Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2020: naval battle

Zhao Han asked again: "Then do you still have any difficulties now?"

"Difficulty? The biggest difficulty is only one thing, and it cannot be solved." Jia Rong sighed.

"What's the matter? Aren't you traversers? What other difficulties can you have?" Zhao Han said subconsciously.

"Illness." Jia Rong sighed again.

"Disease? Uh, it's rare for other transmigrants to get sick, and they never got sick once from the beginning to the end." Zhao Han said helplessly.

Thanks to her, she also guessed a lot of difficulties, what social productivity, what stubborn thinking, what human nature, did not think that it was a disease.

"Yes, this is the hardest one to deal with. I almost fainted several times. Do you remember the first time I started to get malaria? I almost died." Jia Rong said seriously.

Jia Lian also said: "Yes, disease is indeed a big problem. Yuan Shao failed to a large extent because he died of illness, ten years early, if he was 75 years old, he would probably have Cao Cao messed up. Get down."

Wen Rensheng was on the sidelines.

He wanted to say that the example his girlfriend gave was not precise enough.

Of course, there are aliens in the world history of Dongzhou, and they are much thinner.

Zheng Chenggong in his previous life was the most unfortunate one, who died of illness at the age of 39.

He is the way of overseas trade, attracting refugees on land, and opening up overseas islands.

If you live to 54 years old, you may kill the Qing Dynasty.

Because at that time, Wu Sangui rebelled, Wu Sangui, Zheng Chenggong, one south and one east attacked at the same time. Manqing may be over.

And overseas trade can continue.

"Hey, can the teacher open it?" Zhao Han asked secretly.

"Why do you always have to hang up? If you don't hang up, you won't be able to play games or do things?" Wen Rensheng taught a lesson.

"Understood, if you don't open it, you won't open it." Zhao Han said angrily.

"Be careful of illness, you are 18 years old this year, I am 26 years old, and Jia Rong is 19 years old. Many ancient people died of illness before the age of 30. Wei Ruolan died of illness early, and she was Shi Xiangyun's husband, who was of good character. It looks good too, it's a pity." Jia Lian shook his head.

"Hey, by the way, I remember that Dai Ji and that Eunuch Xia were both playing the roles of uncles. We can discuss with them and see if they have any good medicines." Zhao Han suggested again.

"There is really good medicine, and the emperor will not live so long."

Zhao Han said helplessly: "Then what should I do?"

"Well, in fact, we have some measures. First, we will pay close attention to pharmaceuticals, and make modern medicines with local methods."

"Second, don't get infected, don't get injured. If you are often at sea, you are easily infected by deep-sea bacteria, and modern methods are powerless, so you must not have wounds on your body. Then, don't be bitten by mosquitoes, all kinds of small insects, and then heat up. Wear more clothes, too." Jia Rong sighed.

Zhao Han shook his head and said, "It's all passive measures."

"Yes. There is no other way but to make do with it." Jia Lian agreed.

Jia Rong nodded: "I didn't expect that the biggest problem of transmigrators is disease. It's all because we are not the protagonists. We live in reality. We can solve other things ourselves, but we can't solve this disease."

"Then you still have to exercise a lot and keep your body healthy. I will also find some more genius doctors, both foreign and domestic." Zhao Han comforted.

"Forget about foreigners. Before modern times, they were still reliable in China. Anyway, because it is a feudal society, they are not very courageous. Foreigners are all veterinarians." Jia Lian shook his head.

"Yeah, what kind of iron is used to treat hemorrhoids, bloodletting is omnipotent, soy sauce is given to the stomach, just saw off a leg in surgery, and immediately went to deliver the baby..." Jia Rong said with contempt.

"Yeah, since we all know it, it's time to establish a modern way of nursing."

"We have been doing this for a long time. There are no instruments and medicines, but there are people and systems. The hospitals we are equipped with are all disinfected with high alcohol and boiling water to sterilize as much as possible."

"Can those anti-inflammatory drugs be made?"

"Aspirin and salicylic acid and other drugs directly extracted from plants, we have started to prepare some. The manual preparation is very expensive, but it is enough." Jia Rong said.

Jia Lian added: "There is another problem. For the sake of longevity, we cannot lead our troops at sea. The death rate at sea is too high these days. I don't know how many generals have died halfway through the ages."

"So what's the problem with this?" Zhao Han asked.

"You're stupid, if we don't lead the troops in person, then the military power will definitely be in the hands of the person who leads the troops in person. How risky is this?" Jia Rong said helplessly.

"For example, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan must lead their own troops in order to prevent their military power from falling."

"Now we can only guarantee through thinking, the supervision of others, and the security system, but they are not the most reliable." Zhao Han heard this and realized how complicated it is to really want to succeed in the rebellion.

No wonder this is a descendant who sees that some people have succeeded in rebelling, and thinks it is simple, but if you really want to rebel yourself, it will be too difficult.

"Then how far have you run your business now?"

"We are going to face the big pirate Wang Bolun soon. He is the next target we must eliminate." Jia Rong was excited.

Fighting is always exciting.

"Wang Bolun? I just handled his case. His desire for control forced his son to feign death. This person is definitely not easy to deal with..." Zhao Han explained the information he had obtained one by one.

People with a strong desire to control are a nightmare for their children, but they often have successful careers.

Because he can control most of the details, he can keep things moving.

And often ordinary subordinates won't move if you don't urge them.

This success, in turn, strengthened his belief in his approach, forgetting that children and employees are not the same thing.

The latter can be changed at will, and if they can't resist the pressure, they will leave.

However, children can't be changed casually, and the cost of changing can't resist the pressure is too high, unless you are the emperor.

The emperor could not resist the cost of changing the prince.

"So that's the case, it seems that this can allow us to use ... a lure the enemy to go deep, and let him come over in person." Jia Rong thought for a while and said.

"Yes, the big pirate Wang Bolun must be cleaned up. He hinders the expansion of the trade scale and interferes with the efficiency of our resource utilization, and his robbery makes our goods go to waste." Jia Lian nodded.

The three negotiated and continued to act with each other.


On the southeast sea, somewhere on an island nest.

Feasting and feasting, gongs and chips are staggered.

The pirates cheered each other, and there were many screams inside.

They are entrenched here, and even the imperial court has nothing to do with them.

Most of the pirates who were exterminated in history were eliminated by themselves and natural disasters.

The imperial court could only control the small pirates by appeasing the big pirates.

Even in modern times, pirates are rampant, let alone this era?

"It turns out that my son didn't die, this unfilial son did such a thing to escape me!"

"How good I am to him, how could he have no idea that this unfilial thing, I let him be an official on the shore, and he did such a thing to escape!" Wang Bolun said angrily at his subordinates .

At this moment, one of his subordinates with big golden teeth shouted: "Master, don't worry about your son, the man from Rongyao Company, relying on the red-haired ghost-like clipper, has been in our company for many times recently. Showing off their might on the ground, asking us to surrender, and escorting those poor fishermen, so that our usual fish tax money can’t be collected.”

Big Golden Teeth obviously won't wink.

Wang Bolun took out his knife and slashed it.

The big golden tooth hurriedly avoided.

"What **** company, learn from the red-haired ghost, I'm afraid of him? Take the fireboat right away and burn him for me!" Wang Bolun was not afraid at all.

The red-haired ghost ship is powerful, but it is afraid of fire ships.

But these days, as long as you have two bites to eat, you can find a group of refugees who are not afraid of death.

Let them drive the boat quickly, rush over to set fire, and the red-haired ghost will scare away.

At this time, a white fan said: "The big boss, we can use the power of the imperial court. I have heard that the Rongyao Company has expanded several times, but it has offended many people. They want to monopolize the maritime business, and only give the imperial court the power. Staff paid very little money.”

"That's because they used the money to raise soldiers. These people are obviously going to rebel, which is different from us." Da Jinya said aside.

"Yeah, every time we rob a merchant ship recently, they have to come out to save people. It affects us too much to make a fortune. We must give them a good look." Another one-eyed dragon pirate exclaimed.

"Cut them down!"

"Cut them down!"

Many pirates shouted together.

"Okay, Master, go see where they are now?"

"The big bosses, they are landowners. I have already inquired about it," Bai Fan said, "They are just south of us, and it's a three-day smooth journey there."

"It's very close, no wonder they want us to submit." Wang Bolun nodded.

The sudden incident made him let go of his son's business.

"I think we really need to repair and repair them, otherwise, this life will not go on, the master." Bai Fan said.

"It has to be repaired, kill these bastards. Master, how do you think this matter should be arranged?" Wang Bolun asked again.

"My subordinates thought that we should go to Huayinzi to find that naval admiral's yamen. I heard that Governor Fanyu had an opinion on them for a long time. They make a lot of money every year, but they only get 10,000 taels for the Governor." Bai Fanzi is confident. road,

"The governor originally wanted 300,000 taels, but there are people behind them. We can discuss it with the governor. As long as we defeat them together, let these guys raise the filial silver to 300,000 taels."

"They are definitely willing to agree to send troops, and then charge Narong Pharmaceutical Company with a treason charge, let them disarm and capture them."

"That's right, let's get out now!" Wang Bolun gritted his teeth.


Zhao Han also knew that Governor Fanyu had been restless for the past two years.

After all, Baiyin can defeat the emperor's intimidation to them, not to mention himself.

But they must have refused. After all, now they have guns and cannons. If the governor is really indifferent, he will be killed and replaced.

There is no shortage of officials in the world.

It's just that they haven't thought that the other party will decisively collude with the pirates.

This morning.

As usual, the Clippers of Rongyao Company started patrolling several busy routes nearby.

All they protect are their main trading partners, and these trading partners are also willing to give them more money as protection fees.

After all, there is a big difference between merchant ships and war ships, and they can only be made into armed merchant ships, which is already very expensive.

Allowing others to protect themselves, the cost is always low.

After all, that navy yamen is useless, and can only protect himself.

Zhao Han watched a live broadcast.

Because of this patrol, Jia Rong happened to be on the boat.

He didn't want to go to sea, but this time, he wanted to see how the new ship was fighting.

Not too long after patrolling the route, they saw three ships in the distance, all merchant ships.

They don't have many sailors, they have high masts, and they mainly run the routes of the South China Sea.

From the land to the South China Sea, I can run twice a year.

Not the kind of big ship that goes straight to the West.

Soon after, a group of fast galleys came in the distance.

They rowed and hoisted their sails, and when they saw three merchant ships, they began to chase.

The merchant ships immediately began to flee.

However, this time it was a headwind.

Their boat is big, and if they want to run, they have to make a big bend and run to the downwind direction before they can run away.

Turning around at sea is very slow. It is not as simple as turning a corner on land, and the boat capsizes accidentally.

On the opposite side is the tailwind, and the paddlers.

Being caught up is doomed.

Just as the three merchant ships were making a desperate turn, they suddenly became happy.

Because they saw the patrol clipper of Rongyao Company.

They immediately approached each other's boat.

The patrol clipper can run against the wind in all directions.

Of course, the speed must be slow, but the merchant ships are happy that they don't need to run past the pirates.

Because the patrol clipper went up to meet the pirates.

As long as the merchant ships run past, or meet the patrol clippers, they are safe.

The other side will entangle the pirates.

Sure enough, the patrol clipper and the pirate's fast galley fought together.

Shoot arrows and cannons, throw lime bottles, oil bottles…

The Clippers, however, were soon at a disadvantage, as the opponents used new guns, which had a long range, and were dodging out of their range.

This is hard.

Every time you try to fight meleely, the opponent will run away.

If you want to run, the other party will chase.

The pirates quickly retreated.

Choose to escape with the wind, but the direction of escape is land.

Jia Rong immediately subconsciously ordered the ships to pursue them, trying to defeat the pirates at once.

It's just that Zhao Han looked a little wrong at this time.

But I can't tell why it's wrong.

It can only be blamed on the intuition of the long-term broken eucalyptus.

The way pirates act is a bit contradictory.

"No! Pirates are seeking money. If they only want to rob merchant ships and see a strong opponent, they should flee immediately."

"It took a while to escape, which means that they came this time to fight!"

"And in the face of a strong enemy, it took a while to leave, so the truth is that they are lure the enemy to go deep!"

Zhao Han quickly asked Xiao Huan to inform Jia Rong.

Jia Rong woke up immediately.

Quickly order the ship to stop.

However, a patrol boat was headed, and it did not listen to the order and chased it desperately.

Zhao Han sighed.

She understands that this is the loyalty issue the friends are talking about.

You do not lead troops all year round, you only train in the rear.

The frontline people just don't accept you!

This one is that modern teams are not easy to control, let alone ancient times.

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