Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2028: dead end

After Zhao Han left, she naturally knew that she was going to be the emperor, which would soon cause an uproar within the Jia family.

indeed so.

Jia Tanchun, Jia Yingchun, Jia Xichun, and Jia Yuanchun, who had been hidden by her for a long time, walked lightly for half a month after the initial shock.

I always feel like I haven't woken up.

I always feel like I'm in a dream.

"I must still be in a dream, right?" Yuan Chun, who lived alone in a secluded courtyard, sighed.

It has been two years since the flowers bloomed outside.

She still can't believe that she would be escaped from that shameful place by her brother's death by false illness.

She never had a good time there.

Not a day can really laugh.

That's why seeing the smiles of brothers and sisters makes me so moved that they avoid the etiquette defense and let them live in the same hospital.

She didn't even think that their family was going to become a royal family inexplicably.

This is royalty.

Most people don't understand this concept.

But she has lived in the palace for many years, how can she not know its weight?

This means that as long as she doesn't do it, she won't die.

Don't be careful, don't worry about eating more food, and smelling more disgusting, you will offend the emperor, and you will be pulled out and stabbed.

The rules of the palace are too strict.

Don't treat people like people at all.

Even the queen is just a tool man.

Unless it's the Queen Mother.

There are only two and a half people in the entire palace: the emperor, the empress dowager, and the queen.

The queen is only half a person.

So I want to be a queen.

After all, from ancient times to the present, as long as the queen mother does not act, no emperor will embarrass the queen mother, unless he is a lunatic emperor.

The royal family, the emperor's kin, males are dangerous, but women are basically not dangerous.

At most it was just being kissed.

That's the beauty of royalty.

But not ordinary.

This means that everyone's glory and wealth are at hand.

But for Yuanchun, the biggest benefit is the peace of mind.

After she heard the news, she naturally knew that Baoyu was 90% sure.

Before, when the other party dared to replace herself from the palace, she knew that this brother was inhuman.

But she was still shocked when she heard the news that Baoyu really wanted to be emperor.

This is the emperor.


The only person in the dynasty who can have a free and free mind.

Of course, Yuanchun also had extravagant hopes, and the emperor's mind was not free.

When you control others, you are always afraid of being feared by others.

When bullying others, you are always afraid of being overthrown and bullied by others.

Only when no one bullies anyone can we get true freedom of mind.

At this time, Jiao Da, who is more than 80 years old, is crying in front of the stone lion:

"Grandpa, your grandson, Baoyu is really promising. He is about to become the emperor. It's a pity that the world you worked so hard to conquer has let him down again."

"This is life!"

At this time, Jiao Da had mixed tastes, happy and sad.

I am delighted that Jia Baoyu has become the emperor.

The sad thing is that the old man who has been loyal to the country all his life has raised a big rebel.

How did he explain to his grandfather after he died?

But he also knows that as the saying goes, if the king defeats the bandit, if you fail, you are the bandit, and if you become the king, you are the king of martial arts.

Of course he knew this truth, so when he cried, he was not too sad.

Because Zhao Han knew that Jiao Da was the most loyal in Jia's family, so he gave him pension.

Therefore, Jiao Da was also quite grateful, and when he cried, he brought joy.

In the end, Mother Jia and Madam Wang got the news one after another.

The two mistresses of Jia's residence are mixed with different flavors.



Madam Wang worried: "My son, what if we fail? Are we going to flee to live in a wild place overseas?"

Mother Jia was speechless for a moment.

She never imagined that her grandson, whom she had always loved and thought would have great prospects in the future, would indeed have great prospects.

It's just more promising than she imagined.

She originally thought that her grandson was a rare peacock in the world.

I didn't expect my grandson to be a real dragon.

But Mother Jia really loves her grandson.

Because it is said that Jia Baoyu and the deceased prince have the same appearance, this belongs to Aiwu Jiwu.

She immediately made plans to do what she could.

She took out 50,000 taels of her own money and wanted to buy a boat for Jia Baoyu.

You can sail overseas in the future.

In case of an accident, this is also a way out.

Jia Baoyu was really grateful after hearing this.

Although this mother Jia is said to be a feudal patriarch, she really does care about Baoyu and is really good.

Not even at the expense of Jia's own interests.

Zhao Han returned home and said to Mother Jia, "Ancestor, don't worry, the overall situation has been decided."

"Emperor Yongkang fled west, and my army captured the capital long ago."

"The ministers have taken refuge."

"I have countless people."

"You can be the empress dowager with peace of mind in the future."

"I'm the empress dowager? I don't have such an expensive fortune as I am old. I'd better be the lady of our country." Jia's mother was surprised and delighted.

But she still declined.

After all, instinct made her feel that it was good from the beginning to the end.

Being the queen mother of the new dynasty, will people be scolded behind their backs?

"I also want to post Grandpa as the first emperor as Zhaozuyuan Emperor..." Zhao Han said again.

"Don't, don't, if you do this, the old man will rise from the grave." Mother Jia quickly stopped her grandson's delusions.

"Uh, that's fine." Zhao Han felt a little regretful.

"Then go after the king."

"That's fine." Mother Jia nodded.


And at this time.

The only person who was yelling at Jia Baoyu also appeared.

It's his father.

When someone else's son becomes the emperor, he will die of joy.

He was furious to death.

"You unfilial son, you unfilial son, I let you study, I let you become a talent, and it's too much for you to become a talent!"

"You are actually Sima Zhao, Cao Pi, you are a bastard!"

"How dare you rebel!"

Jia Zheng cursed for three days.

At this time, Zhan Guang, Shan Pinren and other Qing guests came to persuade them one after another.

"I said, old Shiweng, the yin and yang of the world have changed, and the Sheji has its own new master. This is all destined. Brother Jia Shi has the appearance of Jackie Chan, and he was born with precious jade. This is the destiny."

"Yes, you should still obey the destiny and be a prince with peace of mind."

"My lord? I am the emperor's loyal minister, and I want to be loyal to the emperor!" Jia Zheng cried.

In fact, in the past few years, the scavengers have been out and about, and they have understood a lot of things.

Jia Baoyu just sealed all the female scrolls on Jiangxin Island.

These men don't have any restrictions. In a word, he doesn't care if he loves them to death.

They can also communicate with the outside world and naturally understand the importance.

Jia Zheng said helplessly: "If I knew this earlier, it would be better to let him continue to be a scoundrel. Playing with him is the right thing!"

"I really regret it. I have read the book of sages for so many years, the monarch, the minister, the minister, the father, the son, and the son, loyal to the emperor, is it so wise and ruined in one lifetime?"

With his helpless tone, everyone nodded.

However, all of them criticized in their hearts: What are you doing for the emperor?

You are in the yamen all day, not doing business.

Although I never do bad things, I don't know how to do good things.

Can't restrain the next person.

What are you doing, a fifth-grade petty official, to worry about so much?

So many high-ranking officials don't care that the imperial court is over.

"I want to hang myself, I want to be loyal to the emperor!" Jia Zheng cursed and went to hang himself in the study.

Where people do not know.

People who really want to die never call me to die.

Everyone quickly put him down.

After Jia Zheng hanged himself once, he seemed to feel that he had finished showing his loyalty.

He acquiesced to the fact that Jia Baoyu was going to be the emperor.

In fact, most of the feudal literati were like this.

Out of 100 people, four or five dare to die for the country.

No matter what these people say, he is not afraid of death, at least his bones are hard and worthy of respect.

But 90% of people are afraid of death in the first place.

There are also people who have the courage to die in the first place, but have lost the courage to die once.

Nothing wrong with that.

After all, it is better to die than live.

Then Zhao Han and two other friends began to discuss.

"How far have you been?"

"It's to the point of being a hero." Jia Rong said.

"Oh, what's the situation?"

"Some people see that the situation is good and they want to rebel."

"Isn't that a fool? A new dynasty is about to be opened, and he's going to rebel?" Zhao Han couldn't understand.

"Before there was Zhonghui, and then there was Hu Weiyong, all of which were rebellions in the new dynasty." Jia Rong said with contempt.

"That's right, I'm ignorant and have a poor history, so I'm sorry." Zhao Han nodded.

Jia Lian sneered: "Okay, fortunately, we have designed many modern management methods, logistics and thinking are controlled, those careerists can't imagine how powerful these measures are."

"Yeah, some careerists are really stupid. They have the intention to rebel, but they don't have the vision to rebel."

"Who are they?"

Jia Rong then gave Zhao Han a list.

The list is long.

According to the feudal killing method, at least tens of thousands of people will die.

"Well, they are heroes after all, let's not do that kind of punishment without teaching."

"We have to tell them that everything follows the rules, and every time we do things, we must be upright and upright. As long as we are upright and upright, we are not afraid of the conspiracies behind them." Zhao Han suggested.

"Yeah, what was our goal at the beginning? The goal is to let everyone have food, crops, and money to spend. This is the most dignified and dignified."

"We've done this, so that most people have this kind of life, and they won't support these rebels."

Jia Rong is also self-confident.

"The four words of majesty and majesty are very important. If you can't do things with these four words, your power will not be maximized."

Why did feudal society end?

He just can't be dignified.

Everyone knows that the best interests go to the royal family.

Without money, no one is willing to serve them.

It is useless to rely on deception.

The family really worked hard for those military salaries.

If there is no military pay, how many troops are willing to fight for the emperor?

Not many.

And when you resist the invasion, you can bring your own food and life, which is grand and dignified.

Everyone knows that they fight for their own sake, for their hometown, and to protect their parents and children.

Therefore, when we fight against aggression, we have courage, but when we invade others, we lack courage.

Sure enough, there was some turmoil afterward.

Some ships want to betray and want to stand on their own.

The strategy continues.

Cities were taken down, and territories were occupied.

Markets and roads are being renovated, trade is being developed, a large amount of grain is imported, and jobs are given to ordinary people, so that they have the opportunity to sell their worthless labor to work for a day and get a day's meals.

Create the simplest economic cycle in the newly conquered land.

Organize people to work and build roads, build markets, and exchange food for them.

Simple as that.

As long as you don't want to resist, you will have a bowl of rice to eat. People who can't move are very few in this cruel world, because they often don't live when they can't really move.

This is the reason why the feudal society couldn't figure it out for 2000 years.

Trapped yourself in an endless loop.

And the three of them achieved this, so they were in a rush.

But when it hit the northwest, I felt a little powerless.

The journey is too long, and the food is too expensive to send, and it is too uneconomical.

One hundred catties of grain were shipped from overseas, and when they arrived in the northwest, only five catties were left. It was such an exaggeration.

There is no good road, no good water, only relying on mules and cows to pull, travel long distances, and transport every step of the way, the consumption is so great.

Therefore, the expedition is traumatic for any dynasty, and the farther away, the fewer troops.

When the Manchu Qing attacked the extreme north, only 3,000 people were used.

The court lingered in this place.

Relying on a few nomadic cavalry, they resisted the attack of Rongyao Company.

There is no major river connected to the main shipping route, and the fleet advantage is completely lost.

Fortunately, they have other advantages, such as muskets and soldiers.

As long as you spend it with the court,

It won't take many years for the imperial court to end.

At this moment, in a certain town in the northwest.

In the house of the chief soldier of the border town.

Emperor Yongkang looked desperate.

"It seems that I am going to be the king of subjugation, and our court is over."

The prince stood by and persuaded: "Father, father, you have to cheer up, you will not be the king of a subjugated country."

"Yeah, I won't do it, I'll pass the throne to you." Emperor Yongkang had an idea.

"Uh, my son doesn't want to be the king of a subjugated country." The prince said modestly.

What kind of company has no general manager?

company going bankrupt.

But it's not correct. Some people are still willing to do it. After all, a rotten boat can squeeze out three-inch nails.

"Damn Jia family! You thieves, I don't treat you badly, but you turned out to be a rebel!" The emperor cursed.

Now the ministers around him have almost run away.

Of the seven military ministers, four escaped.

Eight children are in-laws, and six have run away.

Six Shangshu, run away five...

The emperor felt that he was not far from hanging the old crooked neck tree.

The husband and wife were originally birds of the same forest, and they flew away from each other when disaster was imminent. Even the emperor was helpless.

It's so sad, what can I do?

Unless God opens his eyes.

Emperor Yongkang stood under the eaves of the house.

He looked at the dark sky outside.

He had a very unreal feeling.

He felt that it was all fake and unreal.

Everyone is a liar, everyone is lying to him.

This can't be true.

"Is there no one to save me? Are all my loyal ministers dead?"

Wang Ziteng's voice came: "Yes, the emperor, let you kill."

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