Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2021: Inverted

Jia Rong stopped the boat.

But more and more patrol clippers, five in total, rushed up with that clipper.

From the looks of it, the leading patrol clipper is very prestige.

Zhao Han was helpless, and sure enough, the head of the soldiers had already appeared.

No wonder my friends are worried.

At this time in ancient times, the relationship between clan, blood relatives, and marriage was the link between the military.

The superior attracts the inferior, and the inferior attracts the inferior.

If you want to be able to fight, you must cultivate more cronies.

Then there is enough money.

They won't listen to what you think.

The only thought is blood ties.

Because in this era, the people at the bottom have not developed the consciousness of the nation-state.

Only literati have this awareness.

But Westerners are beginning to sprout.

At this time, you can't have any advanced ideas, you can't do it.

Now, little friends need strong discipline and need training.

After all, their development time is too short.

Qi Jiguang practiced for a long time.

And that's infantry, not sea.

Sea and land are not the same.

Escape at sea is easy.

The other party can pull the boat at any time and go to another place to become a pirate.

That's why the court hated the ocean.

Because it is out of control.

Zhao Han had no choice but to let Jia Rong's boat follow at the end.

At this time, he couldn't make Jia Rong turn around and run away.

His prestige would be lost.

No one at sea will obey a leader who is running away. Years of hard work have to start all over again.

You said Liu Bei ran away?

That's on land, different rules.

Chased and chased, and sank the three fast galleys in front.

The crowd cheered and chased faster.

Then we chased down to an island area with complicated terrain.

The fast galleys zip in and run around the island.

"Watch out for rocks!"

Jia Rong hurriedly signaled the semaphore and fired a warning.

The clipper just slowed down.

However, by this time, the wind had subsided.

The wind speed dropped, and so did their patrol clippers.

"The enemy may have an ambush!"

Jia Rong used the semaphore again.

In fact, at this time, the sailboat in front has already felt it.

At this moment, suddenly coming out from behind the island, a group of broad-bottomed boats of the navy yamen have long since fallen behind, the kind of old boats that cannot sail on the sea.

As soon as those ships appeared, they rushed towards the patrol sailboats aggressively.

"Okay, installing a cannon without authorization, Rongyao Company, you are going to rebel!"

Someone shouted hard with a big tube.

The wind at sea was so loud that I couldn't hear it clearly.

"You guys are going to rebel! This officer's navy commander, I order you to put down your weapons immediately, stop the boat and anchor!"

"You can also let go of you lightly!"

The warship of the Navy Yamen slowly approached.

"What should we do now?"

The patrol clipper hesitated.

Some of the boats started to turn around, ready to leave.

However, the wind speed was getting lower and lower at this time, and the speed was extremely slow.

They are now about to be overtaken by each other.

"What should I do now?" Jia Rong asked anxiously.

He didn't want to be caught.

"You lack mobility now, lack mobility. You are already at a disadvantage, and now you must capture the thief and capture the king!" Zhao Han said decisively.

"Catch the thief and capture the king? Isn't that a rebellion?" Jia Rong asked in surprise.

"Yes, capture the thief first and capture the king! Reverse, you must fight! Don't be afraid, I know very well the mentality of those bureaucrats.

"..." Jia Rong was speechless.

The little friends are getting more and more presumptuous.

"Then do you know who the king is?" Jia Rong asked Zhao Han.

Through his shared vision, Zhao Han immediately said, "That small galley."

"You, you, how did you know? You must know that they have a lot of big ships. The flagship of the sergeant should be on the big ship."

"It's simple. Only that galley is the key. It looks like he's just a transport ship. It's actually a fast escape ship."

"Once defeated, it is the fastest. You think that the big ship is stable, but in this sea, which master will choose the slow and bulky ship?"

Jia Rong understood immediately.

It turned out to be so.

It's so sly.

"Pass on the commander's order and fire at that galley!" Jia Rong let people sing a slogan.

The patrol boats fired at the galley.

The generals on the galley were shocked.

He didn't think about why the other party would focus on attacking him?

Aren't they supposed to hit those big ships?

And how dare they openly rebel? Openly attacking the court's navy?

However, a hundred cannons are fired, and a 1% hit rate is always rewarded.

The galley was very aware of his weight, and after being hit with a near miss, he immediately turned to flee.

If you don't run now, you won't have to run if you get hit.

This hat was bought for 3,000 taels of silver. I just earned 10%, and I still can't die.

As soon as the galley escaped, the ship was busy.

"Protect the sergeant!"

The pirates were dumbfounded.

Is this the official navy?

In a situation that was guaranteed to win, they were about to turn around to attack each other and let the navy entangle them, so they could set the boat on fire.

Who knew that the official navy should be damned and escaped so quickly!

"Haha, it's brave to run away when you hear the wind, and it's brave to escape when you see people. These sailors are not bad." Zhao Han smiled.

"This bunch of bastards! How could it be like this?" Wang Bolun, who was on a fast galley, immediately yelled.

A good plan, but the executor is ineffective.

Lure the enemy deep, but the net is too rotten to catch the fish, which is embarrassing...

The other boats followed behind the Admiral.

There was nothing the pirates could do, they all ran away.

The morale of the pirates plummeted.

"Attack, set fire! I'm going to burn them to death!" Wang Bolun shouted.

"The big boss, it's not good, we can't beat these boats with guns, **** it!" Da Jinya shouted.

There is no way, the pirates do not want to die.

Because the predetermined plan is the big ship of the official navy, relying on the thick ship to entangle each other.

Can't get entangled now, they go up is the ending of being smashed by shells.

The ginseng will try to escape.

caused a total collapse.

He overestimated the majesty of the navy.

He thought that as long as he showed his flag and found evidence of the crime, Rongyao Company would bow his head.

But I never imagined that people didn't bow their heads, but wanted to fight him instead.

This was his biggest mistake.

If they really want to fight, they can't beat each other.

The most fundamental failure is that they pin their hopes of victory on the opponent's fear of the authority of the court.

However, they don't know that they are facing a team that has been incompetent since the establishment of the court.

People at sea are far less afraid of the imperial court than those on land.

Because the biggest fear at sea is the sea itself, not the imperial court far away.

This is a very different place from farmers.

For the peasants, the imperial court is always the most terrifying, and natural disasters come second.

The people killed by natural disasters are far fewer than those killed by the imperial court.

The patrol clipper became more and more morale, and one shot was fired, and the sails of a large ship were rotten.

Stand still on the sea.

Another shot, the deck of another large ship caught fire.

This is a hot solid shell, the temperature is as high as several hundred degrees, or even nearly a thousand degrees, and it is the nemesis of wooden boats.

Someone had to brave the artillery fire to put it out with water.

However, they jumped into the sea and did not fight the fire.

Some people dropped the boat from the back of the big boat and ran away.

At this time, the patrol clipper really doesn't care about the boat and won't waste shells and aiming time.

For a while, the official navy who fought was a piece of shit.

"You wait. You are betrayal, you are rebelling!" Sailor General was furious.

Fortunately, he took a search of the Clippers, otherwise, he would have seen the Dragon King this time.

"Whoever is afraid of you will be against you!" Jia Rong encouraged her morale.

"Brothers, a famous person once said, "Small rebels, small recruits, big rebels, big recruits, don't rebel as consumables! Let's fight, but also big rebels!"

Zhao Han has nothing to say, this little friend's junior high school Chinese is absolutely perfect.

She was also a little angry. She didn't expect the Navy Yamen to rely on these broken ships to make them submit.

Simply ridiculous.

What are they thinking about?

Also, they themselves deceived themselves.

How terrifying the majesty of the imperial court is.

It is a pity that at sea, only the tonnage and the number of cannons are mentioned, as well as the caliber.


the next day.

Fanyu Governor Yamen.

"How can there be such a reason? How can Jia Rong dare to rebel!" His Excellency the Governor was furious.

He got the news that the navy under his command was completely lost.

Only the generals escaped.

Thousands of sailors were captured and most surrendered.

A few were used as slaves.

That's dozens of big ships.

To be defeated like this?

"Sir, you can't say this, you can't say that." At this time, a staff member, Mr. Feng, quickly persuaded him.

"Aren't they rebelling? Why can't they say it?" the governor said angrily.

"Not sure yet."

"Hmph, what's not sure yet? They've already beaten my sailor to the ground!"

"You, you tell me, you can't be sure, it's ridiculous!"

"Because of this, the students said that they were not sure whether they were rebelling." Mr. Feng persuaded.

"What do you mean?" the Governor wondered.

Mr. Feng patiently said: "Think about it, my lord, if we have determined that he is a rebel now, how should we treat him?"

"Of course it is extermination." The Governor cursed.

"Yes, the question is do we have soldiers? Do we still have money?" Mr. Feng said cautiously.

Suddenly, the Governor-General understood.

I see.

Yes, if we cannot destroy him, we cannot say that he is a rebel.

"Are they allowed to be so arrogant? What's the point of Ben Du's face?"

"We can talk to them about numbers," said Mr. Feng.

"Since they have already fought, how can they still talk to us?" the Governor hesitated.

"No, they may not be willing to fight." Mr. Feng said to himself.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you." The Governor said with a headache.

"Wait," another of Mr. Li's staff said, "Since it's confirmed that Rongyao Company did it, we just need to catch Jia Lian. They have roots. Aren't they afraid of the court raiding their homes?"

The Governor was suddenly moved.

Yes, if you can't beat it at sea, are you still afraid on the shore?

He has an army of 60,000 in his hands!

Even if there are a lot of vacancies, there are 4,000 people who can play.

"No, no, no!" Mr. Feng hurriedly said, "Sir, you can't tear your face.",

"Why can't you tear your face off?"

"The court is now doing more than one less thing. Even if the house was raided, you remember that there was Emperor Liu in the Five Dynasties. He killed all the children of Guo Wei at that time. As a result, Guo Wei immediately rebelled and gave him to him. Kill..." Mr. Feng said patiently.

He is now afraid of people's impulse.

Things can't get too big.

If there is a big trouble, there will be no good fruit to eat.

He also thought about getting 10,000 taels and leaving quickly.

I definitely don't want to fight the rebellion, it will kill people.

This is Mr. Feng's real motivation.

"We are the same now. If we kill the Jia family, Jia Rong and Jia Lian will rebel to the end."

"What will happen to us in the future? We must also be beheading the whole family, because we forced them to turn against them."

The Governor nodded and said, "Yes, now that the imperial court is using troops everywhere, the money has long been insufficient."

A group of aides finally agreed.

"That's right, it's better to have less than one more thing."

"But what about pension money?"

"Yeah, without the boat, it can be said to be a storm. If people die, the family will come to trouble the yamen."

"That's why I said I'm going to talk about numbers and go find them for the sake of money." Mr. Feng stood up and said.

"It's so good, go ahead, use my name to stab me, and say they don't speak well, and I'll send a large army to conquer!" The governor said bitterly.


on an island.

After Mr. Feng was taken to the island, his eyes widened.

Everyone has a job.

The island was full of smoke.

Everyone's face is tired and dirty, but very hard.

This is a sight not seen on land.

No wonder they rebelled.

This is grounded.

Alas, the imperial court has crossed, and it has not been discovered for all these years.

It was indeed twilight.

Mr. Feng followed people into a meeting room.

Jia Rong sat inside.

"Jia Zhixian, you are also an official of the imperial court. You have not been promoted in recent years. Could it be that you have a grudge against the imperial court, so you have to rebel?" Mr. Feng said straight to the point.

"Rebel, no, we are just forced to protect ourselves." Jia Rong was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Okay, I'm not talking nonsense. With the pension of 160,000 taels, I will appease this matter."

"This is because they are looking for trouble first and colluding with pirates, why do they want us to pay?" Jia Rong asked back.

"Are you different from pirates? You have built so many cannons yourself. This is not allowed by the imperial court. If things get bigger, everyone's faces will not look good."

"If the matter is serious, I am afraid that the Governor-General will not be able to do it for now. It is a big crime to collude with the pirates and oppress the good gentlemen." Jia Rong said sternly.

"Even so, it's a fact that you rebelled against the imperial navy. There is evidence and material evidence, and the imperial court will never forgive your Jia family." Mr. Feng shook his head.

Jia Rong was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "At most 30,000, and I have to recommend one person to be the Admiral of the Navy."

"One admiral costs fifty thousand."

"It's too expensive, ten thousand."

"Okay, add the two together, forty thousand taels." Mr. Feng said with a smile.

That's how things worked out.

As for those Qiu Ba, it is enough to give five taels of pension.

They don't have the guts to create rebels, but they have the guts to fight good people.

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