Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2018: Grand View Garden

Hearing this, Zhao Han said angrily: "That hateful Wang Xin, I must tell him that he lied to me!"

"He's not lying to you. After all, judging from his goals, he may still be our ally," Wen Rensheng said, "Didn't you find out? He said that he was actually seriously ill."

"Understood, he said that he was seriously ill, and it was because of his serious illness that Qian Huaiyi would die." Zhao Han nodded.

"That's right."

Zhao Han was still puzzled: "Teacher, I'm still a little puzzled. Is it necessary for them to spend a lot of time doing this kind of thing?"

"Won't Wang Xin talk to his father properly?"

Wen Rensheng sighed: "I want to say, that's because you haven't seen those parents who are super controlling, and they won't talk to their children well."

"So it is." Zhao Han thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, look at that big pirate. The more he gives his children, the stronger his desire to control. If a pirate can't control his own people at sea, he will die."

"If you think about him, in order to make his son fear the sea, he can use water to drown his son. His strong desire for control has become a shackle for the child."

"Teacher or teacher, you can see everything." Zhao Han said with admiration.

"No, you are used to being Jia Baoyu and forgot to analyze it carefully." Wen Rensheng said sharply.

"Yeah, I'm used to getting a confession after hitting him with a big stick. Hey, this person is easy to fall and fall." Zhao Han deeply criticized.

"You have never risen, how can you be a fall?" Xiao Huan laughed.

"Hmph, you already know how to laugh at me, and you don't know how to help me, why didn't you tell the truth from the lie?" Zhao Han asked.

Xiao Huan said: "I'm too lazy to tell the difference. I just want to see you, how you've been deceived. Hehe, it's quite fun."

"Hey, I usually hurt you so much in vain, you know how to read my jokes."

"Okay, I was wrong, I'll tell you right away, you'll have a surprise right away." Xiao Huan quickly comforted.

She didn't want to have less support at home.

Zhao Han said speechlessly: "What is a surprise? You explain to me what a surprise is!"

"Surprise, the surprise is Jia Baoyu. Today's case is broken, and the emperor is going to give you a promotion!" Xiao Huan affirmed.

Zhao Han was stunned, and then said, "I don't have any evidence yet."

"Evidence, isn't the evidence simple? Just verify the identity of the person. The real Wang Xin, his father must know him. Just say, give Qian Huaiyi to the big pirate, and he will admit it immediately."

That's exactly what happened.

When Zhao Han said that Wang Xin and Qian Huaiyi exchanged bodies. Wang Xin collapsed directly.

"You, how could you possibly see that?"

"This is impossible!"

"It's going to be seamless!"

he cried in dismay.

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Jia defeated this man in such a short time!

"Brother Qian, you are dead for nothing!"

"You are dead for nothing!"

Qian Huaiyi, no, it was Wang Xin who cried there.

Zhao Han said: "You don't have to cry, Qian Huaiyi deserves a terminal illness and won't live long."

Wang Xin then said, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't be so selfish."

"I immediately wrote to my father and told my father that I was fine, and I begged him to let these people go."

"Very good, Qian Huaiyi just committed suicide. The death has nothing to do with others. This eucalyptus can end like this."

The next morning.

Zhao Han handed over what he got to Lord Shang Shu.

But to be on the safe side, he still went to ask the remaining two people.

Sun Hanli.

Li Duozhi.

After Sun Hanli heard the truth, he couldn't believe it, and said pedantically, "How can you do such a thing? Isn't this worrying your parents? It's unfilial!"

Li Duozhi said, "Actually, I have been aware of it for a long time, but I didn't expect them to be able to do this to such an extent."

"If I had thought about it earlier, I would have stopped the two of them. If only Qian Huaiyi would not have been allowed to row the boat."

Zhao Han suddenly woke up and said, "Can Qian Huaiyi still row? How can a seriously ill person still be able to row?"

Being terminally ill, Zhao Han doesn't know anything else, but he knows one thing, that is, people who are terminally ill will not have the strength.

Not necessarily, some diseases have not attacked, but they are still energetic.

But once the attack occurs, it may die quickly after a few months.

So this is not a problem.

Then Zhao Han handed over the confession and evidence.

"Lord Shang Shu, the truth has been found out..."

In the end, he said that Wang Xin and Qian Huaiyi were upside down, and Wang Xin went out again in the middle of the night to look at Qian's body, which was then exposed.

Zhao Han realized that he had thought wrong before and thought too much.

That brilliant afternoon work, the inspection done is actually correct.

Zhao Han thinks too much. If she thinks about the answer Wu Zuo gave, she can actually calculate that Wang Xin is not dead, but Qian Huaiyi.

At that time, Zhao Youren had already seen that Wang Xin was still alive.

Then, the corpse revealed that Wang Xin had been dead all night.

That means that the real Wang Xin is alive and Qian Huaiyi is dead.

Simple as that.

After Shang Shu read it, Pai An said in surprise: "It really is a strange one. Mr. Jia, you are indeed a genius, and you can actually speculate such a wonderful situation."

"Not bad, I will go to the palace to report to the emperor right away."

Zhao Han whispered: "Thank you for your praise."

Then Shang Shu quickly brought people into the palace and went in to report to the emperor.

This case involves the military, and the military is no trivial matter.

The Minister of Punishment came to Emperor Yongkang and knelt down and kowtowed.

"Get up." Emperor Yongkang was sitting behind his desk, looking at a picture of a tiger descending the mountain.

"Reporting to the emperor, that matter has been settled. It took only one night for Director Jia to ask about the situation, and then he found out this strange case." Shang Shu said, taking the evidence found by Jia Baoyu, as well as the confession and inference. , said it all over again.

When the emperor heard this, Long Yan was immediately delighted.

"Okay, so it is. It's just that this Wang Xin is making a big fuss. How can a mere Westerner be so powerful."

"I have a million soldiers in the Heavenly Dynasty, how many Western talents are there, and they were drowned with one mouthful of saliva." Emperor Yongkang said indifferently.

At this time, he did not realize the threat of the Westerners.

Because at this time, the musket cannot be purchased as a crushing advantage.

Can not stop the intensive charge.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty also hired Portuguese musketeers.

At that time, his musket was still not enough to crush the heavy arrows of the Manchus. Still can't make a satisfactory exchange ratio.

Because these musketeers require strong training and high salaries, which can ensure enough life.

However, both of them were lacking in the Ming Dynasty, so firearms did not save the Ming Dynasty in the end, but were learned from the Qing Dynasty at the beginning, but the Qing Dynasty later worried about the leakage of firearms, and banned the study.

Emperor Yongkang then said: "This Jia Baoyu has done a good job, then I will consecrate him and make him the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment?"

"Your Majesty, Jia Baoyu is young after all, it is a disaster to ascend to such a high position." The Minister of Punishment said euphemistically.

"Okay, that's his sister Yuanchun. It's Concubine De." Emperor Yongkang nodded and continued,

"Princess Virtue, I have to thank her, she has cultivated such a good talent for me."

But at this moment, the queen who had just walked into the study room heard hatred in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, Xian'er read the story of the Three Kingdoms today. He Jin was wronged to lose." The Queen said.

"Yeah, his own sister didn't believe him, and he was tricked into the palace gate and killed by others in the name of his sister." The emperor smiled.

Then he realized what the queen was talking about... foreign relatives.

"Don't say more, I know."

It seems that they still need to be used now, and the queen will not say more.

She thought to herself, although the emperor uses you, one day he will not use you. It's over.

Everything is like that.

At this moment, the emperor said, "Liu Shangshu, I haven't rewarded you yet. Well, I'll give you an extra half a year and reward you with three eyes and a flower ling on top."

"Your Majesty, the ministers want to ask for a reward for Mr. Jia."

"Then give him a left servant of the Punishment Department." The emperor said casually.

"No, no, the waiter is a high-ranking third-rank official, let's give him a title." Shang Shu suggested.

"Okay, just give him a cloud cavalry captain." The emperor smiled.

Captain Yunqi is actually a signal, a signal to give marriage.

If the emperor has a daughter, he can marry him.

Hey, but I heard that Jia Baoyu had already been given a blind date for him.

There are so many people who are dating.

"Let's go, I still have things to do." The emperor then expelled the guests.

The Minister of Punishment left.

Then tell the news to Jia Baoyu.

When Zhao Han heard this, he was immediately depressed.

She still knew what grade Yunqi Duwei was and what it was used for.

Do you really want to marry the royal family?

However, Jia Baoyu happily returned to his courtyard.

Then, the emperor sent Dai Quan to deliver an edict:

"Fengtian transports the emperor, and the edict said: Jin made the Yuan family a concubine of virtue, and recently moved into the Wenquan Palace. It is permitted to send people from your house to visit, and..."

Zhao Han immediately understood that the plot was about to reach the Grand View Garden.

But at this time, Sister Lin's father had not passed away, and Lin Ruhai's million-dollar fortune had not yet entered Jia's family.

Does Jiafu have the money to build the Grand View Garden?

No matter how streamlined the Grand View Garden is, it will cost at least 500,000 taels of silver.

One of the upper and lower hands will be very serious.

For example, it is the top layer that depends on everyone.

His family lived the life of a master, and even relying on everyone, they also built a similar small garden in the same way.

It is a small one of the Grand View Garden.

It was completely fed from the bones of Jia's house.

Just the name "Grandpa Lai" shows how arrogant the servant is.

As a servant, he was called Grandpa Lai.

It can be seen that his status in Jiafu is high.

Zhao Han thought about it, and the construction of the Grand View Garden should be harvested first.

As for Jia Lian's side, it is impossible to have money to support and flow.

At this time, Zhao Han recalled the original.

It was sealed into two words, Concubine Xiande.

A concubine often has only one word as a title.

Now that Yuanchun has been combined into one word, it seems that it can last longer.


Oops, the news of the imperial concubine saving relatives has spread all over the place.

The crowd started to get busy.

Madam Wang was very happy.

"My dear Baoyu, you did a great job. Hey, I was worried that you would be fooled by the little fox spirit. I didn't expect you to have such talent." Madam Wang grabbed Zhao Han's hand and cried. .

As for Zhao Han, Jia Baoyu swept away all the gold and jade bracelets and the colorful clouds. Take it to your room.

Wouldn't it be too wasteful to leave it to someone else?

After appeasing Mrs. Wang.

There is a report: "Jia Yun asks to see you."

It took Zhao Han some time to remember that Jia Yun made his fortune relying on the Grand View Garden.

Jia Yun finally married Lin Xiaohong, which was considered a complete success.

Jia Yun is now because Jia Lian ran out to rebel, and Wang Xifeng arranged for him.

Jia Yun passed Jia Baoyu and said, "I have seen my father. I wonder how you are doing?"

Yes, don't look at Jia Yun is older than Jia Baoyu, but Jia Baoyu is older than him.

I am very old, and you can't directly recognize me as a godfather.

However, this was a good thing Jia Baoyu had done before, and Zhao Han had to accept it reluctantly.

If you recognize your godfather, you should recognize your godfather, which is better than your godmother.

In the end, Jia Yun began to do things according to Jia Baoyu's instructions, mainly to buy various things, to prepare the imperial concubine to save her relatives, so that the imperial concubine could come and go with peace of mind.

Half a month later, the Grand View Garden was built.

As soon as the Grand View Garden was built, an important event appeared, that is, Jia Zheng asked Jia Baoyu to write an inscription.

What winding paths lead to seclusion, Yihong Court, Xiaoxiang Pavilion…

Zhao Han was depressed.

Zhao Han does not know these poetry dictionaries.

Although she passed the intermediate jinshi exam, most of it was passed. Xiaohuan went to cheat, and then rely on. Asked, he was able to pass the test all the way to him.

What about this word now?

Looking for a teacher to hang up again?

That's all it can do.

"Jianghu emergency, quickly help me contact the teacher."

"If you want to be beautiful, I will look at you, and I will not be in a hurry to save you. You have to solve things that you can solve by yourself. If you rely on me again and again, what are you doing?" Xiao Huan said proudly. .

In fact, Zhao Han completely forgot, even if he couldn't make a word, he would only say that he used his kung fu in the eight-gu.

Jia Zheng will only be happy, not disappointed.

The better you do on the test paper, the more stupid you are. You spend too much energy on the facts, not on the homework.

Zhao Han had to play at his original level, no matter what others were saying.

What winding paths lead to secluded, beautiful red and green, one name after another, all copied from the original work.

She named those places one by one.

Afterwards, everyone began to praise: "Brother Jia Nian is too powerful."

"This winding path is well used, how how..."

Zhan Guang was flattering. UU Reading

The others also flattered Jia Zheng one by one.

Jia Zheng also nodded again and again.

Jia Baoyu really didn't waste his talent. ,

Jia Zheng then ordered Jia Baoyu to name some places.

Zhao Han agreed one by one.

In short, according to the order in the plot. ,

What Xiaoxiang Pavilion, the ... began to name.

There are also places where Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai are named.

She forgot a little, so she asked Xiao Huan to copy the answer.

In this way, finally deal with the past.

This is fortunate.

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