Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2041: forcibly undercover

Soon, a crisis arose.

In the starry sky, within the settlements, including the original Blue Star, an extremely terrifying thing happened.

That is, famine is likely to happen.

A crisis long forgotten in people's minds.

All plants die in large areas for no apparent reason.

Food is no longer a matter of course, and plants no longer play the role of producers without any regrets.

It is people who are in famine.

To know that the word famine is already a very old concept.

That is, in the Land of Radiated McCann, there was a brief famine.

But after a little recovery, it was gone.

The biggest threat to Radiant McCann is always mysterious monsters, not famine.

Even after the radiation there, there is still a lot of food, after all, it is a place where the gods will eat.

In short, the fear of famine appeared like this.

People will face the danger of starvation.

Ironically, the electronic information network was still normal at this time.

Apart from the problems in food production, the supply of other industrial products, such as water, electricity and gas, is no problem.

Some people want to say that since there is water and electricity, why can't we synthesize organic matter?

Good question, don't ask again next time.

Because the law of synthetic organic matter is broken.

This is the method of the white ball, which can directly interfere with the laws of time and space.

Carbon dioxide + water + energy, the natural law of converting into organic matter disappears.

It should not be said that it has disappeared, but that the threshold has been raised a lot, and the efficiency has been greatly reduced compared to before.

Plants can only maintain their own survival, but it is impossible to accumulate enough nutrients to supply other life.

This is cruel.

If you still eat plants as before, it will cause it to no longer reproduce and eventually become extinct.

Famine is absolutely terrible.

When people starve to a certain extent, they will do all kinds of horrible things, and any morality will not be effective.

Fortunately, the information is developed.

People quickly exchange methods.

"What Dongzhou people can solve, everyone must first learn the ability to starve, and they must persevere."

"I have a live broadcast here, the live broadcast of Hungry De, and I hang out with Master De. I'm hungry nine times in three days. I'm used to it when I'm hungry."

"Yes, don't exercise. Although the food is gone, there are still vitamins. Vitamins can still be synthesized. We have intelligent robots to work."

"Yeah, with enough vitamins, a fat man can live for three months on water and oxygen. It's no exaggeration at all."

"Don't panic everyone, we are giving out all kinds of vitamins for free, everyone stay at home, don't walk around, and let the robot do the daily work."

"We will carry out food rationing, and under the condition of ensuring minimum calorie intake, there will be no famine for at least 50 years."

The famine was simply terrible.

People haven't tasted hunger for far too long.

And now there are plenty of grain reserves.

Conservative estimates can be maintained for more than 30 years.

In fact, they were also frightened.

The East Continent world can no longer grow food, but other worlds still produce a lot of food.

Therefore, after the initial panic, as the information spreads, people are relieved.

But they don't know that this is precisely part of the White Balls' plan.

No matter what they tried, they could no longer grow food.

Even if there are reserves, it is not sustainable.

This is squeezing.

Give them another heaven at this time, and they can't wait to get in.

In fact, many people have now chosen to migrate to other worlds.

This migration has been difficult in the past.

But with Wen Rensheng's exploration of other worlds and the great changes before the source world, this migration has become much simpler.

Just migrating to other worlds, for the average person, this is simply too tragic.

If you have no alien species, no mana, no extraordinary characteristics, and no organization, it can be said that after you go to other worlds, you will basically not survive for ten years.

According to scientific statistics, only 72.1% of people can survive a day.

That is to say, for nearly 30% of retail investors, the migration on the first day failed.

If you want to have a high survival rate, you have to migrate through formal channels, take refuge in the organization, and go to other worlds after training and preparation under the arrangement of the organization.

After the chaos subsided, and at this time, a message spread on the network.

"As long as you pray to *** in the middle of the night, you can enter the heaven world."

"Heavenly world, true or false?"

"of course it's true."

"There, you can get everything you want, immortality, beautiful love, bizarre stories, spiritual satisfaction, and the five levels of needs will be satisfied."

"Then try?"

"No, no pictures, no truth."

Soon someone will post a picture.

I saw that this is a beautiful picture.

There are manors, knights, princesses, green fields, wizards...

The settlers are the protagonists, experiencing all kinds of magnificent adventures in it.

I have to say that under the pressure of famine and dissatisfaction with life in this world, many people chose to try it.

So they went in.

In doubt, they entered.

After entering, I found that it was paradise.

There is food everywhere, milk and honey flowing everywhere, and there is no need to worry about famine at all.

And they don't have to work hard, don't worry about anything, everything will come to you automatically as you need it.

Everyone is like the protagonist in the story, and he is the protagonist in the Great Perfection Shuangwen.

There is a kind of protagonist of a story that few people are willing to be, and that is the protagonist of abuse.

Horror movie protagonists can also be classified.

It's not as comfortable as the audience watching the play outside, which is why the abuse of the text is always alive despite being hated by others.

In short, they no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat.

As a result, they came out one after another to post, pulling people into heaven.

But soon someone reacted, and they suddenly said: "No, we shouldn't pull people, we should enjoy it for ourselves."

"That's right, since you're in the car, quickly weld the door to death."

So the limelight changed immediately.

Heaven on the Internet quickly turned into hell.

"We were deceived!"

"Damn, this is hell, not home, don't come, don't return, don't return!"

"Damn, look, it's completely fake here."

"Yeah, look at what I've been abused into. I became a **** from the beginning, and I have to pour incense every day, be beaten, and be trained to be a tool. , the intestines should be cleaned."

"Yeah, it's the same with me. I'm trained as a tool every day. I have to keep smiling to the masters, so that the masters can feel my heartfelt happiness. I can't have a little bit of rushing towards the masters, and my behavior must be exactly like that. a tool."

Heaven in their mouths is the real hell, very real.

There are a lot of pictures too, all taken from heaven… part of it.

Even if it is heaven, if only part of it is shot, it will also be hell.

For example, only photographing the tentacles of light of angels...

The white **** never imagined that the paradise they worked so hard to create was actually blocked by the person who got on the bus first...

They were furious.

"Damn human beings, we underestimate their biological selfishness, and we ignore the same kind in pain just for their own comfort."

"For them, the pain of the same kind magnifies their pleasure tenfold."

"Damn it, it looks like we're going to have a wave of propaganda."

"No, no, if we intervene, we will be too entangled with humans, and we will attract those unknowables. Now we can control the infection, and once we go deep, we will also fall into a deep fear. "

The white **** could only watch the door being welded to death.

In the beginning there were millions of people who entered heaven.

Later, it was just a few sporadic ones.

And the people who went in said in unison that they had been deceived.

As a result, heaven has been reduced to a place for the waist.

If one person says this, you can believe it, two people, three people...

Until nearly 90% of the people said this, even if the remaining few people told the truth, in the eyes of those who didn't enter, it was also fake and a liar.

Even if someone tells the truth, they will be scolded and ridiculed.

After a while, no one said anything.

Anyway, they have a good conscience.

Even if there are children who want to pull their relatives in, they are considered to be obsessed.

And such a big change, Wen Rensheng and others naturally knew it long ago.

They began to discuss countermeasures.

"What should we do? What is their purpose?" Inspector Liu asked.

"The purpose is very simple, it is to force all of our people into this world, if we don't go in, we will fall into panic." Wen Rensheng wrote lightly.

The other party's plan is too childish.

He saw it right away.

"Then it's fine if we don't go in, and we won't go in if we live or die."

"Yes, thanks to the so-called inferiority of human beings, it has bought us enough time." Wen Rensheng smiled.

The white **** are shooting themselves in the foot.

They made heaven too beautiful, but let the first entrants not want the latter entrants to share.

This is inevitable.

At the beginning, everyone would greet friends and friends, but later found that one person can handle it, why do you want to find someone to be the protagonist?

It is enough to know that the protagonist has one.

Who wants dual protagonists?

That's a minority of a minority.

There are so many novels, is there one percent of those with multiple protagonists?

"But, if you don't go in, isn't it too passive?" Inspector Liu asked in distress.

"It's alright, the more they do, the sooner they will fail." Wen Rensheng said from the channel.

"We are not their opponents. We can't beat them. How can you be so confident?" Inspector Liu was puzzled.

"Is it really impossible to beat them? They are not as strong as they think, but we know too little about them."

"How do we get to know them?"

"Of course it is to dispatch undercover agents." Wen Rensheng naturally knew that inspector Liu asked this on purpose, just to make him take over the task of dispatching undercover agents.

This guy is working hard enough.

Dealing with inside and outside, lest they strike and do not work.

"I'm going to be an undercover agent!" Xiao Huan suddenly went online, "It only takes three years, three years, and I promise to be their leader."

She is very confident.

"You, can you do it in three years? Could it be that you're tired of playing in three years?" Liu Xiancha couldn't believe himself.

Of course he knew that Wen Rensheng, the eldest daughter, would never grow up, she would always be six years old.

It happened to match Wen Rensheng's forever eighteen years old.

"Hmph, I don't know how to play. If you don't let me go, I'll turn you into a bald man! What do you do?" Xiao Huan stepped forward, rode on inspector Liu's neck, and began to scratch his hair.

"Stop, I believe, I believe." Inspector Liu was very scared.

This guy is not an ordinary person. If she was caught as a bald man, that is a conceptual bald man...

Don't even think about restoring it by any means and technology.

"Okay, you're going to be an undercover agent. The key is how do you undercover them? Do you know how to be an undercover agent?" Inspector Liu quickly diverted the guy's attention.

Xiao Huan really stopped scratching the hair, and said proudly: "Of course I know, I have learned the self-cultivation of an actor before, and I have also learned how to play an undercover agent, so you can rest assured."

"Okay, but how did you get in undercover? What's the method?"

"I have a way, can't I pretend to surrender? I said that I want to betray humanity and stop being a human being. They will definitely come to win me over." Xiao Huan said as a matter of course.

This is what she read.

When inspector Liu heard the words, he was immediately taken aback.

Don't say it, it's not bad.

This little guy is not playing.

"Very good, just say how ugly humans are, find some routines and make them believe in you. I will mobilize the best experts to design a routine, and they will believe in you." Liu inspector decided to accept Xiaohua's self-registration .

Anyway, when the time comes, there will be people who have heard the news.

After some careful preparation, Xiao Huan went undercover.

The specific process is that she began to hold some secret ceremonies.

Generally speaking, human beings cannot solve their own problems, only gods from outside can solve them.

It seems that people cannot control themselves by themselves, and can only do it by external pressure.

For example, to control pollution, human beings will not choose to spend a lot of money to deal with it because they are not forced to get sick.

Another example is the protection of animals and plants. If it were not for the ecological imbalance caused by the extinct animals, resulting in a large reduction in food production and a large increase in sand and dust storms, humans would not take the initiative to protect them.

In short, if you want to find a case where humans take the initiative to prevent a certain problem in advance, it is too difficult.

99% of the problems are too big to be solved without solutions, and only humans solve them.

So Xiao Huan pretended to be disappointed with the status quo...

They are praying every day and 360 degrees of prayer without dead ends... This kind of prayer quickly caught the attention of the white balls.

But they still dare not contact Xiao Huan directly.

They are not stupid after all.

They still know about fishing.

But they never imagined it, even if they didn't take the initiative to contact them.

Because they have been exposed to Wen Rensheng's vision.

When they acted against Earthlings, they were already in touch with humanity.

Xiaohuan will forcibly contact them.

In fact, the white **** in the spaceship began to dream.

In the dream, a little girl spoke to them every day: "Let me go and see..."

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