Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2038: Ice Age

Another twenty years have passed.

Wen Rensheng's tribe has a population of 20,000 people.

"Your Majesty, are you still alive?" Little Wang Beibei ran over and asked.

He was already dead, and he was reincarnated as a little ape and came to him again.

"Yeah." Wen Rensheng wrote lightly, then looked at a piece of colored glass, translucent, very turbid, and there was still a lot of room for improvement from the real glass.

"Boss, when will you die?"

"Why ask this question?"

"Because I also want to be a king."

"Then you think too much." Wen Rensheng said angrily.

Little Wang Beibei looked at the glass in his hand angrily.

"What's the use of making glass? We don't have a place to sell it, and no one buys it. It's more reliable to make cement." Xiao Wang Beibei was obviously floating.

"Your wisdom makes you a king, and the tribe must collapse." Wen Rensheng said with contempt.

His wisdom made him know early on the importance of glass making to historical nodes.

After all, in this primitive age, the real danger has yet to come.

And he already had a plan for those crises.

His physique is the pinnacle of human beings. Although he is not an ape, he can live for at least 150 years.

It's still too early for his reincarnation.

Ordinary apes can only live up to 50 years.

He won't worry about longevity.

Then the tribe encountered new problems.

Another tribe of barbarians, come to attack.

Ask them to hand over half of the salt and grain.

This is obviously impossible, just start it.

After two years of fighting, the barbarian tribe was reduced to slavery.

They are not traversers, they are all real primitives.

This made the traversers very happy, and quickly evolved the tribal form into slavery.

Who doesn't want to have a few working slaves?

Who wants to do housework?

With the exception of cooks, slaves filled every industry.

Farmers, road builders, sweepers, and herders.

And their traversers focus on force.

The entire tribe subconsciously evolved towards the aggressive Spartans.

But Wen Rensheng understood that Sparta was not a stable form.

And light can fight, and it is easy to lose real power.

Because as long as the other party flees a few times, his society will collapse.

So he improved the social form in advance, so that those people still maintain the manpower distribution of the main industry.

For example, agriculture, handicrafts, and commerce all have to be manned.

Build granaries, reservoirs, deep cellars.

Explore the terrain around, including building ships and going to sea to find other land.

In short, while making reserves, continue to open the map.

Some people think that it is enough to live a small life with peace of mind, so why bother like that.

Wen Rensheng has only one evaluation of this kind of person: short-sighted.

Ten years later.

The real crisis has come.

After arriving, everyone shivered.

It's freezing, not scary.

Because this crisis is the Ice Age.

Animals have fled, migrating towards the warm equator.

Hot and dry, better than icy cold.

Because it is hot, it means there is enough energy.

Once it enters the glacier, it will be fatal, the sunlight will be reflected off, and the climate will become colder and colder.

Until the crust moves, releasing a lot of heat and carbon dioxide, creating new greenhouses.

And they are already subtropical here.

Not too far from the equator.

Fortunately, Wen Rensheng had already made various preparations.

One is to migrate some people towards the equator to see if it is hot enough.

The second is to send another group of people to settle near an active volcanic crater that has been probed.

Although it would end up being buried in Pompeii at the risk of a volcanic eruption, it could survive for a while.

"Strange, there is still sunlight, how can the earth become cold?" Little Wang Beibei asked in confusion.

"Of course, because there is not enough carbon dioxide, there are too many green plants, which absorb too much carbon dioxide, thus weakening the greenhouse effect and triggering the ice age." Wen Rensheng casually gave a reason.

This is of course just a superficial reason. The real reason is the difficulty of historical nodes, which is copied based on the disasters that have occurred in history.

There have also been many ice ages in history, and this is not fictional.

This also led to the premature demise of the Ming Dynasty.

"Can I live in the volcanic zone?" asked Xiao Wang Beibei.

"There are hot springs in the volcanic area, and crops can be grown where there are hot springs."

"Then how do the people we stay here live?"

"We can plant mushrooms, cut down trees, and use wood to grow mushrooms. There are many plants that freeze to death, enough for us to survive for a hundred years." Wenren Shengdan said.

At the same time, the people who migrated out, the vanguard, released the carrier pigeons back.

It is also cold at the equator, even colder.

Also don't know what the reason is.

Their large force stopped and was rushing back.

On the contrary, the active volcano is relatively hot, and there are many hot springs.

They can survive.

There are also many forests spewing green shoots, and they asked the people of the mother tribe to migrate over quickly.

It's just that the volcano moves frequently, erupts frequently, and the smoke is billowing.

But Wen Rensheng did not relocate to the vicinity of the volcano, but only established ice passages in the two places.

Transport with sleds and ice tracks.

The wood near the active volcano was transported, and some vegetables and grains were grown.

Temperatures are getting colder and people are starting to live on fuel.

But Wen Rensheng stopped them.

Instead, the previously stored glaze was used to excavate cellars and build greenhouses.

Let the tribesmen live in underground greenhouses.

Fortunately, in the past few years, everyone has been eating evenly and drying the food.

Grains, as well as meat, have become extremely dry, the kind that can be stored for 50 years.

Now it's cold again, and the reserve time is longer.

Everyone eats very little every day and barely survives.

Wen Rensheng organized people to continue digging the cellar, digging a deep cellar.

Before the ground was too soft, it was impossible to dig the cellar too deep, and it was easy to see the water.

Now the weather is cold, 20 meters underground is frozen.

Wen Rensheng suspected that he had entered permafrost.

I heard that the Arctic Circle is the permafrost that never melts.

The permafrost is so strong that it needs to be fire-roasted to be dug out.

After excavation, it is impossible to collapse.

When sprinkled with water, it is a wall of ice.

Wen Rensheng uses distilled water to obtain clean and transparent ice to make greenhouses, and it is a double greenhouse.

The top layer of the cellar is covered with ice to receive sunlight and ensure that the temperature is close to 0 degrees.

Usually it can reach minus fifteen degrees.

Glass is used for the second layer.

The temperature of the glass cellar can reach more than 5 degrees.

This temperature is still not enough.

He started the fire again, making sure the temperature was close to 20 degrees.

In this case, you can cut wood outside and use it to grow mushrooms and vegetables.

The trees were frozen to death, but the organic matter remained. The total amount of organic matter in the nearby forest that was frozen to death was enough for their small tribe to consume for a thousand years.

Coupled with the greenhouse building, you can ensure that the entire tribe continues to multiply and expand.

In short, they entered a new positive cycle.

Build a cellar greenhouse, grow mushrooms, vegetables, grain, make ice, make glass, continue mining, and preferably find coal mines.

If there were coal mines, there would be no threat from the Ice Age.

The coal mines of human beings, even the modern industries of later generations, have not been used cleanly for hundreds of years, let alone primitive tribes like them.

Basically a coal mine means endless energy.

This requires exploration.

In short, we are looking for and looking for, but unfortunately, coal mines are not so easy to find.

This is not the original world, the terrain is unfamiliar, and it is necessary to search for coal mines according to the law of mineral exposure. It may take hundreds of years to discover coal mines.

In reality, people first used coal mines after they entered the feudal society.

During the exploration, the prospectors found a group of returning refugees.

They were originally from this tribe.

The reason for leaving the tribe is to dislike Wen Rensheng and control their waste, not let them enjoy, and let them do all kinds of work hard.

Stocking up on food, making glass, researching technology, it's all tiring.

It is human nature to do it when there is a need.

Lie down and rest when not needed.

Just like an agricultural society, there is too much labor, and there is no need to invent machines.

Labor is cheap enough to be cheaper than machines.

Then no one will invent anything.

Previously, these people disliked Wen Rensheng's measures, disliked him for not letting them rest, and letting them clean up.

Some people even rebelled because of this, and they were suppressed by Wen Rensheng.

After failing, they left.

Well now, those who ran away came back.

Kneeling in the ice and snow one by one, begging Wen Rensheng's forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, the king of sages, we were wrong, we only know the wisdom and foresight of the king."

"Okay, come back, come back, and continue to work." Wen Rensheng is a person of great wisdom, and of course he will not waste their precious labor because of their past.

So these people also dig cellars every day, continue to dig, dig every day.

If you don't want to dig, go explore around and explore coal mines.

So does oil.

But oil didn't work well in the early days.

Because it is a large piece when burned, and oil and gas are easy to explode, only when the glass industry and metal technology reach a certain level, can oil be used well.

The temperature continued to drop.

This reduction has been reduced for hundreds of years.

One tribe after another died silently.

Someone discovered the thriving tribe of Wen Rensheng.

They went crazy and wanted to come and plunder and seize their cellars.

Then he was defeated by Wen Rensheng one by one.

The cellar is both a greenhouse and the best fortress.

Just make the ice layer thicker.

He defeated the tribes and said to them, "You can be given food, but you need to work in exchange for it."

Of course he won't kill them all. The population of these years is the wealth.

How many people there are, how much value can be exerted.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, why does the weather keep getting colder when there is still the sun?"

This is the answer that many people want to know.

Little Wang Beibei, well, he was reincarnated again.

He told everyone Wen Rensheng's answer.

"Since there is a lack of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect cannot be retained, when will it be restored?"

"Plants freeze to death, animals survive, and the earth's crust moves. Under burning, carbon dioxide will be produced. It will recover after equilibrium. This process may take hundreds of thousands of years." Wen Rensheng replied.

"Can we hold on for such a long time? Trees are limited after all." Someone worried.

"So we have to find coal, and with a big coal mine, let alone hundreds of thousands of years, we can spend millions of years."

"A large coal mine can reserve up to 10 billion tons. At the consumption level of our tribe, it is not bad to consume 1,000 tons of coal a year, not to mention that sunlight is used to supplement energy, and coal is mainly used to provide the temperature required for living. "

After Wen Rensheng's explanation, everyone's enthusiasm for finding coal mines was greatly enhanced.

If it wasn't for Wen Rengao's foresightedness, their tribe would have been frozen to death and would never have survived so easily.

Excluding the people living in the volcanic zone, there are now more than 100,000 people living in the original site of the tribe.

Most of the people were slaves or wage workers.

Wen Rensheng's prestige is getting higher and higher.

It can be said that his series of actions have made him a **** in people's minds.

As he said, the ice age this time is very long. After a full 100 years, there is no sign of the end. Instead, it is getting colder.

Today, a group of savages have migrated from far away places.

As before, after seeing the prosperity and hope here, they subconsciously grabbed it and turned it into their own territory.

However, the soldiers who were Wen Rensheng were quickly and easily defeated.

Then comes the skilled transformation process.

Children were separated and adults were beaten into slaves.

Children are educated and integrated into the tribe.

This is already a very mature process, and no one will be bothered at all.

And this Ice Age is a great opportunity for them to expand their power and rule the human world.

They didn't need to conquer anything, the cold weather helped them eliminate all the enemies.

Now they have a population of over 1 million.

This is a relatively powerful country in a feudal society.

100,000 soldiers can be produced, which is a very strong number.

It is possible to carry out a war to destroy the country. You must know that the Manchu Qing Dynasty conquered the Ming Dynasty with only 80,000 people.

Everyone gradually discovered that in the Ice Age, there are great opportunities in the crisis.

Instead of resenting the cold crisis, they began to like the cold instead.

The cold has an additional benefit, which is that the chance of infectious diseases is greatly reduced.

It's just the flu and fever.

What was unconquerable before, can now be conquered.

In the hot and humid areas in the past, there were a lot of mosquitoes and flies, which easily caused many diseases, which would be prohibitive for everyone.

Now it is very simple, just go straight to cut down the trees and build this ice road.

Then you can dig cellars there, build greenhouses, and develop sub-bases.

The most important thing, of course, is to look for minerals.

After more than 100 years of exploration, someone finally found the coal mine.

Everyone knows that it is a black stone that can burn in a fire

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