Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2026: mantis car

Captain Redhead didn't end well.

The first was a huge sum of 2 million taels. After sailing southward for just over 500 nautical miles, the sailors rioted.

The sailors demanded an even split.

There are 50 people on board, and one person can share 40,000 taels equally.

This is also a huge sum of money.

Enough for everyone to buy enough real estate to live happily ever after.

The captain, relying on the first mate and some henchmen, killed some of the sailors and re-recruited the sailors, the newcomers knew nothing.

Then the henchmen rebelled.

All in all, three rebellions back and forth.

The captain was injured and missing a leg.

The first mate was missing an eye.

In the end there were only five people who knew that there were two million silver in the boat...

Five pirates divide the silver, and everyone chooses to divide it equally.

The new sailor was completely unaware.

Losing core sailors however, new sailors are unfamiliar with the business.

When they were passing through the South Strait, they were discovered by the Rongyao Group.

Then do the interception check.

Because Jia Rong already knew that the red-haired man was colluding with the court.

"A bunch of pirates!"

The captain cursed angrily, then ordered to flee.

Patrols are sailing clippers.

And his ship was equipped with a steam engine, which was supposed to be able to escape.

As a result, the new sailors could not operate, and under fear and nervousness, they stuffed too much coal into the tank and blew the tank...

This was the downside of early steam engines: the failure rate was extremely high.

Must be a skilled worker to operate.

So two million taels were all given to the pirates: Rongyao Company.

The captain was hanged.

The first mate was pardoned for reciting a philosophical poem before his death.

Decided to send him as a slave to Master Jia Rong.

In other words, the two million taels that the emperor had worked so hard to pay for the warships finally returned to the rebels.

This is the liar to fool the fool, the robber robs the liar.

In the end, the robbers won.

Not long after, the second wave of red-haired people connected with the imperial court appeared again.

Of course they should be called blue-haired people, they are not the same as red-haired people, they wear blue hats.

The blue-haired people sent envoys and told the emperor that they were also willing to use the fleet to help the court, but they just needed the court to spend money as military expenses.

As a result, just after he finished speaking, the envoy was hacked to death by the enraged emperor.

Because the emperor already knew that the silver was deceived by the red-haired captain.

As for how to know, of course, it was the news that Jia Rong spread.

It is used to attack the emperor's prestige and let everyone know that this is a fool.

A wise emperor and a foolish emperor have completely different shock and deterrent powers.

The emperor said angrily: "You are all in the same group, you only know how to cheat my money!"

The blue-haired man was also angry: "These barbarians, they actually killed our messenger!"

"We are going to help them. Sure enough, barbarians are barbarians, and they should all be cleaned up!"

However, in the face of interests, the blue-haired man quickly understood why the emperor was furious.

Because they sent a second wave of messengers to bribe important ministers first.

The minister told them that the first wave of red-haired people deceived them of two million taels in the cost of buying the boat.

"Those **** red-haired ghosts, they ruined our reputation." The blue-haired man cursed.

How could the early maritime merchants have any credibility?

They are all a mix of pirates and merchants.

As long as you are strong at sea, you will be a pirate.

If you have little strength, you will be able to do business honestly.

So it is not to be blamed for the imperial court to hack them to death.

After the early maritime merchants were hacked to death, the rate of injustice was very low.

In short, after several twists and turns, the court agreed to meet in an increasingly dangerous situation.

After all, only the red-haired people have the possibility to defeat the Rongyao Company

Because the rebels had steamboats, which the court did not have.

Without the fleet, the court is bound to fail.

But cramming is useless, and must rely on other people's boats and sailors.

Both sides reach an agreement.

The court employs a fleet of blue-haired men.

However, the results of the war must be shown to the court, and as much money as there is in the war, they will be given as much money.

Blue-haired people don't have to worry about not getting silver.

Because if the court does not give it, you can only cheat once, and in the end, you will be defeated by the people of Rongyao Company.

Then there is nothing.

The blue-haired man, who understood this, agreed.

After all, they already had a huge conflict of interest with Rongyao.

Over the years, Rongyao has grown too strong.

If they were allowed to occupy the entire Eastern Dynasty, then they would no longer have any special interests to speak of.

It will be very hard to do business only on your own.

You can't make big money by smuggling easily like it is now.

After all, the Eastern Dynasty did not understand what tariffs were and what was smuggling.

A lot of money was given to the people below.

But the blue-haired fleet in the east was seriously underpowered.

Their fleet has only ten warships, of which there are only three steam warships.

They need to concentrate their forces.

But the people of Rongyao Company expanded rapidly.

One more year will be enough to occupy the core of the Eastern Dynasty.

Then don't even think about turning it around.

So the blue-haired people began to assemble the fleets of other forces.

Then the nearest fleet in the west was pulled over to make up the number.

In the end, a total of 30 warships were collected, of which 15 were steam ships and the other 15 were sailing warships.

According to the proportion of the ships, everyone made an agreement on the final division of interests.

It is mainly who controls the major ports of the Eastern Dynasty.

This fleet is definitely very powerful on the Eastern Ocean.

They are going to have a decisive battle with the fleet of Rongyao Company,

As long as they defeat the opponent's fleet, they can take the initiative.

The opponent's land fortress will be divided and surrounded by them.

The court could reopen the waterways, have provisions, and send large armies to surround their fortresses.

They were drowned by huge manpower.

Very nice idea.


However, whether it is Zhao Han, Jia Rong or Jia Lian, they are not afraid of these Western fleets at all.

Because all three know their opponent's Achilles heel.

In this era, the power of Westerners in the East has just risen, and there is no time to establish a good port.

Without them in the East, there is no port where steamers can be repaired.

30 warships seem like a lot.

But if the opponent hits one, there will be one less.

No port, repair ships for them, build ships.

They had to go back west to fix it.

But Rong medicine is different.

They have ports where ships can be repaired.

And built enough coastal defense artillery to ensure that the port will not fall.

There are three such ports.

Each is a big hedgehog.

30 ships, 60 ships can't be beaten.

What's more, there are enough manpower defenses above.

It will take at least two to three years for the blue-haired people to build a port with such a function.

There must be enough manpower and a lot of money.

And the eligible ports are all within their own attack range.

As soon as the other side starts building, they send ships to bombard it.

So strategically they have enough advantages.

But the blue-haired man's idea was to use 30 warships to defeat the Rongyao Company's fleet, and then transport the soldiers of the imperial court ashore to seize the Rongyao Company's repair port.

The blue-haired fleet seeks a decisive battle.

They chose to attack Longjiangkou.

Just at the mouth of Longjiang, the two sides started a war.

It has to be said that the confidence of the pirates is not fake.

Because they hit it all the way.

And Rongyao and the others are just rookies.

Even with better design, better artillery, more manpower, home field advantage...

The two sides were still tied.

After the war, each side lost half of their ships.

One lost more than a dozen ships, and the other lost more than a dozen ships.

The problem is that after a month, the warship of Rongyao Company came back.

They took the initiative to look for the blue-haired warships to attack.

The bluehairs had no choice but to retreat westward.

A draw means defeat.

Now this distance determines the outcome on the battlefield.

Fatal distances let their victory slip away.

It would take at least half a year for their new ship to arrive from the west.

The other party can repair the damaged ship in just one month, and at the same time replenish the new ship.

With such a long time difference, the other party will not let it go.

The blue-haired man had to admit that his intervention was powerless and failed.

But before retreating, they still had an idea.

They decided to use a steam warship to transport the important figures of the court away.

They began to persuade the emperor to send the prince to an island to the west.

But the emperor refused.

They later proposed sending several members of the royal family there.

The emperor agreed, and after knowing the result of the naval battle, he took the prince and ran west.

After all, the enemy came from the sea.

There is no sea in the west, so the west should be very safe.

Of course, it is not that they do not know that their opponents are not ordinary pirates, they are going to conquer the entire dynasty.

The west side is also not safe.


at the same time.

The land of Jinling.

A very strange rumor has appeared in town this year.

That is to say, the four major families of Jia Shi, Wang Xue and Xue rebelled.

They organized pirates ashore to build castles and block water transportation.

The people of Rongyao Company, with the help of the name of pirates, are actually the people of Jia's family.

It's just that everyone, bureaucrats and clerks feel very strange.

A rebellious pirate, instead of plundering, he is maintaining order.

Even doing business well.

This is very different from the rebels of the past.

In the past, some people rebelled, and they must have been burning, killing and looting everywhere.

And this group of pirates, their request to the county is that as long as you open the door and do business normally, we will not attack your city.

If you dare to close the city gates, we will bombard you with cannons.

Some people think these pirates are just fine.

Because they brought in a lot of grain, quelling the skyrocketing grain prices because of the war.

Many large grain merchants who are hoarding and hoarding suffer a lot.

They also set up market places for these people to come and buy things.

They also took the initiative to maintain law and order.

The bandits who took advantage of the fire will be cleaned up.

Kill the leader, and pull the rest overseas to work as coolies.

In this situation, people's hearts began to shake.

It's mainly those who can't be admitted to Xiucai, or those who are Xiucai but can't be admitted to Juren. They have an idea in their hearts.

You know it's not easy to live these days.

You can't be admitted to a scholar, and you can only be a private school teacher when you are in your 40s or 50s, and you can't do anything.

But there are few teachers.

Lao Tongsheng had a very miserable life.

One of the representatives is Fan Jin in the history of Confucianism.

Before being admitted to the juren exam, the old mother was going blind from hunger.

This can truly reflect the living conditions of scholars.

And now, Rongyao Company is in rebellion. It's good to rebel, and the rebellion can be the hero of the founding of the country.

There are many readers who have ambitions.

It can be said that many people just do not have the conditions.

And in their opinion, Rongyao Company has the appearance of Jackie Chan.

Why do you say that?

Because these people know how to rule, how to operate and build.

This is completely different from pirates and rogues.

If the rogue doesn't know how to operate and build, then he will inevitably fail.

However, Rongyao Company knew how to build and operate from the very beginning. Once such a force rises up, the probability of success is extremely high.

Why nomads can beat farming, because they also have a complete construction system.

They are also able to operate and build.

That's why they were able to win.

So soon, there are talented scholars and children who have tried many times to join the team and seek official positions to do it.

At the beginning, it was mainly to be the accountant, to be a gentleman.

Help with literacy.

The professor simplified the text.

In fact, there have been simplified characters since ancient times.

With the addition of scholars, more and more people found that the imperial court was dying.

In folk towns, taverns, hotels, and mansions of the county government, scholars and officials are all discussing.

"This imperial pill!"

"Yeah, there is no water transport, and the soldiers from the north were blocked by ships again. They wanted to detour, and they were blocked by those strong fortresses."

"The imperial court won't last for a few years, and it will collapse."

"Yeah, as for this Rongyao company, they have money and food, and they are becoming more and more prosperous. They transport a large number of refugees overseas. Obviously, they have a territory overseas."

"Yes, this is equivalent to the northern prisoners who occupied the Central Plains before."

"Then what should we do?"

"Yeah, are we helping the court? Or helping them?"

"We must be helping no one."

"That's right, Rongyao Company doesn't rob our land or our food, but only takes away some refugees."

Why should we resist?

Many big landowners and big businessmen in the Jiangnan land think this way.

After all, Rongyao is in business.

They also do a lot of business with each other.

Buy food, sell raw silk, buy medicine, Western stuff.

All in all, everyone was in harmony.

It's all to blame for some villains in the imperial court.

It's a win-win.

But the little people can't stand it.

Of course, some officials still want to resist.

Only they have to rely on big businessmen and big landowners to have money.

But these big landlords and big businessmen, they found that they could continue to do business with Rongyao Company.

The other party does not rob them of their land or their money.

Not to hurt their people.

In this case, fighting against the opponent will cost a lot of money.

And risk failure.

Didn't they hit the stone with an egg?

In the face of power, as long as the other party does not touch too much of their own interests, only 5% are willing to resist for the sake of the imperial court.

Some people did protest.

Some famous Confucian ministers.

"Unfortunately, they are destined to stop the car." A scholar said.

This is exactly what the emperor commented on the four major families back then.

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