Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2042: cross the sea

in the spaceship.

The next morning.

&nb said: "b, did you dream yesterday?"

"I did, I dreamed of a little kid yesterday who yelled at me, saying that I'm going to be an undercover agent, I'm going to be an undercover agent." Bai Qiu B laughed.

"Yeah, I laughed too. If someone is an undercover agent, will they take the initiative to call it out?" Bai Qiu a followed with a smile.


"Ha ha…"


&nb and White Ball b got stuck halfway through laughing.

Because they feel the chills on their backs.

"We are dreaming, right?"


"We're not watching the same movie, are we?"


"Then why do we dream of the same person, the same thing? This is unscientific!" White Ball a said angrily.

"I'm still angry when you're angry, how can you still do the same thing as a dream?" Bai Qiu B said fiercely.

"There is an even more terrifying problem. When I wake up, I find that my hair has lost a lot." Bai Qiu a touched his bare head and said in fear.

"You only have a dozen hairs left." White Ball B said with contempt.

"Yeah, it's less than half, is this still less? Now there are only 8!" White Ball A emphasized,

"Damn child, I want to know where her family lives. I have to let her adults come out and take care of her!"

"I understand, if we don't let her be an undercover agent, she will make us bald." White Ball B said suddenly.

"It's terrifying, how she got into our dreams, there's no logic."

"Reality doesn't need logic, it just needs to conform to laws."

"So, her entering the dream state is in line with the law, that is to say, she can interfere into our spiritual field and biological waves?"

The two white **** analyzed each other, and the more they talked, the more fearful they became.

"We were originally balls. If we don't have any hair, wouldn't we be bald?" White Ball a said in pain.

White Ball B asked, "Then do you want her to be an undercover agent?"

&nb agreed: "Let her do whatever she wants. Anyway, being undercover is the same as being undercover."

"Impossible, since she clearly said she was going to be an undercover agent, we definitely can't let him in." White Ball B objected.

"But if we don't let her in, she won't come in? I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?" Bai Qiu a shook his head.

"Then what should we do?"

"Let me think about it, I can't let her come over, and I have to stop her from entering our dreams and pull out our hair."

"But don't let her over, we'll be unlucky every night."

The two white **** were thinking hard.

"She is also an earthling. How powerful can she be? I don't believe it. In short, let's find out the situation first."

The white **** decided to use delay tactics.

But after three days, they couldn't take it anymore.

Because they were in a panic.

Every night when I close my eyes, I dream.

To dream is to dream of the most terrifying things about yourself.

Sometimes I dream of the most embarrassing scene, sometimes of an accident, sometimes of the worst person.

The two white **** looked at each other, speechless.

Very speechless, and the opponent is obviously persevering.

Will never give up easily.

so what should I do now?

There is only one way, and that is to completely defeat the opponent.

But how to defeat it?

They didn't know the answer, so they were invaded by Xiaohuan into their society.

Xiao Huan actually just wanted to let these people sense him.

They can't get rid of it, and that's what's so scary about the mysterious realm.

As long as you have a connection with her, the connection between each other will become stronger and stronger, and the more you want to get rid of it, the more you can't get rid of it.

This is like sleep. The more talented you are, the better your brain will be, the better your memory will be, and the worse your sleep quality will be.

In an absolutely quiet environment, a little noise is not enough, and you toss and turn.

On the contrary, the idiot fell asleep as soon as he lay down, because his head basically didn't move, and he automatically fell into a quiet state when he lay down.

And contact with the mystery is like that, and in the end your whole person's spirit will be polluted.

Why are people afraid of gram monsters? It lies in the terrifying characteristic of Cthulhu.

It can make you seem to beat it, and yet go crazy in the end.

You win, you lose, and you lose, you lose.

To deal with mysterious enemies, you can only rely on one magic weapon: death.

At least eternal death can free you from madness.

Very few people can become undead.

At this time, the society of the white ball is also like this.

At first it was just the white **** on the spaceship.

Then came Distant Galaxies, a community on a distant planet associated with the astronauts of the White Ball.

The community once hosted them.

And the white ball residents of this community began to have nightmares one after another, were mentally weak, and couldn't sleep all day.

When you close your eyes, you will see all kinds of horrific scenes.

They are all things related to themselves, things that people on earth can't imagine and can't describe.

That's the great thing about Phantom.

Even though the white ball can control time and space, it cannot control the mysterious pollution.

Then Xiao Huan began to take root in their world, and quickly got a lot of information and passed it on to Wen Rensheng.

The white ball of light originates from a huge world.

The civilization of this world is more than two million years old.

They almost rule a galaxy the size of the Milky Way.

The Earth was discovered by accident.

They observed the strange movement of the interstellar train.

Then come and watch.

However they made a mistake.

If they weren't as curious, if they could stop their exploratory hearts, they could be safe for hundreds of millions of years.

And now, they have to face the horror of the Iron House in advance.

The entire galaxy is almost their home. The two million-year history of civilization can be said to have everything. They have achieved all kinds of things in human fantasy.

But they also have their Achilles' heel, which is that they don't have an irrational culture. They are highly rational individuals who tend to make what they think are the most rational choices in any situation.

Impulsive killing doesn't exist for them.

They also have homicides, but without exception they are premeditated homicides.

Another weakness of their civilization is that civilization is already in a loop.

Their technology reaches a very high level, but every 100,000 years, the technology disappears, and then they are excavated from the ruins and re-applied.

Now they have to face an opponent named Dongzhou.

For many of them, it was dismissive.

A group of Eastern Continent humans with less than 10,000 years of civilization and a total of several million years of evolution history.

"How could they possibly be our opponents?"

"We can easily wipe them out."

"That's right. They're too weak, we should just dispatch the time-space artillery and annihilate them all, right?"

"They are the early lesions. We will completely remove them, and everything will be over?"

Many people tend to use the simplest method of killing.

This is also what humans like to use.

If you can't solve the problem, solve the people who create the problem.

The people are gone, the problems are gone. Just like if there is not enough land, the peasants are slaughtered, and when there are no farmers, there is enough land.

Landlords will also have to reduce rents because they employ fewer people, so that people can live in peace again.

"That's right! Defeat them completely!" Many white **** began to shout loudly.

Just like a bunch of gangsters who only make jokes.

Xiao Huan despised these guys.

Just rely on them, also want to beat yourself?

Do they know who their father is?

That is the most powerful person in this time and space.

She decided to give these guys a good look.


In the world of white balls, it can be said that everyone is a country.

Both are highly developed material worlds.

One person, one heaven.

this social form. Everyone is highly wealthy, highly developed, but not highly intelligent.

After all, wisdom doesn’t depend on how big your knowledge reserve is or how fast your brain spins, it depends on your methodology and emotional management.

Most of them are extremely arrogant.

They think mere human beings are a piece of shit.

You don't have to worry about any problems at all.

As for those lesions, it is very difficult to eradicate.

But it can be amputated, not to mention that humans are at most nails, not limbs.

"What's wrong with amputation?"

Many white **** also believe that there can be no problem.

So the space-time cannon began to prepare.

They want to send the entire solar system and the outer star settlements into the long river of history with one shot.

This is also the reason why they arranged the historical node invasion.

It is through this historical node that they can sweep human settlements.

It's just that the time-space cannon is still in preparation,

At this time, Xiao Huan began to play a piece of music for them with four fingers.

As the music sounded, confusion appeared in the eyes of the white balls.

At this time, the same kind of music appeared in each of their worlds.

As soon as this music is played, each white ball enters a state of irritability.

Music is very boring.

It sounds like 4 fingers tapping on the phone screen.

There is no melody in between.

However, it is this kind of boring and boring music that makes them difficult to extricate themselves.

Some clever people try to crack it.

However, the smarter you are, the more influenced by this kind of music.

Every day there is a "bang bang" in my ear.

However, some people still think this sound is very good.

They feel very comfortable and very pleasant to the ear.

Every one of these people thinks.

This sound is normal.

It is a divine gift.

Although the sound began to spread, these people from White Ball dreamed that they were in an endless battle every night, and they were fighting with their own brains.

They fell into insomnia, panic, and all kinds of social ailments.

These are the most feared situations for cattle and horses. These diseases are fatal, but seriously affect their working conditions.

Someone was driving the car and fell asleep.

Fortunately, there was a driverless car, which took over smoothly and avoided the accident.

Some people fell asleep while talking.

Some people are still sleeping while working in power plants.

This is clearly unbearable.

The work of the power plant falls asleep, which may cause huge losses.

Afterwards, after Xiao Huan finished playing the music, he went to find these people to play cards every day, playing the ancient leaf cards of Dongzhou.

Let them play poker in their minds every night, directly entering the era of universal poker.

They are far from the enemy in strength.

Just like the humans in their eyes, that is, some larger orangutans, who can use some simple tools.

A cultivation base that can simulate human emotions.

But definitely not real humans.

"Ah, ah, I'm stupid, I could have won, but I lost all the cards that I must win!" Xiao Huan yelled angrily.

"Okay, please be quiet. It wasn't your intention. After all, you're just a child. It's normal to make mistakes." Wen Rensheng comforted.

"But I could have won, but I lost."

"It's all the fault of those bastards, it's not your tossing, I won all this time."

Xiao Huan complained to Wen Rensheng.

"Then what do you want to do?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"Modify the rules, I am a god, modify a poker rule, and many people are asking me, there are loopholes in this rule."

"Well, that's right, then you can revise it properly." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

It's amazing that Xiao Huan can work patiently. The more she thinks about it, the more angry she becomes.

The rules of this leaf card are very simple, whoever has more cards left wins.

The winner's card is taken, and the opposing junk card is knocked out.

That is, if you win with a very close card, you have a good chance of winning, but if you play too big, the opponent's hand is very small.

That is, you are at a disadvantage, you can only get a small card from the opponent, and it is easy to collapse because of losing the main force.

"Understood, I want to increase the rules. Whoever loses will have more mental pollution, and whoever will decrease on the contrary." Xiao Huan said proudly.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Anyway, the world of the white ball people is occupied by the poker players.

A poker player has a poker soul. He will play poker if he doesn't die for one day, and he will play if he doesn't eat for two days.

Play non-stop.

One after another, the white **** fell into a frantic card game because of an ancient Dongzhou game.

There is very little they can do in this situation.

Xiao Huan has used a very powerful hand, drawing wages from the bottom of the pot.

Gradually understand them directly, their various industries, their weaknesses and technology, it can be said that they have almost come to an end in technology.

There has been no progress in 100,000 years.

At the same time, they have also become particularly vulnerable.

All in all They are a group of alternative idiots whose mental resistance is almost negative.

The time-space cannon is not used casually, and its activation has to go through a very complicated process.

It is even more commonplace to cancel in the middle.

There is a very big hidden danger in using the space-time cannon to directly destroy the people on earth.

It was because they were worried that the explosion did not destroy the light, and that they would get a deeper connection, which would lead to their final annihilation.

"Old Wen, the situation is like this, what do you think we should do with them?"

"We should come up with a trick."

"Hiding the sky and crossing the sea, what does that mean?"

"It means to repair the plank road in the Ming Dynasty and cross the Chencang in the dark."

"I still don't understand."

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