Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2022: NPC

For a mere 40,000 taels of silver, hundreds will be beheaded and thousands of court navy officers will be captured. Such a major crime of rebellion has been solved.

"Absurd, really absurd."

"Fake, too fake."

"Idiot, two idiots."

Facing Wu Shanshan's comments, Zhao Han had nothing to say.

The fact is that absurd.

Think about the dream of Red Mansions, Jia's house spent nearly one million taels of silver in order to welcome the imperial concubine to save relatives.

In the end it was stolen.

Why didn't so much money help them change the outcome?

Why does this happen?

It's very simple, because there are no soldiers behind Jia's house.

If I want to pinch you to death, I will pinch you to death.

The Jia family fell, and it was only after Wang Ziteng, the man who held the military power, died violently.

"This incident means that the imperial court is already very weak at this time." Jia Lian said to the two of them.

"Then what are we going to do?" Jia Rong asked.

"We should speed ourselves up now, move fast, don't hesitate any longer."

"That's right, the officials under the imperial court are more tolerant than we thought, and they are dedicated to making money."

"Reality is not a red building, there is no such complicated conspiracy, it only depends on strength and means."

Decided to speed up the idea.

They began to introduce a large number of refugees, open up deserted islands, attack savages, and allocate land.

In fact, this is the foundation of the establishment of the dynasty.

How did the dynasty stabilize in the first place?

It is by allocating unowned land to the refugees.

The first achievements of the magistrates were to recruit and appease the refugees, to distribute the land, and to register them.

Cultivate a large number of homesteaders.

This is the foundation of the prosperity of a dynasty.

The forces that can do this have the hope of Jackie Chan.

Many heroes do not understand, and finally fail.

The three seemingly simple things require a large number of scholars to form an official class to cooperate.

Otherwise, it is incomparable.

It's not possible to rely on rogues alone. You don't even know how big the land is, let alone dividing the land.

Farmers have it.

Food is there.

Iron and cloth, followed.

When supplies are abundant, they can be collected.

Relying on small homesteaders.

Without the yeoman, the dynasty would be over.


Even after becoming a tenant farmer, he is still creating wealth.

And the population in the later stage is more, and the wealth created in theory is more.

The reason is very simple. The peasants are the most easily oppressed. They are scattered one by one, and they are the natural taxed class.

Once they disappeared and became tenant farmers of the big landlords, they could no longer pay enough taxes.

As for the big landlords, they have various ways to bribe officials and avoid taxes.

In the end, the imperial court was accidentally destroyed when the people still had a lot of money and grain and a lot of material wealth.

If he can't collect taxes and materials, the system won't work.

All three understand this.

Of course they have to figure out a way to solve this problem.

It's not really troublesome.

With prosperous commercial activities, there is a solution.

Trade is prosperous, the court controls the army, the army controls traffic, maintains trade channels, and then collects taxes.

Allow landless farmers to obtain food and other materials through commercial activities.

To put it simply, it is to create jobs... or to provide benefits, which means that no jobs can be created. The imperial court directly and forcibly collected taxes from wealthy businessmen, and used the taxes to feed surplus landless peasants and maintain stability.

It's just that this is more difficult, and wealthy businessmen will find ways to avoid taxes.

This will turn the small peasant economy into a mobile commodity economy.

The more developed the business, the more the labor force can be used, and the faster the material flow.

From the two basic materials of grain and cloth, and then to steel and gunpowder, taxation is carried out, and these things are saved through taxation.

Currency is the medium of circulation of goods.

This set of three has long learned.

But this kind of insight was completely unimaginable by the feudal rulers.

Feudal rulers just thought it was good to have money.

They also created paper money early and kept sending it, and they screwed themselves up.

No one uses paper money anymore.

Why was gold and silver used in ancient times?

Because gold and silver cannot be arbitrarily distributed, you have to dig out as much as you want to issue it.

Ancient paper money is not good at all, and the unrestricted feudal rulers cannot control their impulse to spam.

This year, they brought in another 1 million refugees.

They quickly emigrated the refugees to various islands.

Land reclamation and removal of mosquitoes, rats, and fleas, the enemies of immigrants.

Set fire to clean up, and then distribute the land. After two years, these farmers will settle down and be able to produce materials and become producers.

However, they must also become consumers and join the commodity economy.

"How to create a commodity economy?" The three began to discuss again.

"The West relies on sea trade, and trade with the colonies, starting from weaving, and driving a series of industries, and then bringing a large amount of food from the colonies to ensure the needs of the workers, and at the same time defeating the local landlords, forcing They planted cotton and raised sheep to change the land use." Jia Rong said.

"Then how do we replicate this process?" Zhao Han asked.

"We need to allow farmers to participate in commercial activities, sell food, and exchange it for the necessities of life, so as to improve the circulation of the entire material. Only by circulation, and only by making more things, can we develop."

"It's hard, these farmers are naturally conservative in saving. So we have to issue currency and let this currency anchor an item that they have to use."

"It must be medicines. Only medicines can never be produced by farmers. There are also clothes. Generally, farmers will find that it is not cost-effective to make clothes by themselves."

"Yes that is."


An island somewhere in the south.

A village surrounded by high village walls.

Wang Ergen was a land immigrant. He has settled here for three years, married a wife, and had two children.

Thanks to the blessing of God, he already has some property in good health.

Twenty acres of land, three cattle, chickens and ducks in flocks.

Now he desperately hopes that his children will grow up quickly and be able to help him and inherit the family business.

He can make good use of these children.

Of course, he did not mean to actively exploit the children, but the fact is that in agricultural production activities, it is easy for him to exploit his own children and help him do farm work.

He is very short of labor right now.

There is too much land, and there is also wasteland outside, but he can't manage it alone.

A cow tilling 5 mu of land a day is very tiring.

20 acres will take 4 days.

Also sowing, weeding, fertilizing, watering…

The complicated farm work made him urgently need labor.

Of course he didn't know that after a few generations, his descendants would fall into a population trap, with no land to farm, no chance to reproduce, or even a chance to eat, so they rebelled.

He only knew that at this time the surplus food in his family would definitely be sold.

Because it's hot here.

Wet and buggy.

If you don't sell food, it will rot for at most half a year.

He does not have a good storage environment like a large granary, nor does it have manual cleaning and drying every day.

He had to sell the grain to the grain station in the town.

Only the rations that the family eats for more than half a year are left. Anyway, there are new rations here in four months.

Of course, he tried to plant something that could be stored for a long time.

For example, rice and sorghum have the longest preservation time and can be preserved for 5-10 years.

The premise is that it is dry enough. Once it gets wet and worms, it's over.

He was starving.

The granary built by the family is full, as long as there is no chaos, enough for his family to eat for three years.

So, today he started to bring old grain and chickens, ducks and geese he raised to the town to sell for money.

If you don't sell it, you can't pay taxes.

Taxes can be collected with treasured banknotes or with Yinyang Jia Datou.

He didn't believe in that kind of banknotes, but still believed in Jia Datou.

On this big head of Jia, there is a chubby guy whose face cannot be seen clearly.

This guy is naturally Jia Rong.

This is a real rebellion.

This is issued by Rong's Bank.

Jia Datou can be directly exchanged for silver, one piece is one tael, which is very valuable. There is also a dime, which is equivalent to a penny.

He drove the ox cart with his wife and set off early in the morning. The three children are entrusted to the neighbors to take care of.

Everyone is like this, next time he will also take care of the neighbors.

Two ox carts, one beam loaded with 2,000 catties of grain, the other loaded with twenty chickens and ten ducks.

Two bullock carts walked slowly towards the town market.

Depart early in the morning, arrive at noon.

Thanks to the company, the law and order is very good, no bandits, no soldiers.

Grain is still sold to grain stations as usual, and prices have remained stable.

The other party also sells food, and the price is only a little higher than the selling price.

It is equivalent to charging a storage fee, which everyone understands.

So he is not worried that after selling it, if he encounters problems, he will not be able to buy food.

It is still troublesome to store food, but it is still easy to store the bulk.

It won't rot or worms, and it's easy to move.

When the food is stored, I have to dry it every two weeks.

At least one month.

No matter how long the time is, the inside of the grain will be affected by moisture, and it will rot and germinate.

This kind of drying is too tiring, so he plans to save only half a year of grain to pull it down.

If you have enough new food, just come down and buy it at the food station.

The grain station will keep the new grain for three years, and the old grain will be sold on land.

He quickly exchanged all the food for money, and there was a lot of wrangling in the middle.

He was angry because he was a hard worker and cherished food the most, which was all very good and dry.

In fact, it is to give him money.

But he refused to give it, and said he would ask the mayor to sue.

The other party reluctantly accepted the second grade.

But threatened him not to charge so much next time, and told him to come early.

He was depressed.

Wherever they go, the Zhuang family suffers.

Fortunately, the chickens, ducks and geese sold very well, and the restaurant took it away directly and sold it at a high price.

They like his chickens and ducks very much, they are delicious and they are all raised in the fields.

This made him think about planting less land and raising more chickens and ducks, but it was much simpler.

After all, selling food really suffers.

I heard that the big households are not afraid, and they are regularly collected every year.

I'm not afraid of these little officials.

He then took his honest wife to buy cloth.

Got some new clothes to do at home.

Fortunately, the company is good, and they do not charge their taxes for the first five years.

In the process of buying cloth, he did not know that he had paid taxes.

This is the scissors difference of the industry.

He only knew that the price of these cloths was quite reasonable, and it was more cost-effective than his wife's weaving.

His wife's time weaving was used to raise ten more chickens and ducks to earn more money.

Just to worry about the disease, the neighbor next door died of the chicken and duck, and then sold it to the black-hearted businessman who came to buy it.

Of course, as for those medicines for treating headaches and brain fever, I have to buy some more to go home.

The child has a fever two or three times a year. If you don't buy it, the child will die.

"Ergen, you're living a good life now, do you want to buy another concubine?" On the way home, the people in the same village couldn't open the pot and bring it up.

Find another concubine?

Wang Ergen looked at the honest mother-in-law, who gave birth to two babies and lost her shape. She worked every day, and it was very dark.

Immediately, he had a dirty mind.

It's time to find another beautiful concubine.

Have a few more children.

Now the two children, the eldest is three years old, can already pick up firewood.

You can pick up firewood at the door.

Very obedient.

Much better than having a puppy.

By the way, there is also the firewood thing.

I need to buy some more coal.

It is now forbidden to chop wood casually.

The firewood at home is made from crop straws grown in the land.

Wood cannot be burned.

Do not let the tree cut down, saying it will destroy the feng shui.

He also believed.

Feng shui must be good here, otherwise, how can I make a fortune?

He heard that some people went to other places to cultivate wasteland, and many people died of illness in the second year.

He had nothing to do.

How did he know that this was all done by the three of them to prevent and cure the disease.

That's why it started out in the pharmaceutical industry in the first place.

There is still a very good set of traditional methods to deal with the plague.

But thinking about it, he was reluctant to spend money.

I also need to save money for my eldest son to get married when he is ten years old.

Get married early, and marry someone else's daughter to work at the age of twelve.

Who wants to buy coal?

How expensive is it to buy coal?

Anyway, a lot of wasteland.

When the children are older, they go to the wasteland to mow the grass.

So he decided not to buy it.

Say it next time.

After all, the firewood and haystacks at home have not been burned yet.

At this time, Wang Ergen did not know that he had participated in an economic cycle.

and complete the round.

In this round, his labor, by using solar energy and land, "created out of nothing" the most essential wealth of mankind: food and by-products such as chickens and ducks.

It was then sold to other people and formed the most basic and solid part of the entire socio-economic model.

Once this little Wang Ergen, there is a problem with the economic cycle here, no matter how powerful an empire is, even if it has the ability to destroy the world, it will collapse in an instant, making people stunned.

However, the reason may simply be that no one sells grain and chickens.

Only Wen Rensheng knew this.

Wang Ergen sells grain at the fair, chickens and ducks in exchange for cloth and medicine.

He sat on the empty bullock cart, resting, and reckoning.

How much money I spent this time, how much money UU reading made.

He found himself with a little more Jia Datou.

He also heard that some people have recently deposited into the company's bank, and it is said that they can give some interest.

Not only is there no storage fee, but it is also given as a gift during the festival.

Come to think of it, he still doesn't exist.

If the bank goes down one day, wouldn't he be unlucky?

There are still people in their village to save, let's take a look.

Thinking like this, Wang Ergen, an ordinary farmer man with a little lust, returned to his home.

"Baba, I picked up six sticks of firewood." The three-year-old son ran out from the neighbor's house to greet him.

Start a new economic cycle again.

like an npc.

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