This year, UU reading www. who will sit down to the next value?

After they came for a while, they left.

Some people praised him when they saw him: "Brother Jia Nian, the case you solved a few days ago has reached the ears of Lord Shang Shu, and Shang Shu praised you for your youth and wisdom."

"Is it so fast?" Jia Baoyu wondered.

"Yeah, the magistrate Liu wrote a letter to his teacher, expressing his appreciation to you," said the colleague.

"That's a big thank you to Magistrate Liu."

"This is how wise Brother Jia Nian is when he is young."

"Thank you for your compliment, Brother Wang Shi."

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