Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2032: 1 person extraordinary

Wen Rensheng closed his eyes and concentrated.

He quickly rummaged through past memories in his mind.

Many sporadic memory fragments emerged.

The guards stood there, taking turns watching him closely.

Prevent the devil from launching a sneak attack.

A memory from a previous life on the Internet appeared in Wen Rensheng's mind.

"During the battle, the devils are generally carried out in combat units. A unit includes: 1 unit leader (counselor, holding a rifle), 1 light machine gun squad (4 persons), 3 rifle squads (3 persons per squad, a total of 9 persons ), for a total of 14 people.”

"But that doesn't mean that they will strike in isolation. On the contrary, they and the heavy firepower of the large troops will form an organic whole."

"The tactics of the Guizi infantry class will start from a certain point between 400 and 600 meters away from the opponent."

"Do a reconnaissance first, clarify the direction of the attack, and the terrain and obstacles that can be used.

"Determine the tactical essentials such as the staged cover points for each group, and then deploy them in groups. After the standby gun group enters the first firing position, each group will move to the first cover point."

"After reaching the first point, launch firepower to kill the enemy, and at the same time cover the movement of the machine gun group. After the machine gun group also reaches the first point, it starts to suppress the enemy, and at the same time covers the other groups, and continues to maneuver to the second cover point. This cycle moves forward."

"The devil will stop at about 200 meters and launch firepower to clear the exposed opponent's firepower and densely populated positions."

"At the same time, smoke bombs and light bombs (night battles) are used to direct the Japanese army to direct heavy firepower. Generally, there should be two rounds of strikes."

"The first round is a face attack, eliminating all facing frontal fire points."

"The second round is to strike the side of the enemy's position, so as to cause the uneven distribution of the defenders and be forced to maneuver."

"Thereby maximizing the elimination of the defending forces in the maneuver and preparing for the final attack."

"Finally, when the artillery fire was about to end, the infantry mounted the bayonet and crawled forward. After the artillery fire stopped, all the suppressing firepower was deployed to cover the attacking infantry. The infantry turned to full speed attack at about 100 meters."

"A brigade of devils, including 30 people in the brigade;"

"4 infantry squadrons (each squadron is equipped with 105 rifles, 9 light machine guns, and 12 grenade launchers), 192 men x 4;"

"1 machine gun squadron (equipped with 12 heavy machine guns), 174 people."

"1 transport squadron, 110 men;"

"1 large artillery squad (equipped with 2 70mm infantry guns), 55 people."

"The total strength of the entire brigade is 1,137, and the captain of the brigade is the rank of Shao Zuo."

Wen Rensheng thought back to this, and combined with the previous battle of the devils, he found that there were many deformations.

In fact, this tactic is specifically aimed at Chinese soldiers.

Because China lacks heavy firepower to suppress.

The devil's main routine is to attack through the squad, forcing the gray suit to be exposed and shoot at them.

Once the firepower is exposed, the Devil Squad will play a reconnaissance role.

Then their grenade launchers, and their infantry guns, would be directed to clear them with heavy fire.

This move is particularly effective against the Chinese army. The Chinese army is repeatedly crushed by them because of the lack of artillery countermeasures. They can kill and injure thousands of us with the loss of more than 100 people.

It is because they have sufficient long-range heavy firepower that they can aim at ease and shoot with precision. Hey

If it is just infantry shooting, the loss will not be so serious, and the exchange ratio of 1:10 will not be played.

If you want to deal with devils, the best way to fight is to make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses.

The biggest advantage of the gray suit is the high fighting spirit and the spirit of death.

Therefore, the sparrow battle is the most suitable, three or five people, shooting cold shots.

Disperse the team sharply and diffuse around the Devils Brigade.

Don't care about the result, just shoot one or two shots and run immediately.

The devils shot a cannonball, and the people had already run away. Even if they hit one or two people, it would not be enough for the cost of the cannonball.

Make the devil's assault tactics and heavy firepower completely useless.

And if the devils disperse to disperse, it will be finished.

Because they are on the road, the total number of people is single, that is, waiting to die.

Concentrating on the confrontation will only exhaust your life and waste your stamina and ammunition.

This tactic is only available in grey suits, as morale and initiative are the highest.

Warlords and soldiers under the feudal system are fearful on the battlefield and have no initiative. Only collective action can give them a sense of security and military law.

Knowing what to do only at the command of an officer.

Scattered, many soldiers would choose not to fight, but rather huddle or even flee.

This is the best tactic.

And in a positional battle, it will be easily crushed by the devils with the above tactics.

And its weakness is naturally low killing efficiency and passive.

Moreover, it can only be carried out when the devils are dispatched to march, and it is difficult to take effect when the devils are stationed in the fortifications.

But it has strategic significance. The strategic significance is to strangle the vascular access of the devils to absorb raw materials from the vast rural areas.

Raise the cost of governance of the devils, and prevent the success of the Manchu Qing and the Mongolian Yuan who rely on war to support war.

If a devil dies, a truckload of grain will be harvested in vain. Waste a shell, and dig a lot of coal and iron for nothing.

After having enough time and thinking about these things clearly, Wen Rensheng began to make targeted countermeasures.

He found the captain.

"Any comrades familiar with the terrain in the nearby mountains?" he asked directly.

"There is one, but he is injured." The regimental commander personally took him to the side of an injured comrade.

The other party's arm was injured, and he was resting, but now he forced his eyes to open: "Expert, you can ask, I will tell you everything I can know."

Wen Rensheng took a closer look at his injury and re-bandaged him.

Then I asked about the surrounding terrain.

"I want to break through the enemy's line alone and pull them away." He said to the head of the regiment.

"How can this be possible? Holding a group together is powerful." The head of the group immediately refused.

Wen Rensheng shook his head. He knew that there were many newly recruited soldiers at this time, and their quality had not improved. It would take five years for them to mature. At that time, many tactics were discovered, which made the devils exhausted, and there was absolutely no way to change the Central Plains. into the origin of raw materials.

Getting poorer.

"I will use my sniper tactics to first annihilate the heavy firepower of the devils." He said, "You will continue to dig fortifications, continue to dig a lot of protective fortifications, and make more bunkers."

"We all know this." The head of the regiment nodded. "But expert, can you do it alone? Can you carry the bullet?"

"Don't worry, I am a top Olympic player overseas. You may not have heard of it. You only need to know that I am a sports champion."

"I know that in the Olympic Games, Liu Changchun ran there, and we haven't won a gold medal yet." The head of the team was not blocked by the news.

Wen Rensheng nodded and smiled.

He knew that the gray suit was his favorite to study.

So he began to temporarily modify the gun to extend the shooting range of the gun and improve the accuracy.

With the support of the regiment commander, several better barrels were found, the ones that were rifled and not ground.

He had to destroy the devil's heavy firepower first, which was too lethal, mainly because ordinary soldiers could not restrain themselves and could only be beaten passively.

The devil is now dispatched by an infantry brigade.

There are only two Type 92 infantry guns, also known as brigade guns.

The maximum range is about 3000 meters, but the effective precision range is generally half.

That is, within 1,500 meters, the devils bullying the gray suit without firepower will often advance to about 800 meters.

As for the range of the grenade launcher, it is about 150 meters to 270 meters.

It can be said that they are all within his sniper range.

Fortunately, the devil is not Mai Jun.

After Wen Rensheng remodeled the gun, he started to look for the location of the Guizi infantry artillery after the shooting range of the Guizi's heavy firepower appeared in his mind.

It didn't take long for him to find the location of the Guizi infantry artillery.

There are three squads of devil soldiers defending, one thousand meters away from our front.

It seems that they deliberately elongated it considering the issue of condescending shooting.

This distance is safe for them.

They can specifically attack fire points according to the instructions of the infantry, mainly to blow up machine gun points, and some bunkers.

After Wen Rensheng found it, he did not aim at the cannon, but aimed at the cannonballs stacked on the ground.

The devil cannot be said to be careless.

But for convenience, put 5 shells on the ground and line them up.

Wen Rensheng's first bullet hit the impact fuze on the shell's head.

The shells exploded immediately.

The two cannons of the whole devil will be reimbursed immediately!

Then reimbursed, there are more than 20 devils, artillery and defensive infantry.



"This is 1,000 meters away, how did he hit it!"

"Damn, all of you are damned!"

"My cannon is gone!"

The devil shouted for a while.

Wen Rensheng aimed at the devils who came to check, and shot again.

The devils immediately shrank back.

And their fronts have also retreated.

Back from the original 600 meters to 800 meters, and more tightly hidden.

It's just that the devil underestimated him.

"Grenades are concentrated on me!"

He is a strong man!

Or a precision thrower.

His grenade, which can be thrown 200 meters, can be called a small mortar.

Carrying more than a dozen grenades with him, he crawled forward.

The devils also launched a roundabout attack, but they were all shot back by the selected soldiers.

Wen Rensheng approached the Guizi bunker 200 meters and threw out a grenade.

One by one, the Guizi's bunkers were directly blown up, and the Guizi's heavy machine guns and grenade points were blown up.

"Assault, Assault!"

"We can't be beaten passively like this, we have to take the initiative to attack!"

The devils began to make a valiant assault on the front of the gray uniforms.

It's still the same as the previous squad attack.

Just heavy firepower can not support.

Because the moment he opened fire, he would be sniped by Wen Rensheng.

And their heavy firepower range is embarrassing, not as long as Wen Rensheng's rifle.

The devil also thought of a strategy to lure the enemy, deliberately exposed one, and then attacked Wen Rensheng.

However, Wen Rensheng hid in the depths of the trench early on, far away.

Using a mirror and a little bit of a reflector, he can know where the enemy is, and then calculate it to perform a blind shot without leaking his body!

The devil finally began to attack in all directions.

Suppressed with machine guns, infantry assaulted, alternately attacked, and approached the positions of the gray uniforms.

However, they never imagined that even though Wen Rensheng was only one person, he was shooting extremely fast.

Every shot smashed their machine gun positions.

Bullets can penetrate the barrel of a machine gun.

There are only 36 light machine guns and 12 heavy machine guns in total.

Within ten minutes of launching the assault, it was all gone.

Devils can only rely on rifles to shoot.

That's not bad either.

But Wen Rensheng also has precise grenade throwing skills.

Fortunately, there were more than 2,000 grenades in the entire regiment.

Because this is the only weapon that can be produced by itself.

The grenade was simple to make, and was the only weapon that could be mass-produced in the early days of the arsenal, and was widely used to equip the militia.

Rifles and bullets are much more difficult.

Many people go to the battlefield without guns and with three grenades.

It is simple and easy to make, that is, it is easy to fry in half, and there are few fragments.

But in Wen Rensheng's hands, that is a small cannon.

Every shot exploded in a place where the devils were dense.

The devil fled in a panic.

It's like a precision missile...

How can this team survive?

When Wen Rensheng sorted out the information and perfected his tactics, the devil would be finished.

If Wen Rensheng was not stable enough and he didn't concentrate his ammunition, he would start an assault from all directions, then Wen Rensheng would only be able to escape.

Use your stamina and agility to dodge bullets and shells and break through weak spots.

But now, he can be used as a heavy firepower support point to directly hit the devil's assault!

"This, this is too accurate!"

"Although most of them are blown up in two halves, each half can blow up one person, which is even more powerful!"

"The devil is back!"

Yes, the devil is back!

The attack distance of 800 meters, the devil wants to come up, even if he runs with all his strength, from bottom to top, this is a mountain, it will take at least ten minutes, Wen Rensheng runs short and fast along the trench, and when he finds a place where the devil attacked, he throws it away. a grenade.

In just ten minutes, he threw 200 shots, killing and injuring 500 people!

This is horrific!

The devil did not collapse on the spot because of the brave ending in the early days!

"It's amazing, Expert Wen, if I knew you were so powerful, I should have used you as the core of my firepower." The head of the regiment said ashamed.

"I didn't think I had this potential at first. People are oppressed." Wen Rensheng said with relief.

"We attack!"

"Be careful of the devil's cold shot, don't lose people at the last minute! I'm still the leader."

Wen Rensheng continued to use the grenade to open the way, blowing up the devil's firepower.

It's a pity that many guns have also become parts.

But Wen Rensheng is not a pity, because he has all kinds of military technology in his mind.

"The devil has withdrawn!"

The investigator finally exclaimed in ecstasy.

Yes, the devil escaped along the mountain.

They can't take it anymore.

Not so great.

Grenades are as accurate as sniper rifles.

Who can stand this.

That's the power of a 2,000-round precision mortar. UU Reading

This far exceeds the fighting power of the devils.

In fact, the devil's chance of winning is still very large, but they just want to delay time.

He gave Wen Rensheng the opportunity to integrate his abilities.

If there is a wave of pigs, you can win.

Because Wen Rensheng didn't have time to sort out the ammunition.

"Clean up the battlefield and move quickly." The regiment commander ordered.

The soldiers cheered down the mountain, pulling out the broken guns and even the military boots left by the devils.

Wen Rensheng didn't have any thoughts of contempt.

Because this is waste utilization, we cannot give up a little resource.

This year is a complete shortage of supply.

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