Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2048: Deification

"That great God, how should we develop?"

"And what is it that aliens cannot destroy?"

"God, please describe it in detail so that our humble minds can understand it."

Everyone asked.

"What it cannot destroy is your spirit, your will."

"You have to gather your spirits together. I will give you something to unite all your spiritual wills into one place. In this way, you will no longer have to worry about being defeated by him."

"It turned out to be like this, thank God, you are so great and merciful..." Everyone immediately patted the rainbow P.

"Hahahaha, so-so, I've known for a long time that I'm great, so I don't need you to repeat that." Xiao Huan smiled arrogantly.

Still have fun with these chumps.

Lao and Wen Daddy are always together, and they are always hit.

"Then what is this thing you want to give us?"

"It's right in front of your eyes."

"Do you mean this statue?"

"Yes, you can just copy and spread this wither, and then you will find that your spirits will all pass through it, and gather together, and communicate with each other, and there will be no doubts anymore."

"Even if it wants to destroy you again, it's impossible to do so."

"Its technology can only destroy matter, but not spirit."

"Thanks to the great God, we fully understand, your generosity, your selflessness, and your wisdom will always be remembered by us." Everyone thanked.

"Well, go ahead, do it quickly when you understand, your time is running out, it may choose to destroy the world at any time due to emotional fluctuations, because you don't have any ability to restrain it."

"We're going to do it."

Soon, the archaeologists and related personnel handed over the statue, and wrote a detailed report of the conversation and sent it up.

At this time, the statue is in the hands of c forces.

Force c chose secret research.

Did not spread rashly.

It is only copied on a small scale, and it is located on the Gobi Desert.

They soon discovered that the other was right.

This withered statue, as long as you pray to it, or simply observe it, you can integrate your own spirit into it.

You will find yourself inside this elephant head statue.

Then you can also see the spiritual world of other people.

In this way, they can communicate with each other's thoughts.

In this kind of communication, you can't cheat, and you can't lie to others.

What you say will soon be recognized as true or false by others.

After discovering this, the c forces immediately organized 10 million people, and then moved to the Gobi Desert.

They link ideas together in a closed environment.

This thought link has brought about a huge change.

That is, they realized the division of labor of thinking.

Great people can distribute computing power and memory ability to ordinary people to calculate and remember.

In the beginning, it was just a division of labor between seven or eight people, similar to the division of labor in the real office, canceling the computer, paper and pen, and directly dividing the labor through thinking.

No. 1 thinks, 2345 is responsible for memory, and 6789 is responsible for calculation.

In fact, this is equivalent to refining the rough social thinking process to the spiritual world, making everyone's brains into one.

Similar to a bee swarm.

Many people didn't think about it at all, they simply copied and reprinted it, and they retell what others said.

Those with super IQs focus on high-end innovative thinking.

Many technical problems began to be tackled gradually.

The efficiency of eliminating wrong paths is greatly improved.

Some elderly scientists have been blessed that they don't have to worry about brain degeneration because they can directly use other people's brains.

People who are too lazy to use their brains also have the gospel. They only need to dedicate 8 hours of their brains every day, and they can live ten times their previous standard of living.

Mental labor is always worth far more than physical labor.

In this case, they quickly improved the smart machinery.

The technical level of c force is rising rapidly.

In just one month, he has absorbed and mastered the advanced technology of the abd forces in many fields.

It took another month, and they improved the form of self-organization, using mental deduction and simulation, and self-deduction perfected evolution.

And they also started to manufacture spaceships. The required technology has actually been mastered, but it needs to be optimized and disseminated.

In the case of spiritual unity, the diffusion of technology is just a copy-and-paste process.

"Long live Master Kelulu!"

This is the slogan secretly circulated by the c forces.

Just as the c forces were advancing by leaps and bounds, a large number of "laying flat factions" quietly appeared on the planet.

Now on White Star, there are three factions: the Lieping Faction, the Progressive Faction, and the Resistance Faction.

The attitudes of the three are to support aliens and oppose aliens, and aliens have nothing to do with me.

The attitude of the Lieping faction is that I neither support nor oppose it, I just live my own little life.

As long as there is food to eat and mobile phones to play with, I don't care about other things.

At this time, some factions in the b forces organized together, and they called on us to have fun in time.

Whether aliens are good or bad is uncertain.

Even if it wants to destroy us, we can't stop it.

That being the case, don't worry and live the rest of your life.

They organize agricultural production with one hand and network industry with the other.

Anyway, the slogan is to feed the common people, and then let them lie down and play with their mobile phones.

In addition, the progressive group called for active contact with aliens and doing business with aliens.

They try to make a trade deal with White Ball.

Their activity is more powerful, and they even communicate directly with the astronauts who are talking to aliens.

Bereng finally asked the white ball the question he wanted to ask:

"Excuse me, what exactly do you need? We can try our best to help you realize your wish within a reasonable range."

Bai Qiu smiled and said, "I can produce countless things with one thought, do I need anything from you?"

Braun was silent.

Yes, atomic level conversions can be performed on the other side.

What they produce means nothing to the white ball.

Hearing this, some people became even more frightened.

"Since there is no way to do business with Baiqiu and provide what the other party needs, then the problem is serious."

Why did the colonists on White Star kill a large number of natives.

Quite simply, it is because they are not only unable to provide commodity and labor value, but also occupy land and resources.

They would neither be slaves nor work, so they had to be killed.

Then transport people who are willing to be slaves.

&nbOne of the leaders of the forces.

It is because they are willing to be slaves.

And now they face a frightening reality: the white ball has no need of them.

This is scary.

The white ball has no need for them, that is to say, it doesn't matter if they are killed.

People will not exterminate chickens and ducks, because they can provide meat.

But humans often kill whales because they often rob fish resources.

"Then what can we help you, what do you need us to do?" Bereng asked again.

The original idea of ​​the white ball was to destroy them and rebuild an obedient civilization.

But upon hearing this, it changed its mind again.

It is normal for intelligent beings to change their minds.

It takes millions of years to rebuild a civilization.

It's better to try them first, and if it doesn't work, make another one.

So it said: "I need you to change the direction of the development of this technology. My civilization has reached its peak in terms of material technology. I need you to try to develop the technology in the spiritual field."

"Spiritual realm? Isn't that a superstition?"

"No, that's not superstition, but the correct truth. You should know the observer effect, right?"

"I know, I know, our spacecraft can be built precisely because we have enough understanding of the microcosm." Bereng said hastily.

"That's right, in the microcosm, only observation, and only observers can make this microcosm exist. If there are no observers, the whole world does not exist. There is no absolutely objective material world without any observers." Bai Qiu said .

Although it is a bit difficult to understand, Bereng is a highly educated and trained astronaut, and he still understands this.

This involves the microcosmic and quantum realms, and there are not many people in the world who can really understand this.

Anyone who claims that he fully understands the microscopic realm is either a liar or a madman.

"Now that you understand this, it's easy to say that in the microcosm, a lot of common sense is completely opposite to the macrocosm. The common sense in the macrocosm is continuous and deterministic." Bai Qiu said enthusiastically,

"The laws of the microcosm are discrete and probabilistic."

"The macrocosm is material, the microcosm is spiritual."

"The two are diametrically opposed."

Bai Qiu paused.

Bereng quickly asked: "What is the relationship between the microcosm and the spiritual realm?"

"If you want to explore the spiritual realm, you must go deep into the microcosm."

"But how to study this? We have no clue."

"That's right, I don't have a clue, but I can say for sure that the spiritual realm is very powerful, so powerful that it is beyond ordinary. What science fears most is that there is no goal, and I don't know whether it is feasible or not. In order to prove that a road is not feasible, often To waste decades is like microscopic probability."

&nbThe people of the forces were overjoyed when they heard this.

It turns out that the white ball is not omnipotent.

It still has limitations.

Wen Rensheng was also very curious, he already knew that Bai Qiu wanted to use technology, and wanted to use the material realm to study the spiritual realm.

So can it succeed?

You must know that the former Dongzhou world was far from reaching this level.

The previous Dongzhou world didn't even solve nuclear fusion.

They were directly dragged into the spiritual realm by the invasion of the source world.

&nbThe people of the power promised to Bai Qiu that they would make a huge investment to ensure that the research in the spiritual field would be carried out immediately.

Bai Qiu smiled: "In this case, I will provide you with the most convenient material conditions."

&nbAmong the forces, a huge warehouse appeared. That warehouse is very magical. If it is fed with soil or waste materials, it can automatically synthesize food and anything you want. The premise is that humans have produced it.

For example, it can produce hundreds of millions of tons of grain in an instant, directly making farmers completely unemployed.

&nbThe forces found that what they had to do was to quickly recruit a large number of transport workers and build canals around the warehouses.

Because water transportation is always the cheapest and the largest quantity.

They are very sorry, why this thing is not placed by the sea, in that case, the water source can be directly transported.

There is no need to worry about the seawater being consumed, after all, the consumed water will return to the ocean.

With the total mass of seawater, human beings are pure consumption, and the amount that can be consumed each year is very small.

In terms of the efficiency of human beings in utilizing resources, compared with the total amount of matter on the planet, that is simply pitiful.

Just like the solar energy used by human beings is only an infinitesimal fraction of the energy wasted by stars every day.

This seems to be the legendary protagonist system.

Create something out of nothing, give something when you sign in, and give something when you do a task.

"It's a miracle like a god."

But they didn't dare to speak any more.

Although for the white ball, changing the location of the material transformation warehouse is just a matter of thought.

But they would rather spend a lot of time digging canals than trouble each other.

Because every time the other party adds a little more trouble, the danger increases by one point.

&nbThe forces are busy digging.

They soon discovered that as long as they dug through the ocean, they could directly use the ocean's water.

Just make sure their canals are lower than the ocean.

This distance is more than 2,000 kilometers, and the white ball directly placed the warehouse at the core of the a force.

A canal of more than 2,000 kilometers would have taken decades in ancient times, but it only takes a year in modern times.

&nbThe forces have mobilized all forces, and the product has no cost, so are you afraid of wasting manpower?

What is valuable is human resources and brains.

Because this warehouse can't produce living people alone.


At the same time, the people of the bcd force also knew that the a force had obtained the material conversion warehouse.

They couldn't help being very shocked.

&nbThe forces will easily unify the world.

Fortunately, they have long passed the era of territorial conquest.

And he was worried about the perception of aliens, so he didn't use this warehouse to start a war.

Otherwise they could easily do it.

They can use unlimited missiles. UU Reading

At the same time, Bai Qiu patiently watched the people from the a force go about their business.

It took only half a year to dig a 2,000-kilometer canal, which is equivalent to digging as much as ten kilometers a day!

&nbThe forces have concentrated a large amount of labor into this project.

Contracting in batches, going hand in hand, dividing 2,000 kilometers into 2,000 projects, each project has a large number of manpower, so that for each project, it is equivalent to digging one kilometer in half a year.

As long as enough manpower and machinery are invested, there is no fear that the speed will not increase.

This is the horror of modern industrialization.

And this material conversion warehouse is a god.

This is completely beyond the current level of human cognition.

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