Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2019: Comfortable

Half a year later, the Grand View Garden was completed.

The imperial concubine will save relatives.

Before, Zhao Han just went to name the places that were still under construction everywhere.

Now that the Grand View Garden is completed, Zhao Han naturally wants to take a look.

In fact, for the past six months, she has been busy with business affairs and has not seen much.

On the contrary, the sisters often went together to talk about how to be good, like a fairyland on earth.

Today, she took a break.

With the servants, called the sisters, a group of people poured into the Grand View Garden in a mighty manner.

Naturally, it is impossible to live now, but you can come and see it in the name of inspection.

You have to wait until the imperial concubine returns, and then you can live with the reward.

The entire Grand View Garden covers an area of ​​more than ten acres.

Layout from south to north.

The main entrance is naturally in the south.

After the group entered the south gate, they were faced with a stone screen with a winding path leading to the seclusion.

Afterwards, the Qingke Zhan Guang led the crowd to the left.

Came to a pavilion called "Dicui Pavilion".

The scenery around the pavilion is excellent.

Nearby is a small river that stretches across the entire Grand View Garden.

Everyone sat down at the pavilion, the servants set the stove, and everyone began to barbecue.

It is also writing poetry and playing chess.

Always have fun.

Zhao Han can also take time out of his busy schedule and have a good time with the sisters.

After the amusement, everyone was in high spirits, and went all the way to the north until they arrived at the place where Jia Baoyu would live in the future.

This courtyard is very large, it should be the only area of ​​the relative's villa on the back.

People pass through, and then go north to Zhaocui An.

This is the future where Miaoyu will live here as a monk who leads her practice.

Alas, he is also a miserable person. He is too down-to-earth, and there are very few people who can look up to him in his life, so in the end, the most down-to-earth ending came, and he was taken away by thieves.

It can be said that fate is the worst in the Grand View Garden, much worse than Wang Xifeng, who died in his own temple anyway.

The crowd did not like the sound of the Buddha, so they continued to move forward.

It is Jiayin Hall.

Going further back is the Tubi Villa.

After coming out of the villa, everyone kept going to the right. Just arrived at the core area of ​​the entire Grand View Garden:

Grand View Building.

The Daguan Building turns to the south, which is the Guensiyi Hall.

This is the entire provincial villa, and it is also the place where the imperial concubine will stay in the future.

Of course, the imperial concubine could not actually live outside, so as to avoid gossip.

You are gifted to live abroad, but you cannot live.

Staying outside for one night, the people do not know how many rumors about the emperor will be spread.

Not now, but later.

Passing through Guensiyi Hall, go south to see a small lake.

There is an archway standing by the lake, the archway of the provincial villa.

This is the core and the best place in the entire Grand View Garden.

North of the middle.

Sit north facing south.

Then everyone went east again and arrived at Hengwu Garden.

It is located in the northeast corner of the entire Grand View Garden.

Xue Baochai also invited Shi Xiangyun to live with him.

It can also be seen from the distribution of places that Yuanchun is actually very good to Xue Baochai, because Hengwu Garden is very close to Xingqin Villa.

But here is the farthest from where Jia Baoyu is.

A southwest corner, a northeast corner, the furthest away.

However, Hengwuyuan is very close to the provincial villa.

It can be seen that Yuanchun actually fell in love with Xue Baochai.

Further south is a place called Peony Pavilion.

To the right of the Peony Pavilion is a place called Zuijinlou.

Further south, you will come to Daoxiang Village, where Li Wan will live in the future.

A lifetime of misery.

Lost the talented and motivated Jia Zhu in his early years, he can only rely on Jia Lan to live.

It's not good to be a widow.

Zhao Han shook his head, and further south is Nuanxiangwu.

Then go west to Xiaoxiang Pavilion, where Lin Daiyu lives.

From the location point of view, and is across the water.

This actually has a profound meaning, which means that the two can only love each other and cannot be together, just like the Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

To the east of Xiaoxiang Pavilion is Qiushuangzhai.

The whole journey was too long. After this trip, the only one who could accompany Zhao Han to the end was Shi Xiangyun.

In the end, it was Miss Houfu who had been working to subsidize her family since she was a child.

It is hard to imagine that Shi Xiangyun needs to do embroidery and other work to subsidize it.

Fortunately, Jia Baoyu has supported her a lot over the years, and she basically lived in Jia's house, and her uncles and aunts are helpless.

After all, Jia Baoyu is the core of the four major families. In the future, even Wang Ziteng is trying his best to create a positive environment for Jia Baoyu.

After all, Jia Baoyu is less than 20 Jinshi!

In the future it is very possible.

Such a precious identity naturally makes the down-and-out historians have to obey.

"It seems that in the end, it's still a good match between gold and jade." Someone sighed slightly.

The distribution of the entire Grand View Garden is very unique. It can be said to be square. There is a lake and water in the middle, and there are water and scenery.

That's why so many beautiful women can live here.

Zhao Han was very happy, and after ordering: "The servants are not allowed to come in in the future, so as not to be contaminated with the spiritual energy of this place, only the sisters are allowed to enter and play."

Mingyan cried directly.

"Why are you crying?" Zhao Han said angrily.

"What I'm crying about is that the second master has changed for so many years, and today he is finally back to normal, showing his true heart." Ming "Master" wiped his eyes and said this.

"Go away!" Zhao Han kicked him flying.

After seeing the Grand View Garden in her own harem, she couldn't wait to start the strategy here.

"Hahahaha, my sister and sister stand up and wait for me to go to the raid..." She smirked smugly in her heart.

Xiao Huan laughed and said, "Look at your stupid appearance, what's the difference between you and those scumbags?"

"What is a scumbag? The teacher said that a girl is a boy when she is a boy. I am preventing the tragic ending of the sisters."

"It's alright, alright, your saliva is almost drooling, let's be honest, don't forget that you will be a dog in the next world." Xiao Huan threatened.

"Che, it's like I've never been a man before. I have experience, and being a dog is more comfortable than being a human being." Zhao Han said without fear.

The day of saving relatives is coming soon.

The rules are still very complicated.

Everyone was standing outside to greet them early in the morning.

Mother Jia stood for a long time, but was allowed to go back to rest by the eunuch, so she could go in and wait.

The others stood for a whole day.

This day left everyone with a dry mouth.

And you can't leave yet.

In the evening, the imperial concubine's car came.

Zhao Han was speechless when he saw this.

A bunch of bastards, waiting for the rebellion to kill you all!

Bastard eunuch, tortured etiquette!


Because she knows best that the most powerful human power, technology, needs the freedom of the mind and the freedom of action.

A place with shackles and strict rules has never produced brilliant ideas and technologies.

In front of the imperial concubine, there is another huge and cumbersome pomp.

All in all, a lot of manpower was wasted.

In a feudal agricultural society, the cheapest thing is labor.

Two bowls of rice can make people work to death, throw them out when they are old, there is no guarantee, and people are just tools.

Afterwards, the girls started to wear makeup according to their products and greeted the imperial concubine.

Finally, enter the Grand View Garden, and talk to the imperial concubine at the provincial villa.

"My son..." Mother Jia and Madam Wang each hugged the imperial concubine and cried bitterly.

"Daughter prays day and night in a place where she can't see people, just for the safety of her grandmother and mother..." The imperial concubine shed tears with sincerity.

Only at this moment can you let go of your guard and speak a little bit of your heart.

Such words can only fall in the ears of dear ones.

If it is heard by others, isn't this a word of resentment?

Do you feel good for the emperor to hear?

What do you mean when you say the palace is a hidden place?

From this sentence, it implies the tragic fate of the imperial concubine.

Then the imperial concubine summoned Jia Baoyu again.

"Good brother, thanks to you, I have been able to be more respectable in the palace these years." The imperial concubine said gratefully.

Zhao Han said seriously: "But please be relieved, sister, but in a few years, everything will get better."

"That's good, I only have your own brother, you will be fine in the future." The siblings cried again.

Between each other, they said some personal words.

After all, the other party is a noble concubine and should be avoided.

The imperial concubine spoke to several sisters and sisters separately.

In the end, she fell in love with Xue Baochai.

I feel that the character and character of the other party are impeccable, and the body is good, which is the most suitable for Jia Baoyu.

It's just that he came from a merchant and his status is a bit low.

This will be discussed later.

He said to everyone: "Such a Grand View Garden is too extravagant, and it is a pity that many residences are wasted on weekdays, so let my brother and many sisters live in together."

Zhao Han is very happy, this is an order to attack the harem.

Then the imperial concubine ordered everyone to write poems.

Zhao Han's head is big.

How can she write poetry?

All these years, eight shares alone almost didn't toss her to death.

Had to hang up again.

Xiao Huan also knows that things are a bit big.

Because this is the whole world plot node.

Unlike before, shame is shame.

Wen Rensheng casually copied a few poems for Zhao Han and asked her to pass it on.

No shame at all.

In the end, the imperial concubine's comment was that Lin Daiyu's poems were the best, and Xue Baochai was on an equal footing.

Zhao Han's poems are quite satisfactory, of course, jinshi do not read poems.

Poetry cattle often fail to win the jinshi, and it is easy to arouse disgust.

Maybe the examiner thinks you are too pretentious...

Anyway, I didn't lose the adults, which is not bad.

After sending away the concubine.

Zhao Han has another firm belief.

To rebel, one must rebel.

No way.

Think about it, she took her sisters out to play one day, eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly came with an imperial decree:

Check the Grand View Garden, and search homes everywhere!

Can she bear it?

Can't stand it!


So when she turned around, she called Xiao Huan and held a meeting for the three of them.

"How's the situation?"

Jia Lian said: "It's a good one, but Jia Rong's blood pressure is a little high."

"Are you angry?" Zhao Han quickly asked.

"It's fat. Since it's not my own body, I can eat it hard. I completely forget that this is ancient times, and there are no alien restrictions." Jia Lian said with contempt.

"I thought I would go back in a few years. Didn't I say that the entire Dream of Red Mansions is actually a span of ten years? It basically ended when I was seventeen, and Lin Daiyu died at the age of seventeen." Jia Rong sighed. .

His figure has already caught up with the big fool Xue and a half...

You must know that he is much younger than fool Xue.

Zhao Han has nothing to say. The little friend used to help with aliens and could control it. Now no one cares. That is to let go of himself.

No one wants to lose weight these days.

She had to ask: "By the way, what are the chances of you rebelling now?"

"Aren't you having a good time now? Why do you care about this?" Jia Rong asked.

"The better I am, the more I want to rebel..." Zhao Han expressed his worries.

Jia Lian said: "In fact, feudal society is very fragile, and any crisis may sweep the entire court. As long as the court runs out of money and food, it will be doomed. Now the court has been gone for 100 years. When the family is finished, the imperial court is also finished. The white land is really clean, and it is talking about the doomsday dynasty."

Jia Rong continued: "Now we have 10,000 musketeers, 10,000 infantrymen, and 50 clippers, all of which are modern-designed clippers with advanced technology and 6,000 sailors who are more than five years old."

"Note, a ship can hold 100 sailors, the overlord of the South China Sea."

"However, compared with the imperial court, our advantage is not yet obvious."

Zhao Han said strangely: "Why do you say that?"

Jia Rong patiently said: "Because we still need to go to the land to distribute the goods. After we have distributed the goods, we can buy various resources."

"This is also the reason why Zheng Zhilong wanted to surrender, and he did not dare to rebel. His dependence on the mainland is higher than the mainland's dependence on him. If the mainland is blocked, his economic strength will decline. This is obviously."

"Yeah, the Eastern Dynasty is still the main provider of goods in the world. Only after the Industrial Revolution can the Eastern Dynasty fail. People can get enough supplies from other places to defeat the Eastern Dynasty."

"All in all, technological changes can change the balance of power."

"So that's the case," Zhao Han said, "what's your strategy now?"

"Our strategy is to start from the outside, and the outside forces are not so powerful. There are many refugees in the Eastern Dynasty, and you can spend a lot of money to buy refugees."

"We have established a human smuggling channel to gather refugees everywhere and open up overseas nearby."

Zhao Han said: "I remembered that in many recent cases, there are missing cases, and they are all good people."

"The refugees disappeared, and the local government didn't care, but if the good people disappeared, it wouldn't work. Does it have something to do with your strategy?"

"Of course we spend money to buy it. Some people go to find refugees, and some just tie up good people..."

"It is also impossible for us to go deep and find refugees. The cost is too high."

As soon as Zhao Han heard it, he said, "Forget about the refugees in the future, you should put the good people back. Going overseas is also to give the refugees a bite to eat. It's better than starving to death on the road."

Jia Rong sneered: "Yeah, it's ridiculous that the court and the emperor are not willing to lose people overseas. They would rather people starve to death at home."

"Some court ministers are still saying that the loss of population will cause harm in the future. He also doesn't think about the problems of the agricultural society. There will always be too many people."

"The smaller the population, the more stable the agricultural society. The more the population is, the more unstable the agricultural society will be. The industrial society is the reverse. The more the population, the larger the scale of the industry and the more stable its operation. The smaller the population, the more stagnant the industry will be. The population cannot afford it.”

Zhao Han nodded slightly.

It seems the two partners are on the right track.

It won't take many years for the court to be levelled in turn.

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