Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2054: mental attack

After Tang Seng finished asking, someone immediately answered:

"As long as agriculture is developed, jobs are created so that ordinary people can obtain food by selling their labor force, and then industry is developed, and then agriculture is fed back. Finally, industrialization will cause the population to shrink automatically, and then everyone will not starve to death Happening."

The answer was a young man from Dongzhou.

He looked proud.

Then he was slapped on the ground.

"You thought you were teaching at school. It's no wonder the old monk can understand what you said!"

However, Tang Seng suddenly said: "That's right, this is the road. But you only gave the general idea, what should I do with the specific details?"

Everyone was surprised for a while, what the old monk said was similar to modern people.

Only Sun Wukong is not surprised at all, Tang Seng can understand, it is because in the previous reincarnation, in this world, two great sages from foreign domains came.

A little girl, an old man.

Well, in Sun Wukong's eyes, Wen Rensheng is an old man.

Young man, he can see through at a glance.

As for Wen Rensheng, he couldn't see through it at all, so he was naturally an old man, just as old as Tathagata.

Tang Seng must have recalled some things in the past, but not completely.

"The details are not simple?" the young man said plausibly.

"This teacher, please tell me." Tang Seng was very respectful, even bowing to the Buddha, he was not as respectful and devout as he was at this time.

He really wanted to save the world.

And what is the greatest suffering in the world today?

It is not enough to eat.

Most people are busy with three meals a day.

Those who are truly qualified to enjoy and entertain, and who can think about other things, are only a few people such as officials and merchants.

"First of all, you have to find a way to increase agricultural production so that there is enough food in an area. Or you find enough land and use that land to provide more food."

"After you have food, then you go to develop industry, start with textiles, upgrade industrialization, and accumulate capital. This capital is actually manpower and knowledge and technology."

"Use food and cloth to accumulate more knowledge."

"Then as knowledge increases, we will further improve agriculture-related technologies, including manufacturing fertilizers, tractors, and improved seeds, and then feed back agriculture."

"At the same time, as the population expands, so does the size of the economy."

"Then to get the right cycle between industry and agriculture."

"In this way, ordinary people will find that they don't need too many people to work, don't need to have too many children, and can live their lives well by themselves."

"In this way, food continues to grow, but the population does not increase, and the problem of famine can be finally solved."

"The cycle of chaos in the entire dynasty will also be resolved, and the dynasty will remain stable."

"The last thing is to solve people's psychological salvation. At that time, it is the turn of the Buddhist scriptures to appear."

Hearing this, Tang Seng was shocked.

He kowtowed vigorously to the young man nine times.

"The monks are humble, and only today can they understand what is the real scripture."

"The Tathagata said that day that the Tripitaka can save the Eastern Land, enable the dead to ascend to heaven, and the reborn to escape suffering. Now it seems that your scriptures are true."

"Average, the third in the world. No, no, international level." The young man said triumphantly.

Sun Wukong looked at the happy Tang Seng, and suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed him.

"Aren't you surprised, are you surprised?"

"No matter how good your scriptures are, you can't resist a small accident."

However, Tang Seng made a sound in his belly:

"It doesn't matter if I die, because my disciples have already heard it, and disciples have disciples. As long as it is the truth, it will be passed on forever, because there will always be people who need it."

Monkey King has nothing to say.

Everyone was shocked, Tang Seng was really powerful.

His strong will can be said to be the most powerful one in Journey to the West.

As for Tathagata Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara, etc., these are too abstract.

Only Tang Seng lives in people's hearts.

Wen Rensheng couldn't help nodding when he heard this, this Tang Seng is really good.

At least he is wholeheartedly for the common people, for righteousness, he deserves to be able to get the right result.

Tang Seng ensured that the theme of the whole Journey to the West is upward and bright.

This is also the basis of the four famous books.

Depraved and dark, it is impossible to become the mainstream.

At this moment, Wen Rensheng only felt a piece of information flash in his mind.


"You have cracked justice, one of the cornerstones of the world's existence, and the mystery has increased from one hundred thousand to one hundred thousand and one hundred."

"Xiao Huan, don't make trouble for me." Wen Rensheng said unhappily.

"Strange, why didn't you fall for it?" Xiao Huan asked confused.

"Nonsense, my alien doesn't know how to ding, that's the standard sound of the system." Wen Rensheng said speechlessly.

"Oh, I see, I will improve next time."

"Okay, let me ask you, have you tossed enough, go back quickly if you have tossed enough."

"Enough tormenting, I'd better go to that small world to see."


Then Monkey King woke up and spit out Tang Seng.

Spit out all the people and spirits that I ate before, and then went to follow Tang Seng to learn scriptures.

"We don't need to go to the west, we can directly create our own scriptures in the east." Tang Seng grabbed the tree trunk and did not let go.

He looked determined.

Next to him, Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie began to persuade:

"Master, you just follow the elder brother. This scripture must be taken."

"That's right, master, if we don't learn from the scriptures, we won't be able to achieve the right result."

At this moment, the person who didn't go to learn the scriptures became him instead.

Sun Wukong tugged at his belt: "If you don't go to the Western Paradise, you won't be able to create scriptures. Don't you know? Conservative forces are powerful. You have to obey them before you can create your own scriptures."

"There is some truth in what you said. I remembered that the Tripitaka was newly created by Tathagata, and it didn't exist in the first place." Tang Seng suddenly said.

"It's good to know, just pass by, first get the scriptures without words, with the scriptures without words, we can pretend to be without words, and write our own words." Monkey King persuaded again.

"Wonderful, Wukong, you are really smart, no wonder you are born smart." Tang Seng praised.

"That's right? There are no idiots who are thieves, how can idiots steal flat peaches and golden pills?" Zhu Bajie resentfully said.

"Okay, you pighead, I didn't eat you before, do you want to go to my large intestine?" Monkey King threatened.

"I don't want to, I'd better leave your big intestines to the Tathagata." Zhu Bajie said contemptuously.

"Hahaha, second senior brother, don't you want the elder brother's life by saying this? Tathagata will only come out of the belly, and the elder brother dare not let the belly be broken."

"No, monkey, you are a body of gold and iron, forged into one piece, what are you afraid of? Even if the Tathagata enters, you won't be able to break your belly." Zhu Bajie provoked.

"Old Sun won't be fooled by you. I really think I'm stupid. I used to be fooled by this, but now I understand the truth that there is a sky beyond the sky."

At the same time, the Dongzhou people and the Baixing people finally mastered some subtle spiritual skills by analyzing the process of Monkey King devouring others before.


White Star World.

The c forces are informing the other three major forces that we have obtained new forces in Journey to the West.

Just don't know how to use it yet.

Force A hurriedly asked: "What power?"

"For example, the power to eat." The person from the c force replied.

"What is the power to eat?" The representative of the a force asked in surprise.

The representative of the c force then invited someone out.

I saw that this was a half-century old man.

His hair was gray and his eyes were extremely deep.

Take a closer look and you will find the fear in it!

Because in one eye, there is a dark Monkey King hiding with his mouth open.

In the other eye, there is the dark pig Bajie, who is eating people.

"Ah!" The representative of faction A just glanced at it, and immediately felt frightened.

Then he felt his head go blank and he fainted.

Half an hour later, when he woke up, he found that he didn't know anything.

"Who am I, where am I, and who are you all?"

"Hey, Representative Thomson, you seem to have lost your memory." The person from the b force reminded him friendly.

"I lost my memory, what's going on? And how can I be a representative, am I some kind of big shot?" The man was very depressed, but he couldn't figure out the situation at all.

"You are a big shot, and you are the representative of Force A, a big shot who ranks in front of one in a million on the entire planet." The people of Power B felt amused.

But also very scared.

It's too scary, they can't imagine, if their commanders become like this in the battlefield, or their soldiers become like this, how can they fight?

They forget everything, and even the best weapon they have becomes a fool's weapon.

It won't have any effect, and it may hurt your own people.

Another representative of Force A immediately said: "I declare that we should prohibit the use of this ability in Star Wars."

"Since this is the case, you should also prohibit the use of those high-tech weapons against us." People from the c forces confronted each other.

"Hey, stop talking about the two of you." The people from the d force dealt with it.

"Now our threat is the white ball on the moon. He is desperately pursuing spiritual power. Shall we give him this power?"

"Impossible," the representative of Force A directly refused, "If we give them, we won't have any power to resist."

"I think we should use this power to see if we can beat it."

"For example, can the memory of the white ball be swallowed up? If so, wouldn't it be good if we transform it into a silly white ball?"

"That's right, for example, if it is transformed into Evangelion, and it is specially used to send us technology and warmth, then our technology can be greatly developed?" The c-force people suddenly realized.

Everyone nodded.

"What if it fails?" Someone asked again worriedly.

"If you fail, tell him that we are here to give him this ability. Anyway, if you surrender without giving it a try, I won't be reconciled."

"That's right, it's better to fight now than to be a slave to aliens. I don't think anyone wants to be a slave."

Everyone nodded.

"Of course, to really implement this plan, we still need to find a white glove."

"Let him execute it on our behalf. Once something goes wrong, it can be guaranteed that he has nothing to do with us. In this way, if the white ball blames us, we can also have a way to shirk responsibility. At least it can increase some sense of security."

Everyone nodded again.

Then a plot took shape.

That is to build a huge statue of Crook on the surface of the planet.

Then attract the white ball to come and see.

The last thing is to use the mental skills you have mastered to devour the memory of the white ball.

The whole steps are very simple.

Just three steps.

As long as the other party is interested and comes to the planet, they will attack.

Whether it succeeds or not depends on fate.

After all, this thing cannot be tested.

If you want to test whether it is effective against the white ball, as long as you make a move, it will attract the vigilance of the opponent.

So either don't move, or move neatly, there is only one chance.

Opportunities for drills do not exist.

The reason why people are not launched into satellites is to go directly to the white ball.

Because the result of doing so is equivalent to the acquiescence of the four major forces for this attack.

If the four major forces do not acquiesce, it is absolutely impossible for the attackers to board the spaceship.

You must know that the spaceship is very tightly managed, and it is impossible for strangers to enter.

After discussing the plan, everyone started to build the statue.

With the cooperation of the four major forces, the huge statue with a height of 500 meters was quickly built.

Then everyone began to pray, and after praying, the statue began to emit some strange light.

yellow, white, blue...

Those who prayed entered into terrible dreams.

This dream was very strange and scary.

Two boa constrictors hovered in the dark universe.

One boa constrictor swallowed another boa constrictor's tail, and that one boa constrictor turned around and swallowed this boa constrictor's tail again.

A 8-word ring is formed.

No one knew what the dream meant.

This dream is too scary, everyone seems to be swallowed by a python, as if they will turn into the dung of the python in the next moment.

Wen Rensheng also noticed this dream.

He realized that this dream might be the true mystery of the universe, but he hadn't guessed what it meant.

A figure-of-eight ring composed of pythons, devouring each other.

What is this a metaphor for?

And at this moment, the white ball was indeed attracted.

It came to the statue with a single thought.

Seeing this scene, UU Reading's four major forces couldn't help but be thankful that they didn't use those seemingly powerful weapons to attack each other at that time.

You must know that this white ball has directly reached the speed of light, and it has traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the satellite to the white star.

It's just unbelievable.

Unless there is a possibility, that is, the other party only casts a shadow.

They simply cannot be opponents of the white ball.

The white ball is too powerful, and if they really want to fight, they have no way to keep up with the opponent's fighting rhythm.

It is completely passive to be beaten.

Fortunately, they now have the means of mental attack.

At this time, the white ball has not yet explored the giant statue.

A group of people with deep eyes looked at it together.

Just like looking at a monster.

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