Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2047: statue

The human heart is chaotic, and good and evil depend on external constraints.

How the outside world restricts, how the human heart will behave.

If there are no restrictions from the outside world, the evil side will often be revealed quickly.

Humans are inherently evil for a reason.

Because if there is no external restriction, people will live by biological instinct.

As for biological instinct, there is another word called bird. Beast.

At this time, there are very few things that restrict the white ball.

Only its previous social common sense and its own reason.

In this world without its kind, it doesn't have to worry about reputation for anything it does.

After talking with a few astronauts for a while, its eyes soon fell on the white star.

Some remarks were seen by it.

Then it gets angry.

Because one of them said this:

"What kind of aliens, they are all trash and rubbish, they are still here for fun, and I am afraid they are also the filth among aliens."

"That's right, they're all licking, what are they licking..."

"Isn't it just a monster?"

There are too many people, and there are always some idiots talking.

Although it was dealt with immediately, and even the person himself disappeared, these remarks still fell into the eyes of Bai Qiu.

It was furious.

If human beings do not have consciousness and wisdom, they will not offend it.

And they have.

With these two things, although life is greatly facilitated, it also brings great hidden dangers.

Just like now, the white ball suddenly stopped communicating with the astronauts, and then looked at the white star.

Suddenly, a meteor rapidly increases in mass.

It was supposed to be rubbed into dust, but some remained.


Landed somewhere in the desert.

A mushroom cloud rose up.

"The equivalent is equivalent to 5 million tons of TNT, comparable to medium-sized mushrooms!"

The seismic waves were quickly picked up by mushroom testing stations all over the world.

Yes, the so-called awesome mushrooms of human beings are actually just that. In the face of astronomical disasters, they are like a younger brother.

Scientists are well aware of this.

"Immediately ban all comments on the Internet!" someone suggested.

Although they couldn't be sure that the mushroom came from Bai Qiu's method, there was a high probability that it was done by the other party.

Because before, there were basically no such meteorite impact events.

And the white ball appeared within a few days, and this correlation is too great.

Everyone who saw the seismic event was shocked.

If this meteor hits a certain city, it will cause huge damage, at least hundreds of thousands of people.

The four major forces a, b, c, and d were completely silent.

What was previously an unknown fear is now a known threat.

The corresponding news was quickly blocked, and no one spread the news.

They just said it was a normal astronomical phenomenon.

Many meteors fall on the desert every year. As long as they do not appear in populated areas, it is not a disaster.

In fact, everyone knows that it is very dangerous now, because the white ball has proved it to them.

It is by no means the kind of virgin who does not kill.

This is actually a matter of course.

Even if they are good people, 99% of them are good people under restraint. They are more rational and able to measure the consequences of their actions, so they will not do things that violate morality and law.

It's hard to say without all restraint.

One must be a person who has reached the state of "cautious independence" in order to be a good person even when he loses restraint.

To be alone is to be able to abide by the bottom line when one is alone.

line, follow the norms.

A gentleman does not deceive a dark room.

And this white ball is obviously not a gentleman.

But it's useless to be shocked, they have to find a way to deal with it.

They can only try their best to please each other and show their value.

Several astronauts shoulder difficult communication responsibilities.

Bereng asked: "Do you need us to do anything?"

"No need, you can live your own life." Bai Qiu said casually.

"A meteorite fell down just now, is it your strength?" Bereng cut to the point.

In fact, he shouldn't have asked, but after the evaluation of the experts, he still felt that it was the best choice to tell the matter frankly.

If the matter is covered up and perfunctory, it will only bring about greater consequences. It is possible that a matter that can be solved with only a small loss will result in a large loss.

This is like a backward feudal dynasty. Because of ignorance, laziness, procrastination, and lack of understanding of the rules of international exchanges, in the end, only a little compensation was enough, but in the end it was dragged into compensation for land cession.

Being beaten after falling behind is a high probability event, but there is also a difference between light, heavy and death.

"I did it. Some people have bad mouths. I want them to know what not to say." Bai Qiu took it for granted.

"Sorry, we have already dealt with these people, and they will be dealt with in the cruelest way." Bereng said seriously.

Those people usually just say hello, but this is facing aliens, and they are taking the fate of all human beings to say hello.

I just don't know how to live or die.

Everyone should have been banned from speaking immediately, but they were worried that this would offend the white ball.

If the white ball just likes to be seen by many people, it will be self-defeating.

But judging from the white ball's anger now, it doesn't like those comments that insult it.

This is actually a good thing: because it shows that he probably likes to praise his remarks, and in that case, they have many ways to deal with it in a targeted manner.

It's just that in private, many people complain in their hearts.

Yes, they didn't even dare to say it directly.

The other party can see the speech on the Internet, can't they hear what they say?

Everyone thought in their hearts:

"This is too cruel. Are we going to live like slaves in the future?"

"I want to resist, I can talk when I want to talk, I don't want to live on my knees."

"I don't want to be killed for saying a wrong sentence, it's too unreasonable."

Wen Rensheng glanced around and understood what Bai Xingren was thinking.

In short, it is wronged, very wronged.

But they also didn't think about it. When they wantonly hunted and exterminated other lives, they never asked the other party if they were wronged.

So when you choose to crush others with strength, you must calmly accept being crushed by others with strength.

Just calm down, accept it in silence, and then find a way to resist it.

Don't put on a bitter face.

Nobody owes you that.

At this moment, the white ball jumped and said: "Very good, I am very satisfied, show me the picture of your disposal."

Braun wondered: "Our technology is too backward, there will be a long delay from our planet to here..."

In fact, the delay will not be long, after all, there is only a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers.

"It's okay, as long as you post the screen of the disposal, I'll see it on the Internet." Bai Qiu said casually.

This short sentence made the Baixing people think about it.

As long as you put it on the Internet, you can see it?

Could it not directly see the scene on the ground?

In other words, he still needs to abide by some basic laws.

The technology possessed by the white ball has not yet reached the point where it can scan all phenomena on the white star

, it still needs to use the medium of the Internet to screen.

As for how the other party can see things on the network, it may be able to emit some kind of particle waves to intercept network information.

Then the four major forces of abcd quickly displayed the pictures of those people on the wall.

Just because of a few words, it is comparable to the tyrants of ancient times.

But there is no way, this is for the survival of the entire planet.

In the face of survival, no morality, bottom line, or concept is worth mentioning.

Humans can even degenerate into beasts, as long as they survive, they can rebuild civilization.

Material existence always comes first, and thoughts and beliefs always come second.

It is by relying on these that human beings can tenaciously survive disasters time after time.


At the same time, Wen Rensheng began to scan the white ball again.

He found that the white ball wanted to destroy this civilization and build a new one.

A civilization that completely listens to it.

In other words, it wants to be God.

And now communicating with the astronauts, it is just scanning the information of the White Star civilization, preparing to pave the way for the creation of a new civilization in the future.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while, he couldn't let the opponent's purpose succeed.

After all, he still needs to use this civilization to explore the mysteries of this world and increase the mystery of the mysterious seed.

Wen Rensheng thought about it and smiled.


In an ancient tomb.

Two old professors, with their own students, as well as hired workers, people from formal institutions... are digging hard.

"Mo Gang, I want to change my major. We want to study aliens in the sky. I heard that one can graduate with a thesis and get a doctorate." A beautiful girl said to her boyfriend next to her.

"It's not easy to change majors. Although everyone knows that the study of aliens is the hottest cutting-edge topic at present, and it is very popular, and it is easy to cash in and make money, but after all, we have studied archaeology for more than ten years." .

"Okay, let's break up. I've already made a decision. I'm going to study aliens. I don't want to dig into my grave every day. It won't be good if I run into zongzi someday." The beautiful girl said decisively.

Boyfriend, no, ex-boyfriend sighs.

"You have wanted to break up for a long time, but you just brought it up today. Of course I won't stop you. I just want to tell you one thing. When I was young, my family was in the countryside. Whenever a certain crop was sold, it was our turn to plant it. , started to lose money again, and even rotted in the field.”

"What you're talking about is nonsense. If we don't catch up with the hot spots, how can we keep up with other people's progress?" The girl said disdainfully, "Do you want to live in the wild for the rest of your life? I also want a good house, a good car, and a good job." , is this wrong?"

"It's not wrong, it's just that personal ambitions are different." The ex-boyfriend shook his head and said, "Then I wish you good luck."

"Okay, my major transfer report has been submitted, and I'm just waiting to finish this archaeological project." The girl said.

The two were talking, and soon someone suddenly shouted:

"What is this?"

The two looked at each other, then ran over.

Then they found a stone statue in a tomb.

This statue is very interesting. On a lotus seat of a Bodhisattva, there is an elephant head on it, a pair of wings on the back of the elephant, and a piece of tentacles underneath.

"This seems to be a foreign Bodhisattva? I wonder why it appeared in a tomb in the 2nd century BC?" Professor A asked in confusion.

"I feel like it's talking to me..." Professor B was puzzled.

"What is it saying?"

"It's saying, hello, please allow me to introduce you to our heavenly father and savior Kelulu, what is that?" Professor B held his head.

"Is Kelulu the name of the statue? Or is it the name of a certain god?" Professor A asked.

The students also gathered around.

The statue in front of him is green and delicate, giving people an expensive and rare feeling.

In the game, at least it is an excellent quality...

"We have to report to the higher authorities immediately." At this time, a person in the organization said.

Obviously, they all felt the extraordinaryness of this thing at the first time.

Because the same voice was ringing in their ears.

Thinking of the aliens that just appeared, they had to pay attention.

"Strange, why did this statue appear after the aliens discovered it?" Someone asked subconsciously.

Professor B suddenly realized, he laughed wildly, then took off his shirt and dropped his pants.

The female students covered their eyes in fright.

"I understand!"

"I understand!"

"Why didn't you find it before? It's very simple, this statue is related to that alien!"

"It should be a relic of prehistoric civilization, a defense mechanism belonging to our planet."

"When aliens show up, it will show up to protect us."

Professor B laughed wildly.

Professor A said helplessly: "You think so beautifully, why should people protect us?"

"Then, how do you explain that it appeared as soon as the aliens appeared? You know, we have never discovered such a strange thing before, a special item that can talk to people's minds."

"Maybe it's our collective hallucination, such as we are poisoned?" Professor A reluctantly gave an explanation.

"Don't say things that you don't believe yourself. I only believe that it is related to aliens. Write a report immediately."

This special matter soon received enough high-level attention.

This is because how to deal with aliens has become the primary research work of the four major forces.

In contrast, those research projects in the past have been knocked down by n priorities.

So Professor A and Professor B, plus a group of institutional personnel's proof report, quickly gained attention.

In order to ensure safety, they were ordered to stay in place and not to leave the archaeological site.

Groups of experts arrived after only three hours.

Then they talk to the elephant head statue.

"Hi, is your name Kelulu?"

"Yes, I come from the will of this planet. You have encountered an irresistible enemy, so I woke up."

This voice was naturally played by Xiao Huan.

She was very happy that Wen Rensheng gave her a superior role and let her play it.

It's a lot more fun than being a puppy.

Sure enough, happiness is all in comparison.

Wen Rensheng remembered that this guy used to feel bored. UU reading

"So that's the case, then how can you help us fight against this enemy?" Professor B said piously.

He has become a faithful believer of this god.

Although he is a highly educated person, the deeds of many seniors make him not disgusted with some mysterious things.

This is actually very common.

"It wants to destroy you, it wants to rebuild civilization, and what you have to do is to quickly develop something that it cannot destroy."

"I see."

When everyone heard this, they were surprised to find that they were not surprised.

Probably from the very beginning, aliens were not thought to be friendly.

After all, strangeness in the human concept means panic, fear, enemy, danger...


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