Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2033: primitive age

After half an hour.

Wen Rensheng only felt that his eyes darkened, and the whole person disappeared.

It looks like the node is done.

He opened his eyes.

There was a voice in the ear.

It was a very shocking sound.

"Alive, we are alive again!"

"Mom! I'm alive!"

"Dad, are you alright?"

The dead are resurrected?

Wen Rensheng glanced around and saw that the entire barren settlement was rapidly regressing.

It's like going back to the starting point.

Everyone appeared in turn from the street, the building, and the park.

Find your own happy place again.

"It turns out that even outsiders, as long as they can successfully complete the historical node, they can revive all the people in this settlement." Inspector Liu came over and said in shock.

"You're shocked? Don't you guys know about this situation?" Wen Rensheng asked suspiciously.

"There have been corresponding speculations, but you are the first person to prove this speculation." Liu Xuncha explained.

"Because there has never been a situation like yours, the historical nodes of any completely destroyed settlement must be extremely difficult, and those who go in and do the task will not be able to complete it." Liu inspector explained.

Wen Rensheng nodded, then observed the resurrected people.

He found a young man who was rejoicing and asked, "Do you know how you died?"

"Of course I know," the boy replied.

"Tell me."

"That day, I was playing a shooting game, and when it got dark, I was pulled in."

"I appeared in a village and was surrounded."

"Then won't you break through?" Wen Rensheng asked, "Why did you fail?"

The young man said helplessly: "Because the enemy had cannons, machine guns, and planes bombing. And we only have five bullets, how can we win?"

Wen Rensheng nodded and expressed his understanding: "Well, are there other aliens in your settlement?"

"Yes. But he only lasted for ten more minutes at the time, as if he couldn't exert his strength at all." The young man sighed.

"Oh, so that's what happened. It seems that ordinary aliens can't handle this kind of natural disaster." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Only his mysterious seed can comprehensively improve his physical quality and exert some power in this kind of world.

At this time, inspector Liu also came over and asked Wen Rensheng: "That old Wen, I haven't asked you just now, how did you solve this historical node?"

"Oh, of course I solved it with my wisdom and insight. You know, I usually read books a lot, and I love learning very much. After I went in, I found the enemy's weaknesses through careful analysis and careful observation. In the end, help your own people to tap their own advantages, and then you will win, really, it is not difficult at all." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

Before you say this, can you shave off the hundred times you died before?

Inspector Liu had to pretend to admire and praise: "It's amazing, it's really old news, it's amazing, ordinary people can't do this, only you can do it."

"Generally speaking, after all, only those who love to learn can adapt to this era." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

What you said was so good, I almost believed what you said, Liu Xuncha thought to himself.

At this time, Xiao Huan suddenly said in Wen Rensheng's mind: "Dad, did you hang up again?"

"How is this possible? I, Wen Rensheng, never hang up on assignments, but rely on wisdom. Hanging up is the work of lazy people." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Xiao Huan laughed loudly and said, "You must have a problem, otherwise, you can't pass that level, I think it's too difficult."

"You're wrong, a wise man like me is not called a hang-up, it's called an awakening." Wen Rensheng said confidently to Xiao Huan.

"I suddenly found out that Dad, you have a particularly powerful place." Xiao Huan said in shock.


"No matter what time, no matter what you say, you won't be embarrassed."

Then Wen Rensheng watched it for a while, followed Liu to inspect, and wrote down all his knowledge, all his experiences, and all his experiences at that historical node just now.

After writing, Liu Xuncha said with a gloomy expression: "Old Wen, our friend for so many years, you still lied to me, I'm so stupid, I actually believed it."

"Look at the things you've done, and give you tens of thousands of people, can anyone do it?"

"Human-shaped mortars, grenades have the effect of shoulder-fired missiles."

"Why can't you do it? You can ask them to step up their training, practice more, study more, and train more. There are not many such people." Wen Rensheng advised.

Inspector Liu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The old news has changed a bit now, not as serious as before.

"It's not difficult to train, but after entering, how many training copies can they save to gain strength?"

Wen Rensheng did not dwell on this topic, but asked: "Then do you know this historical node event, where is the earliest settlement?"

"A settlement in the Eastern Star Region of the Nine-Star District." Liu Xuncha said, "This settlement is very prosperous, with a large number of people, more than one million people."

"take me."

Then the two got on the star train again.

to the settlement.

Really prosperous.

The crowd was bustling.

In the square, in the park, by the beach, many exercise there.

Practice with guns and sticks.

Spears, bows and arrows, fishing nets…

Some people are shouting: "The next node should be the rise of primitive tribes, everyone train well."

Wen Rensheng asked, "Old Liu, can't these people be transferred?"

"If it cannot be transferred, if it is transferred, it will spread, and it will only bring more people into the historical node."

"At this historical node, people will be selected from the population of the settlement. The selected people will enter this node."

"If this historical node can be completed, the corresponding history will move forward."

"After the advance?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"The people who died before will come back to life. If all the selected people are not completed at a historical node, the entire settlement will die. Just like the deserted settlement you saw before."

"That's why you are speculating that outsiders can revive those who died when they complete the mission." Wen Rensheng nodded, thinking of what Lao Liu said before.


"It turned out to be so, it seems that now we have to find a way to stop the spread of this historical node."

"Can you find it?"

"I think about it, how do I find it? Well, I decided to enter this initial node to have a look. It is possible to find this method from here." Wen Rensheng said.

He is not afraid of physical enemies.

But if the historical invasion is just a natural disaster, it's in trouble.

He can only try to reduce its harm as much as possible.

"Well, we have a method for this kind of surviving settlement, as long as you find someone who has entered the historical node, we can take you in." Liu inspector said.


Half an hour later, Wen Rensheng entered this initial node under the leadership of one person.

This time, he died without entering.

Just after entering, the person who took him disappeared.

After he scanned it, he found that this historical node was a primitive era.

And now he turned out to be a monkey, a monkey in a tree.

To be precise, he is now the ancestor of mankind, an Australopithecus.

Needless to say, the completion of the node is that he will lead the apes to come down from the tree, then survive, and establish a primitive tribe.

He swept around, surrounded by some tall sparse woods.

It's just that the weather is hot and the air is dry and these woods are starting to wither.

He got it.

This is environmental change, dry weather, less rain, and less forest.

While thinking about it, he noticed a leopard.

To be precise, a leopard.

He was quietly approaching the tree where he was and began to climb.

The leopard was very flexible, and in three or two strokes, it approached the height of the tree trunk where Wen Rensheng was.

A string of knowledge emerged in Wen Rensheng's mind.

The leopard, the natural enemy of the ancient apes.

It can go up trees, and it has specially evolved powerful teeth that can easily smash the heads of ancient apes.

"Be careful!" A modern voice sounded.

As soon as Wen Rensheng heard the voice, he knew that the other party should be a modern person.

How could an ape make such a sound?

At this time, the leopard has already attacked.


On the other hand, Wen Rensheng lightly grabbed a branch and swung directly to another tall tree.

The leopard fell sadly!

He fell from a height of six meters and fell into the grass.

The strength of the leopard is that it can climb trees and has a strong bite.

Once bitten by it, the monkey is afraid of pain and will lose its resistance.

Basically dead.

However, it is not good at jumping in the woods because its claws do not have the ability to grasp branches.

Its claws are sharp enough to hang onto tree trunks, but not branches.

This is precisely the characteristic of apes.

This is also the basis for the evolution of the human hand.

Hands with grasping ability.

The leopard fell from the tree, but did not fall to its death.

Some people have said that cats, falling from a height, have a way to prevent themselves from being injured.

The same is true now.

In fact, Wen Rensheng noticed that when the leopard fell, it tried to expand its body area as much as possible, and used its claws and tail to flap the branches along the way to reduce the falling force.

It looked up at the two moving pieces of meat on the tree, and after a while, the leopard left.

It seems that the sneak attack failed and wanted to find another target.

At this moment, the ape who reminded Wen Rensheng just now also jumped to Wen Rensheng's tree.

"Brother, your jumping skills are really good. You can adapt so quickly." He said happily.

"You don't know, after a lot of fools came in, the first level of this leopard sneak attack didn't pass."

"The first level? Are you saying that everyone will encounter a leopard attack when they come in?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Yes, although they have done exercises in advance, many people will still fail." The ancient ape shook his head.

"What happens after failure?" Wen Rensheng asked again.

"When you fail, you will die here, and then wait for others to complete this node, then move forward and then resurrect."

"If this node cannot be advanced all the time..."

"Then this person can't be resurrected until everyone is dead." The ancient ape sighed.

Exactly what Liu said.

Wen Rensheng asked again, "Brother, what do you call him, where are you from?"

"I'm from Dongzhou." The ancient ape replied,

"I'm from Dongzhou too." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"What special abilities did you have before you came here?"

"I am an alien."

The ancient ape was excited when he heard it: "You are an alien, I envy you so much. I am just an ordinary live broadcaster. I am doing outdoor survival live broadcasts."

"Why do you envy me?"

"Because only aliens have some special abilities in the historical node, bro, you have to bring your younger brother once." The ancient ape said excitedly, looking like he wanted to hug Wenren and raise his thick legs.

"So you have lived here for a long time?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Yes, I'm good at outdoor survival."

"Then what's your name?"

"My name is Wang Beibei, what's the name of my eldest brother?"

"You can just call me Teacher Wen, you don't need to always call me big brother, it will make me feel that I am not serious." Wen Rensheng said modestly.

"The first time I saw you, I knew you were a teacher, not a teacher, and you couldn't do that kind of standard jumping action." Wang Beibei was a hard shot.

"Okay, let me ask you, where is the current node?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Wang Beibei immediately cheered up and replied:

"Now the node is us apes, who have just been separated from the family, and we are now faced with a choice, whether to continue living in the trees or go down to the ground."

"It's definitely right to go down to the ground, but it's also the most dangerous."

"There is a good chance we will die. There are too many dangers on the ground, such as wild dogs, lions, wild boars, poisonous snakes, eagles..."

"But on the ground, there is also more food to find. All kinds of insects, mice, rabbits, plant tubers, fish and so on."

Wen Rensheng nodded: "Then there are only two of us now, what do we need to do now?"

He smiled and asked Wang Beibei.

It's good to be mindless sometimes.

"Mr. Wen, your ability is very strong. Now I need to make some weapons for you to give full play to your combat effectiveness." Wang Beibei said excitedly,

"Bark armor, stone spears..."

"We are monkeys now. Monkeys can live by eating leaves for a few days. Our stomachs, which have not yet evolved into adults, can digest leaves. UU Reading"

"Even if it becomes a human stomach, it can also digest leaves..." Wen Rensheng complained.

"Yes, it can be digested and digested. After we make weapons and armors, we can deal with many seemingly dangerous monsters and drive them out of our territory." Wang Beibei continued.

"That's right, let's get busy."

Wen Rensheng noticed that Wang Beibei suddenly used a monster word, which aroused his vigilance.

But he said nothing.

The two of them started to get busy.

Look for a dry branch, hard enough.

Then there is the twig weaving armor, which protects the head and chest, and the neck.

Ape is where these two places are weak points.

With a little armor, you can increase the high probability of survival.

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