Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2039: alien spaceship

Find the coal mine and that's it.

It not only solves the problem of survival, but also vigorously develops industry, develops more land, produces more food, and reproduces more population.

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do when there is a coal mine?" Little... Beibei asked.

"According to this list, I will check it once a year. Anyone who can't do it will be reincarnated by himself." Wen Rensheng threw the nine lists.


At this time, Wenren was raised in the hearts of the tribe, that is, the existence of a teacher, a prophet, a wise man, and a god.

What he said, there are difficulties to be completed, and there are no difficulties to be completed.

After taking the list, everyone looked at it one after another.

I saw that it said to build a large greenhouse, build a coke oven, make iron, copper, make a steam engine, make a railway...

In short, it is to increase the production of food. After the food is sufficient, the territory will be expanded, the population will be increased, and the food will be increased.

It is such a cycle.

Expand the size of the economy and population.

If there are fewer and fewer people, it means that this civilization itself is definitely a failure.

Population is one of the most important bargaining chips in the victory of civilization.

The population is too small, and it is not surprising that a ruthless civilization has been wiped out.

A large population has a chance of recovery.

No one can guarantee their own longevity.

Another hundred years since the discovery of coal mines.

Wen Rensheng also entered his first reincarnation.

They rediscovered his reincarnation.

Population exceeded 30 million.

A modern state emerges.

Entering the age of steam, the signs are trains, steam engines, steam tractors, large farms, railways, steam ships...

The scale is getting bigger and bigger.

It also began to spread out.

scattered into many regions.

Wen Rensheng didn't care.

There is dispersal and there is vitality.

In order to communicate with each other, trade with each other, collide with each other...

Another hundred years later, the population exploded to 300 million.

At this time, people began to arrogantly declare:

"No natural disaster can destroy our civilization again!"

"Even if a meteorite hits the earth, it will not cause us to become extinct!"

"In another three hundred years, we will be able to fly to the moon and establish planetary colonies!"

Yes, in front of a group of apes with modern knowledge, copying technology is always much simpler than fumbling around.

It took less than 10,000 years for real human beings to go from the birth of civilization to landing on the moon.

And they have used it for hundreds of years, which is reasonable.

Only this day, the real danger appeared.

Wang Beibei came to the holy temple and found Wen Rensheng: "No, God, an alien spaceship has appeared!"

"Where?" Wen Rensheng said calmly.

"Just above our heads."

Wen Rensheng followed him out and looked up.

Wang Beibei also looked up.

Wen Rensheng saw a blood-red spaceship appearing in the sky.

It was lying in the sky like a giant.

Then a voice sounded from the giant's mouth.

"The following foods, the brain is very active, must be very delicious."

The voice, in the mouth of the giant, sticks out a tongue, the kind with a fork.

It hung down directly, then rolled up a hapless egg and pulled it up.

Then eat the head and drop the body.

Blood spilled on the ship.

No wonder it would be blood red.

"Help me..." The unlucky guy only had time to say these three words, and then he lost his voice.

Can't die anymore.

"A idiot, not very tasty, you are only suitable for our fourth-level food."

The crowd was terrified.

They began to burrow into the ground one after another.

Still in the Ice Age, people built a lot of underground dwellings.

This ice age will last millions of years at least.

This is only a very short period of time in the geological era.

It's just that the giant tongue kept popping up and grabbing at the people hiding in the ground.

"Wrong, this is too stupid..."

"This is okay, with an IQ of 140."

And so, again and again, one after another, the giant ships hovered over the land.

Have meals on time every day.

Breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, and dinner at 6.

The amount of food is different each time, and how many people eat depends on its luck.

If it eats a good brain the first time, it will stop, otherwise it will keep eating.

This time, a warrior finally stood up and said to the giant spaceship, "Why do you want to eat us? We are also wise."

"Yes, it is delicious only if you have a wise brain." The giant spaceship replied.

It seemed to find the other's question strange.

"Since we are wise, it shouldn't be food. Don't you feel cruel when you eat food that can talk?"

"You eat those animals that can scream, don't you know that they are equally intelligent? Don't you feel cruel? Even pigs know to be afraid before they are eaten. Wisdom and no wisdom are the same. Without wisdom The same will be afraid of you eating them. It's just because you are strong." The giant spaceship said patiently to the food.

It is like the farmers who play the piano and play music to reduce the secretion of toxins before beheading the cows.

"Look at me, right? I've explained so much to you. All in all, it's normal for me to eat you, so you have to relax and welcome the end of your life happily. You should dedicate yourself to God. , you will be much happier.”

"What's more, before I eat it, it is very fast, and I promise not to make you feel too much pain."

There the giant ship was chattering.

Everyone was shocked.

This ship is simply the devil.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised or shocked.

"How could this be?" Wang Beibei looked incredulous, "Isn't the historical node normal history? Why did an alien spaceship suddenly arrive?"

"This is the realization of things that are extremely unlikely. There may not be no aliens visiting primitive civilizations in the historical nodes." Wen Rensheng said.

"Damn, what do we do? Are we going to let it eat?"

"How did the pig do it?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"Uh, people will take the initiative to raise them, multiply them in large numbers, and live better." Wang Beibei thought thoughtfully.

"That's it."

As Wen Rensheng expected, the giant spacecraft began to raise humans in captivity.

The Ice Age inexplicably ended.

The temperature is restored, and it is more suitable for human survival.

Then one hundred and fifty years later, the giant spaceship completely disappeared.

never see again.

before disappearing,

Wen Rensheng made people publish articles one after another, discussing why people become incontinent when they are in a state of fear...

Then everything went back to normal.

The population is multiplying rapidly, but every year, there are some missing eucalypts whose reasons and results cannot be known.

Everything about the giant ship has disappeared into history.

Not a single book records it.

It was recorded at first, but it was later regarded as nonsense, speculation without evidence.

The population is growing, surpassing one billion.

Every year, there are more than hundreds of thousands of people who go missing for no reason. Some of them just lost contact on their own initiative and chose to stray.

Some of the returnees said they were abducted by aliens, and no doubt they were all treated like lunatics, and no one believed what they said.

"God, you are so powerful that you can handle them so easily." Wang Beibei said with admiration.

Others also took a shot.

They are the group of people who know the truth, that is, the group of people who are reincarnated with consciousness to complete the historical node.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Wild Fruit to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"Yeah, mentor, you defeated that invincible enemy with just a few articles. It's incredible."

"We are so grateful to you, everyone sing with me, listen to me, thank you, because of you, we have spring..."

"Okay, let's go, find more wives, have more children, and reduce the probability of being selected." Wen Rensheng said directly.

Everyone left, when Wang Beibei suddenly said:

"Teacher, your wisdom is the deepest among us, and your brain must be the best. Why aren't you worried that the guy will take you away?"

Someone next to him said with contempt: "Your family has a pig farm, are you willing to kill breeding pigs to eat?"

"Go away!" Wen Rensheng yelled.

The crowd left laughing.

The heavy heart at first was relieved at once.

However, the matter of the alien spacecraft still has to be resolved.

If you want to fight by force, there is almost no chance of success at this historical node.

Think about it carefully, how can pigs not be eaten by people?

Turn yourself into half black and half white and become a giant panda; or miniaturize, cute, and go the pet route.

Like a dog, it has gradually advanced from a food attribute to a pet attribute.

Pigs can also become an indispensable link in the food chain.

For example, wild boars will not be killed and eaten.

None of the above is very reliable.

Wen Rensheng thought about it carefully, and the ocean of wisdom was surging.

Countless ideas emerged and disappeared one by one.

Finally, he thought of a way, that is to degenerate people into apes...

People love to eat pork, why not eat maggots?

Obviously maggots have higher protein content and higher nutrient conversion rate, scientific research shows that bala bala...

Do it when you think of it.

It just so happens that they still have the appearance of apes now.

It will take at least millions of years to evolve into an adult.

To restore from human civilization to ancient apes, it only needs to give up the existing civilization life.

It's just that most people who don't know the truth probably won't give up.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng's eyes turned cold.

In order to get rid of the alien spaceship and get free space, it must be given up.

So he manipulated the Civilization Degeneration Plan.

Soon an alien arose.

Barbaric, tyrannical, highly oppressive.

Soon technology, instead of advancing, was degrading.

Some people say that this is impossible, it is because of lack of knowledge.

The technology and ideas of Europe in the Roman era were much stronger than those in the Middle Ages. Otherwise, there would not be a specific term for the Renaissance.

If the ancients are not strong, what is the momentum of revival?

The ancient Romans loved to clean, and the medieval people did not take a bath for half a year.

The ancient Romans had mature sewers, and the city was clean. In medieval Paris, walking on the street, suddenly a basin fell on the second floor facing the street.

Some people built a cesspit under the floor, and they held a meeting on the floor. The floor collapsed, and a group of nobles drowned in the cesspool, which was terrible.

So the degradation of civilization is very common.

Especially under deliberate repression.

Civilization soon regressed.

Five hundred years later.

The ape population has dropped to one million, and no inexplicable disappearance has ever occurred again.

Wen Rensheng only heard a sigh.

"What a pity. Let's change it. Another species was eaten up by me."

Then Wen Rensheng took another 1,000 years to restore the apes to the previous level of technology.

And enter the age of the Planet of the Apes in one breath.

All kinds of high-tech emerge in an endless stream.

However, new problems have arisen.

Apes lost the chance to evolve into modern human limbs.

To be precise, the opportunity to be screened as a modern person was lost.

Why lose?

Because of the abundance of materials brought by technology, the screening pressure is lightened.

In the original millions of years, the ape branch that became more and more human-like was more likely to survive.

Because they are closer to modern people, they can free their hands, their brains are more developed, and they can create more tools and have more advantages in survival.

Not to mention, there is also a brutal competition between human races, Homo sapiens wiped out other human races.

And now, all that is gone.

The materials are abundant enough to allow the existing form to live well.

The dominant body shape, without the conditions for mass reproduction.

The original brutal competition for survival allowed the slightly advantageous body shape to multiply in large numbers, and then screened from generation to generation, and finally the physical characteristics of modern people appeared.

But now, it's just a group of ape-men whose bodies are bent and their five fingers are close to modern humans, but their body shape and body are very different from those of modern humans.

They formed a new ape-man civilization.

The breakthrough of the historical node seems to be a failure...

After Wen Rensheng discovered this, he let civilization fall back again.

At the same time, he couldn't help but thank the alien spaceship that came suddenly, and the other party allowed him to increase this experience.

Otherwise, he may not be able to solve this problem.

The way to go back is to fight three wars.

It has been said that the Fourth World War must have been stoned.

Yep, that's it.

The remaining apes lost all modern civilization.

They struggled to survive on the ruins.

Now a million years have passed.

Wen Rensheng didn't interfere any more, he just ensured that the ethnic group would not be wiped out.

Two million years later, the modern human race finally emerged.

This time, Wen Rensheng accelerated again, allowing human civilization to reappear.

An archaeological site.

People have unearthed the remains of an ancient civilization.

"This is the legendary orangutan civilization. I didn't expect that they also had planes and cannons, and it was still two million years ago." An archaeology professor sighed.

"It's unbelievable. Could it be that such civilizations have even been born on the planet before our human civilization? How did they become extinct, and how did they appear? Why did they disappear in just a few thousand years? ?" The students asked in confusion.

"This tells us that there is a very big terror behind our civilization. The whole world is under the control of some gods. It's incredible." The professor sighed.

He was originally a staunch materialist, but after seeing this legendary civilization and finally having evidence, he couldn't help being shaken.

Why is this happening?

Where did these relics of orangutan civilization come from?

Is it the ancestor of their civilization?

"We need to use the remains of the orangutans for genetic testing to see if we can do some more accurate analyses."

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