Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2049: each have their own ideas

After the canal was dug through, Force A began to use seawater to obtain food and raw materials, and later directly obtained finished products.

For example, bread, steak, and cheese can be copied as long as they are provided in kind.

You can have as much as you want, provided there is enough seawater.

"We have entered the age of mythology!"

When Force A saw so many supplies, they all boiled over.

It's just that they soon inevitably get into disputes:

How to use these materials?

"We should set up a spiritual research committee, and all resources, mainly mental resources, should be invested in it." A think tank said.

"Re-establish a set of education system, specializing in the research of things related to the spiritual field, and collect ancient myths, factions, legends, and relics everywhere." Think Tank B added.

In short, after some heated debates, Force A established the Psychiatric Science Committee.

They are to study the spiritual realm from the ground up.

They don't know how much Bai Qiu's patience is, but they must show their full cooperation attitude.

If they can't research the technology of the spiritual field, then they are useless to this white ball.

On the contrary, if they can show a little clue, then they are useful, and they will be rewarded with more magic.

A material transformation warehouse already exists similar to hanging.

They summoned all relevant mystic scholars in the entire sphere of influence.

Unfortunately, those people are liars.

Yes, they are all liars.

Under strict observation conditions, under strict double-blind experiments, none of them could pass.

It's a headache for them.

Executive member a said: "A group of liars is useless. We have to find another way. The other party said that the spirit is only in the microcosm. We must find a way to see the microcosm and see it through the spirit."

Committee b said: "It's too difficult, maybe special talents are needed? For example, can children see things that adults cannot see?"

"Those are also fake, it's just that children can't explain normal phenomena. It's like seeing someone under the bed, but it's actually a small toy."

"That's right, in this case, we will be looking for a needle in a haystack."

"In short, let's screen talents first, starting from elementary school, no, nursery school."

A vigorous selection began.

It's just that the selection had only been going on for a month before they got secret news.

The c force has already made progress in the spiritual field.

They conducted secret research.

"Damn it, why don't these c-force people make their research public?"

"I only know how to sneak around, they are a group of rats!"

People from the Psychiatric Research Committee yelled curses.

They worked hard and couldn't figure it out, but the other party had made rapid progress.

Fortunately, the spies and agents of their a force spread all over the world, and only then did they discover the clues.

Otherwise, they would spend days and nights in the dark alleys.


At this time, the c force's research on the spiritual field has entered the level of building the world.

How to build a design, unify everyone's understanding of a certain world, everyone agrees with this one, and then create a spiritual world.

In this way, transcendence of the body can be achieved.

As for the world template they chose, Xiao Huan's eyeballs moved, and they chose the world of Journey to the West.

Because at this time, Dongzhou people entered the Westward Journey.

Wen Rensheng is also very interested. In this case, can they communicate with each other?

Can true and false be confused?


At this moment, Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong took some imperial wine from the sky and gave it to those who wrote books and biographies for him to drink together.

Those people are very happy.

"Hahaha, let's be strong."

"Yeah, it's better than those idiots who get bugs and eat Tang Seng's milk. We still have more taste."

However, after each of them drank, they were still very comfortable at first, and each of them felt a rush of heat while talking.

Then they exploded and died.

"how so?"

"Do not understand?"

"My lord, this wine is poisonous!"

Monkey King stepped forward to touch it, "Oh, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry when I went up to steal it. This wine was taken from that Huode Xingjun. His wine is too strong."

"Next time, I'll steal some fruit bars that Seven Fairies drink for you."

Then he stretched out his hand and retrieved the souls of these people.

Then he used the method of flesh and bones to save everyone.

"Why is it so easy for you to save people?" Someone suddenly asked curiously.

"Yeah, I remember saving a mortal, didn't I have to eat something like the Resurrection Pill?"

"That's right, how did you save us so easily?"

"Because you are not from this world, you don't need to be so troublesome. Heaven is very tolerant to you."

"So that's the case, but since Royal Wine is not enough, I can only eat flat peaches."

"I can't do flat peaches. Last time my grandson stole flat peaches, the Jade Emperor was very angry. Now my grandson has returned to the right way and asked for the right fruit. I can't steal flat peaches anymore. I can't." Sun Wukong shook his head directly.

"Then how do we seek longevity? Only longevity can better convey your prestige." Everyone said one after another.

"Anyway, you can't steal anymore, you should practice hard. I will pass on a practice formula to you."

Then Monkey King passed on the introductory cultivation method of the Dapin Tianxian Jue that he had practiced to everyone.

Because the master did not say that he was not allowed to pass it on, and whether this exercise is good or not depends on the person.

These people then began to practice.

But cultivation is indeed very, very difficult.

They couldn't understand the so-called formulas at all from the beginning.

"It's a true magic formula that reveals secrets and completeness. There is no other way to cherish one's life. You always come with vigor and energy. Be careful not to let it leak out..."

After hearing this, everyone immediately scratched their heads.

This thing is completely sloppy.

There is neither process nor details, so how can one cultivate?

Someone asked: "Great Sage, how did you practice this mantra?"

Sun Wukong scratched his head and scratched his head: "Cultivation? I just close my eyes and recite formulas, and it happens naturally."

"There is a spirit of energy in the body, the three are combined into one, the three flowers gather at the top, and the five qi are in harmony."

"It's very simple, why can't you learn it?"

Everyone suddenly thought that Monkey King was different from them.

Sun Wukong is equal to the kind of not old pine in the real world.

One lives for 5,000 years.

You ask the old pine tree, how can it live so long?

It is not easy for a person to live past 100.

It just feels that life is very simple.

Anyway, I just grow like this every year.

As for the pine tree, it can't think at all.

For humans, thinking is a normal thing.

This is created by different endowments of heaven and earth.

People from Journey to the West, their cultivation is normal.

But for Dongzhou people like them, cultivation is too difficult.

"Okay," Sun Wukong thought about it carefully, and said, "Since you can't practice directly, then you need to practice to become immortals."

Everyone excitedly asked: "What does it mean to become a fairy through experience?"

"Have you heard of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea?"

"heard about it."

"That's right, becoming an immortal through experience is the accumulation of merit. Slaying demons and demons, killing monsters and killing bad people, after accumulating enough merit, you can become an immortal immediately, and then you will have the magic power of an immortal." Monkey King explained carefully.

It seems that in order to publicize his reputation, he also worked hard.

When everyone heard this, they would do this.

When it comes to doing good deeds, brushing granny...they're the best at it.

What about crossing the road, helping the poor, building bridges and hospitals... these things are their strengths.

So they go to accumulate merit and do more good deeds. As time goes by, each of them has done many, many meritorious deeds.

After doing these things, they suddenly found that when they recited the formula given by Monkey King, some inexplicable sentiments appeared in their minds.

All in all, it's a sense of ease and ease.

It seems that the whole person is going to fly.

This is too idealistic.

Is this the function of virtue?

To be able to solve the problem of cultivation in this way.

It does not require you to pay attention to the details of cultivation, it will directly help you obtain the results of cultivation.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "I understand, do you know what we are doing now, what is it like?"

"like what?"

"It's like playing games. Isn't it like this in games? After you do certain things, your skill will improve. As for why you improve, there is no reason for the improvement." The man said.

Everyone was stunned.

"Like in reality, if you want to improve your strength, you have to exercise. After a series of physical reactions and chemical reactions, there will be no shortage of each link, and finally you can increase your strength."

"And at this time, there is nothing at all. As long as you do the corresponding things, you will be able to gain strength."

"So that's why we are playing a game in this Journey to the West."

They totally get it.

Doesn't this mean that the way of heaven is the game system?

As long as you do the corresponding things, you can upgrade and increase your strength, instead of needing real cultivation like in reality.

They finally figured it out.

After everyone understood it, they started to do more meritorious deeds, continued to improve their strength, and then became stronger and stronger, and soon some people really broke through to Sanxian.

After all, compared with the rough method of accumulating merits of the Eight Immortals, they have a more scientific and efficient method of accumulating merits.

They are getting stronger and stronger.

And at this time, those bug-carrying monks came back one by one with their heads downcast.

"No, still not."

"That's not right, I fried the appendix of this Tang Monk, why can't I still live forever?"

"Haha, you speculators, are Tang Seng's hemorrhoids delicious?"

"Go away, it's useless at all, it's killing us."

"I said that your taste is strong enough. Just think about it. If Tang Monk's meat really works, why doesn't Tang Monk go back to honor a piece of Tang Wang as the father of a king? You know that Jie Zitui can cut Chong Er's thighs. Meat." Someone laughed.

"That's the reason. We've been tossing for nothing, haven't we?"

Suddenly, another human said: "But one thing is true, that is, the female goblins who are close to Tang Seng, why do they get close to Tang Seng? To think he is handsome, but to think he is not hygienic?"

"I remember that the female goblin wants to be with Tang Seng because of his true yang. It is said that if you get this thing, you can become a fairy immediately, which is the same as merit."

"You can have this." There was a gleam of light in some women's eyes.

Accumulating merit is exhausting.

Much more tiring than in the game.

"Hey, hey, don't play with this, you can't touch any real yang. You have eaten Tang Seng's hemorrhoids, and Monkey King can bear it. If you want to take more of Tang Seng's real yang, he will beat you to death with a stick. "Someone warned.

"It's not that serious. We're not monsters. If it was an ordinary woman, Sun Wukong wouldn't kill people, especially ordinary women."

"Yeah, if it was a female goblin, Sun Wukong would still kill her. Why would the daughter king seduce him? Sun Wukong didn't hit him with a stick, so he could only let Tang Seng choose."

"Okay, don't look at your looks, and want to be compared with the daughter king? Don't look for shortcuts."

Someone said again: "Actually, you can go to Wuzhuang Temple to eat that ginseng fruit, and eating one is worth 47,000 years."

"Yes, although the effect is not as good as flat peaches, it is still a treasure that grows in the world."

"The more you talk, the more outrageous you are. Can you beat Zhen Yuanzi? You also want to steal his ginseng fruit tree."

"But we know the ins and outs of Journey to the West, so we can tell him the secret. Isn't it okay to exchange information?"

While everyone was discussing, suddenly, another group of figures appeared in front of everyone.

They are also a group of modern people. Seeing the scene in front of them, all of them looked very confused.

"What is this place?"

"Master Krulu, what are we going to do here?"

"Wait, is this the world of Journey to the West?"

"Is this Journey to the West? But there is no such city in Journey to the West."

Those people talked one after another.

The Dongzhou people looked at these uninvited guests and were dumbfounded.

"Who are you and how did you get here?"

After the two sides communicated, they realized that they both came from another world.

"it's fate!"

"Wait, did our previous experiment of imagining a world together lead us into the real world?"

"It looks like that's it."

"Wait, there are many good things in this world, such as ginseng fruit, flat peach, and nine-turn golden elixir, all of which can make people live forever."

When the people from Dongzhou heard this, they were immediately speechless.

These guys think the same as I think, it seems that they have another group of competitors.

Thinking of this, they decided to tie up these people one by one.

Wait, they need to cultivate their merits and virtues again, so they can't do things like binding people.

then what should we do?

They found that UU Reading had no choice but to fool these people into doing some ordinary things.

Anyway, I can't tell them about meritorious deeds.

After all, the merits and virtues between heaven and earth are limited.

It's like the number of immortals is limited.

Then it is necessary to isolate these people from contact with the outside world.

So they started to build a new city for these people to live in.

Feel free to do other meritorious deeds.

Sun Wukong looked at the two groups of people, intriguing, and shook his head involuntarily.

This is the case in heaven and earth.

Even the four masters and apprentices have their own thoughts on learning scriptures.

Bajie often wanted to break up the group, he was just going through the motions, there was only one old monk, and he was the worst fooled.

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