Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2050: Dark Journey

&nb A certain super agent of the nb force, with extremely deep qualifications, was awakened from the c force.


Wen Rensheng began to try to solve that problem.

That is what is the mystery of this universe.

He carefully scanned the forces of several parties, but found nothing in the end.

He shook his head, thinking to himself that these guys actually have nothing to worry about.

The enemies are all in front of their eyes, and they are still fighting each other.

It looks very much like Nanming.

The history of Nanming cannot be read by people.

These people are a bunch of big fools.

If they go on like this, what can they do? What mysteries can be unearthed?

They can't do anything.

For Wen Rensheng, finding problems, solving them, and remaining problems are all a matter of course, but for these people, it is very difficult to do so.

They just toss and toss.


&nb The undercover agent whose power was awakened is named Lin Cheng.

It can be said that he is a standard betrayer.

He was originally a talent cultivated by c forces, but later he went to study in a forces, and then he was developed into a spy, and then went back to lurk, but he has not been activated.

Maybe he won't be awakened for the rest of his life, and he will only do some subtle things without attracting any investigation and attention.

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, Yeguo Reading, install the latest version. 】

However, this time, his strategic undercover agent was activated by a force.

Moreover, he was also required to break into the interior of the c forces to obtain information on spiritual research, just like the death room.

The reward is countless money.

&nbFor the forces, money is just a statistic, after all, they have a material transformation warehouse.

As long as it is an item that has already been manufactured, you can have as many as you want.

Lin Cheng was very distressed.

He doesn't want to do this shit.

After all, he is living comfortably now.

High status, respected, and all kinds of benefits.

Soon his chance came.

Because the c forces began to recruit more people who entered the world of Journey to the West.

The reason is very simple. The first batch of 10 million people entered inexplicably and were locked in a city, unable to get out.

They need a second batch of people who are good enough, have high enough emotional intelligence, and strong enough will.

will work.

At the same time, they also specially organized a "Kelulu Research Association" to explore the abilities given to them by the Kelulu god.

&nbA request from forces, or a threat:

The statue of Crooked must be opened to them.

The c forces naturally rejected it immediately.

After Lin Cheng was conscripted, he gathered in the spiritual world for the first time, and just said a few words before being discovered by everyone.

Because in the spiritual world, if you don't learn special spiritual skills, your thinking can easily be seen by others.

It's like taking a bath in a bathhouse. You can't hide how big you are.

All the good things about 18 are only available on the forum.

"You traitor, spy, why are you back?"

"Could it be that you came back because of a succubi in our group, isn't it?" Someone said contemptuously.

"Unfortunately, I thought he came back to help us with all his heart, but he turned out to be a traitor of the A force! Shameless!"

Lin Cheng was not at all embarrassed about these.

He plausibly said: "Isn't it normal for people to go to high places and water to flow to low places?"

"What do you have to despise me for?"

&nb Power, is it to reduce competition for you and allow more resources to be allocated to you? "

Everyone has nothing to say about his face.

After all, from his point of view, what he said made sense.

& nb force, take resources from force a.

The resources of the c forces are left behind.

"No, so we still have to thank you, don't we?"

&nbAmong the forces, why do you want to come to us to be a traitor? You are stealing our secrets! "

"Wall him, wall him!"

"That's right, we don't need you, we only need you dead!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

Lin Cheng calmed down: "You should open up opportunities to the whole world. Master Krulu belongs to all mankind, just as you said that aliens belong to all mankind."

"Since you said that Mr. Krulu belongs to all human beings, why didn't you open the dialogue channel of aliens to us? It speaks." Someone objected.

"That's right, since you can control the aliens' dialogue channel, we also have reason to control the communication channel of Master Krulu."

"You shouldn't do things like stealing secrets." Someone said naively.

Lin Cheng expressed contempt for the naivety of these people, did he really think that the world was just and fair?

Double standards are justice.

His real body was quickly arrested.

But he wasn't panicking.

&nbThe forces open the spiritual world quota.

Unless they can help make the moon landing aerospace technology, they can also fly to the moon.

&nb As far as the forces are concerned, they finally got the plug-in of the material transformation warehouse through the adventure of communication.

If the people of the c force come into contact with the alien white ball, and with their spiritual research results, they will definitely get better things, then what competitive advantage do they have on the planet?

After Wen Rensheng saw this, he laughed at these people again, and was still preoccupied with death.

& nb forces think carefully again, what benefits can they get from c forces?

Is it to extract cheap products and high profits?

But these things can be obtained from the material conversion warehouse with just one thought.

The long-sighted among them suggested that for them, the greatest value of other forces lies in providing human resources, and they are top-level human resources.

That being the case, then we have to come up with better goals, only justice can attract more people.

It is impossible for an evil force to attract most people.

Because everyone will feel that it is too hard to survive there, and they must always be on guard against their opponents.

This long-sighted person explained the truth carefully, and finally got the consent of most elites.

Their attitude has taken a 180-degree turn.

They sincerely sent invitations to the bcd forces at the same time, and opened up the relevant aerospace technology materials.

In short, it was an attitude of wishing that others would catch up with him quickly.

This surprised people from other forces.

&nbPeople in the forces have never been good people, they all understand this, and they all put their interests first.

It is really incredible that they have transferred the technical information to them so uncharacteristically now.

However, several major forces soon found out that the original a force had obtained a material conversion warehouse from the aliens.

As for the people of the c force, Mr. Kelulu gave them a spiritual world.

One is eternal life in the spiritual world, and the other is unlimited resources in the real world.

Which one is more comfortable?

&nbPeople of power are more comfortable.

But if you think about it carefully, that's not the case.

&nb The items of the forces can be obtained through hard work in reality.

However, the spiritual world of the c forces can't be obtained no matter how hard they work.

So the spiritual world is more precious and rarer.

One must be blue quality at most, and one must be red quality.

Some people can't help but think that it would be best to combine the two, to be able to live forever in the spiritual world, and to obtain unlimited resources in the material world.

In this way, there is no need to worry about resource shortages triggering a world war.

&nbbcd When the slow joint started, the white ball suddenly became irritable.

On a hot afternoon, when people were working hard, suddenly a huge meteorite fell down.

&nbA certain city of the power, and it is the most prosperous city.

This shocked them very much.

They hurriedly asked the astronaut Berenger to ask: "Hello, Mr. Baiqiu, why did you suddenly throw a meteorite down?"

"Because you guys are working too slowly, I'm getting irritable." The white ball said indifferently.

"We didn't waste any time." Braun felt aggrieved.

&nbThe forces have already created an upsurge of everyone actively working and studying spiritual power.

A number of universities have been rebuilt and targeted training has begun.

"I have to urge you, so that you can work honestly, you humans are so cheap, I already understand." Bai Qiu said again.

When the meteorite finally fell, people in the entire metropolis fled outside one after another.

There were more than 3,000 car accidents alone, and more than 7,000 people died.

This is not an exaggeration at all, when the meteorite falls above the head, no one can be at ease, except fools and warriors.

Only at the last moment, the big meteorite disappeared suddenly like a fireball.

They were shocked by this.

&nb The people of the forces fully understood that once a guy like Bai Qiu who can't be restrained knows the details of the Bai Xing people, he will be wiped out easily.

"Hateful, I've known for a long time that we shouldn't have the idea that it's kind."

& nb The people of the forces hurriedly invited the people of bcd to secretly organize an organization called "Planet Defense Association".

After obtaining the relevant technology, the people of the c force generously provided a place to enter the spiritual world.

And their office is in Journey to the West.

In other words, they used the channel of the spiritual world to carry out secret communication.

&nb said: "This white ball is an unrestricted strong man, he is too powerful, we can't beat him at all."

B said: "Yes, we don't have any ability to attack him. After all our hard work, we can only transport it to the moon and drop a nuclear bomb, but he can wipe out the nuclear bomb with a single thought."

c said: "He is God in the real material world to us,"

"Fortunately, Master Krulu is much kinder than it."

"But Lord Kelulu will only appear in the spiritual world, and cannot directly fight against that white ball demon."

Everyone commented and expressed their regret.

"Wait, is Master Krulu really kind?" A member of the c force shook his head and said,

"After statistics, we found that this is not necessarily the case. Among the first batch of 10 million people, 5% of them began to show symptoms of various mental illnesses."

"Including depression, obsession, loss, amnesia, and splitting... It can be seen that this Master Klulu, who claims to be the will of the planet, is not absolutely kind."

"However, most people can remain stable," the people from Force A said indifferently. "This may be because they are not adapting themselves. We don't think it's because the will of the planet has a special plan for us."

"Yeah, if there is an attempt, it can easily crush us, there is no need to do such troublesome things."

"Don't talk about Kelulu first, let's talk about the white ball. The harm of the white ball is already obvious: if its mood fluctuates, we will face death." Another member said distressedly.

"Yeah, I don't know how long its mood swings will last. We can't bear it any longer."

"It is more terrifying than the ancient tyrants. At least the number of people a tyrant can directly control is limited. People can always find a way to overthrow it, but this white ball is impossible to overthrow."

Wen Rensheng watched the people from the four major forces discussing there.

They try to play against the white ball.

This is what the white ball asked for.

If it really made up its mind to be an ordinary alien down-to-earth, it would definitely become a good friend of many forces at this time.

After all, no one likes to be against a living **** who can get what they want.

But now, what the white ball has done has forced people to research ways to deal with it.

Soon, they had measures.

They have to accumulate countless talents.

&nb The material used by the forces is converted into warehouses, redistributes wealth, and encourages fertility.

This material conversion warehouse is like, you have 0 deposits, and the super rich have 100 billion deposits.

In the past, the disparity between everyone was infinite, but once the warehouse was allocated, everyone increased by 100 billion.

Then the gap between you and the super rich is only 1 times.

The four major powers stipulate that parents who have children can receive huge subsidies for each child they give birth to.

Then continue to distribute wealth according to the level of children's growth.

As long as it is to cultivate a top student, a student who can be admitted to a key university, parents will not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives, and they can eat, drink and play as they please.

Then there is another trend, everyone's main job is to create children.

Three are just getting started, five are just enough, and eight babies are normal.

Fifteen babies have...

From the 16th, one child every two years, all the way to 46 years old.

The four major forces have finally entered the honeymoon period of cooperation.

This made Wen Rensheng slightly change his opinion of them.

It seems that it is not stupid to the extreme.

If everyone doesn't cooperate with each other, UU Reading will be ruined by Bai Qiu's thought.

& nb forces and c forces had much hatred before, and it is very realistic for human beings to have a common enemy.

Enemies who used to be sworn enemies will also become close friends.

This is the high degree of adaptability of human beings.

In order to survive, you can ignore the previously accumulated hatred.

Wen Rensheng was watching, when Xiao Huan came out and said: "Oh, I still know how to play with white balls, and it scares the **** out of those people every now and then, it's so fun."

"Shall I scare them too?"

Wen Rensheng said helplessly: "You are so good that you don't learn, and you learn from bad ones. How do you want to scare them?"

"I want to take a dark journey to the West."

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