Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2043: Come to Journey to the West

In fact, according to Wen Rensheng's meaning, it is to transfer human beings to other worlds and avoid them.

In this way, after the opponent's space-time cannon fires, they can only hit a blank target.

Can't hit any target.

also to get a blank space.

They can't wipe out the human race.

In this way, it is to hide the sky and cross the sea.

To hide the sky and cross the sea is to let the enemy not find you.

Nor can they achieve real victories.

In Wen Rensheng's view, this move is necessary.

Don't look at the fact that Xiao Huan has turned them into a group of poker players, and he can completely drive them into madness.

As a result, their time-space cannons cannot be activated.

However, the container is not sure that everyone is controlled by Xiaohuan.

He knew very well that with such a powerful civilization, they would definitely have all kinds of back-ups, all kinds of retreats, all kinds of plans and plans.

As long as they have a small amount of resources, they can prepare various response plans.

Miniaturization at best drives the vast majority of people crazy.

And the white balls, since they knew the power and fear of the mysterious world, they must have made various preparations long before they started.

It would definitely not be easy for Wen Rensheng to solve it.

And a backhand of these powerful civilizations can wipe out most of the human beings.

Just like a mushroom deterrent.

In fact, the Mushroom Winter does not exist, but there is no doubt that it will make the economy fall sharply, and will destroy most important cities. It will take at least 50 years for the survivors to return to their previous situation.

This threat is enough.

Therefore, before Wen Rensheng launches the real ultimate move, he must also prepare for defense in advance.

He returned to Dongzhou World and found Lao Liu.

"All people gather, hurry up, I'm going to transfer them, other worlds."

"Okay, we'll transfer right away."

In just a few days, billions of people were concentrated.

Dongzhou World has never exploded in population, because after all, there is still the threat of a mysterious invasion.

The more born, the greater the threat.

"Old Wen, which world do you think it's better to transfer them to?"

Wen Rensheng had already made preparations, of course, the Journey to the West before the transfer.

That place involves the three worlds of heaven, earth and human.

Although after a lot of tossing and changing before, the world is now caught in the west cruise reincarnation, and there are not too many problems.

Then he came to the gathering place.

He swept through many people who were worried.

They can only passively wait for the arrangement of fate.

Just like those in the history node.

There is always someone to guide and organize.

People are such creatures.

Extract the most outstanding people through a large base, and then entrust your destiny to the other party.

An outstanding person can lead people to great heights.

If you choose the wrong one, replace it with another one.

How to reduce the cost of trial and error in the middle, people have invented many methods.

There are ancient sages, there are families, and there are modern elections... In short, we have been pursuing the smallest price.

It's a good survival strategy, at least for a long time in history.

Wen Rensheng then opened the entrance of Journey to the West and let people start moving there.

At the same time, every time you enter a person, make a data backup for them.

Of course, such a huge workload cannot be done by him alone, Xiao Huan and his family will help him to complete it together.


After the people of Dongzhou came to the Westward Journey World, the first feeling was shock, very shocked.

The world is so beautiful.

Unlike the Dongzhou universe, it is dark, desolate, and lonely everywhere.

Matter is very small, and large areas are dark matter.

The theme of Dongzhou Universe is actually the invisible darkness.

At this time, birds and flowers are everywhere, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the fairy is awe-inspiring.

No one would envy this place after seeing all this.

And the people here are also very warm to entertain them, making them feel the warmth of spring and the coolness of autumn.

Of course, there are many unlucky guys.

Although Wen Rensheng has already selected the best place to enter, there are still some people who like to do it.

So he ran into the cauldron of the monster.

That's no wonder Wenren has risen.

Just wait for the data to be restored.

In short, most people, for Journey to the West, are just a word, good is good, and it is very good.

Everyone is happy to live here.

Some people even think this is better than Dongzhou.

Because here, as long as you get the edge of immortality, you can cultivate to become immortal.

Such as the Eight Immortals.

After a period of understanding, people have begun to summarize all kinds of fairy tales.

There are those who specialize in cultivating morality, and they brush grandma across the road every day.

Some people have accumulated the merit of releasing life, and made a merit increaser.

It's just more expensive.

They already know that there are three kinds of earth immortals, heaven immortals, and ghost immortals.

As for the grades and sub-categories, it is more complicated, and most people can't figure it out.

For example, Earth Immortals include Loose Immortals and Taiyi Loose Immortals.

With the approval of the heavenly court, one can become a true immortal, a heavenly immortal, a golden immortal, a Taiyi golden immortal, and a Daluo golden immortal.

No further up.

That's not something that can be accomplished through cultivation.

The saints and the great supernatural beings are all set in advance by heaven and earth.

You don't have this position, no matter how high the mana is.

They also know that this is Journey to the West.

To be precise, after Wen Rensheng left, Journey to the West.*** version.

"Everyone has recently learned that it is very difficult to become an immortal by cultivation. A hundred years of lifespan is basically not enough. Many immortals have cultivated for several generations. But there is a bug here." Someone said in the circle.

"What bug?"

"That's right here, there's an easy way to live forever."


"Yes, there is a legend here that you can live forever by eating Tang monk meat."

"Damn, is it really that simple, eating Tang monk meat will make you immortal?"

"Compared with pan peach and ginseng fruit, Tang monk meat seems to be inferior to the latter two. Why don't we eat pan peach and ginseng fruit?"

"Nonsense, if you want to eat pan peach, you have to attack Heaven, and if you want to eat ginseng fruit, you have to fight Zhenyuan Daxian. And to eat Tang Senglu, you only need to get four apprentices."

"A Sun Wukong is comparable to half of the Heavenly Court and Zhenyuan Daxian."

"Haha, I thought that the level of Monkey King is actually very simple. I have a solution. But you all have to listen to my command." The person who spoke first revealed his true purpose.

"You said, you said, as long as you can make us immortal, we will let you be the great commander." Everyone said.

"First of all, does the flesh on Monk Tang include his skin, does it include the ends of his hair, does it include him..."

"In this way, we can make up as a pedicure master, make up as a doctor, make up as a massage master, a bath master..."

"It turns out that it's still you who are stronger, so let's try it."

Everyone was overjoyed.

In fact, some people think that this legend is used by a flickering monster.

From the beginning to the end, it is said that eating Tang monk meat will live forever.

But from start to finish, no one could take a bite.

Don't they know how to cut some small meat to eat?

It can only be said that this is the way of heaven, and it is just a statement used to confuse monsters.

Dongzhou people decided to eat Tang monk meat.

They began to exert their ability to prepare in detail and engage in construction.

They spent three years building a city on the only way for Tang monks to go west.

It is called "Dongzhou City".

The city is very clean and beautiful, and when people see it, they will think it is paradise.

Everyone is happy and there is plenty of material.

From food to cloth, to shelter, entertainment, hygiene, everything.

And many aliens and mages acted as security guards.

Most of the little monsters still can't help them.

And the real top-level monsters have a faint understanding of the secrets, and they will not come to ask for trouble.

After Wen Rensheng saw this Dongzhou City, at a glance, he knew what they were going to do.

He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Only he knows best what the truth behind Tang Sengrou is.

Whatever these same kind of Dongzhou do, do it.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with them, if they like to toss Tang Seng, just toss Tang Seng.

It's better than being idle and doing nothing.


At this time, Tang Seng began to take the journey to the west from the beginning again.

The theme of Journey to the West is Journey to the West.

After taking the scriptures, the second round begins.

On this day, Tang Seng and his apprentice traveled all the way to Dongzhou City.

Tang Seng looked up and saw the words written at the city gate:

"Heavenly Bliss, there is no fellow in the world."

"Dongzhou City."

"What a big city," Bajie said disdainfully, "Isn't that what Buddha's Western Heaven Holy Land was like?"

"The Tathagata will blow more than this." That is, Sun Wukong dared to comment on the Tathagata.

This city made Sun Wukong very surprised.

Because he felt a little weird inside, but he didn't feel any demonic energy.

Then Tang Seng dismounted, and Sha Seng led the horse and escorted the master into the city.

"Hello, monks, where did you come from and where are you going?" the guard at the door asked enthusiastically.

In fact, everyone is thinking.

Can be regarded as waiting.

These three years of hard work have not been in vain.

If Tang Monk doesn't come, they will be depressed.

Tang Seng still said the same lines as usual: "The poor monk is from the East..."

"It turned out to be a saint monk of the Tang Dynasty, so please enter the post house in the city to rest for a few days, and at the same time change the customs text, and our city master will use the seal." The guards at the gate diligently led the four to Chaoyang Post.

After the four entered the city, they were shocked.

It's so beautiful in here.

The streets are very clean, all paved with bluestone, and there are sewers on both sides.

Not a single leaf, no smell.

It was a city they had never seen before.

Even Datang Chang'an, which is not the main road, is very dirty.

At this point, cleanliness seems to be the norm.

Even a tree is very clean.

Everyone is clean.

The eyes are also clean.

Everyone is enthusiastic about Tang Seng without being rude.

It was the first time Tang Seng experienced such a beautiful place.

Other places are either monster caves or bad folk customs.

Or there is a lot of conspiracy.

Where is it like here?

After they moved into Chaoyang Station, the officials of the station came to greet them.

It's just that this enthusiasm soon faded away.

Not long after I stayed there, people kept asking, "Master Holy Monk, do you want to take a bath?"

"Do you want to take a bath?"

"Master, you must have developed corns after walking so much. You should get a pedicure, right?"

"Master, you have walked so far, you should shave your head, right?"

"Master, if you sit and recite sutras every day, you must have hemorrhoids. We have free hemorrhoid surgery here, which is absolutely painless, once and for all."

Another person said: "Master, you see that there are polyps and large sores on your body. You should cut them off in time. If you don't cut them off, you will die from carbuncles."

Tang Seng was so frightened that he didn't know what to do.

And what a shrewd master Sun Wukong is.

He listened carefully to the introduction of these people, and he understood that there was a problem.

These guys must want to eat free Tang Monk meat.

It's just that compared to those straightforward monsters, these guys are not only heavy in taste, but also very hypocritical.

I don't want to say it clearly, I just want to play sneaky methods.

Those who have pedicures and those who take a bath are fine, those who cut hemorrhoids are really unbearable.

It is simply a challenge to Sun Wukong's bottom line, which completely kills Sun Wukong's appetite.

Spicy his eyes.

But Sun Wukong was very troublesome.

In fact, for him, the most terrifying opponent will never be the big monster.

But these mortals.

Because of the former, he can ask all external forces to kill him.

However, the latter is directly related to whether he can become a Buddha himself.

If he can't get rid of evil thoughts and violent anger, it is absolutely impossible for him to become a Buddha.

And he faintly felt that this had been repeated several times by the Tao of Heaven.

He handled things every time.

When anyone, knowing that the world you're in is just a constant cycle, you'll also get irritated with these repetitive tasks.

Sun Wukong is more and more perfunctory, and he doesn't really fight when he encounters monsters.

But Tang Seng didn't know all of this. Tang Seng was a common man. Every time the cycle started, his memory would be completely emptied.

Sun Wukong knew that if he dared to fight mortals, he was still a warm and thoughtful shopkeeper, and Tang Seng would never let him go.

It is very likely that he has completely cut off the teacher-disciple relationship with him and prevented him from learning scriptures.

And if he is not allowed to learn from the scriptures, his Monkey King may be replaced by another Monkey King.

Because he has seen through the truth of this world.

As Sun Wukong thought, the Tang monk at this time was also very happy to see these enthusiastic people.

He is just a kind monk after all.

"Thank you for the enthusiasm of the donors, but the poor monk is a monk, and there is no entanglement on his body, so he really can't afford the money." He folded his hands together.

Everyone looked at each other.

Some people want to say that if you sell the Zijin lunch box, you will be rich...

Fortunately, no one said this. It was a prop for learning from the scriptures. How could it be sold here?

Someone had an idea and said: "Elder, you are too polite. We came to you to advertise. You are so famous, you are the dignified brother of Tang Dynasty."

"You don't need to give money, we'll give you money."

"Why, why do you say that?" Tang Seng said in surprise, "You help the poor monk and give the poor monk money?"

"Yes, I'm afraid the holy monk doesn't know the word advertisement yet?"

"Yes, the poor monk doesn't understand." Tang Seng shook his head.

"That's right, if you do the surgery with us, we can say that even the royal brother of the monk from the Tang Dynasty has the surgery here, and there will definitely be a lot of people coming here to spend money."

"So you are the best advertisement. Not only can we not charge your money, but we will also give you advertising fees."

At this time, Zhu Bajie suddenly said: "Advertising, advertising, isn't this a sign? Isn't this just shouting? Advertise it widely and greet guests."

Needless to say, Zhu Bajie is still shrewd.

Those who are not shrewd can't mix to the end.

In the end is Marshal Tianpeng.

Hearing this, everyone praised one after another: "Yeah, it means that it is widely advertised, or Marshal Tianpeng is smart."

"In that case, how much will you give us?" Bajie asked quickly.

"As long as the royal brother does hemorrhoid surgery at our place, we will come back and give you a silver tattoo, 10,000 taels!"

"Ten thousand taels?" Zhu Bajie opened his mouth wide at first, and then woke up, "Actually, it's not much money. It's not as valuable as the fertile fields I cultivated in Gaolaozhuang."

"Yeah, the marshal worked for his Gao family for more than two years, turning their family from a small middle peasant, an ordinary farmer, into a rich man with a hundred li, and their family property is less than one hundred thousand taels of silver. Well. This is all earned by the marshal." Everyone complimented.

"Haha, you are the only ones who understand me." Zhu Bajie said gratefully.

He is really lazy, but when he works, he can really work.

If you open ten thousand mu of good land in one go, if one mu of land can be sold for ten taels of silver, the land alone can be sold for one hundred thousand taels.

In feudal society, these lands were family heirlooms, comparable to the fine stocks of later generations.

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