Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2016: time

Zhao Han immediately began to act.

She asked a book office to take her to the place where the four suspects were.

The book office quickly took Jia Baoyu to a prison in the Ministry of Punishment.

Unlike the foul-smelling cell in the legend, the cell they came to was very clean.

"My lord, here are the officials who have just committed crimes. These four people have never been abused." The book office saw Jia Baoyu's doubts and immediately explained.

Zhao Han nodded.

Yes, criminals may still be revived, and the Ministry of Punishment will not treat them too harshly.

After all, everyone may have such a day in the future.

Only when you enter the Heavenly Prison, in the hands of those jailers, will you suffer.

They don't care if you are a high-ranking official or not, as long as you are not special, in their eyes it is only silver, silver, or silver.

Too many prisoners were tortured to death by jailers.

Obviously, the officials attached great importance to the "benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom" of these four people.

The four were detained separately. Of course, this was to prevent the real murderer from killing everyone else in the middle of the night. After all, no one knows who the murderer is now.

It also prevents them from colluding with each other.

Zhao Han first came to the cell where Zhao Youren was being held.

"Zhao Youren, Master Jia has come to see you. If you have any questions, you must answer truthfully!" Shuban knocked on the fence and said.

In the corner inside, a big white fat man in a brocade clothes immediately sprang up!

Are you also surnamed Zhao?

When Zhao Han saw this big fat man through the gap in the railings of the cell, he couldn't help thinking bitterly.

Too bad for the old Zhao family.

This Zhao Youren has a fat face, big ears, and a big belly, so fat is unbearable.

This is still in ancient times.

I don't know how much min fat min paste I ate.

He has lost a lot of weight these days after being locked up, and there is loose skin on his face.

"My lord, my lord, I am wronged! I am wronged by Zhao Youren!" After he saw Jia Baoyu appear, he immediately shouted while lying on the railing of the cell.

"Don't yell!" Shuban scolded, "Whoever came in here wouldn't complain? Just be honest and go out."

Only then did Zhao Youren calm down, looking forward with anticipation, until Jia Baoyu asked questions.

This handsome young man must be rich or expensive.

Because a young man who can enter such a place must have a very high status, either a prince or a noble.

He's going to grab this life-saver.

"Just talk about it, do you know how Wang Xin died?" Zhao Han asked casually, actually staring at every detail of each other's expressions.

And let Xiaohuan start cheating...

Xiaohuan looks at people, that can be called a powerful.

After all, this guy has evolved a lot of people.

When the fat man Zhao Youren heard the words, he burst into tears, "Sir, I really don't know. If I knew that Wang Xin would drown and kill me, I wouldn't let him get on the boat!"

"I'm so wronged, I'm so wronged!"

"I am kind enough to win over his new recruit. Who knew he would die, who knew he was afraid of water?"

"In the evening, I'm still saying, should we dock first in the evening?"

"It's all about Qian Huaiyi. It's Qian Huaiyi's business. He said that rafting at night is more exciting. It's just a night on the boat, so we spent the night on the boat."

Zhao Han looked at Zhao Youren and began to feel a little sympathetic.

"Is this guy telling the truth?"

She asked Xiao Huan in her mind.

"Yeah, this big fat man has been wronged all the time. You can see that there are a lot of slap marks on his face, which he drew out by himself." Xiao Huan turned into a famous detective and said with great interest.

"Amazing, you have observed so carefully." Zhao Han said with admiration.

She saw it too.

Yes, Zhao Youren has 10,000 reasons to smoke himself.

Because he should have heard about the big pirate, the big pirate is going to destroy the nine clans!

Zhao Youren was not the only one who died, if he was wrongly judged, all his nine clans would die!

How many people have been wiped out of the nine clans throughout the ages?

Usually three clans are destroyed.

The three tribes of Yi are the most common punishment.

Also very brutal.

In short, Zhao Han couldn't bear this kind of unwarranted punishment.

Think about it, you are eating hot pot and singing songs with your concubine in your arms, and suddenly the Imperial Army rushes in, grabs your whole family, and then cuts your head off!

The reason is that the son of your cousin's daughter-in-law has rebelled!

You have never heard of this person in your life, and you have been implicated!

You can't stop it if you want to.

Therefore, to cross the feudal society, it must be reversed!

A late reaction is worse than an early reaction, and a small reaction is not as good as a big reaction.

Otherwise, one day you will be implicated, and you will feel wronged.

Just like the current Zhao Youren.

If he was a rebel, he wouldn't complain at this time...

Zhao Han thought casually.

But the problem is, even if Zhao Youren is telling the truth at this time, she can't let the guy go directly, she has to find the murderer.

"Don't panic, this officer makes his own decision."

"Yes, yes, sir, feel free to ask if you have anything to say. I will tell you everything I know. Lord, be the master of me. I will give you all my property." Zhao Youren just wanted to expose this devastating disaster. past.

The family property is gone, as long as the nine clans are still there, he can still rely on relatives and friends.

Relatives and friends will give you a bowl of rice to eat.

"Let me ask you, is there a close relationship between Wang Xin and Qian Huaiyi?"

"Yes, they have! They are related. Qian Huaiyi knew Wang Xin from a very young age. The two of them grew up together, and Qian Huaiyi often took Wang Xin to go out for fun. This time it was also Qian Huaiyi. He insisted on staying on the boat for the night. And the two of them slept in the same cabin." Zhao Youren kept talking and wanted to tell everything.

From this attitude alone, we can know that he is not the murderer.

Murderers often don't want to talk too much, because lies are not easy to fabricate, and the more they make up, the more loopholes they make.

And the more he said, the more information that only the murderer knew about the crime scene, the more likely it would be exposed.

The best option is not to speak.

Conan often uses this to break the eucalyptus.

"By the way, it must have been killed by Qian Huaiyi, my lord, I am innocent. Qian Huaiyi did it."

Zhao Youren shouted.

He wants to quickly push the charges out.

"Okay, I'll ask you again, what did you hear that night?" Zhao Han asked again.

"That night, I was rowing all day, and I was so tired, so..."

"Wait, no, no, no, you admit that Wang Xin and Qian Huaiyi have a close relationship, so why was it you and Qian Huaiyi when it came to rowing, and Wang Xin and Li Duozhi when it came to poetry?" Zhao Han found another doubt.

Hearing this, Zhao Youren suddenly turned pale and sweated profusely.

His back was cold, and he said incoherently: "Yes, I, I... At that time, Qian Huaiyi took the initiative to propose, benevolent and righteous rowing boats, faith and wisdom to poetry, etiquette to cook tea."

"What are you afraid of?" Zhao Han asked.

Xiao Huan lay in her head and said, "Of course I'm afraid of you, you are too fierce."

"My lord, I dare not say it, I dare not say it." Zhao Youren looked around, as if he was afraid of something in the air.

"Why don't you dare to say it?" Zhao Han asked, "What are you afraid of? This is the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, surrounded by yamen, and the forbidden army is stationed not far away. What are you afraid of?"

Yes, under the feet of the emperor, what is there to be afraid of?

Zhao Youren finally calmed down.

He suddenly shouted: "I remember, there is something strange, something strange, my lord!"

"What's wrong? Talk about it carefully." Zhao Han said excitedly.

"I just remembered that in the middle of the night, I saw Wang Xin appearing in the bow of the boat. I was hungry at the time, I got up to look for something to eat, and found him in the bow. I didn't take it seriously, and said hello, After eating the cakes, I went back to the cabin to sleep."

"I have a big belly, so I often eat in the middle of the night."

"Did he answer you at that time? Is it facing you or turning your back?" Zhao Han asked.

"He was standing on the bow with his back to me." Zhao Youren recalled hard.

"Why didn't you remember it before?" Zhao Han asked again.

"I, I was frightened before. They said that we were murderers, and they also said that the great pirate Wang Bolun wanted to kill our nine clans, so we could avoid the scourge by admitting it earlier. I was so frightened that I forgot." Zhao Youren cried again.

Zhao Han nodded.

This is the truth.

Human memory is frightened.

When you meet someone who can make you feel at ease, you will slowly remember.

Zhao Han asked again, "When exactly did you see him?"

"Thinking about it now, it should be a few hours before dawn." Zhao Youren suddenly began to tremble again, and even twitched in place, unable to speak at all.

Zhao Han motioned to the office to call for someone.

Soon more than a dozen yamen officers rushed in, opened the cell, and another doctor came to treat Zhao Youren.

Zhao Youren woke up, saw a lot of people, and immediately hugged the doctor and cried, "There's something strange! They said that Wang Xin drowned almost overnight. Who could I see in the middle of the night?"

"I'm thinking of this, I'm scared to death!"

"Don't come to me!"

"My lord, my lord, you let these brothers accompany me, I dare not be in prison alone!"

Zhao Youren made the doctor embarrassed, like hugging his little baby.

"Don't worry, this old man has practiced medicine all his life, and he has never seen anything strange. I have seen countless dead people, and none of them can get up and do something strange." The doctor said seriously.

Zhao Han nodded.

Then I thought to myself, although there are all kinds of weirdness in this world of Red Mansions, but all the weirdness is fake... It should be automatically filtered out when looking at it.

The truth is the details of the aristocratic life, various objects and so on...

Zhao Han was lost in thought.

Zhao Youren saw Wang Xin standing on the bow in the middle of the night.

And Zhao Youren knew that Wang Xin had been drowned for more than a night.

So is this Wang Xin a real person or a fake?

Also, is it really possible to test how long a person has been drowning?

Modern times can be determined by the reproduction number of microorganisms in the water.

What technology is this era?

Thinking of this, Zhao Han temporarily gave up the interrogation of Zhao Youren.

Then he instructed the doctor to prescribe some tranquilizers to Zhao Youren. He must ensure that these drugs are not poisonous, and resolutely protect his safety. He must use a dog to test the medicine first, and then give him to eat it after the test.

Zhao Han asked five innocent yamen to accompany Zhao Youren.

At this time, Zhao Youren's spirit was very fragile.

If you don't get it right, you can go crazy.

That's the loss of important eyewitnesses.

The ancients were very easy to go mad, because they had little knowledge, and the daily oppression was too serious.

Highly depressed.

So I can see a lot of records, all of which are crazy...

Zhao Han left the cell where Zhao Youren was and went outside.

The sun was shining and she was relieved.

"No, Lao Han, you are so cowardly." Xiao Huan said with contempt.

"I'm not afraid, why am I timid?"

"You're just afraid, don't think about it, there are old rumors, what are you afraid of? This is just an illusory world, at most it is closer to the main world." Xiao Huan plausibly said.

"Thank you, I'm not afraid anymore, after all, there is still a teacher." Zhao Han also wanted to understand.

Everything depends on the teacher.

Anyway, the teacher is a big peacock, and can run fast with a big tail...

Zhao Han couldn't help laughing when he remembered someone's slander against the teacher.

There are ghosts and spirits in a dream of Red Mansions.

Just like that Dao Po Ma, who took the money from Concubine Zhao and cursed Jia Baoyu and Wang Xifeng. Jia Baoyu almost died, but in the end it was the monk who used the psychic jade to save him.

But here, it should not be a ghost story.

It should be someone who is pretending to be mysterious. As for the purpose, it may be to cover up the truth.

He then went to the Ministry of Punishment's own afternoon work.

"Can you see the drowning person here, how long have they been drowning?"

The Wu Zuo knelt on the ground and replied, "If it is a clever Wu Zuo, it can be seen, for example, to distinguish that a person drowned a few days ago, but it will never be too accurate."

"It can be seen from Gao Ming's Wu Zuo, is the Wu Zuo in the south of the Yangtze River clever enough?" Zhao Han said in his mouth, and flipping through the eucalyptus, he found that the post-mortem Wu Zuo was a well-known local person.

And this afternoon work has been sent to Beijing at the same time.

Zhao Han immediately found this afternoon work and began to ask questions.

"I ask you to answer, as long as you answer honestly, I will give you enough money, and let you work in the ancestral hall of Jia's house, so that you will have no worries in your life." Zhao Han made a promise directly without being long-winded.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir, I will answer honestly." Wu Zuo's eyes lit up, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed directly.

"How did you find out that the deceased died overnight?"

"Actually, it's a coincidence, because there is a strange algae in the area. It can never be seen overnight, and then grow to such a large size." Wu Zuo took out an oil-paper bag from his arms.

He carefully opened the oil-paper package, revealing a few pieces of algae, the size of a thumb.

"Lord, please read, UU reading This is what I took out from the deep nasal cavity of the deceased." Wu Zuo pointed at the algae.

"How to use it to tell the time of death?"

"It's very simple, this algae can only be inhaled deep into the nasal cavity for tiny hours, and after inhalation, it will continue to grow."

"After taking it out, check the current time, and then according to the time it took for the algae to grow to such a size, push it backwards, and you can know when it entered the body of the deceased. When it was inhaled, it was very small, exactly When the deceased was drowning. And since it was found, it was already this big, which means that the deceased had drowned all night."

Noon said firmly.

Zhao Han clapped his hands.

"Brilliant, really brilliant."

She knew immediately that Wu Zuo had been deceived...

Because there is another way to fake the time of death.

That is to make people drowning in advance, then rescue them, and drowning again...

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