Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2029: turnaround

"Did you let me kill them? I have been very restrained, and I have never been punished without teaching."

The emperor sneered,

"There were many absurd emperors in the past. They killed innocent people and built palaces indiscriminately, but they did not destroy the country. Why is it me?"

Wang Ziteng's voice said again: "Your Majesty, you should know that the West is different."

"Yeah, the West is different. They used to be barbarians, but now it takes a lot of effort to repel those barbarians."

At this time, the prince was already panicking.

Because there is no one in front of him except the emperor.

But the father was answering sentence by sentence by himself.

It's like a minister is playing right.

Father is crazy.

Think about it, it's normal.

This is already the case.

They are irretrievable.

Even if you defeat more enemies at one time, the enemies will keep coming.

In the end they will fail.

Did their world really disappear like this?

The prince thought it was too unreal.

Obviously, he exhausted his efforts, carefully acted as the prince, and abandoned all bad habits.

For fear of disappointing the father and emperor, letting the courtiers find faults, and letting the harem find loopholes.

It's a pity that even so, he will be finished.

He is wronged.

Naturally, the emperor would not know what the prince was thinking.

But at this time, he had the same idea as the prince.

He was standing under the eaves.

Looking at the dark sky outside, there is also a very unreal feeling.

He still felt it was all fake.

"There is no choice but to fall, it seems familiar... Yan is back."

The emperor watched a group of swallows returning to their nests and flew under the eaves of the guard house.

Can't help crying...

At this moment, blood-red blood-red shadows appeared in the distant sky.

They rushed to the Yongkang Emperor for sumo.

At the same time, a book "Shan Hai Jing" flashed in Emperor Yongkang's mind.

Monsters from the Classic of Mountains and Seas appeared in his mind.

Of course he knew about the amazing book Shanhaijing.

I watched it secretly when I was a teenager, only to be beaten on the palm a few times by the teacher at the time.

At that time he was not a prince, just an ordinary prince.

The prince is the king, and the teacher dare not beat the palm of his hand. As a prince, he has been beaten a lot.

All received in place of the prince.

It's a pity that the prince has been buried long ago, hahaha, he deserves it!

He knew that there were all kinds of strange monsters and all kinds of anecdotes in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which was really attractive to him when he was young.

It wasn't until he was older that he realized that many anecdotes were made up.

Those so-called auspicious things are also man-made.

It's just that everyone pretends it's true.

Of course, it turns out that auspiciousness is of no use.

The so-called auspicious things, as well as the strange things in the Shanhaijing, he has almost never seen one.

Occasionally, there are a few similar ones that are unremarkable, with no special meaning, no mysterious power, just some ordinary animals.

For example, the unicorn is actually a giraffe. This is what some people in the West say.

There is also a black and white bear, an iron-eating beast.

He felt that the monster in the book in his mind seemed different from the one he remembered.

There are some changes.

Suddenly, he looked at his son.

When I saw the prince, fear flashed in his eyes.

"Emperor, what are you afraid of?"

"Father, royal father, there seems to be something red on your body?" the prince said in a panic.

"It's this time, what are you afraid of?"

Emperor Yongkang didn't care about anything red.

As long as he can keep his throne, it doesn't matter if he is possessed by a demon.

It doesn't matter if the monsters in the Mountains and Seas really appear.

He looked at the prince, shook his head and thought, too cowardly.

His thought moved.

The next moment, his son suddenly turned into a big bear, what is his name?

He also forgot.

In short, he just knew that the title of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", the monster on it, had almost been forgotten.

I only saw a few of them back then, but now I can't remember them at all.

There is no way, he has only valued reality all these years, why should he care about these gods and ghosts?

However, he is the emperor, and he speaks in a perfect way. Whatever he says is what he says. No matter what it was originally called in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, in short, he calls the bear in front of him Mengxiong.

"Child, you've turned into a Meng Xiong, very good, are you very strong now?"

"You remember, even if you become a bear, you have to listen to me. Because I am your father."

The big bear groaned and bowed his head down.

"Very good, hurry up and find more people with me."

The emperor is the emperor.

He has already figured out the usage of Shanhaijing in his mind.

"I need more powerful monsters, no, they should be powerful divine beasts, divine beasts."

One person and one bear walked into the house.

At this time the emperor saw a palace maid.

This palace maid escaped with her.

When the maid saw the emperor and a bear, she turned and ran away in fright.

She probably thought that the emperor wanted to eat people with bears.

"Very good, you can be a phoenix chicken." The emperor spoke out.

Then the next moment, the woman, with a sad cry, turned into a peacock-like bird.

Afterwards, servants, eunuchs, palace maids, guards... all turned into grotesque mythical beasts under the emperor's orders.


A strange news began to spread in the north and south of the river.

The emperor got the help of the gods and sent an army of gods and beasts to help him restore the throne.

Many people didn't believe it at all, but the people from Rongyao Company had to believe it.

Because they found that the enemy had changed.

A team composed entirely of big bears, tigers, leopards, and wolves rushed towards them.

The soldiers were terrified.

However, the tigers and leopards were beaten to the ground under the rounds of musket fire.

But they still suffered casualties.

It was the eagle that flew down from the sky, causing some losses to them.

Those beasts blinded many people's eyes.

Under the panic, it did not lose much.

In fact, these monsters are still flesh and blood.

Then fear the musket.

The only problem, these monsters, thinking, like humans, are making rapid progress in the way of war...

The reason why humans can easily exterminate all large animals is that humans are changing and improving rapidly, while animals will only stay where they are.

It won't take decades for this to continue, and the gap will be staggeringly large, let alone millions of years.

On the next encounter, opponents begin patrolling the sky with eagles.

Use wolves on the ground.

Use the wolves to raid their logistics base.

When defending the city, the bear with infinite strength went to lift stones and smashed them.

If bears can use human tools, that's pretty scary.

Want to know how powerful a bear is?

A brown bear of average height can achieve a force of about 1600kg with a full blow.

The stones they threw are comparable to ordinary cannonballs.

Throw it far and far.

Hundreds of meters are not a problem.

This distance is more powerful than a musket.

And everyone quickly discovered a strange thing.

These monsters, they don't eat.

You must know that they are basically carnivores. To be honest, the energy conversion rate of humans is much higher than that of animals.

Humans can eat whole grains, and many animals are picky eaters.

However, what makes them strange is that although these monsters are flesh and blood, they just don't need to eat.

This is so rascal.

Otherwise, given the barrenness of the northwest, let alone so many tigers, leopards and wolves, it would be awesome to be able to raise 20 of them.

When Zhao Han learned the news from Jia Rong, he thought about it, but there was no way.

The enemy is clearly dead.

How can she endure this?

So, like Jiang Ziya, I went back to the mountain to ask for a teacher...

In this case, she felt sorry for herself without asking the teacher for help.

She is so difficult.

You must know that those monsters are very powerful.

Without the need for logistics, the eagle can bomb at high altitudes and throw Menghuo oil into the camp.

The enemy's current tactics are mainly eagle air strikes to attack their logistics and morale. This is the air force of the 17th and 18th centuries!

This is a full 200 years ahead.

They had to develop aircraft to deal with these eagles.

Hot air balloons, airships, is to deliver food.

And the enemy is no longer defending, but wandering in the grasslands.

They relied on the logistical eagle monsters to **** their food to replenish themselves.

They even sent wolves and zebras, animals that can run long distances, to attack their farmers in the rear.

Even monkeys are often seen sitting on zebras, setting fires in villages.

Simply do nothing wrong.

Under this circumstance, the soldiers of Rongyao Company can still insist, because the military pay is high, and they are fighting for their wives and children.

No one wants to let these monsters into their home.

And even more terrifying.

They later sent some burrowing rats to spread the plague to the soldiers.

This is even more terrifying.

Rats that will actively spread the plague, think about how the Mongols and Westerners use the plague and smallpox to deal with the defenders, and you will know how terrible it is.

At least Zhao Han felt that there was no way to rely on the means of this era alone.

Basically it is impossible to beat the opponent.

The opponent is too strong and is still hanging up.

If you want to beat these people, you can only open a bigger hang.

Wen Rensheng smiled slightly after hearing the student's request.

"Those monsters are not Passive Wood. They have an Achilles heel, haven't you discovered it yet?"

"What Achilles heel? Why don't I know." Zhao Han was confused.

Jia Rong said with contempt, "You know that your sister and sister stood up."

"Fuck you, you know to eat." Zhao Han retorted.

The two almost got into a ball in Xiao Huan's mind.

"I don't just know how to eat, I also know how to lose weight and exercise." Jia Rong was not convinced.

The two girls fought each other for a while.

Then Wen Rensheng said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you two fools are not so outrageous."

"Those enemies are still people themselves."

"If you want to deal with them, you have to find a way from the human side."

Wen Rensheng reminded him here and didn't say any more.

Because talking too much will disturb the world.

"Is the monster itself a human?" Zhao Han thought hard.

"I understand, as long as we rescue everyone on the emperor's territory, the emperor will be finished!" Jia Rong said excitedly.

"Yeah, there are only millions of people in the northwest. We have more than 100 million people, and the ratio of manpower to one hundred to one. No matter how strong they are, as long as they keep fighting, they will fail." Zhao Han agreed.

Then Rongyao began to quickly update its combat readiness.

Improve air defense.

The enemy is the eagle.

Eagles are very scary. They can fly up to more than 10,000 meters, usually at an altitude of five or six kilometers, or even two or three kilometers.

Not as high as a modern airplane.

But if they want to drop bombs accurately, they need to be at a height of three or four hundred meters.

Otherwise, the high-altitude wind is strong and the distance is long, and the bomb will be blown away by the wind long ago.

And they also know that these eagles are human.

To expect these people to calculate wind speeds and horizontal parabolas is a fantasy.

They started buying muskets from outside.

All over the world, there is a reward for accurate, high-range rifles.

There are also high-paying hired snipers.

All kinds of rifled guns have been bought.

High prices and slow shooting.

But it doesn't matter, you can use manpower to make it up.

A sharpshooter with 20 reloads can reach the speed of a repeating rifle.

Human potential is terrifying.

The allure of gold is even more terrifying.

Shooting masters from the West and local hunters came one after another.

They formed a hunting party.

The eagles suffered.

Their morale was still ordinary medieval morale.

After ten dead, they started throwing blindly at a distance of several kilometers in the sky.

Not only that, in the face of the propaganda of Rongyao Company, some eagles began to betray.

Originally it is, who is working for who is not working?

The emperor simply turned them into eagles.

But the new emperor gave higher wages and better treatment.

Why not go for a new one.

Zhao Han finally understood how terrible the teacher was.

See through the enemy's secrets and weaknesses at a glance.

If she came to grope, I am afraid that it would take a great loss before knowing the enemy's weakness.

At that time, the enemy will be turned over if they can't get it right!

The emperor packaged himself as a messenger of God, and was able to fool a large number of people.

Fortunately, the emperor can't do Yuri's level yet.

Can't control the minds of these monsters.

Just fooling.

They are still the human psyche.

After the Rongyao Company discovered their essence, the targeted attack made them mess up.

"You are also human, and you also want to live a good life!"

"Come to us and share the land, food and money for you!"

"Why be a monster!"

"Did you know that a wolf can only live for 20 years, a tiger can only live for 25 years, and only humans have the longest lifespan!"

"The emperor has deprived you of your life, and you still have to sacrifice your life for him? Is it cheap?"

"Your emperor is so cruel that he actually turned people into animals, and he himself is first and foremost a beast!"

Under this kind of and casualties, many monsters chose to give up the war.

Especially in the air.

It is difficult for the Overseer to monitor them.

They just run away.

Unlike fighting on land, where you're stuck on all sides, you have nowhere to run.

Only the emperor is not stupid.

He quickly used a new trick.

He came to the riverside and transformed people into sharks, turtles, whales...

Then order them to attack the Rongyao Company's fleet.

Even modern ships are very dangerous in the face of these intelligent sea life.

Mainly because they hide underwater and make sneak attacks.

For example, the terrifying sea snakes can sneak into ships and attack sailors.

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