Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2046: Interaction and danger

At the same time, many of the larger conflicts on the white star have stopped.

Every small force with some intelligence capabilities chose to unite with the c force, negotiating with the a and d forces, and asked for the sharing of alien information.

Because they all want to get the white star's technology, or wait until the situation is stable before fighting.

Otherwise, it is very likely that there will be a game in vain.


At this moment.

on the satellite.

The white ball has successfully communicated with the two astronauts in country a.

The two sides are communicating by code.

Astronaut Berenger asked, "Excuse me, what's your name?"

"Name, I don't have a name, only a number. My number is 72." White Ball said.

"Then where are you from?" Braun didn't think the other party was a native of the satellite.

Because the satellites have already been explored by various means, the surface is empty, and it is impossible to support a large civilized society.

Unless the other party's social model is completely inconsistent with their conventional understanding.

"I'm from outer space, and I'm an observer." White Ball's words were half-truths.

Wen Rensheng watched the other party perform.

Of course you can't lie completely.

Because everyone is not a fool, it is basically impossible for you to make up a perfect origin.

From culture to scientific tree, from language to character, if you want to completely fake it, there will be too many contradictions.

Therefore, the counterfeiting must be nine true and one false, just like counterfeiting antiques, using ancient paper, ancient ink, ancient calligraphy, and modern handwriting.

"Outer space, is it outside the universe?" Braun said excitedly.

"Yes, outside your universe."

"It turns out that there are things outside the universe." Berenger has too many questions to ask.

"Of course."

At this time, the TV broadcast on Earth, and everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

"I didn't think we were just orangutans."

"So it is."

"Is it true? You can't be fools, can you believe what people say?"

"The problem is that the other party can live in a vacuum at will, but we can't, and that's the difference."

"Understood, whoever is stronger is right."

Then the two sides had a lot of exchanges in the shock of the white star people.

Braun was shocked to discover that their planet and the entire universe were just observations of the other party.

"That's right, you are like the orangutans in the nature reserve. We are watching from outside through the fence. Occasionally, people will come in to see the reproduction of the orangutans. I am that person." The white ball man said.

The two sides communicated for a whole week.

Braun learned a lot.

Very shocking.

They couldn't believe it, and they had to believe that they were just a civilization in a protected area.

Facts speak louder than words after all.

"We must return to the voyage immediately, because the food, oxygen, and water we carry are limited." Berenger tentatively probed.

Here's the advice from the experts.

"Then let's chat for five more days." Said, the white ball stepped on his foot.

Then the astronauts were surprised to find that their logistics supplies were full again...

"What, what kind of technology is this?"

"It's just the most basic atomic transformation technology, and element transformation has not been involved," Bai Qiu wrote lightly.

The suffocation that had been beaten by those demons before, and the mental internal friction caused by them, was suddenly added back to the other party's shock.

Sure enough, comparison can produce happiness.

"What, what's the principle?"

"I don't know the principle, I'm just a user, just like your illiterate driver." White Ball said directly.

Braun is a little regretful, but he also understands that even if the other party is lying, he is not qualified to ask the other party to tell the truth.


After seeing the technology level of the white ball, the whole white star became a sensation.

The composition of matter at the atomic level.

That is to say, any factory can be cancelled, as long as the total amount of elements is sufficient, an item can be easily manufactured.

This kind of technology is the dream come true in myth.

With this technology, it is possible to hope that even if the brain ages, it can be gradually copied and replaced.

It's just that the process is a bit complicated.

But the replacement of other organs will not be a problem, and can completely solve the problem of rejection.

Because it is replicated at the atomic level, it is absolutely guaranteed to be consistent with the original body and will not trigger the immune system to recognize and attack.

This is just a side application.

As for other applications, that's more.

For a time, all the forces sought to fly satellites.

Flying from a white star to a moon is a complicated process.

To put it simply, it is going around in circles, first orbiting the white star, and then deviating from the orbit of the white star, and then being captured by the satellite and entering the satellite orbit.

This process takes about ten days.

In fact, the time is not long. It takes more than ten days to travel by train on the planet.

It's just that the cost of launching the spacecraft is quite high.

However, no matter how high the cost is, it doesn't matter in the face of aliens and alien technology.

After all, the so-called cost is the material cost and labor cost.

The labor cost can be ignored. It is enough to declare a state of emergency within the force and recruit.

The real manpower cost is reflected in the threshold of manpower, that is, the people needed to manufacture the spacecraft have a threshold, at least not illiterate, at least with high school knowledge.

The material cost is reflected in various high-precision parts of aerospace fuel and spacecraft.

Making them is complicated.

You have to spend money, you can't save it.

Because if it is forcibly expropriated, it will bring serious consequences.

And the shrewd a force has passed a kind of fundraising, called the alien dialogue fee.

Similar to chattering.

Aliens chat with you.

Specifically for the wealthy class.

Of course, this is only a superficial statement to coax voters. In fact, the internal agreement is that if the technology is obtained from aliens, the fundraiser will have the priority to use it.

For the wealthy, many of them are willing to donate 70 to 80 percent of their assets to support dialogue with aliens.

Because they have the potential to get what they want most, which is longevity and health, and more wealth.

Think about it, the exchange of different civilizations has brought about the Industrial Revolution and all kinds of great developments.

Will the current communication with aliens trigger the explosion of future technology?

Wen Rensheng knew that these people made the right bet.

If they can really gain the trust of the white ball, relying on the technology given by the other party, it is very easy to increase the lifespan several times.

Under this circumstance, the problem of how to tax the wealthy, which they have always had a headache, was solved suddenly with the appearance of aliens.

at the same time.

In the major exchanges, the stocks of various companies related to aerospace flight are soaring all the way!

All kinds of high-tech stocks, as long as they can be related to aerospace, are rising!

The stocks of tens of thousands of companies kept going up and down.

Many investors hate this daily limit mechanism, which can only rise by 10%.

Many people buy it, but many stocks are no longer issued.

Many experts have predicted that among the many companies that provide commercial services for the landing spacecraft this time, the stock prices of the big companies with the most support will soar from the current dozens of shares to hundreds, or even to tens of thousands. possible…

Related industries, people have invested in.

Of course, there are also people who calmly advise:

"Aliens are likely to be short-lived, like modern armies strayed into indigenous islands, and when they withdraw, indigenous remains indigenous, nothing will change."

"We still have to develop ourselves down-to-earth, rather than relying on alien technology and support."

"Yes, in fact, it is our luck that the other party didn't come up to give us a planetary vaporization cannon, and it is a dream to expect any support from the other party."

Wen Rensheng glanced at the comments, and he agreed.

There are indeed a lot of sober people who realize it is a blessing that the white ball didn't attack them.

If the white ball destroys them immediately, they have nothing to say, because they have done it before.

It is a pity that the sober people are destined to be a minority, and most of them are still in a frenzy. One after another fantasy appears. They seem to feel that tomorrow they can solve all survival problems and all material problems.

It seems that the great unity of mankind is coming soon.

All needs can be solved by aliens.

They don't think about it, if the aliens are really so powerful, why would they come to their world to observe them?

In reality it was just a fugitive.

But it is very interesting that the people who actually created McCann were also a group of refugees.

And what is the white ball thinking now?

Wen Rensheng glanced over.

Enter the other person's inner world.


"Stupid, arrogant, a bunch of fools, just like we used to be, who gave you such a good delusion?" There were countless thoughts up and down in White Ball's heart.

"Wait, I will only give you a little sweetness, you will soon find yourself in hell, hahaha, you fools. Don't think about it if I don't have a good time."

"Forget it, they're just pitiful worms. Don't be so cruel. Give them a little mercy. If everyone died, I'd be lonely too."

In short, Bai Qiu's inner world is sometimes good, sometimes evil, and his emotions are ups and downs.

This is stimulated by a small fantasy.

A good super-civilized person is actually not far from a lunatic in his heart.

The other party can still maintain reason, but the fear that Wen Rensheng and Xiao Huan brought him before is suppressing his nature.

After the fear is gone, he will be reckless, and then the White Star will be unlucky.

Wen Rensheng didn't intend to stop him. He also wanted to observe and observe what mysteries were in this world and further enhance his mysterious seed.

This world triggers the seasons of the Mysterious Seed, which means that there are some mysteries hidden within.

He needs to understand these mysteries.

In fact, Wen Rensheng has already vaguely felt what the mystery of this world is, but now he needs more events to confirm his thoughts.

So he will not interfere with the interaction between the white ball and the white star.


Above the white star.

Countless secret meetings are going on.

"We need to find out what exactly this white ball needs. From the information he has leaked now, he regards us as orangutans and as ornamental animals."

"Then we must try our best to enhance our own viewing value."

"There's nothing shameful about it. It's a shame and loss of life when you're obviously weak, but you don't admit that you're weak, and you have to bark at the strong."

"We should try our best to show our good side."

"Clean and tidy, orderly."

"Fix the buildings, ban the ugly."

In short, by analyzing the white ball in the live broadcast, the major forces have begun to improve themselves.

The strength is comparable to the general mobilization in the world war.

Even the a force that seems to be pulling the hips has entered a stage of high execution at this time.

No one dares to go their own way, because the community, the media, are forcing everyone to realize that this is all about everyone.

The homeless, the beggars, the decadent, were all cleaned from the streets, sent to bathe and clean themselves.

The prisons and slums of the past have also been thoroughly cleaned and tidy.

As for money, money is actually quite enough.

Because they entered the stage of industrial surplus early, production has far exceeded demand, but those who need it are not distributed.

Many forces are aware that their fate is in the white ball's thought.

Think about it, since the white **** can refuel their spaceships, they can also wipe out their planet.

There is no essential difference between the two.

White Star itself is said to be strong and powerful, and said to be fragile and fragile.

As long as the other party slightly changes the orbit of an asteroid, their White Stars will be finished.

As for how to change the orbit of the asteroid, even they themselves can imagine countless plans based on the ability that the white ball is showing now.

For example, a little increase in mass and a little decrease in mass will change the orbit of the asteroid.

Every year, there are asteroids that are very close to the atmosphere, with only tens of thousands of kilometers passing by.

There are also countless meteors every year.

If the other side cannot destroy these meteors by increasing the mass of these meteors into the atmosphere, then human civilization is finished. UU Reading

Fortunately, the other party said that they belonged to a species in a certain protected area, that is to say, as long as they did not do it themselves and did not take the initiative to attack people (white balls), they would not be shot.

For example, if tigers do not take the initiative to eat and attack people, the method that people choose is to be anesthetized and sent away, and they will not be killed directly.

And they are a tiger at this time, seemingly powerful, but in fact very weak.

Wen Rensheng soon found out what the real danger on the white star was.

Some ambitious people.

They originally had ambitions, but they did not have enough strength. They were threatened by the general trend and could not do things that would be too harmful to civilization.

But now, they have a shortcut.

As long as they curry favor with that white ball, they can gain god-like power, and then satisfy their ambitions and even destroy others.

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