Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2027: be emperor

three years later.

The imperial court was beaten down by the Rongyao Company.

After several wars, although the imperial court had victories and defeats, it was obviously unsupported.

Although there are several generals who can play a high exchange ratio, they are gradually going bankrupt.

Losing the taxed land in the south of the Yangtze River, food, grass, cloth, weapons, armor... can't continue to persist.

At the meeting, it was proposed to make peace.

The court gave them the southeast, and the north was the place of residence for the court.

As a result, Rongyao Group refused to accept it.

They know that separatism is impossible.

The separatist regime in the southeast is the easiest to degenerate.

Rich people.

Most of the courts in the south of the Yangtze River did not cheer up.

They built fortresses along the waterways, expeditions to the west, and expeditions to the north.

More and more forces, officials, and wealthy clans, seeing the general trend of the world, turned to them one after another.

The number of persuaders is increasing.

They persuaded Jia Rong to become emperor.

However, Jia Rong said: "The real emperor is someone else, and we still have a big boss."

Everyone was puzzled.

"Why is the owner not the emperor, isn't it bad to be the emperor? Why is there another big owner?"

"Yeah, this is the first time I heard that there is still a big boss. Does the emperor want to give it to him?"

"Who will it be?"


Jinling City, on the Jiangxin Island in the north.

Zhao Han had already sent all the sisters and sisters of the big family to live on the island.

Guarantee that even if the court is crazy, it is powerless.

Steam battleships patrol the surroundings throughout the day.

Not a single bird can fly in.

Somewhat exaggerated.

But it is guaranteed that no small group of enemies will come ashore.

At this time, many people in Ning Rong's Second Mansion still didn't know what was going on outside.

Especially those girls and maids, they only know that there seems to be a bit of chaos outside.

It's been a long time since I saw people outside come to the door.

They haven't been able to go out for a long time.

In the past, relatives and neighbors would come to the door.

Like a birthday, a birthday, etc.

They only knew that there was a war outside, and people couldn't help but panic.

Fortunately, Second Master Bao often came forward to appease people's hearts, and there was also a steady stream of supplies, Western things, so everyone went on like this.

Until this day, the sisters met again in the garden.

Zhao Han waited until halfway through the banquet, and said, "Everyone recite poetry and fu, pause for now, I have something to tell my sisters."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Finally, they want to know what happened.

In fact, in the past few years, everyone has guessed in their hearts, but they were all perfunctory by Jia Baoyu.

They are also female, so it is impossible to violate Jia Baoyu's wishes.

Jia Baoyu is not the original great treasure. Now he has just decided to act, someone has a gun, and he has the style of a prince, so the girls can only let him arrange.

"Baoyu, what's the matter with you?" Lin Daiyu said slightly angrily, "Have you been hiding something from us all these years?"

"Well, before, didn't you all want me to run around in the official economy?" Zhao Han said triumphantly.

"Brother Bao, this is the right way." Xue Baochai advised.

She heard some wind, but wasn't sure.

"I never persuaded you, everything is up to your own temperament." Lin Daiyu said with a raised mouth.

"Brother Ai, is there something big?" Shi Xiangyun wondered.

"Okay, I'll tell you today, I'll showdown, I won't pretend." Zhao Han stood up and looked around the sisters.

Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, Li Wan, etc. were all stunned.

"Yes, I am about to reach the end of my career and economy: becoming an emperor. The mysterious big owner of Rongyao Company is me, and I am the biggest rebel leader." Zhao Han said directly.


"This is impossible!"

"You can't say this casually, Uncle Bao." Li Wan was the most nervous.

The other women were equally shocked, and some people's eyes were about to pop out.

Shi Xiangyun was the first to say: "Brother Ai, you, you, you said that Rongyao Company is yours. I used to be at home and only listened to my family, it seemed to be related to second brother Lian, but I didn't expect that the big boss behind you was you?"

"Yes, it's me."

Li Wan said in shock: "Uncle Bao, but this, aren't you trying to usurp the throne?"

She was incoherent and could barely think.

The younger brother-in-law, who has always been gentle and jade-like, is planning to usurp the throne.

How can this be believed?

She is from a scholarly family, and her father is the Imperial College Supervisor.

Most believe in Gang Chang's set.

"Seeking to usurp the throne? No, their Chi family can grab the throne from the previous dynasty, can't my Jia family do it?" Zhao Han said confidently.

All the girls were silent, one by one like a withered sculpture.

Lin Daiyu's quickie was in the air, and Xue Baochai covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

In Tan Chun's eyes, there was a hint of joy in addition to surprise.

Yingchunmu was stunned, as if he didn't understand.

Xichun's eyes were blank.

Li Wan couldn't help covering her mouth, not daring to speak.

As for the maids and wives who were serving, some of them actually slumped to the ground.

Zhao Han wanted to take out the camera and take pictures for everyone.

Unfortunately not.

Just look at it and draw it later.

In the end, it was Lin Daiyu who said, "Oh, I used to read history books and always wondered why no one found Sima Yi's revolt. Now I understand that there are really people who are stronger than Sima Yi."

"Okay you frown, I'm not that bad guy like Sima Yi, I'm Wang Mang..." Zhao Han quickly retracted his words, "This Wang Mang is also good and bad, what should I be, by the way, I'm King Wu. "

"Frowning, you almost made me mad at me."

At this time, only Lin Daiyu dared to say this.

The two have known each other for a long time, and Lin Daiyu thinks she understands Jia Baoyu's heart.

Even the emperor is kind-hearted.

And Xue Baochai is really smart.

She immediately thought that when she was still in Jinling City before, her brother Xue Fan occasionally mentioned something.

Speaking of the chaos in the south, there is a Rongyao company.

What nonsense words like imperial pills?

When Jia Baoyu said this, she immediately realized one thing.

Jia Baoyu is probably 80% sure that the rebellion will succeed.

Although she didn't know much information, she could also know that Jia Baoyu had something to do with the rebellion from the places she had relocated over the years.

First in the capital in the north, then back to Jinling, and then to Jiangxin Island.

Neither Mother Jia nor Madam Wang, nor even my uncle objected...

This shows that they have already thought about the big things.

She suddenly thought that soon, Jia Baoyu would be hot.

No wonder a few days ago, my brother came from outside again, saying that the court had already hunted west.

There are often big businessmen who invite him to have a drink and go their way.

The momentum of their Xue family, unknowingly, regained strength.

I didn't expect so many big things to happen outside.

In fact, we can't blame these sisters for their lack of information.

Even in the original book, there are many major events outside that they don't know about.

Some important court events, they will only know after a long time.

After all, the only way for the ladies to get news is the maid, and when they go out, they listen to people talking.

They seldom go out on the street.

Especially in the past few years, Jia Baoyu blocked them in Daguanyuan, Jinling City, and Jiangxin Island.

Just go back to Jinling City. There are even fewer places where they can get news.

The crowd remained silent.

Although Lin Daiyu spoke in front, the others were still a little afraid to speak.

After all, in the past, these words were all remarks to punish the Nine Clan. No matter how presumptuous they were in the past, they would not dare to say them.

At this time, Jia Baoyu said it openly, which really broke the bottom line of the girls.

They are not modern people and can talk nonsense at will.

After a while, Qingwen suddenly asked: "Second Master, so you really want to be the emperor?"

Sure enough, Qingwen was courageous enough.

"Yeah, I really want to be the emperor, are you afraid?" Zhao Han pinched her ears.

This girl is usually the most daring and shows her a little temperament.

The so-called sunny is Daiying.

"Have you lost your mind again? I don't believe it. Do you know that you are the emperor?" Qingwen said with a good face.

"It seems that you don't believe it, but I can't send troops over because of the important military affairs and let you see. In that case, wouldn't it be King Zhou You?" Zhao Han shook his head and said.

"It's strange that we believe it, we can't talk nonsense about this." Qingwen shook her head.

Zhao Han smiled.

She clapped her hands suddenly.

With applause...

One hundred thousand iron cavalry appeared, and all of them immediately clasped their fists:

"Welcome the emperor back to Beijing!"

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

The sound is shocking.

Of course these are all things she imagined...

Xiao Huan also said with disgust: "Your saliva is about to flow out, this is a reliable world, you can't think about it."

Zhao Han finally came to his senses, thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's take you to climb the mountain, and let you see our Longjiang fleet!"

Then the girls followed her all the way out of the garden.

Not long after, he came to a mountain on Jiangxin Island.

The girls looked down at the river.

I saw a row of large ships passing by.

Zhao Han took out a firework and set it up to the sky.

Play three times in a row.

The next moment, the fleet of billowing smoke began to fire salutes 24 times.

The girls began to believe a little.

Such a powerful fleet is by no means something the imperial court can possess.

People still have some common sense.

For example, Shi Xiangyun's family is a feudal lord in the military, and he has heard some military affairs.

"Second Master is going to be the emperor, can you be a noble concubine for me?" Qingwen suddenly opened her eyes wide and stared at Jia Baoyu.

She was too shocked by this, so she said it subconsciously, and after speaking, she covered her face and ran away.

Not at all as bold as before.


Xue Baochai's heart moved.

Jia Baoyu used to compare her to Concubine Yang.

She was still very angry at the time, saying that she did not have a good brother like Yang Guozhong, and compared Jia Baoyu to Yang Guozhong.

This is the self-cultivation of ancient talented women and beauties.

You don't have the patience to understand.

However, on the other hand, her brother Xue Fan, that is a complete contrast, too down-to-earth...

Now Xue Baochai is thinking, could it be Brother Bao who wanted to be the emperor at that time?

Otherwise, why would you compare me to a concubine?

In fact, she never competed with Lin Daiyu for Jia Baoyu from beginning to end.

Even if there were some misunderstandings, he reconciled with Lin Daiyu.

She did not take the initiative to destroy the relationship between Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu, and later married Jia Baoyu because of the relationship between Mrs. Wang and Jia's mother.

In fact, Mother Jia didn't want Xue Baochai to marry Jia Baoyu at first, because Xue Baochai was the daughter of a businessman.

In Jia's mother's mind, she has long compared two coats, her grandson is actually a peacock, and the Xue family's daughter is a wild duck.

The latter, though rich, are not precious.

On the other hand, Mrs. Wang knew that her family had fallen and that Jia Baoyu was not treated well, so Xue Baochai was very suitable to support Baoyu.

Moreover, Xue Baochai and Mrs. Wang have a closer relationship because she is the daughter of Mrs. Wang's sister.

Mother Jia prefers Lin Daiyu because Lin Daiyu is the daughter of Mother Jia's daughter.

The distance and distance determine the preference.

Looking at the huge sea fleet, the atmosphere between the girls slowly became strange.

Everyone seems to think that what Jia Baoyu said should be true.

Jia Baoyu has been the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard since then.

Thinking of this, Lin Daiyu suddenly started to feel sad again.

She turned away.

"Flowers wither flowers fly all over the sky, who will pity the red and fragrant..."

You go to be your emperor, and I go to bury myself.

Zhao Han was proud when he suddenly saw Lin Daiyu leave.

"You finished the bird, you finished the bird again." Xiao Huan said gloatingly, "The vinegar jar has turned over again, you can't coax it well."

"You bastard, I'll put you in the pot and stew." Zhao Han threatened.

"you dare!"

Zhao Han did not chase after him this time.

She knew that Lin Daiyu needed to complain.

After all, she will be the emperor in the future. To settle the harem, you have to have some means.

"That, brother emperor, will you raid your house indiscriminately?" Shi Xiangyun suddenly asked a seemingly clueless question.

"The prince breaks the law and sins with the people. I will rule the world with the law."

"It will not make everyone afraid, and let everyone live in peace under the blue sky."

"The premise is not to break the law."

When Jia Baoyu said these words, although the girls agreed, they felt something was not right.

It seems that all the time, the men of the Jia family have been breaking the law, right?

Well, several of the offenders died.

It has been cleaned many times since.

It's much cleaner.

However, among relatives, there are still crimes.

For example, fool Xue, there will be thunderstorms from time to time.

"Okay, you guys watch, I still have something to do." Zhao Han said and left.

"Go to coax Sister Lin again?" Shi Xiangyun said with a smile.

"It doesn't seem to be this time." The raider replied.

She is the most loved person in her heart.

He is also the most emotional person.

At first, I thought Jia Baoyu was crazy, and was so frightened.

Later, he worried that the other party's rebellion would fail.

Now I know it's likely to be true.

Originally, she just wanted to be a concubine.

But now, she might become a concubine.

This is the royal concubine.

Prosperity and wealth are just around the corner.

The sisters were silent for a while, and suddenly began to talk.

"So, in the future, our Jia family will be the royal family?" Suddenly, Tan Chun said.

"Yes, congratulations to the third sister." Shi Xiangyun smiled.

Tanchun has always been atmospheric and talented.

Can be better than ten Jia Baoyu.

In order to rectify the deficit, I thought of giving the land in the Grand View Garden to the maid, so as to increase the income of both parties.

Although this matter is better than nothing and can't solve major problems, it at least proves that people have the ability to save themselves, and they can lower their heads and do specific things.

This is what Jia Baoyu does not have.

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